Authors:Bisharat Ali Lanjwani, Aslam Pervez Memon, Kiran Sami Abstract: Pakistan's labour laws are derived from laws inherited from colonial period when India and Pakistani were united. After independence, the law regarding labour, have continued to evolve through ongoing experiments to address socioeconomic conditions, industrial development, population and labour explosion, union growth, literacy levels, and government commitments to development and social welfare labour issues. Achieving the above objectives, the successive governments have used a series of labour policies to address the demands of labour class. Being the signatory of International Labour Organization (ILO), Pakistan has been making laws to match the demands of “Core Conventions”. Before the 18th Amendment, Labour was included as "subject matter" in the concurrent which meant that the federal and provincial governments were responsible for the legislation and implementation of the law but now it is the responsibility of provincial government to make laws and implement on the labour market. This article discusses the repercussions of 18th Constitutional Amendments on the “subject matter” of labour legislation and it’s implications for labour class. This article is based on both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are based on in-depth interviews of lawyers practicing labour issues, labour activists and labourers experiencing labour issues. In this article, descriptive methodology has been applied to reach the conclusions. PubDate: 2021-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Zareen Qadeer, Abdul Jaleel Mirjat, Bahadur Ali Soomro Abstract: Sindh as the province of Pakistan is known as a prosperous, multilingual, cultural and traditional along with the different clans, communities and tribes of various castes living for the many more decades. Irrespective to this; Sindhi society presents the drawbacks on account of women victimization in forms of socio-cultural religiosity trend as well patriarchic nature of the communities. Human communities face the different genres of social issues including crime; inequalities, obsolete traditional and customary norms; gender discrimination, injustice, and violence and so forth. The study is based on quantitative approach. It covering the survey questionnaire strategy, and interview schedule for 404 sample size as employed for the acquisition and analysis of the data that is gained from the respondents. Women are victimized due to inequality, discrimination, lack of education, domestic violence, low status, religious, cultural and traditional trends; societal norms and so on. This study may lead the thoughtful and systematic approach to the social researcher, policy-makers and others for the solution of women victimization in the society. Hence, the outcomes of the current study may contribute to the research scholars for comprehension of women victimization in Sindh. The principal value of the study is to shed light on the victimization to women in Sindh province of Pakistan. PubDate: 2021-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Qazi Mumtaz Ahmed, Abdul Sattar Shah, Jawed Ahmed Chandio Abstract: The main of this study is to explore the area of microfinance, which is offered by the numerous scheduled banks of Pakistan. this study empirically explores the connecting between micro-finance and its role in the development of small-scale businesses in the province of Sindh. After the extensive study, this study reveals that there is a positive relationship between the micro-credit facility and offerings and the development of small businesses because these credit facilities are mainly utilized by the public to fulfill their need for immediate cash. This cash is primarily utilized by the local public and house-holds to support their businesses and small scale shops. Results of this study also helps the regulatory bodies at the time of formulation of micro-credit policies. PubDate: 2021-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Farhat Riaz, Nagina Parveen Soomro Abstract: This research investigated the influence of perceived parental acceptance-rejection and parental control among drug addicts and non -addicts. A group of drug addicts (N = 50) and non-drug addicts (N = 50) was selected for the study. The sample of drug addicts was selected from drug Rehabilitation centers in Hyderabad and Sanghar districts of Sindh Province using Purposive sampling technique. Non -drug addicts were college students of Hyderabad. Age, gender, both parents alive and social class were kept same for both groups. Parental Acceptance- Rejection Control Questionnaire (child PARQ: Father & Mother), was administered for data collection. Results indicated drug addicts were higher on both mother and father rejection as compared to non-drug addicts. They also perceived their parents more neglecting and aggressive. Further the findings of the study have shown less scores of drug addicts on control subscale of PARQ-Control as compared to the scores of non-drug addicts. These findings are consistent with the universal postulates of IPAR Theory, specifically ab out importance of parental acceptance-rejection and parental control and their place in children’s life. The implications of the study hove discussed in terms of the influence and importance of perceived parenting style in drug addiction. PubDate: 2021-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Jamil Asghar, Khurram Shahzad, Shuja Ahmed Mahesar Abstract: Critical pedagogy (CP) in the context of Pakistan is of central significance, for it is a behavior which links classroom teaching to broader socio-cultural context. It helps develop critical consciousness in students through education. Critical consciousness is required to resist oppression against commonly approved dogmatic beliefs prevailed in a society. Though there are schools and education systems which have a reasonable understanding of critical pedagogy, and they practice it too, its fuller realization and broader application is a goal yet to be achieved. In this study, the researchers use the framework of Paulo Freire for the discussion of critical pedagogy and its proposed application in the Pakistani context. The researchers have observed ten second language teachers for almost six months in various parts of Pakistan to learn about their teaching praxis. The results have disclosed that the critical pedagogy, despite being a potential approach, is considerably insufficiently investigated or practiced in Pakistan. Therefore, the researchers intend to investigate the power-oriented structures embedded in the sociopolitical situation of Pakistan and their possible effects on and relations with pedagogic conditions in Pakistan. In this way, the researchers aim at working out guidelines/suggestions to foreground CP in the language classrooms of Pakistan and give it a wider application. