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Abstract: THIS DOUBLE ISSUE OF VOLUME 74 of the Bulletin of the Comediantes, featuring Nicholas R. Jones as guest editor, emerged from the colloquium devoted to Recovering Black Performance in Early Modern Iberia, held at Yale University on 29–30 April 2022. We are grateful to Jesús Velasco, chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, for hosting us at a time where restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were severely limiting opportunities for scholarly community. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) provided the financing needed for an international gathering of this scale, as well as for the complex editing and production needed to transform the conference papers into research articles.Nicholas ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: WHILE LOOKING OVER THE BOOKS I had in my library from Jim Parr (1936–2022), I came across one that he had given me, Don Quixote, Don Juan, and Related Subjects. Form and Tradition in Spanish Literature, 1330–1630. He handwrote this dedication: "For Sharon, a most discerning reader and a true friend. Jim." I had not read these words since 2006 when he gave a lecture at Catholic University for the eleventh annual Alessandro S. Crisafulli Lecture on April 7, 2006, on "Don Quixote: Telling the Tale." This was the last time I saw Jim, internationally known scholar, gentleman, mentor, and friend. While his mastery of theories on narration was an inspiration to scholars in our field, the range and extent of his knowledge ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: I ALWAYS WILL CHERISH MY CONTACT with James Parr. He was a revered colleague, mentor, and friend for over forty-five years. As I was completing my graduate studies at Johns Hopkins University, I submitted an essay on Calderón's El mayor monstruo, los celos to Bulletin of the Comediantes, and it would be my first published article. This was in 1974, and I had the opportunity to meet James Parr, editor of the Bulletin of the Comediantes, at the December 1975 Modern Language Association convention in San Francisco. I used the occasion to express my profound gratitude. From the beginning of our interaction, Jim Parr showed himself to be gracious, generous, and wise. The group known as the Comediantes generally held a ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: NO HACE MUCHO TIEMPO, ALGUIEN SE SORPRENDIÓ cuando le dije que mi agenda de investigación incluía el legado cultural de la diáspora africana en Iberia durante los siglos XVI y XVII. "No hubo esclavitud en España. Eso fueron los holandeses, no nosotros", me aseguró. Con nosotros, se refería, imagino, a los españoles blancos, entendiendo este conjunto de una manera más o menos homogénea y pancrónica. Como profesor español, cisheterosexual y considerado blanco en mi tierra de origen, admito que formo parte de ese nosotros y soy consciente de buena parte de mis privilegios. Practico, como puede verse en este ensayo, la pedagogía del "sinceramiento autobiográfico" de Stephen Brookfield. Volviendo a la anécdota, quien me ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: IN THE PROLOGUE TO Ocho comedias y ocho entremeses nuevos, published in 1615, Miguel de Cervantes recalled with droll schadenfreude the reception in the 1580s of his more than twenty comedias: "todas ellas se recitaron sin que se les ofreciese ofrenda de pepinos ni de otra cosa arrojadiza: corrieron su carrera sin silbos, gritas ni baraúndas" (93). This comment follows Cervantes's brief account of the history of the comedia as a dramatic form in Spain, which traces a movement away from Lope de Rueda's dialogue-heavy scripts and simple staging in the mid-sixteenth century toward the seventeenth century's sophisticated sets and costume designs, special effects, and musical accompaniments. Unlike the prolific and ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: IT WAS FORTUITOUS that I had a chance to participate in "Listening for Black Voices," a roundtable that, for all intents and purposes, should not have taken place, put together just a week before the start of the "Recovering Black Performance in Early Modern Iberia" colloquium. The ad hoc session took the place of a musical performance of villancicos de negros, villancicos that use Africanized Castilian in their poetics. The musicians felt uncomfortable performing a repertory that has been considered by some scholars to be racist (Baker; Cashner). However, recent scholarship, both within and outside of musicology, is beginning to make us reconsider whether it is necessary to keep this repertory quiet (Jones; ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: much ink has been spilt over the textual meaning and performance practice of sacred villancicos in the early modern Iberian world.1 Yet questions remain