Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 2541-1683 - ISSN (Online) 2541-2426 This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
Authors:Leslie Wong Kah Ho, Rattanai Bampenyou Pages: 1 - 13 Abstract: The main objective of this study is to examine two of Goh’s saxophone works that demonstrate how the composer realized Singaporean identity through the synthesis of Western, Tibetan, and Indian musical elements. The research design of this qualitative case study is narrative research with data collection carried out by semi-structured questions, email interview with the composer and review of text, videos, and journal articles that relate to the government policies of racial integration and multiculturalism in Singapore, followed by analysis of two of the recent works that evolved from the fusion of Eastern and Western styles. The two works for this qualitative study are Images of Tibet for Soprano Saxophone and Piano, and Confluence for Saxophone Ensemble and Mridangam. The findings show that 1) Images of Tibet uses Western formal structures, the technique of thematic development, and Tibetan musical idioms; and 2) Confluence for Saxophone Ensemble and Mridangam employs the Indian Tala, motivic modification technique used in the Fugues of Johann Sebastian Bach, and pandiatonicism as employed in Impressionistic works of Debussy and Ravel. This study reveals the two ways in which the composer uses to intertwine the East and West in his connection to his cultural roots. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.41647 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Liudmyla Androshchuk, Tetiana Medvid, Tetiana Blahova, Oleksandr Zhyrov, Olha Bykova Pages: 14 - 27 Abstract: The relevance of the study is determined by the active development of the pedagogical art branches, where the professional competence development of future choreographers and the development of their creative views becomes the main aspect of specialists training in higher education institution and involves the creation of the necessary conditions on the way to their creative growth and professionalism. In this regard, the purpose of the research work is to determine the features of the training of choreographers in higher education institution, their professional development in the context of educational activities, the professional competence development in the process of practical professional training, as well as to determine possible ways to overcome the professional crisis and destruction. The basis of the theoretical and methodological approach in this article is a qualitative combination of system analysis methods of choreographer training in higher education institutions with an analytical study of the professional competence development of future specialists in the art of dancing, where the use of modern approaches involves the use of innovative forms and means of learning to implement the educational concept regarding the professional development of choreographers. The article presents the results that reflect the problem of implementing the training of choreographers in higher education institution on the way to the professional qualities development of future specialists, their motivation for self-education, the development of creative abilities and creativity, as well as the necessary skills development for future productive professional activity. The obtained results of the research work are of practical value for educators of higher education institutions that train the specialists in the art of dancing, for the perspective of introducing and implementing the latest training approaches in the educational process, as well as for practical purposes for determining the development of professional qualities of future choreographers in higher education institutions. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.43559 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Sarwono Sarwono, Nadia Sigi Prameswari, Darwoto Darwoto, Zunaila Akhmad, Hanisa Hassan Pages: 28 - 39 Abstract: Troso woven cloth, located in Troso village, Jepara city, is one of the various Indonesian cultural heritages first discovered in AD. The purposes of this study are: 1) to investigate the woven cloth and its uses, the relationship between woven cloth with cultural and religious traditions, and the relationship between the woven cloth and local identity; 2) to design a new motif of Troso woven cloth that incorporates the elements of Jepara culture. The study used a practice-based research approach. The data were collected by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the local community commonly uses woven fabric products as decorative. Troso cloth is also used to design attires, gamis dresses, or koko shirts for the feast day or formal events. The craftsmen of Troso woven fabrics made in Jepara primarily receive orders with motifs from other regions, including Bali, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. In contrast, the original woven fabric motifs distinctive from Troso are rarely known to the general public. The study formulates a new digital-based motif of the Troso fabric pattern that displays the iconic elements of Jepara city. The iconic depictions of Jepara are in the form of turtles, Jepara wooden carvings, and wave patterns. This research is expected to elevate the Troso fabric’s identity as a local identity of Jepara city and contribute to the Troso village community to develop the Troso fabric unique to the region. