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Showing 601 - 354 of 354 Journals sorted alphabetically
Villanova Environmental Law Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Villanova Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Violence Against Women     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 38)
VirtuaJus - Revista de Direito     Open Access  
Vniversitas     Open Access  
Waikato Law Review: Taumauri     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Washington and Lee Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Washington Law Review     Free   (Followers: 2)
Washington University Global Studies Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 8)
Washington University Journal of Law & Policy     Open Access  
Washington University Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Western Journal of Legal Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
William and Mary Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 5)
Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice / Recueil annuel de Windsor d'accès à la justice     Open Access  
Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics     Open Access  
Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities     Open Access   (Followers: 9)
Yale Journal of Law and Technology     Open Access   (Followers: 12)
Yale Journal on Regulation     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 21)
Yale Law Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 67)
Yearbook of European Law     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 23)
Yearbook of International Disaster Law Online     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
Yuridika     Open Access  
Zuzenbidea ikasten : Irakaskuntzarako aldizkaria     Open Access  

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South East European University Review (SEEU Review)
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ISSN (Print) 1409-7001 - ISSN (Online) 1857-8462
Published by Sciendo Homepage  [389 journals]
  • Empowering Diversity: Policies for Gender Equality in Stem Education and
           Workforce Progression in North Macedonia

    • Abstract: The enduring global issue of women's underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields carries significant implications for both societal advancement and economic growth. Despite the rise in women's enrollment in higher education, the persistent gender pay gap can be attributed in part to their limited presence in STEM domains, which tend to offer higher-paying career prospects. This study scrutinizes the impact of national policies on gender imbalances in STEM, focusing on the case of North Macedonia. It assesses existing measures and programs while proposing recommendations to foster gender parity in STEM both national and local scales. Employing a mixed research methodology, the study incorporates desktop research, statistical analysis of gender distribution in STEM fields, policy evaluations of national frameworks, and primary data collection through interviews and surveys.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Comparative Symbolic Analysis of the Ethno-Fusion Genre: Insights and

    • Abstract: This study explores the integration of music and technology, illustrating their potential to collaboratively push the boundaries of musical exploration. Despite traditionally being viewed as unrelated, the combination of these two fields can significantly contribute to the progress of musical development. This study uses advanced computational methods to build a dataset filled with symbolic musical sequences that belong to a specific genre. This dataset is shown to be highly accurate and provides a detailed analysis of frequencies when examined closely, highlighting its quality and depth. We subject our dataset to comparative analysis with the renowned MAESTRO dataset, employing chromagrams to examine audio signals, rhythms, chords, solos, and note patterns in MIDI format through a variety of methods. This comparison underscores the superior quality of our sequences relative to those in the MAESTRO dataset, emphasizing the meticulousness of our sequence creation process. Moreover, we conduct internal evaluations of our dataset using both three-dimensional and two-dimensional approaches to melody representation, confirming its viability for future scholarly work. This effort seeks to enhance the music field by integrating computer science insights and methodologies, expanding the scope for future music technology research. It highlights the collaborative potential between musical creativity and technological advances in ongoing studies.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Exploring the Role of the Migration Policy Resolution in Enabling
           Anticipatory Governance in North Macedonia

    • Abstract: The migration landscape is a dynamic phenomenon shaped by geopolitical shifts, economic transformations, and climate change. North Macedonia, located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, serves as a critical transit country for significant migration patterns due to its strategic location and political aspirations towards Europe. Facing internal demographic challenges such as population decline and aging, the country is transitioning towards attracting immigration and becoming a destination for migrants. The Mediterranean Crisis of 2015 highlighted North Macedonia's pivotal role in migration routes, with over 800,000 individuals crossing its borders amid Europe's refugee and migrant influx. Despite containment efforts, the country remains part of mixed-movement routes, with significant border crossings observed in subsequent years. The long-term suspicions of brain drain were confirmed when the demographic census of 2021 revealed a startling 10% population decline over nearly two decades, emphasizing persistent outmigration and aging trends. To address migration challenges, North Macedonia adopted the Resolution on Migration Policy 2021-2025, aiming to establish a robust framework for managing both legal and illegal migrations.Anticipatory governance emerges as a proactive approach to navigating migration complexities, incorporating foresight and policy integration to shape sustainable migration policies in the country. The development of an Anticipatory Migration Governance model that seeks to foster transformative mindset shifts among stakeholders and institutionalize forward-looking planning, ensuring the effectiveness of migration management strategies. Through capacity development, improving of data collection, and decisions based on data, North Macedonia aims to navigate migration dynamics and achieve economic development with future-looking inclusive policies and collaboration.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Editorial Preface

    • PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Statistical Analysis of Occupational Fatal Accidents for Risk Assessment

    • Abstract: According to Malaysia's Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), workplace accidents have increased dramatically as the country's economy has grown rapidly. The purpose of this study is to identify the trends that lead to fatal workplace accidents in Malaysia. This study investigated 505 fatal accident instances from fifteen industries, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The DOSH discovered and reported these fatalities (2010-2020). Data was organized and coded, then analyzed using Spearman's rank order correlation, frequency analysis, Eta squared, Cramer's V, and Chi-square. Moreover, neurolinguistic programming was used to generate the word cloud and sentiment analysis. Furthermore, light gradient-boosting machine learning was used to better understand the causes of fatalities. The outcomes indicated that fatal falls from heights were the leading cause of fatal accidents (32%). General laborers were the most susceptible to fatal accidents (60%). Contract workers were more likely to die in construction accidents (64%). The findings of this study gave useful insights into workplace fatal accident trends and preventive measures throughout sectors.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • EFL Students’ Familiarity with Howard Gardner's Theory: A Case Study at
           South East European University

    • Abstract: This research paper explores the awareness, perceptions, and beliefs of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students at the South East European University regarding Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory. Focusing on the dynamic landscape of contemporary education, the study aims to understand the extent to which students acknowledge and identify with different intelligences and the potential implications for language learning strategies and overall educational experiences. The research employs an exploratory mixed-methods approach, including a case study design, surveys, and qualitative analysis, to gather insights from bachelor's and master's-level students. Findings indicate a moderate level of familiarity with MI theory among the participants, with significant agreement on the utility of the theory in understanding learning abilities. The study underscores the importance of recognizing linguistic intelligence and suggests implications for pedagogical practices, curriculum development, and the creation of inclusive learning environments. Recommendations include fostering collaboration among educators to share best practices and seeking institutional support for initiatives related to MI theory integration in teaching. The research contributes to the ongoing discourse on effective language education and its alignment with theories of cognitive diversity, providing actionable insights for educators and institutions.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Determinants of Economic Growth in the Republic of Kosovo

    • Abstract: This paper examines the factors influencing Kosovo's economic growth from 2009 to 2022, specifically investigating the relationship between export, capital formation, consumption, and economic growth using co-integration analysis and the Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR). The findings indicate that exports of goods and services, as well as household consumption, negatively affect economic growth. Conversely, gross capital formation positively impacts economic growth. The study underscores the complexity of economic growth, highlighting the varied significance of different determinants in different contexts. Key findings reveal that while export and gross capital formation are significant contributors to economic growth, household consumption shows an insignificant relationship to GDP. This research contributes to the ongoing debate on the critical factors influencing economic growth, providing empirical evidence from the context of Kosovo and enhancing our understanding of these dynamics, thus offering new insights for policymakers.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Comparative Analysis of Property Rights of Non-Marital Partners in North
           Macedonia and Selected European Union Countries

    • Abstract: In recent years in North Macedonia, there has been a noticeable and steady rise in the prevalence of non-marital unions or domestic partnerships, alongside a decline in the number of marriages and an increase in divorces. This trend mirrors developments seen across Europe, signaling significant shifts in the perception, function, and role of the institution of marriage and family over recent decades. Across European nations, various models of legal frameworks govern non-marital unions. These differences encompass conditions for existence and legal recognition, the legal consequences of domestic partnership, and procedures for its dissolution. While some countries require registration and fulfillment of specific criteria for legal recognition and effects of non-marital unions, others, like North Macedonia, do not impose such prerequisites.In certain jurisdictions, the legal ramifications of non-marital unions closely resemble those of marriage, encompassing both personal and property rights between non-marital partners. However, in the Republic of North Macedonia, the law predominantly focuses on regulating property relations between such partners, granting them certain rights—a focal point of this research paper.The legal framework governing the property relations of non-marital partners holds significant importance, particularly in safeguarding the financial security of economically vulnerable partners and ensuring the protection of any shared children.The methods employed in this research include theoretical analysis and the comparative method, drawing upon the legal frameworks and practices of Croatia, France, and Italy alongside North Macedonia. Through these analytical approaches, we aim to elucidate the intricate dynamics of domestic partnerships and their implications for individuals and families in contemporary society.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • From Awareness to Action: Tetovo's Journey in Waste Management