that could shed more substantial light on our understanding of this remarkable if somewhat elusive genre. How did performance spaces and vocal embodiment come to shape the villancico's meaning within ecclesiastical tradition'As a site for the enactment of early modern Christian ritual, the architecture of a viceregal cathedral coro separated and protected the collective embodiment of ecclesiastical hierarchy (see fig. 1). The high walls of the coro, an enclosure within an enclosure, focused the mediation of divine and earthly power, the interpretation of the Word ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Governance does not seek credit. It does not seek citizenship although it is often understood to do so. Governance seeks debt, debt that will seek credit. Governance cannot not know what might be shared, what might be mutual, what might be common. Why award credit, why award citizenship' Only debt is productive, only debt makes credit possible, only debt lets credit rule.Otorgo que vendo realmente y con efecto a doña María de Asuaje, mi hermana, vecina desta ciudad y mujer legítima de José de Paredes, esto, es, una mulata de estado casada, nombrada Juana de San José, que está contenida en la licencia, cuyo hijo es ya difunto y ella tendrá como veinte y siete años más o menos; la cual hube por donación que me hizo ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: buceando en el maremágnum documental del fondo musical del Archivo Histórico de la Catedral de Bogotá, encontramos creadores hasta ahora olvidados en los anales de la poesía y el teatro de los Siglos de Oro que dejan constancia de la importancia de las manifestaciones de las voces poéticas de las comunidades afrodescendientes. El presente trabajo pretende ofrecer una arqueología textual de este fondo documental mezclando las metodologías de la filología y la musicología. Se presentará un conjunto hasta ahora inédito de los llamados "villancicos de negros", que pone de manifiesto la compleja historia cultural de la metrópoli virreinal donde residió la sede administrativa de la Audiencia de Santafé de Bogotá y que ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: el entremés de los compadres en celebridad del nacimiento del niño Dios y el Entremés gracioso, ambos encontrados en el convento de Santa Teresa, dentro de lo que fue la Villa Imperial de Potosí (en la actual Bolivia), nos ofrecen la oportunidad de analizar la caracterización cómica del afrodescendiente en el contexto colonial. Estos textos, escritos según Ignacio Arellano y Andrés Eichmann en el siglo XVIII, pero que pertenecen por su estética a los Siglos de Oro, se insertan en un proceso de adaptación y transformación del tipo cómico peninsular. Nos referimos a la representación del "Negro" como personaje teatral de perfil cómico, que ahora se construye y se sitúa dentro del contexto colonial de Sudamérica.Este ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: the poem "o ator" ("The Actor"), by Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902–87), narrates the life of an actor in the mid-nineteenth century whose enslavement, escape, and recapture play out in a staged melodrama. The artist-protagonist, an enslaved Black man, escaped and "por si mesmo libertado" ("by himself freed"), through a violent coincidence returns to captivity when he is recognized onstage by his former owner (Andrade 299).1Throughout the poem, we follow the intense excitement engendered by the announcement of a drama titled A vingança do passado ("The Past Avenged") for residents of a small village in the province of Minas Gerais. It is on this occasion that the actor's former enslaver, identified ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: en el ámbito de las ciencias de la información, solo cuando una estructura se rompe, la propia estructura deviene visible — "visible upon break down" (Borgman 654). Un ejemplo elocuente son las infraestructuras digitales que registran, almacenan y distribuyen el conocimiento en un mundo global e interconectado: mientras se tiene acceso ininterrumpido a los datos, la propia infraestructura resulta invisible para el usuario; en el momento en que se rompen los canales de distribución, o se corta el suministro de luz, nos damos cuenta de que existe una infraestructura que sostiene, registra, almacena y distribuye el contenido al que queremos acceder. Esta imagen sirve de analogía para comprender lo que sucede con las ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: AUNQUE NO SEA MUY ACADÉMICO, he de comenzar el presente trabajo, sin duda, entonando un mea culpa. Uno de mis intereses en escribirlo es el de matizar algunas apreciaciones erróneas de mi edición de la Comedia Trofea (1517) inserta en el Teatro completo de Bartolomé de Torres Naharro (ca. 1485–ca. 1520), que realicé para la editorial Cátedra en 2013. En la nota introductoria