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Naima Tabassum, Tabassum Afzal, Huma Tabassum Abstract: This research paper aims to explore child’s growth (in terms of chronological, physical, and social interpretation of puberty and adulthood) as reported causes of school dropout in Sindh. The major focus of the paper is to find gender differences in school dropout due to growth related concerns. The concept of child’s growth has been operationalized to include growing chronological age, physical or bodily growth, and social interpretation of reaching puberty as a symbol of gaining adulthood. The research was done through a survey of school dropout children in Sindh. The school going age children who have left school were randomly selected in each district. The data was collected with the help of a questionnaire comprising 3 items scale developed to ascertain the potential of a child’s growth as a cause of school dropout. The results of the study show that a relatively smaller number of children in Sindh leave school due to any aspect of their personal growth (i.e. only 5.2% due to grownup age, 9.7% due to physical growth, and 9.2% due to puberty). More girls are found leaving school due to growth related concerns as compared to boys. More girls are found to leave school due to physical growth (i.e. 19.6%) and puberty (i.e. 20.6%) in Sindh. The data analysis has confirmed a statistically significant difference between two genders in their school dropout due to growth-related issues. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Muhammad Sabboor Hussain, Ayesha Idrees, Madiha Saeed Abstract: This research paper aims to explore the progression and regression of past and present generations as reflected in their discourse by critically analyzing and evaluating the one-act play, The boy comes home by A.A. Milne chosen for its thematic relevance with the area under study. The framework of analysis used is the three-dimensional (3-D) theoretical model by Fairclough. It scrutinizes the text and interprets it at micro and macro levels to explore discourse patterns that manifest the progression and regression of two different generations. The study of discourse patterns reveals the rift between values of old and new generations. Both hold good in their relevant context, but problems arise when they come in contact each other. However, the study leads to the conclusion that societal and familial harmony can be achieved only by showing respect towards the values of each generation. The study has broader implications from a socio-cultural and anthropological perspective for the people from two generations in interaction with each other. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:M. Rafique Wassan, Abdul Razaque Channa, Syed Faisal Hyder Shah Abstract: Violence against women has become a grave sociopolitical and legal problem in Pakistan. The severity of the issue requires a joint effort from key stakeholders such as civil society, social science researchers, and policymakers to ensure laws and their implementation. Many women are killed, stone to death, married to an older guy, or even murdered due to defaming the family name, i.e., ‘honor.’ Fisk (2010) calls these brutal acts ‘crimes against women.’ This paper investigates various forms of gender-based violence and how the violence becomes a tool to disempower women and ostracize them in society. The paper's central object and argument are to theorize the victim’s narrative and experience of violence and reveal the various forms of crime frequently reported in Pakistan's newspapers. Secondly, the paper aims to conceptualize the existing discourse and discursive practices of gender discrimination and violence against women and girls. Based on in-depth informal interviews through purposive sampling, the analysis takes the moral, political position. It concludes that society's patriarchal structure is a significant determinant that aids in distorting the humanistic fabric of society. Therefore, the empowerment of women through policy and practice, education and economic opportunities, and legal and political support by the state and civil society is essential to stop gender-based violence in Pakistan. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Asma Iqbal Kayani, Behzad Anwar, Shamshad Rasool Abstract: The use of English as a second language and its development into different varieties throughout the world has opened new areas of exploration for the linguists and researchers. Different varieties of English have been analyzed with reference to different linguistic features. One of these less investigated features is the use of shortened forms developed from local socio-cultural, and political context. The present work is an investigation of Pakistani English i.e. a South Asian variety of English with reference to the use of such linguistic items in print media. To collect sample for the discussion, news stories of a Pakistani English newspaper, the Daily Dawn were utilized. Schneider’s (2007) model of postcolonial Englishes has been integrated into the study as PakE falls in this category. The study has found that PakE of print media makes an innovative use of shortened forms deeply rooted in local context. The study concludes with the idea that PakE has evolved itself into a distinct variety and the role of media is crucial in recognition of Pakistani English as a distinct variety of South Asian English. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Najia Almas, Muhammad Khan Sangi, Nosheen Zaheer Abstract: Female Genital mutilation, widely known as female circumcision is performed primarily in Arab, African Muslim dominating countries, claiming that this procedure is Islamic. Furthermore, this procedure involves the removal of unnecessarily, the healthy female genital organs that not religious neither bear any medical value. This paper explores the long - and short-term after effects of FGM on the victims/characters of the biographical novels Princess Trilogy, explaining that sometimes medical science cannot help in improving the gynae issues these victims face due to their mutilated genitals. Furthermore, this paper also explores the psychological impact of forceful FGM, widely called circumcision over the survivors of FGM, discussed in Princess Trilogy. The study comes up with suggestions that prohibiting the unethical, non-religious, ill and fatal customary ritual to save women from deadly health complications. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Khurram Shahzad, Muhammad Abdullah, Mirza Naveed Baig Abstract: Literary researchers and scholars have been reconsidering and re-reading the canonical authors’ texts such as Hamlet, Othello, Pride and Prejudice, Waste Land, etc. with particular reference to image, representation and sensuality of female gender since the rise of feminist literary critical theory in the last century. Modernist poetry (1890-1950), undeniably, is a valuable source for feminist interpretation because of its fragmentary and ambivalent nature, lacking thematic lucidity, too. Female eroticized body image, objectification and gender predominantly prevail throughout the modernist literature. In this research study, the researchers intend to scrutinize the issues of patriarchal preoccupation and sensual delectation in the Waste Land, taking into consideration the lens provided by Judith Butler who specifically pointed out that gender and sensuality are not only socially constructed, produced and disseminated but also is performative, and hence are fictions. She further retains, “A more radical use of the doctrine of constitution that takes the social agent as an object rather than the subject of constitutive acts” (Performative, 270). The treatment of hyper-sensualized women presented by T. S. Eliot in Waste Land seems to lose romance and substance, and therefore, women have been portrayed through their body parts as nothing but sensual objects to be consumed and exploited by the male members of the society in the name of nature, religion and essentialism. In this manner, women are required to conform to the hegemonic powers of the society, and their identity is subverted and constrained. Moreover, the continuous use of female objectification in literature and specifically in Waste Land eases the collective perception of the society as a whole and makes people think of women as sensual tools to be used and abused. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, Bashir Memon, Muhammad Ramzan Pahore Abstract: There is a sufficient number of transgender persons in Pakistan. However, they comparatively enjoy lesser respect in the society and get the victim of injustice and discrimination, even though they play a significant role in our society like creating merriment in marriage and birthday parties and celebrations. Even during the general election in 2018, they have been given the right of franchise. Thus, media has a role in the dissemination of awareness about the status and issues of transgender people. So this study examines and compares the press coverage of Daily DAWN and Daily Express Tribune newspaper given to the transgender people in Pakistan. For that purpose, quantitative content analysis was employed as a research technique. Thus the general trends of reporting regarding transgender people could be identified, which include the amount of news frequency, space in columns, and pictorial presentation of the trans-gender people-related news and issues. In this way, the first six months of the year 2018 of the sampled, both newspapers were analyzed, and a total of 91 content items were collected for assessment. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Muhammad Hassan Shaikh, Rubina Shaheen Abstract: Literature reflects human behavior and depicts the natural surroundings in which it is penned. It is believed that the environment occupies a big deal of description in various forms of literature viz. novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, dramas, prose, poetry, etc. as it is the part and parcel of human life. The present research paper attempts to investigate ecocriticism in the poetry of Shaikh Ayaz, a major voice of the 20th Century Sindhi poetry. Ecocriticism is described as the study natural world. It shows a cemented relationship between literature and the environment. It is observed that no writer is ever detached from his environs. Likewise Shaikh Ayaz has portrayed natural surroundings, in his poems, artistically and aesthetically. The method of textual analysis has been used to carry out the current study. The findings exhibit that Shaikh Ayaz has employed an ample use of ecocriticism to make his poetry rich with natural beauty and the depiction of landscapes. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Saira Niaz, Shumaila Memon, Samina Khokhar Abstract: This article presents the historical review of e-learning. After summarizing various studies related to the origin of e-learning, it explains that how e-learning is shaped over the past years. It has appropriately summarized, organized and explained the historical progress of e-learning. Moreover, this study presents a systematic literature review about the history of e-learning and its development made from the earliest time to the recent ones. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Tania Shaikh, Mahrukh Memon, Sanaullah Ansari Abstract: The current study has investigated the innovative ESL teaching practices like use of e-resources in online English language teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sindh, Pakistan. It has also explored the challenges faced by ELT practitioners during the implementation of such practices. The findings are based on data supplied by 15 participants through semi-structured interviews. The participants were English language teachers at a private higher secondary school who were selected through volunteer sampling method. The study has applied a qualitative mode of inquiry employing Thematic Analysis method, proposed by Braun and Clarke (2006). The key arguments based on findings of this study reveal that the ELT practitioners are using innovative techniques and making most of the e-resources to maximize the learning opportunities in the time of the pandemic. While implementing online teaching, teachers face several challenges such as inadequate technological facilities, digital literacy and learners’ motivation and participation. These results are important for teachers, curriculum designers and researchers of language teaching as they bring some implications in the context of ELT. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Sadia Shaikh, Muhammad Faisal Sultan, Ghulam Murtaza Abstract: COVID-19 seems to be one of the most dangerous pandemics which originated from Wuhan, China, and spread all over the globe. There are several studies which are covering various aspects of COVID-19 although one that may aid in the understanding of major predictors for the outbreak is massively important. Therefore, this study has been conducted to identify the perception and understanding of the population of Karachi. The study follows public opinion not just because of the unavailability of data & the major reason for the use of public opinion is to gauge the severity of different predictors according to the inhabitants of Pakistan. The data has been collected through a self-developed questionnaire which is based on the indication of WHO and research work on pandemics. These indications were linked to the Likert scale & analysis was incorporated through SMART-PLS which indicated that contact transmission and droplet transmission are the major predictors of COVID-19. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Syed Sharaf Ali Shah, Saleha Parveen Abstract: Dominance of English language is evident in every realm of the society in Pakistan. English is used as the official language in the country and therefore taught as compulsory subject in all the schools. But teaching learning of English is faced with numerous problems which not only disrupt the process of teaching but also degrade its quality. The basic aim of this study is to evaluate the problems in way of teaching English and their effect on students’ performance. Applying random stratified technique, a sample of 708 students and 20 teachers was selected from the target population delimited to Hyderabad. The data were collected through questionnaire and analyzed through percentages, Chi-Square, t-test and regression. The annual examination result of sampled 708 students has also been obtained to make the comparison. The findings of the study revealed that there were serious problems in the way of teaching English as subject and performance of students / quality of teaching was significantly affected by those problems. The average performance of students (score in annual examination) in English subject was only 55% due to multiple problems existing over there. Facing same problems, the teaching quality of both male and female teachers in terms of students’ performance was alike in the same area but urban area male and female teachers performed better than rural area male and female teachers due to better facilities and less problems. The study was rounded off with suggestions that concerned authorities should take a holistic approach towards managing the problems which influence the process of teaching English at higher secondary school level. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Ameer Ali Buriro, Pasand Ali Khoso, Waheed Ahmed Abbassi Abstract: The paper aims to investigate the issues of comprehensive guidance that which kids with inabilities minorities face issues in schools, besides analyses the various factors which are negative attitudes and stereotypes of society towards the children with disabilities and lack of equivalence in the education sector. Disable children are neglected and discriminated by the society at every sphere of the life. They are also excluded by formal and informal education sector of Pakistan, at national and local levels. They are hired and purchased by the mafia of beggars and they use the children for begging that is why, there is need to support them in inclusive education and in society activities to make them contributing member of the society. In this study, fifteen teachers have been recruited from the various schools of the Taluka Kotri District Jamshoro by using the 5.0 Likert scale, civil society members and parents of the ten children with disabilities were also part of this study. Moreover, in this study face-to-face interview method was also employed, where respondents’ in-depth opinions were included. The main findings of study found that teachers’ experience at schools were not found positive; because they find difficulties in inclusive education, for they are not trained to deal with the children with disabilities. Teachers also agreed that a child who belongs to the minority often face difficulties in studying mainstream government schools. Results show that parents of the normal children were also not in favor of inclusive education, and parents of children with disabilities and minorities were not satisfied with the attitudes and behavior of the society towards their children. Societal behavior was also a great cause to suppress the children with disabilities. There is a dire need to accept the disable children socially and morally. The results of the study can help for the policy makers, government officials, educationist to involve them to work on this immediately and obliquely to implement inclusive training programs and software. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)
Authors:Zulfiqar Haider, Muhammad Qasim Nizamani, Farheen Qasim Nizamani Abstract: The intention of this research paper is to discover the constituents that affect an underdeveloped state such as Pakistan in e-Government services’ adoption in public sector specifically of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Pakistan. This research provides the basic contributing factors such as supply and demand perspectives to apprehend implementation influences that are responsible for e-Government services acceptance in emerging countries. Therefore, the UTAUT model examines the challenges, barriers and perceptions of both sides. The obstacles are also studied in acquisition regarding features of e-Government in Pakistan public sector organizations. The investigative methods are conducted with the help of survey questionnaire for qualitative and quantitative data with open and selective coding along with sample size. People from various milieus are probed. Factor analysis, reliability, and validity, correlation test, ANOVA, and regression analysis are applied in order to help test the hypotheses associated to the supply and demand-side elements. PubDate: 2021-05-03 Issue No:Vol. 49, No. 49 (2021)