    • Abstract: Waste is increasing worldwide, causing many adverse impacts to the environment, human health, as well as the global climate. The increasing global waste generation trend is also reflected in North Macedonia, including Tetovo, where lower sustainable waste management practices pose an ongoing challenge.This research offers a comprehensive examination of the city of Tetovo's waste management practices, focusing on its residents’ awareness levels and the undertaken strategies for sustainability. Building on existing research and new insights (especially those generated through the survey with Tetovo's citizens), it explores the historical evolution of waste management in Tetovo, highlighting past challenges and initiatives. With a focus on 'Municipal Public Services Co. (JPK) Tetova', the study navigates legislative hurdles, regional constraints, and potential for intermunicipal collaboration. Furthermore, it extracts Tetovo's community behaviors and awareness level through a conducted survey with citizens, which's insights reveal a significant gap between awareness and active citizen participation, underscoring the need for actionable recommendations.Drawing upon theoretical frameworks like Waste Management Theory (WMT) and the “Zero Waste” concepts, this research explores opportunities for enhancing sustainability in Tetovo's waste management approach. Additionally, it discusses the implications of waste management on climate change, emphasizing the need for alignment with international standards to mitigate environmental impacts. Based on the literature review findings and survey data, the research proposes practical steps for improving waste management practices in Tetovo. These include collaborative initiatives, awareness-raising campaigns, educational programs, and measures for incentivizing compliance, all centered around a citizen-centric approach. By implementing these recommendations, Tetovo can progress towards a more efficient, environmentally conscious waste management system, benefiting present and future generations. Furthermore, stakeholders are encouraged to leverage the insights from this study to collaboratively implement effective strategies for fostering sustainable waste management practices, thereby empowering citizens to contribute actively to environmental conservation efforts.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Prescription: Types, Prescription Deadline and the Legal Consequences of

    • Abstract: Prescription as an institution of law throughout the history of its development from the Roman era to the present day has reflected the development of economic relations in society, thus serving the security and clarity of legal-civil relations.If the legal relations of the civil circulation due to the inaction of the holders of subjective rights would remain in a state of uncertainty or a prolonged wait, this would cause negative consequences for third parties if it were not for the prescription institute. Given that this institute expresses the important principle that legal-civil conflicts must come to an end and their resolution avoids the difficulty in the judicial process due to the passage of a long time from the time of committing the violation of the right object of the conflict, the question logically arises: Can an institute that deprives the owner of the right only because another person has possessed it for a long time be legally justifiable'In the Albanian legislation, which is based on the Italian and French legislations, there are shortcomings in terms of this institution, where it is presented as the least analyzed by the doctrine in terms of the justification of the reason for its existence and creation, as well as the terms of execution.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Automation of Data Validation Processes in Banking: A Case Study on
           Validating Albanian Identity Numbers

    • Abstract: In the banking industry, data accuracy and integrity are paramount for ensuring regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, and risk management. However, manual data validation processes often lead to delays, errors, and inefficiencies, posing challenges for financial institutions. To address these issues, many banks are turning to automation to streamline data validation processes and improve accuracy. Using data automation, banks optimize time-consuming manual tasks such as data entry, validation, and retrieval by creating automated software processes that execute these tasks quickly and accurately. This case study examines how a hypothetical bank uses automation to improve data validation processes, focusing on Albanian Identity Numbers (AINs). By automating validation tasks, the bank enhances accuracy, compliance, and efficiency, mitigating the limitations of manual processes. The study outlines the implementation steps, discusses results, and highlights the importance of automating data validation in the banking sector.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • It's Ok To Coddiwomple: Anthropology, Peacebuilding and (Em)Bracing the

    • Abstract: This white paper takes the unknown and the vague and movement towards/in those realms – as frames for a discussion of present practice and emergent potentiality of anthropological engagement with peace (building) studies. Arguably, embracing the unknown or vague as generative constants as well as fundamental elements of non-linear peacebuilding further open collaborative, communicative spaces of possibility. Aspects of this discussion are drawn from broader conceptual/methodological considerations in both peacebuilding and social anthropology so as to contribute to an interdisciplinary alignment. Furthermore, the positions and persuasions in this work are (in)formed by extensive, on-going examinations of research and narratives active in Southeast Europe today. By looking to emergent concepts in peace studies via anthropology while moving with regional-specific ethnographies that speak back against North Atlantic hegemonies, there is offered a discussion that brings local realities into transnational (socio-academic) deliberations.
      PubDate: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 GMT
  • Effect of Green Human Resources Management and Employee Performance on
           Work-Life Balance