que presenta mi edición de esa obra, mantengo que los veinte reyes africanos, medio-orientales y asiáticos pudieran ser burlescos (301)2. No lo son, pues, como veremos, son figuras enaltecidas. Así lo modificaré en las siguientes ediciones del texto, pues inevitablemente la labor del editor profesional no acaba nunca. En cierto sentido ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: LIKELY WRITTEN BETWEEN 1615 AND 1622, Virtudes vencen señales offers a prime example of Luis Vélez de Guevara's exploration of innovative possibilities and modalities for governance.1 A comedia in three jornadas that focuses on theories of kingship, gender, and blackness, the play investigates alternative models for the transfer of royal power through its staging of race and gender, both of which are negotiated in dialogue with the play's intertextual treatment of exemplarity. In particular, following the politically oriented critiques of tyrannical behavior and questionable methods of political control that Vélez centers in many of his plays, his rather pessimistic representation of kingship and political strength ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: IN LOPE DE VEGA'S EL CABALLERO DE OLMEDO, Alonso famously falls in love with Inés when he sees her "chinelas," glimpsing a flash of footwear and an ankle whose whiteness surpassed the beauty of a "florido almendro" (107–12).2 Waxing philosophical, Alonso reflects that "del color natural son las mejores pastillas" (114). Lope reconfigures this confluence of a beautifully turned ankle, a captivating "chinela," almond blossoms, and whiteness in the roughly contemporaneous Amar, servir y esperar, in which women's skin is "más limpia y más olorosa / que flor de almendro en abril" (p. 226).3 Unlike Inés's "blancas manos," however, the skin in Amar, servir y esperar is Black, "de ébano lustrosa," and the "chinela briosa … ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Todos somos ambiguos, todos monstruos cuyo verdadero rostro depende de la significación que nos den los otros y que yo me dé a mí mismo, así como de la lectura que la autoridad haga de nuestros comportamientos.ANDRÉS DE CLARAMONTE'S El valiente negro en Flandes (The Valiant Black Man in Flanders, ca. 1620) is a comedia that reframes the representation of sodomy and fear of it, while it celebrates Blackness and the possibility for Black people to reproduce themselves in freedom and with honor. The play stages sodomy as a threat to Black life, and it opens the possibility of Black genealogy as a new limpieza de sangre (blood purity, not having Jewish or Muslim ancestry). The two Black characters, Juan de Mérida ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: IF SLAVERY INFLUENCES FLUID and emergent ideas about race in the seventeenth century, how does the interaction of different types of slavery in Habsburg Spain shape peninsular Iberia's racial systems of hierarchy and difference' More precisely, how does the presence of enslaved peoples of sub-Saharan, Morisco, and North African origins inform early modern Spanish notions of race'1 In this essay, I will be tracking this question through a reading of Lope de Vega's comedia urbana, Los melindres de Belisa (The capriciousness of Belisa), which scholars date to circa 1608 (León 1469–71).2 This play is especially pertinent to these questions, as it was written in the period marked by intense debates on the fate of ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Hijo, esto de ser ladrón no es arte mecánica, sino liberal.ON THE THIRTEENTH OF MARCH 1690, two residents of Lisbon's Bairro Alto neighborhood—Dona Mariana Bernarda de Castelo Branco and her nephew Manoel Garcia de Castelo Branco—appeared before the Tribunal of the Holy Office. At the urging of their confessors, they came to report a neighborly visit both troubling and extraordinary that had taken place about three months prior. The neighbor in question was a certain Patrício de Andrade, fellow resident of the street Rua Formosa. He was, according to the witnesses, a "slave" of Manoel da Silva Pereira (also Manoel da Silva Colaço), head of the Consulado das Índias (Consulate of the Indies) located on that same ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: LA COMEDIA EL NEGRO DEL SERAFÍN del dramaturgo ecijano Luis Vélez de Guevara, publicada en manuscrito en 1642 y representada en 1643, es una gran desconocida no sólo para el público actual, sino para muchos estudiosos de la literatura del Siglo de Oro. Esta comedia presenta al negro Rosambuco como corsario turco y esclavizado por don Pedro Portocarrero. Mientras Rosambuco se halla al servicio de este, entra en contacto con el cristianismo y con la orden franciscana, en la cual ingresará finalmente después de recibir el bautismo. Rosambuco es elegido guardián del convento y muere en olor de santidad después de haber