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Abstract: I can claim no particular expertise in Irnerius studies. I was, however, called upon to produce an entry on him for the Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists (MEMJ) and had the occasion to review some of the recent literature on the topic.1 The editor suggested that that review might be of interest to the readers of the Bulletin.As Ennio Cortese notes at the beginning of his article on Irnerius in DBI, Irnerius is better known for the insoluble problems that his biography presents than for the number of datable facts about his life.2 Or, as Jean Gaudemet put it more than fifty years ago: 'L'extrême rareté des sources laisse la porte ouverte à bien des hypothèses, que l'on veuille décrire ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Prima dell'Yrnerius con il quale è rimasto celebre nei secoli—un antroponimo che risale al tardo secolo XII1—, i contemporanei e i posteri hanno appellato Irnerio2 nei modi più diversi, ma prevalentemente con le forme Guarnerius, Garnerius, Wernerius e Warnerius3 seguite talvolta da de Bononia, Bononiensis o Teutonicus come specificazione topica. In particolare, il giurista è indicato come Garnerius/Guarnerius Theutonicus/Teutonicus4 in tre glosse,5 in una Summa quaestionum canonistica del tardo secolo XII6 e, probabilmente, nell'obituario dei canonici regolari di San Vittore di Parigi.7 Un Guarnerius Teutonicus compare inoltre nel necrologio di Santa Maria di Reno, una canonica regolare fondata, come molte altre ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: In memory of Paul HyamsCollections of excerpts from Gratian's Decretum are overshadowed by the more elaborate summae and gloss apparatus. Yet such notabilia also reveal how canon law was studied in the late twelfth century.2 One example is Clericus apud civilem, (henceforth Clericus) preserved in Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 101 (C) and Durham, Cathedral Library C.I.I (D).3 Likely composed at Durham around 1170,4 its frequently reworked canons, accompanied by six argumenta, deserve closer attention.For notabilia, we turn to the Repertorium der Kanonistik.5 The term betrays its origins in marginal notae, 'glosses used to draw the attention of the reader to a particular point of the legal text'.6 This may explain ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Après avoir été érigé en un ordo particulier, au cours des premiers siècles de l'ère chrétienne, l'épiscopat forme un élément essentiel de l'architecture ecclésiastique médiévale.1 Ses membres, chargés de pourvoir aux fonctions de gouvernement, de sanctification et d'enseignement, signe que l'épiscopat relève de la catégorie des ministères de direction.2 À ce titre, la cura animarum forme un élément essentiel ressortissant à ces trois fonctions puisqu'elle implique à la fois l'exercice d'une autorité, l'administration des sacrements et, enfin, le rappel du contenu dogmatique de la foi professée. La fonction épiscopale, depuis le haut Moyen Âge, exige par conséquent de la part de son titulaire de porter une ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: L'innesto del cristianesimo sull'antico tronco del giudaismo pose da subito una serie di problemi che scossero la primitiva comunità dei discepoli e dei credenti in Cristo Gesù. Lo attestano gli Atti degli Apostoli (10.9,23; 15.1,35; 21.20,25) come le epistole ai Galati e ai Romani. Le ferme e solenni dichiarazioni della Chiesa primitiva tracciano la via da percorrere, sicché già verso il 160 Giustino attesta che i cristiani, pur rispettosi della legge, la considerano, unanimemente, il riflesso di una età sorpassata.1A quel tempo, del resto, il raccordo tra l'antica tradizione giudaica e il cristianesimo è reso ancor più problematico dalla predicazione delle sette gnostiche: da Valentino e, in particolare, da ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Self-defense is a frequently discussed issue in the criminal courts of modern Germany, right up to the Federal Court of Justice. The relevant provisions can be found in sections 32 to 35 of the German Criminal Code.1 After a brief survey of legal history, the following pages examine a series of historical court decisions in which alleged acts of self-defense were under investigation. Dating from 1438 to 1516, they have been drawn from almost 300 entries in the registers of the Apostolic Penitentiary, one of the main branches of papal administration in the late Middle Ages.2Documented in Roman law since the third century BC, self-defense - the right to fend off physical aggression - is granted today by many legal ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: The conciliar acta of the so-called Council of Eauze (551) abound in idiosyncrasies, even by the relatively flexible standards of Merovingian Francia.1 These unusual features begin with the unspecified location of the meeting itself: while the council is identified frequently in the scholarly literature with the metropolitan see of its convoking prelate, Aspasius of Eauze (styled in the acts an apostolicus episcopus), the acta fail to state where within the ecclesiastical province of Novempopulana the council actually assembled. Additionally, while the acts are explicitly dated to the Kalends of February in the fortieth regnal year(s) of Childebert I and Chlothar I (i.e. AD 551), no other attested Merovingian-era ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Mit dem Sendhandbuch Reginos von Prüm wird erstmals innerhalb der MGH die kritische Edition einer Kirchenrechtssammlung vorgelegt. Diese Ausgabe sollte nicht—wie ursprünglich angedacht—als Supplement zur Reihe Concilia erscheinen; daher war eine neue Reihe erforderlich.Es gab durchaus schon früher Versuche von Mitarbeitern der MGH, Kanonessammlungen kritisch zu edieren. So hat Ernst Perels (1882-1945) Ende der 1920er Jahre eine Ausgabe des Liber de vita christiana Bonizos von Sutri aus der Mitte des 11. Jh. erarbeitet. Sie ist aber nicht bei den MGH erschienen, sondern bei der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften. Der 1930 publizierte Band blieb jedoch der einzige der Reihe „Texte zur Geschichte des römischen und ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Since the title of this book is a bit opaque, it is perhaps best to begin with what it is not. It is not a study of law and society as that field is traditionally understood, though the book has reference to a number of theoretical works in that field. There is little substantive law in the book, and the societies that produced the law and within which it operated are not subjected to detailed analysis. The book is, rather, about courts, the institutions in which the law encountered the society and the society the law. As the title indicates, the focus is on three courts: that of the city council of Utrecht, the consistory court of the archbishop of York, and French king's parlement of Paris. The emphasis is on the ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Thomas Kuehn è un riconosciuto specialista della storia della famiglia e della società italiana tardomedievale e rinascimentale. Questo libro è una ulteriore tessera che si aggiunge al vasto mosaico che le opere dell'Autore hanno disegnato in più di quattro decenni di ricerche. Anche questo è un libro della famiglia, qui studiata attraverso lo 'specchio' del patrimonio, che caratterizza profondamente i concreti assetti sociali e la stessa comprensione della comunità familiare.Questa prospettiva di indagine non è una astrazione storiografica, ma si basa saldamente sulle fonti storiche. L'Introduzione (1-18) prende le mosse dalla ben nota equazione enunciata da Bartolo da Sassoferrato—'familia accipitur in iure pro ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: 'Sed dominus noster christus veritatem se, non consuetudinem, cognominavit'.1 As Ada Kuskowski reminds her readers (36), Christian theology early on identified a tension between custom and truth, as exemplified by this memorable quote from Tertullian (c. 160-230), a commentary on John 14:6,2 from his tractate on the veiling of virgins. That practice, argued Tertullian, was founded upon truth and could not be contradicted by custom, no matter how firmly situated that custom was in time or regional practice. The custom-truth conflict represents just one of the many dichotomies in which theologians, jurists, and eventually legal historians would place custom, sometimes setting it in opposition to law, or written law ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: The question of papal overlordship between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries has been investigated at length by scholars interested in questioning the nature of papal power and its interactions with secular rulers within the complex framework of feudal relationships that characterized governmental practices in Late Medieval Europe. This debate initially stemmed from well-known arguments on the nature of papal plenitude of power and papal monarchy, notably Ullmann's argument concerning papal 'hierocratic government' over the Medieval West to critiques of it, which have very much shifted the focus towards the action of papacy within organized society and the interactions between Church and State.1 In particular ... Read More PubDate: 2024-07-16T00:00:00-05:00