    • Abstract: The aim of this research is to find out the effect of green Human Resources Management and employee performance on work-life balance, in small and medium enterprises operating in transition economies, specifically in Kosovo. Additionally, this paper presents a comprehensive conceptual framework for green human resources management and work-life balance.In order to find out this relation, a questionnaire was delivered to employees of small and medium enterprises in Kosovo. The data collected was analyzed using STATA 14. To test the hypothesis, a linear model was constituted, and a regression analysis was conducted using the OLS technique. The model results indicate positive linear correlation between green human resource management, work-life balance, and employee performance, which means that green HRM and employee performance have significant impact on work-life balance of employees in small and medium enterprises in transition countries.This study contributes to practical level, as it provides important information to companies in Kosovo, who should take into consideration the importance of incorporating new green strategies in their human resource practices to facilitate work-life balance for employees, consequently leading to enhance company performance.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • Mothers and Children of the Republic of Srpska: Locating Nationalism in
           Pronatalist Discourse in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina

    • Abstract: Two phenomena have been present in multiethnic/multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina since its independence from SFR Yugoslavia: massive depopulation and strong nationalism(s). Although nationalism influences which nation/ethnic group should produce and how, the links connecting these nationalistic ideologies and pronatalist population policies in the country/entity have been, almost paradoxically, left on the margins of the previous studies. This paper asks to what extent nationalist ideologies are present in the pronatalist population policy discourse in the Serb-dominated entity Republic of Srpska and what nationalism it is. After developing Spectrum of Nationalism(s), a framework underlined by Siniša Malešević’s views on nationalism and ethnicity as ideologies, the paper provides an overview of Bosnia’s demographic processes and brief insights into Republic of Srpska pronatalist policies through a semi-structured literature review. Keeping in mind that media profoundly influences public opinion, discursively moulding policy debates, two most recent cases of pronatalist campaigns and programs in the Republic of Srpska: Let Our Children Be Born and National Programme of Demographic Revival, are analysed via critical discourse analysis (CDA). Selected media articles predominantly cover the period from 2018 onwards, concentrating on the commentaries of the ruling SNSD political nomenklatura. The analysis displays the powerful influence of nationalism on the discourse on population policies. However, on the spectrum of nationalism(s), civic nationalism seems only to be pro forma defined, while in RS’s reality, the abovementioned path has continued toward an ethnonationalism direction.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • The Impact of Stock, Market. On Economic. Growth: Evidence from Developed

    • Abstract: The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of stock market development on economic growth for nine developed European countries.In many countries, the stock market (SM), is considered. one of the crucial elements for promoting sustainable economic growth and development. By analysing data from nine developed European countries over 21 years, from 2000 to 2020, including Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, and Poland, this study seeks to determine the effect of the stock. market. on economic growth. The years 2021 and 2022 are not included due to the lack of data, mainly as a result of the pandemic period. The dataset, extracted from the World Bank database, is used to generate results by applying different econometric models such as OLS, OLS Robust, Fixed, and the Random Effect, which turned out to be more suitable in this study. According to research, macroeconomic factors such as stock. market development (SMD), and inflation (INF), have a significant positive impact while, domestic credit to the private sector (DC), has a negative significant impact on economic growth, in respective periods and countries. Therefore, new research on this topic could help better understand the stock market’s impact on economic growth, and new conclusions might greatly benefit developed European countries.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • Analysis and Visualization of Road Accidents Using Heatmaps Based on Web

    • Abstract: Road accidents have increased rapidly in recent years for a variety of reasons. Analyzing and visualizing road accidents through heatmaps can help improve policies for their prevention by informing about areas with a high-risk of road accidents.The purpose of this research is to build a model for the analysis and visualization of road accidents through heatmaps. Information about road accidents is extracted from the news of the main online media portals through scripts in the Python language and Web Scraping techniques. From the extraction of about 30,000 articles from news portals for one year, only 829 were selected in the end that provided information about road accidents.As a result, and contribution of this research, a corpus was built with the geographic coordinates of road accidents and on this data our model was applied for the analysis and visualization of high-risk areas of road accidents using heatmaps. The visualization of heatmaps was done through a Python script, where it was applied to the geographic coordinates of road accidents.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • Digital Forensics and Computer Crimes: The Case of North Macedonia