practicado las virtudes cristianas en grado heroico. Como remedio al olvido mencionado, en el ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THERE IS NO SHORTAGE of authorship mysteries in early modern Spanish literature, including several renowned cases. The real name of "un tal Avellaneda" who produced the unauthorized sequel to Don Quijote, called the Segundo tomo del ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, is open to debate. Furthermore, the originator of the picaresque novel Lazarillo de Tormes, among the most studied texts in European literature, is still disputed.2 In comedia studies, there is uncertainty over who wrote El burlador de Sevilla and El condenado por desconfiado, as well as two other splendid plays, La estrella de Sevilla and El rey don Pedro en Madrid e infanzón de Illescas, among others.3 The first two decades of the ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: ESTE MAGNÍFICO LIBRO estudia las complejas dinámicas artísticas, sociales y culturales derivadas del traslado del culto italiano de la Virgen de Loreto al Nuevo Mundo. Situado en las proximidades de la ciudad de Ancona, en la costa adriática, el santuario de Loreto fue uno de los centros de peregrinación más importantes de Europa en la Edad Moderna. Constituían sus principales atractivos una antigua imagen de la Virgen atribuida al evangelista san Lucas y la basílica de la Santa Casa de María, que, según la tradición, había sido milagrosamente transportada por los ángeles desde su emplazamiento original en Nazaret. El culto se desarrolló a partir de finales del siglo XV, cuando quedó bajo jurisdicción de la Santa ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: POCOS ESTUDIOSOS de la España moderna han hecho tanto por la continua renovación de la práctica historiográfica, de sus preguntas y métodos, de sus temas e implicaciones teóricas, como el profesor James S. Amelang. Pionero en España de la historia cultural y la historia urbana, sus aportaciones han sido fundamentales para comprender aspectos tan diversos como la cultura ciudadana de la Barcelona moderna, la historia de las mujeres, las prácticas literarias de los trabajadores manuales del Antiguo Régimen, la cultura popular o la historia comparada de moriscos y judeoconversos. Su mirada desde el puente, siempre en una bisagra que aspira a articular culturas académicas y tradiciones historiográficas diversas (y a ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THIS BOOK HIGHLIGHTS the fundamental role nonhuman animals played in the culture of early modern Spain and its empire by tracing the stories of five early modern animals transported to Spain and used as spectacles. John Beusterien approaches his subject through biogeographies: animal biographies that take into account the habitat and cultural milieu of a particular animal, examining how that animal influenced culture and was influenced by it. Beusterien's methodology weaves together compelling storytelling with animal studies, cultural studies, performance studies, and empire studies; likewise, he draws from a broad range of sources including historical documents, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art. Beusterien has ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: TAN SOLO UNOS MESES DESPUÉS del fallecimiento del añorado gongorista francés Robert Jammes (1927–2020), llegaba a las librerías el volumen que Mercedes Blanco y Aude Plagnard habían editado con ánimo de ofrecer una "reflexión inédita" (9) en torno al encendido y abultado debate que suscitaron, desde su aparición en los albores del siglo XVII, los grandes poemas de Luis de Góngora. La infeliz coincidencia me invitó, de primeras, a acercarme a El universo de una polémica, concibiéndolo como una esmerada continuación del prolífico campo de estudio que había abierto el catálogo de la contienda publicado por Jammes hacía ya casi treinta años (Castalia, 1994, pp. 607–719). Pero tras un ejercicio de lectura detenida puedo ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: EL VOLUMEN COLECTIVO dirigido por Javier Burguillo y María José Vega es fruto de la convergencia de dos proyectos de sendos investigadores: el primero dedicado al análisis de los discursos antianglicanos en Castilla y el segundo al estudio de la censura y el control de la textualidad en la primera Edad Moderna. Esta convergencia ha dado como resultado un planteamiento original en el campo de los estudios literarios hispánicos. Juntos abordan "el anglicanismo y el luteranismo", es decir, dos de las innovaciones filosóficas y dogmáticas del Renacimiento europeo que plantearon a los países de confesión católica uno de los retos más espinosos de su historia, no solo desde el punto de vista doctrinal, sino también ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: "CORTA FUE LA COMEDIA" (v. 1255), Mundo exclaims in apparent despair