Authors:E. Mbuyisa, A. Shiri, S. Chirume First page: 1 Abstract: The paradigm shift in contemporary university curriculum is to produce employment creators rather than job seekers. This study explores the enterprise related entrepreneurship course content that may be ranked as most desirable in developing entrepreneurial intentions among university students. The problem is that the broad and widening focus of entrepreneurship courses offered at most universities appear not to provide an understanding of the specific characteristics that drive entrepreneurial intent among students with different social and economic backgrounds. Therefore, the objective of this study was to test and evaluate subject content items that are most influential in promoting entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students with the intention of recommending a streamlined entrepreneurship curriculum. A 26-item questionnaire was used to collect data from 300 participants in the Faculty of Business Sciences at Midlands State University. A quantitative descriptive analysis of the independent variables was made. Consistent with previous studies examining entrepreneurial intention, we also conducted correlations to check on the direction and strength of the relationships among the variables. A short regression analysis was also run (using SPSS 21) to check whether entrepreneurial intentions could be explained by some variables related to teaching approaches. The study found that opportunity recognition, independence and pitching of business ideas were the top items in the module content that inspired the intention to start an enterprise among undergraduate students. The study adds value to curriculum development by identifying entrepreneurship course content that increases the desire to be independent and shifta student’s focus from a job seeker to a career and enterprise development orientation. PubDate: 2023-10-23 DOI: 10.5430/bmr.v13n1p1 Issue No:Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Zuhair Hasan, Rayyan Esmaail, Zulaikah AlBusaidi, Cam Caldwell First page: 9 Abstract: The failures of leaders in the 21st century have reached crisis proportions, as evidenced by the alarming trends of “Quiet Quitting” and “The Great Resignation” (Jamali & Caldwell, 2023). Beck and Harter (2023) reported that 82% of people promoted to positions of leadership were the wrong individuals and 58% of employees in a 2018 survey indicated that they would rather trust a stranger than their boss (Damron, 2018). For organizations to reverse this trend of ineffective leadership, they must develop a sustainable leadership approach that incorporates true ethical principles (Hasan, 2022).The purpose of this paper is to address the need for “Sustainability Leadership” in modern organizations and to emphasize the importance of ethical leadership (Stouten, Van Dijke, & De Cremer, 2012). We begin this paper by defining Sustainability Leadership (SL) and emphasizing its importance as a leadership framework. After defining SL, we then identify how SL meshes with seven different leadership perspectives. We suggest eight propositions that leaders and organizations can test related to each perspective’s contribution to SL. We conclude the paper by identifying four contributions of this paper for leaders and organizations PubDate: 2023-10-23 DOI: 10.5430/bmr.v13n1p9 Issue No:Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Maricel Co, Ralyn Bermudez First page: 18 Abstract: The warehouse operation has enabled physical inspection activities, including receiving and inspection of materials and equipment. It has been found that there are certain challenges faced by inspectors during the receiving and inspection of materials. The warehouse custodian has performed the physical inspection, but not all cross-checking activities are accurate. Therefore, receiving and inspection are crucial to the delivery process, and distinct approaches must be implemented to deal with internal and external clients, including international and local suppliers. To effectively deal with these challenges, a process for entry document processing must be established. This process should include harmonizing the purchase order's terms and supporting it with the delivery note, packing list, invoice, bill of lading, and airway/waybill provided by the supplier. This will ensure that the material's quantity, quality, and specifications are accurately documented. A total of 14 responses were collected among managers and supervisors of receiving and inspection unit through interviews and survey questionnaires in the seven geographical locations of Mali, West Africa. The independent variables, namely (PI) physical inspection, (HOV) handover, and (DOC) documentation, significantly impact the dependent variable. PubDate: 2023-10-31 DOI: 10.5430/bmr.v13n1p18 Issue No:Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Sanja Pecelj, Zulaikah AlBusaidi, Rayan Esmaail, Cam Caldwell First page: 28 Abstract: Spiritual Intelligence as the guiding influence that interacts with Physical, Mental, and Emotional Intelligences hss increasingly been recognized as the factor that enables leaders and organizations to unlock the potential of employees and enrich organizations by enabling employees to find their voice. In this paper we explain the nature of the four intelligences and briefly summarize how Muslims view each of them. We include eight testable propositions related to the four intelligences and identify the contribution of this paper to the scholarly literature. PubDate: 2023-11-07 DOI: 10.5430/bmr.v13n1p28 Issue No:Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Wehnam Peter Dabale First page: 38 Abstract: INTRODUCTION: This study attempts to ascertain the practical importance of Transaction Cost Theory by providing a theoretical and empirical backdrop to its applicability in a framework for utilizing external funding and the performance of small and medium enterprises. The academic focus of this study is substantial and sheds light on the strategic positions that SMEs take in the external funding process. It has been found that the principles of Transaction Cost Economics influence the functions.PURPOSE: A study was conducted to test the effectiveness of the Transaction Cost Economics Theory in a framework for small and medium enterprises to utilize external funding and improve their performance.METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional survey of SMEs in the manufacturing sector in Lagos State, Nigeria, was conducted. The study adopted Path Analysis to uncover the impact of external funding on SMEs' performance.FINDINGS: The empirical results suggest that the availability of external funding for SMEs is informed by the size of SMEs as measured by intangible and tangible resources. The study presents a regulatory framework that affects the ease of doing business. The lack of external funding options is a direct result of this situation.RECOMMENDATION: The study recommends that policy initiatives support and enable efficiency in the regulatory framework to enhance the ease of doing business and inevitably influence the accessibility of external funding. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.5430/bmr.v13n1p38 Issue No:Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Dengke Yu, Lina Le First page: 50 Abstract: Purpose/Significance: Personalities of party and government leaders play a pivotal role in shaping their preferences, attitudes, and conduct in the context of strategic decision-making. The analysis of personality carries substantial implications for the assessment and selection of leadership cadres. The study endeavors to introduce an innovative method for scrutinizing the personalities of party and government leaders, leveraging the technological topics generated through a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model.Methods/Procedures: Anchored in the theory of personality behavior, the study posits that discernible topics can be extracted from news reports that document the political activities of party and government leaders. These discerned topics can be employed to make inferences about their personalities. Consequently, we systematically amassed news reports chronicling the political engagements of 62 party and government leaders spanning 31 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in mainland China, covering their tenures in office up to 2021. Based on the LDA model, we conducted an analysis to uncover the dimensional structure of their personalities, incorporating techniques such as topic clustering and common factor extraction.Results/Conclusions: The study effectively identified six distinct personalities that correspond with Hollander's views on occupational personality. The development gave rise to a theory that specifically addresses the personalities exhibited by party and government leaders. Spatial analysis validated the presence of a spatial aggregation effect, underscoring the validity of our framework. Our study can provide implications for the training, evaluation, and designation of party and government leaders in the future. PubDate: 2023-12-04 DOI: 10.5430/bmr.v13n1p50 Issue No:Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023)