    • Abstract: The subject of the research refers to the aspect of digital forensics and computer crime and the latter is one of the reasons for the evolution of crime in general. Based on the growing trend of technology development and the increase in the number of digital crimes, a special emphasis is given to the statistical aspect of computer crime as well as measures to reduce the impact of computer crime, including the ethical and legal aspects in the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM).To conduct this research, statistical data on computer crime in RNM from 2011 to 2020 were used, based on historical data of analysis, as well as comparison, correlation, and the ANOVA-test.The highest number of crimes were registered in 2020 and a special feature is that a positive linear trend can be observed during the last decade. “Damage and unauthorized access to a computer system” took the first place in computer crimes according to the Criminal Procedure Law.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • The Impact of Inflation on Financial Sector Performance: Evidence. From.
           Western Balkan Countries

    • Abstract: This research paper aims to investigate. the impact of inflation. on financial sector performance in Western. Balkan. countries. The topic was chosen considering the financial sector’s fundamental role and its. impact on sustainable economic growth. This impact is measured through the effect that macroeconomic determinants of financial. performance such. as inflation, GDP. growth, general government final consumption expenditure, trade, and the lending interest rate have on credit to private sector as a share of GDP and broad definition of money as a ratio of GDP, which were used to proxy financial sector development. The data are provided by the World Bank as well as the Central. Banks. of the respective countries, for the period 2002–2021. The research methodology consists of different panel regression models such as OLS, OLS robust, Fixed effects, Random effects, and Generalized method of moments (GMM). Findings indicate that domestic credit to the private sector and inflation are positively correlated, whereas broad money and inflation are negatively correlated.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • Beyond Methods: Theoretical Underpinnings of Triangulation in Qualitative
           and Multi-Method Studies”

    • Abstract: This paper explores the “triangulation approach” in social science research methods. Triangulation is an emerging method specifically in qualitative and multi-method studies. Researchers in the social sciences have increased their use of the triangulation approach recently due to the merits of this approach, especially to conduct in-depth studies through multiple inquiries. Simultaneously, this method has criticism and misconceptions among social researchers in terms of what it is, how it can be used, and the credibility of the findings when used. Therefore, this paper analyses in depth what triangulation is, the types of triangulations and how they can be applied in the social sciences.The study basically adopted systematic literature review and used 30 articles published in scientific journals. The paper critically reviewed journal articles related to triangulation, revealed how different types of triangulation methods have been applied in the social sciences and highlighted the merits and cautions of applying this method.The paper theoretically contributes to understanding the phenomenon of the triangulation approach and how it connects with qualitative and multi-method studies. In addition, it revealed that the following data collection techniques from multiple sources can be exploited: in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, literature, documents, and surveys on the triangulation method to improve the credibility and reliability of the research. Furthermore, the study empirically contributes to social science researchers applying this approach with proper understanding.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
  • The Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Risk in the Western Balkan Countries

    • Abstract: The objective of this research paper is to examine the impact of monetary policy conditions on bank risk-taking in the Western Balkan countries. The paper tries to identify if monetary policy conditions, especially money interest rates, may induce a greater appetite for bank risk-taking in the Western Balkan countries. The impact of macroeconomic and banking indicators on bank risk-taking will be examined, too. For this purpose, we apply pooled OLS techniques, Fixed and Random effects panel, and Hausman-Taylor Instrumental IV model. The econometric results show a negative correlation between the monetary policy rate and bank risk-taking, rejecting the hypothesis that monetary policy rates indicate bank risk increase. However, expansive credit policies or loan portfolio growth have a positive impact on bank risk-taking in the Western Balkans. The study is original, and its findings will be of value to Central Banks and other policymakers in the Western Balkan countries.
      PubDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
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Showing 601 - 354 of 354 Journals sorted alphabetically
Villanova Environmental Law Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Villanova Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Violence Against Women     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 38)
VirtuaJus - Revista de Direito     Open Access  
Vniversitas     Open Access  
Waikato Law Review: Taumauri     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Washington and Lee Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Washington Law Review     Free   (Followers: 2)
Washington University Global Studies Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 8)
Washington University Journal of Law & Policy     Open Access  
Washington University Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Western Journal of Legal Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
William and Mary Law Review     Open Access   (Followers: 5)
Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice / Recueil annuel de Windsor d'accès à la justice     Open Access  
Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics     Open Access  
Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities     Open Access   (Followers: 9)
Yale Journal of Law and Technology     Open Access   (Followers: 12)
Yale Journal on Regulation     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 21)
Yale Law Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 67)
Yearbook of European Law     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 23)
Yearbook of International Disaster Law Online     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
Yuridika     Open Access  
Zuzenbidea ikasten : Irakaskuntzarako aldizkaria     Open Access  

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