when the play-within-a-play ends and the "globe of the world" closes. In their momentous simplicity, Mundo's words spring to mind when opening Reichenberger's final volume—number one hundred—of Calderón. Autos sacramentales completos, which was begun in 1992 and concludes—how could it not'—with the most famous of them all, El gran teatro del mundo, likely written between 1633 and 1636. One senses the merited pride in the two forewords by the publisher Eva Reichenberger and the general editor Ignacio Arellano. The editorial project might not always have felt short: in fact, it spanned almost thirty years. But how wonderful that Calderón's autos ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: ESTE LIBRO es un reflejo de las múltiples motivaciones académicas de su autora en torno a la historia del teatro, la literatura y la cultura española del Siglo de Oro. Todos los asuntos de su interés y las diferentes metodologías con las que los aborda están presentes en el libro, interesante por las temáticas tratadas y más que sugerente por la forma de reunir en un solo discurso diversas maneras de leer la compleja época moderna en España.Los enfoques que asume quien se dedica a la labor investigadora responden a criterios metodológicos, pero es inevitable que gustos y querencias personales guíen el esfuerzo intelectual. En este caso —según cuenta la propia autora—, ha tratado de relatar su propia experiencia y ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THE FARAWAY SETTINGS explored in this collection of essays encompass the Habsburg empire and the Ming dynasty and their theatrical traditions: the Spanish comedia and the Chinese chuanqi. Not only culturally and geographically distant from each other in their own time period, these two traditions rarely converge in theater studies today. This book makes a commendable effort in drafting the first blueprint to bridge that distance from a variety of scholarly approaches, including attention to staging and performance of classical Spanish and Chinese works in different cultural settings in the twenty-first century. In the editors' own words, the book aims to show that the two theaters "complement one another" and that ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THIS STUDY explores literary representations of ideal friendships and friends. The author argues that such representations were part of a poetic form that emphasized the impossible quest to achieve such sublime relationships in actual, lived human experience. A growing awareness of the scriptedness of literary friendships pushed Spanish writers to question longstanding notions of such ties. Cervantes's novella "El curioso impertinente," intercalated in Don Quijote, Parte 1, delivered the ultimate blow to this tradition: "The betrayal and death of the two friends, Anselmo and Lotario, and the attendant destruction of the tale of two friends paradigm, may be read … as a symbolic act designed to clear the way for the ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: ESTE VOLUMEN reúne trece textos de antropólogos e historiadores sobre la "identidad, aculturación y agency" de las personas esclavizadas. Surge de un encuentro previo entre los autores bajo el mismo lema. El volumen se divide en tres partes correspondientes a sus preocupaciones principales. Los textos están escritos en tres idiomas, español, francés y catalán, lo cual puede dificultar la lectura de quienes desconozcan una o dos de estas lenguas, ya sean estudiantes o especialistas. Por otra parte, los capítulos no llevan número, por lo cual se comentarán en el orden que aparecen (por autor y título únicamente). La parte 1, "¿Identidades, identificación/es'", se inicia con "Le nécessaire passage de ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THIS BOOK analyzes a select number of autobiographies written by soldiers in early modern Spain, with a special emphasis on the literary and social forces that contributed to their authorial self-fashioning. The constitution of a first-person narrative voice depended upon several factors. Faith Harden's approach focuses on the central role played by honor in the writing of a soldier's experiences, at times imposing limits while at others promoting creativity and nuance. This allowed soldiers of lower social rank to infuse dignity in their writings even when their deeds were questionable. Honor was highly important for soldiers whose purpose was to receive a reward, enhance their stature, or simply produce a ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: IN THIS EXHAUSTIVE STUDY, Catherine Infante explores a topic sometimes overlooked in studies about the relationship between Christians and Muslims in early modern Spain. Following on the steps of Felipe Pereda's book on image worship among religious minorities in his Images of Discord: Poetics and Politics of the Sacred