Subjects -> POLITICAL SCIENCE (Total: 1097 journals)
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POLITICAL SCIENCE (898 journals)

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  • Annual Review 2022–23

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      Authors: dora.popova
      Abstract: Annual Review 2022–23 Other resourcedora.popova4 September 2023 Explore our policy work over the past year, including research and events, and our initiatives to inspire future generations. A woman casts her ballot as she votes in the presidential and parliamentary elections at a polling station in Port Harcourt, southern Nigeria. Chair’s statementThis has been a year of change for Chatham House, against the backdrop of a deteriorating international landscape and unprecedented turbulence in British politics. Everyone associated with Chatham House was deeply saddened by the death of our patron, the Late Queen Elizabeth II, who showed such interest in and commitment to the institute throughout her reign.For Council, the priority has been helping to support Chatham House’s leadership transition. We welcomed and have worked closely with Bronwen Maddox since her arrival in August 2022, and have adopted her strategic plan. Council strongly supports Bronwen’s focus on sharpening our output and impact in response to the latest international trends, building on the institute’s successful growth under her predecessor, Sir Robin Niblett.Council has been actively involved in overseeing the institute’s finances under the guidance of our honorary treasurer whose report covers the results of a particularly challenging 2022/23 financial year.The year 2022 also saw a passing of the baton as chair of our Panel of Senior Advisers from Sir John Major to Mark Carney. Joanna Cound has taken over as deputy chair of Council. I warmly thank Ann Cormack and Kate Gibbons and our outgoing secretary, Paul Curtin, for their outstanding service to Council.Council will support Bronwen and her team in ensuring that Chatham House remains a widely valued source of independent expertise and ideas which the world needs more than ever.Sir Nigel Sheinwald GCMG Annual Review 2022-23 (PDF, 4.56MB)
      PubDate: Mon, 04 Sep 2023 09:22:04 +000
  • Why are we building AI'

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      Authors: jon.wallace
      Abstract: Why are we building AI' Other resourcejon.wallace6 June 2023 Chatham House has developed a ‘Proustian questionnaire’ to surface concerns around the responsible development of AI. Portraits by '3 Robots Named Paul' - an art installation by Patrick Tresset which uses robots to sketch human models. Photo: Getty Images. Chatham House has developed a set of questions inspired by so-called ‘Proust questionnaires’ – which look to reveal an interviewee’s beliefs.The questionnaire is designed to surface public and policy concerns around the responsible development of AI, and around the relationship between these technologies and society.  In the questionnaire, AI is to be understood in its broadest sense instead of being constrained to specific applications.This wide scope is motivated by the desire to spark meaningful and inclusive discussions on relevant technologies and their multi-layered implications across all segments of society.Download the questionnaire Why are we building AI' (PDF)
      PubDate: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 14:27:22 +000
  • 100 years of International Affairs

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      Authors: dora.popova
      Abstract: 100 years of International Affairs Other resourcedora.popova1 March 2023 Charting a century of key moments in international relations and International Affairs. a woman picking books from the Chatham House library's bookshelves International Affairs was created to be a record of speeches given by visiting dignitaries at Chatham House. Over the last 100 years, the journal has evolved into an independent academic journal publishing work of the highest quality.On the fringes of the Paris peace conference Lionel Curtis called for an organization whose purpose would be to foster mutual understanding of and between nations. Chatham House was established in 1920 and for much of the time since, International Affairs has been a central part of the institute’s publishing output.As such, for most of its history, contributions to the journal have reflected the prevailing attitudes of the time, both in terms of who was published and the content of their work. Perhaps the most important change over the last century has been the increasing diversity of voices and perspectives published in IA’s pages. Today, as the journal enters its second century, it publishes authors from across the globe. Yet the editorial team is all too aware there is still much to do.Keep reading to explore the journal’s history and to find out more about our second century.The drawings in this timeline were commissioned by the International Affairs team from Sequential Potential Comics.
      PubDate: Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:00:00 +000
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JournalTOCs © 2009-
  Subjects -> POLITICAL SCIENCE (Total: 1097 journals)
    - CIVIL RIGHTS (16 journals)
    - INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (148 journals)
    - POLITICAL SCIENCE (898 journals)

POLITICAL SCIENCE (898 journals)

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