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.37661 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Citra Aryandari, Karel Martinus Siahaya, Fariz Al Hazmi Pages: 40 - 52 Abstract: The presence of Toki Batu music in Ulahahan Village as a cultural product cannot be separated from the musical narrative of the Maluku people, which has been part of social and cultural life since ancient times. This study aims to explain the concept of inclusiveness within the group and its functional role in society as an inclusive music community. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The study results explain that the concept of inclusiveness in the Ulahahan Babatu Orchestra community lies in membership open to people from various backgrounds, both children and adults. The Community also does not provide special requirements to be able to join the group because Toki Batu’s music belongs to the Community, and anyone should be able to contribute. The leadership style used is based on local culture by adopting respect for elders. As a result, the leader is someone who is older and more experienced in community management rather than someone who has mastered music. Functionally the role of the Toki Batu music community revives community creativity and influences collectively in various fields such as recreational, educational, communication and religious facilities. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.42411 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Aliya Kenzhetaeva, Karlgash Aitkalieva, Tolkyn Amreyeva Pages: 53 - 63 Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to study the experience and achievements of previous generations of folk dance performers to improve work with future choreographers who study Kazakh folk dance in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study’s methodological approach is the search and theoretical analysis of sources aimed at studying both the history of the Kazakh folk dance itself and the development of the performing skills methods of Kazakh dance in future choreographers. This research uses typological, historical, and thematic analysis methods from used literature collected during the writing of the article. The author analyzes the historical stages of the development of the professional training of choreographers-performers and the influence of the experiences and achievements of previous generations on the performing skills of future choreographers in Kazakh higher educational institutions. This study also found that modern teaching is based on the integration of experience and achievements in the art of choreography for the development of performing skills and choreographer-performer skills of Kazakh folk dances in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This research work is of practical importance in the study, as well as training of future choreographers who study dance in various areas of original folk art in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.43859 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Sony Wibisono Pages: 64 - 78 Abstract: The Opera Jawa (2006), directed by Garin Nugroho is an Indonesian film with unique hybridity of art media (music, dance, visual art installation, acting, photography). This study aims to provide an overview of photographic ekphrasis’s form, process, and function. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was through observation with the note-taking documentation technique. Through intermedial studies, data analysis was carried out using Agnes Petho’s cinematic ekphrasis and photo-filmic theory. The results of the study show that Opera Jawa displays the characteristics of intermedial reference media through cinematic ekphrasis of photography in film. This matter is manifested at the diegetic media level through family photos of the character Setyo-Siti, and the extra-diegetic media through photographic frames introducing film characters. Cinematic Ekphrasis works with exchange strategies and crossing the borders of basic media modalities (material, sensory, space-time, semiotic) from film to photography. Cinematic ekphrasis ultimately forms a metaphor that mediates the experience and knowledge of film audiences toward the target media and the source media. Thus, Opera Jawa, as the target media, can offer its ideology as a result of Sinta Obong’s source media interpretation. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.39633 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:I Wayan Kun Adnyana, Mary Louise Totton, Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa, I Ketut Muka, I Made Ruta, I Nengah Wirakesuma, I Wayan Kondra, I Wayan Suardana, I Ketut Adi Sugita Pages: 79 - 90 Abstract: Meta-figurative is a physical aesthetic discourse that reaches beyond the physical beauty of ideal bodies (skeletal construction, muscles, and skins). The interpretation approaches used new criticism, according to Culler (2001), that goal to identify what the works repress or illuminate by concealing and portraying society and social attitudes. Meta-figurative encompasses exploration pertaining to the interchangeable position and condition between tensions and pleasures of bodies in the social space. Fifteen Indonesian contemporary artists are: Mangu Putra, Entang Wiharso, Chusin Setiadikara, Agus Suwage, FX Harsono, Ivan Sagito, Heri Dono, Ronald Manulang, Nyoman Masriadi, Nyoman Erawan, Putu Sutawijaya, Laksmi Sitaresmi, Made Djirna, Ugo Untoro, and Bob Sick Yuditha have been conducting creative efforts and questioning about matters of the bodies’ position in the public space, conducting current interpretation through personal artistic and aesthetical language. There are five representation tendencies of meta-figurative paintings thematically, artistic images, and visual meanings: marginalized bodies, fictionalized bodies, bodies of expression, autobiographical bodies, and beyond famous portraits. Indonesian contemporary artists have made figurative subjects in their paintings to make statements, self-reflections, and moral voices of their country’s socio-political conditions, which are educational values of Indonesian Contemporary Paintings in social meaning. Poverty, corruption, and anti-democracy practices still part of Indonesian daily realities are area protests for contemporary artists. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.41296 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Susi Gustina, Farhan Reza Paz, Zakarias S. Soeteja Pages: 91 - 104 Abstract: This research was conducted to figure out the representation of local styles in Cingcangkeling performance at the international choir festival as a reflection of cultural identity. There are several studies on folksong, but generally, they only focus on music analysis; and do not explain the representation of local styles in folksong performances at the international choir festival. This research aims to figure out: a) the local style representation in the Cingcangkeling performance at international choir festivals; b ) the relationship between local styles represented in the Cingcangkeling performance with Sundanese cultural identity. It uses a qualitative method with a performance ethnographic approach as the design of the study which combines music and non-musical elements. The subject of this research is the Cingcangkeling performance (West Java) which was performed by PSM UPI at the 8th Bali International Choir Festival (BICF) in 2019. Data collection techniques were obtained through preliminary study, audio and video analysis, and interviews. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the representation of local styles in the Cingcangkeling song, both musically and non-musically, involves the bodor character (comedy) that is identical to Sundanese culture (West Java); 2) the choir does not only act as performers but also reflects the uniqueness and beauty of the Sundanese culture. The conclusion shows that the representation of local styles in the Cingcangkeling performance at international level festivals, both musically and non-musically, not only reflects Sundanese cultural identity but also shows the role of choir groups as ‘cultural ambassadors’ who introduce the uniqueness of Sundanese culture in the international world. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.40029 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Jiyeon Park, Sooyun Sohn Pages: 105 - 120 Abstract: During the Covid 19, students and instructors experienced double-way synchronization distance classes. Recently, the metaverse was drawn much attention to the online virtual world as a channel for social interaction. It has received renewed interest as a new method of surmounting the limitations of external activities after the pandemic. A few studies have focused on the usability of metaverse in a classroom, but no attention was paid to its applicability to Art History as well as to the higher level of education. In order to compensate for the limitations of two-way synchronized remote learning in university art history classes, Gather.Town was adopted as a metaverse platform in both Western modern art history classes and art history methodology classes. In this study, we surveyed and interviewed students who used both WebEx and Gather.Town. This study examines students’ experiences in accessibility, social presence, convenience of interaction, interest and immersion, and satisfaction when the students use the metaverse platform, Gather.Town. The examination of this study confirms that the virtual space of metaverse was more helpful in making students feel a sense of presence, interaction, and engagement than WebEx and demonstrates the possibility of this platform as a sustainable and valid tool in Art History Education. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.41094 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Lin Zhu, Jiachang Lu Pages: 121 - 131 Abstract: The main purpose of this scientific study is to identify key areas for the development of the artistic and creative activity of students studying the basics of design in higher educational institutions, which contributes to improving their creative abilities and developing the ability to create an innovative product design. The basis of the methodological approach in this scientific study is a combination of methods of systematic analysis of the key principles of teaching design in modern higher educational institutions with a comprehensive study of the real prospects for the introduction of innovative solutions in the process of teaching design in order to develop artistic and creative activity among future specialists in this profession. The results are the importance of developing modern students’ artistic and creative activity for design departments of higher educational institutions to improve their skills in creating artistic product design and the ability to develop innovative design were obtained. Also, the results illustrate the success of applying specific methods of training designers to implement the tasks. The practical significance of the results obtained in this research work lies in the possibility of their application in the process of teaching students of design departments of modern higher education institutions to develop their understanding of the principles of artistic design and the ability to transfer such skills to the creation of modern products with innovative design. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.43806 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Agung Zainal Muttakin Raden, Rustopo Rustopo, Timbul Haryono, Dendi Pratama Pages: 132 - 140 Abstract: The Sundanese script is one of Indonesia’s traditional scripts. The existence of Sundanese script is still being preserved by cultural activists and the Sundanese script literacy community, one of which is through calligraphy in Sundanese script. This article will analyze the calligraphy of Sundanese script by Edi Dolan posted on his social media. The Sundanese calligraphy that will be discussed is in the form of puppets, animals, and humans. The Sundanese calligraphy will be reviewed through an iconographic approach. Iconography has three levels in analyzing objects, namely (1) Pre-iconography, which is to describe the formal aspects of the object; (2) Iconography, which is to interpret images, stories, and metaphors; (3) Content analysis through revealing the intricacies of the object. The results of the research elaborate on the formal aspects found in Sundanese calligraphy objects, resulting in multidimensional interpretations built on images, stories, and other multidimensional object meanings, thus showing a complete correlation of all these aspects in expressing Sundanese identity. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.37716 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Nur Sahid, Junaidi Junaidi, Nur Iswantara Pages: 141 - 153 Abstract: This study aims to analyze the meaning of signs related to political conflict between characters in sineprak “Satru Ing Ngepal” (SIN). The political conflicts between these figures will be analyzed for their meaning by relating them to the social-historical context of Indonesia in the New Order and Reformation Eras. The research uses a theatrical semiotic theory approach, dividing theatrical performances into 13 sign systems. Signs related to political conflict between figures will be analyzed denotatively and connotatively. The content analysis method from Kriipendorf was used to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that Senopati’s political conflict with Mangir semiotically refers to the meaning of the political conflict between the New Order and Reform rulers and the opposition. The enmity between Senopati, Juru Mertani, and Mangir refers to the meaning of the conflict between Wiranto and Prabowo Subianto. Pembayun’s marriage to Mangir means Prabowo Subianto joining President Jokowi’s government for 2019-2024. Pembayun’s courage to fight for Mataram peace with Mangir’s fief land refers to RA Kartini’s emancipation. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.42447 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Ainun Majid, Suastiwi Suastiwi, Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang Pages: 154 - 170 Abstract: Marugame Udon is a Japanese fast-food restaurant chain with many branches in Indonesia. This study examines the conveyance of the Japanese atmosphere to visitors as a performance. Interior research based on performance theory has not been widely conducted. This study aims to determine the performative influence of Marugame Udon’s interior on visitors by exploring Richard Schechner’s performance aspects (action, interaction, relationship). This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to deeply explore data from visitors and interior elements. The data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth interviews, literature study, and company profile reading. Data analysis is done by reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions and recommendations. The findings of this study are: (1) the “action” exploration finds that the interior display is a manifestation of Marugame Udon’s identity as a Japanese restaurant chain and its commitment to introducing Japanese culture, especially Sanuki; (2) the “interaction” exploration finds that the presence of interior elements is a mutually dependent system in displaying the atmosphere (Japanese), and visitors interact most with noren and the theater kitchen; (3) the “relationship” exploration reveals that Marugame Udon does not only act as a restaurant providing food and drinks but also as a stimulating agent that influences visitors’ perceptions and evokes their memories and desires related to Japanese culture. These three findings indicate that Marugame Udon’s interior is a static performative ecosystem that can interact and form relationships with visitors. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.40854 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Mohd Fairuz Zamani Pages: 171 - 186 Abstract: Proverb sits under the umbrella of figurative language and is used to sweeten speeches. In Malay, pepatah is the equivalent of this form of figurative language. Razak Abdul Aziz, a Malaysian composer, selected a set of Malay proverbs and adapted them into his piano work, Pepatah Episodes. The composer follows the tradition of piano programme music that uses figurative language elements championed by composers such as Alexander Scriabin, Claude Debussy, and Maurice Ravel. This paper aims to investigate the pepatahs chosen to be paired with the written music, expounding the programme in the movements for piano. Using the programme music analysis framework by Burkholder et al. (2014) and Kregor (2015), the finding shows that the composer chose the pepatahs for one of the three (3) portrayals: (i) imageries in the pepatah (ii) imageries in the meaning, and (iii) imageries in pepatah and meaning. The programme analysis shows that from the nine (9) movements written for piano, four (4) movements portray imageries in the pepatah, three (3) movements portray imageries in the meaning, and two (2) movements portray imageries in the pepatah and meaning. Razak Abdul Aziz challenges the conventions of programme music by having the pepatah set after the music is written, demanding the performer to read it aloud before performing and having the portrayal of the pepatah in the mentioned ways. This provides a different perspective for other composers to produce works using similar frameworks and scholars to analyse musical works. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.39275 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Mohammed Talib Alkiyumi Pages: 187 - 194 Abstract: The Sultanate of Oman is characterized by a huge and creative musical heritage that remains mostly preserved. One hundred forty-two different traditional musical genres and styles (funun) have been registered in the Sultanate. This study aimed to investigate the Omanis’ musical creative achievements and the psychological motives behind Omani musical creative achievements. The present qualitative study adopted ethnographic research. The two study’s questions were answered in two stages: firstly, by analysis of relevant documents of Omani genres, and secondly stage based on analysis of documentary films and direct observations. The study showed that the Omanis created such musical achievements, including many genres, rhythms, instruments, and ways of performing. Furthermore, research has shown psychological motives that motivated Omani people to create these various genres, such as provocation of enthusiasm, meditation, religious motivations, poetic competition, and emotional motivation. For each motive, musical genres have been presented. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.39644 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Ni Luh Sustiawati, I Gede Oka Surya Negara, Rano Sumarno, Arthur Supardan Nalan Pages: 195 - 207 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the learning management in the creation of performing arts at the Performing Arts Education Study Program at ISI Denpasar. The evaluation results of the learning management in the performing arts creation can be used as input for improving the learning management related to performing arts courses, which in turn can enhance students’ competence in the field of performing arts. The learning of performing arts creation is directed towards the development of nationalism among the next generation towards the cultural heritage of the nation in the field of arts. The research design used is an evaluative research design with the CIPP model. The research subjects consist of program managers, lecturers of the performing arts creation course, and students who have taken or are currently taking the performing arts creation course. Data collection is done using questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The data is analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research findings indicate that: (1) the quality of the Context Aspect of the learning management in the Performing Arts Education at ISI Denpasar is classified as good; (2) the quality of the Input Aspect of the learning management in the Performing Arts Education at ISI Denpasar is classified as fairly good; (3) the quality of the Process Aspect of the learning management in the Performing Arts Education at ISI Denpasar is classified as not good or poor; and (4) the quality of the Product Aspect of learning management in the Performing Arts Education at ISI Denpasar is classified as fairly good improved; (2) maximizing the use of technology in the learning process; (3) facilitating collaborative learning among students from different study programs or universities. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.43486 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Hery Budiawan, Rizky Fauzy Ananda Pages: 208 - 222 Abstract: This article aims to find a new way to process repetition in musical composition with the least common multiple (LCM) mathematical approach. Music and mathematics have a very close relationship; in music, the element of mathematics with the derivation of physical science is the most relevant and always interesting study of musical composition. This study aims to analyse the music composition of Rizky Fauzy Ananda’s work, Rajékan, by looking at mathematical theory with the approach of The least common multiple (LCM). The method used with practice-led Research as an approach to music composition. The creation research methodology used is Artistic Research through a Practice-Led Research approach which is also integrated with mathematical theory and musicology, especially music composition. The results of this creative Research prove that repetition in music and in the context of life is important and mathematics always present in human life. Repetition has largely underpinned development in music. In the context of life, reps are things that always exist in everyday life, such as worship activities and lifestyles. Such repetitive phenomena can also provide certain learning or meaning for the individual. In the context of education, reps are the easiest and most basic way of learning to learn and recall about understanding something. Repetition processing whose ideas come from the phenomenon of researchers’ self-experience, produces two repetition processing techniques with the LCM mathematical style (1) magnification and reduction of sound values that make up the cycle, (2) imitation. PubDate: 2023-06-29 DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v23i1.41034 Issue No:Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023)