Image in Fifteenth-Century Spain (trans. by Consuelo Lopez-Morillas, Harvey Miller Publishers, 2019), Infante draws on portrayals of religious icons in fictional narratives, poetry, theater, and nonfictional sources such as historical chronicles, religious treatises, Inquisition cases, travel accounts, and testimonies of Christian captives. She bases her analysis on sources written in Spanish ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THIS COLLABORATION connecting the fields of literary studies, architecture, history, and media studies presents conversion as an expansive conceptual tool to apprehend the transformations of urban spaces and cultural institutions in the early modern world. It follows on the heels of Ovidian Transversions: Iphis and Ianthe, 1300–1650 (edited by Valerie Traub, Patricia Badir, and Peggy McCracken, 2020) as the second installment of Edinburgh UP's Conversions series, which, in the words of the editors of the series, Bronwen Wilson and Paul Yachnin, "sets out to explore the efflorescence of various forms of conversion and their social, corporeal and material integuments as they played out across early modernity" (ix). ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: EN ESTA DENSA MONOGRAFÍA, resultado de muchos años de estudio y de un constante interés por la recurrencia de sonidos en la poesía y por el teatro de Calderón, el autor plasma una sugerente lectura de las potencialidades semánticas de las asonancias calderonianas. Es el del dramaturgo un teatro poético y polimétrico como todo el del Siglo de Oro, que sobresale por su amplio uso del romance y por la magnitud del corpus de autos sacramentales, consagrados a escenificar la fábula de la salvación de la humanidad por la gracia divina y el sacrificio de Cristo. Es, por lo tanto, el banco de pruebas ideal para la investigación de Kroll, que incide repetidas veces en la relación entre el valor semántico que pueden adquirir ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: EL LIBRO DE CLARA MARÍAS es fruto de la revisión de la primera parte de la tesis doctoral de la autora, Pensamiento clásico y experiencia autobiográfica en la epístola poética del primer Renacimiento (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016). Se trata de la parte más panorámica; de la segunda, también revisada y ampliada, se espera próxima publicación con el título Espejos epistolares. Del pensamiento clásico a la autorrepresentación en la epístola ética del Renacimiento.Conversaciones en verso es una monografía centrada en el género de la epístola poética castellana del siglo XVI, en concreto en los poemas escritos a imitación de las Epistulae de Horacio, los cuales han recibido tradicionalmente el nombre de ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: ON 23 APRIL 1978, busloads of leftists and activists and ordinary fairgoers from throughout Castile converged upon a large field outside the town of Villalar to memorialize an army of Castilian commoners that implausibly rose up against the monarchy in 1520 and a year later was crushed in the very expanse where we were gathered. Some two hundred thousand people waved Republican flags and flags of all the regions of Spain after forty years of prohibition, and they chanted "Castilla, entera, se siente comunera." They wore and traded pins with flags, they delivered endless speeches, played instruments and roasted sausages and danced and sang and ate and drank, and it went on all day. I was young and I had never heard ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THERE ARE ANTHOLOGIES of scholarly essays on Calderón in various languages; there are biographies of his life and monographs on specific aspects of his work; there are introductions to individual plays and myriad scholarly articles on every Calderonian topic imaginable. Yet following brilliant books published in the 1980s by the likes of Frederick de Armas, Alexander Parker, and Robert ter Horst, and notwithstanding the ongoing curricular presence of early modern Spanish studies in British and American universities, we were lacking a comprehensive, English-language study of the most important playwright of the Spanish baroque. Roy Norton and Jonathan Thacker's Companion to Calderón de la Barca is the first "general ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THE PUBLICATION of a new monographic study of the life and work of Diego Velázquez is an event not to be overlooked, and this book is no exception. First, it offers an insightful introduction to the work of Velázquez that engages with a range of recent research on the artist's life, paintings, and cultural context. As such it will undoubtedly provide a valuable teaching aid. Ruiz Soto's prose is well paced, and his succinct discussion of art historical, literary, cultural, and political themes distills for a new generation of students and scholars the major historiographical advances made in Velázquez studies over the last few decades by Jonathan Brown and John Elliott—needless to say—as well as Svetlana Alpers ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THIS VOLUME is a fundamental contribution to the study of early modern theater. The double focus on playing (with attention to actors and issues of performance) and playgoing (with a focus on audiences) opens a wide lens onto the vibrant theatrical culture of Elizabethan and Jacobean England. The volume is divided into three main sections—Players, Playgoers, and Playhouses—each inviting readers to evaluate and reassess various aspects of the theatrical culture of the early modern period, such as the significance of the embodied and kinesthetic skills of actors, audience engagement, and the culture of playhouses.The collection adopts an interdisciplinary approach, addressing debates and concerns raised by the ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: IF YOU HAVE EVER READ A COMEDIA that features angels descending from on high or magically opening mountains and wondered "how exactly did that work'", then Philip Steadman's book is for you. The book is an engineer's-eye view of the Renaissance, but instead of focusing on the period's great innovations in weaponry, urban design, or agriculture, Steadman, an architect by training, takes us on a tour of the early modern machines designed principally for entertainment. His focus is almost exclusively on Italy—Spain is scarcely mentioned, and Steadman does not cite any Hispanic secondary scholarship—but the relevance to scholars of Iberian theater is obvious, given the outsized role that Italian designers played in ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: COMO EL TEATRO DEL SIGLO DE ORO, el de Shakespeare es una inagotable fuente de formulaciones y discursos sobre raza. Prueba de ello es este volumen colectivo. Desde el aquí y ahora de la lectura, el análisis y la puesta en escena contemporáneos, los dieciocho capítulos que comprenden el libro se presentan como un manual para quien quiera ponerse al día con el nutrido corpus crítico sobre los discursos raciales en la obra dramática de Shakespeare y algunos de sus poemas. El objetivo es ambicioso, pues este es el tercer volumen sobre el tema que coordina Thompson, quien ya había editado, en las décadas anteriores, Colorblind Shakespeare: New Perspectives on Race and Performance (Routledge, 2006) y, junto a Scott L. ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: "WHAT COULD BE MORE RADICAL than performing as a sovereign people in a slavocracy'" (xii). Esta es la pregunta que Miguel A. Valerio se hace en el prefacio de su libro. En cierto sentido, la respuesta presupone el libro entero y la interpretación que el autor hace de los eventos que en él se narran. La mayor parte de los lectores encontrarán aquí un trabajo fascinante, y lo es, pero también puede que algunos consideren una pregunta de este tipo algo innecesario, como si tratar de entender la vida y experiencias de las personas que vivieron durante la época colonial, y en particular de los afromexicanos, dependiera de que satisfagan o no lo que nosotros definimos contemporáneamente como radicalidad. Supongamos por ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: THE FELICITOUS CHOICES on offer in La discreta enamorada / The Cleverest Girl in Madrid begin with the title. An urban comedia composed circa 1606 and set in the bustling city of Madrid, Lope's play explores the tension between forces of desire and obligation in romantic entanglements. While the present connotations of discretion in English might suggest an excess of prudence or a quiet assent to a pact of secrecy, the discreción that distinguishes Lope's Fenisa is the plot-fueling intelligence that allows her to navigate a dizzying palimpsest of love triangles through fortune and stratagem and come out on the other side with Lucindo, her galán of choice. Rather than solely a quality of her character, Fenisa's ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: FOLLOWING IN THE TRADITION of ethnologist and folklorist Zora Neale Hurston, I have always been keenly aware of and compelled by—perhaps blindly, to a fault—the richness of black culture and its materiality, speech acts, and verve. Hurston comments on this in her oft-cited essay "Characteristics of Negro Expression" (1934). She teaches us that "every phase of Negro life is highly dramatized … everything is acted out" (830). Like Hurston, I, too, wanted to—and continue to still—preserve blackness in its beauty, spectacularism, vibrancy, and wholeness. Such an act to preserve blackness in its complexity, humanity, and vitality foments the work of recovery and reparation characterized by this double special issue ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-24T00:00:00-05:00