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- Adsorption, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies for the Adsorption of
Cadmium onto Combination of Chitosan and Coffee Ground Activated Carbon Authors: Nisa Nurhidayanti, Agus Riyadi Pages: 1 - 9 Abstract: The presence of cadmium in water due to its natural mobility can cause the nature of the water to become toxic and threaten the surrounding ecosystem when it accumulates in the food chain. The aim of this study was to investigate the maximum adsorption capacity using an isothermal model, to determine the rate of adsorption kinetics using chitosan and coffee powder adsorbents in reducing cadmium concentrations in industrial wastewater, and to investigate its thermodynamic magnitude. The research method was applied with laboratory experiments followed by quantitative data analysis to determine the isothermal model and adsorption kinetics. The results showed that the adsorption isotherm follows the Langmuir isotherm model with a correlation coefficient of 0.9970 and a maximum adsorption capacity of 0.7546 mg.g-1, which indicates that the chemical adsorption occurs in a monolayer, where the adsorption sites are homogeneously distributed with the adsorption energy. Permanent and negligible interactions between cadmium molecules (adsorbate) and adsorbent. Thus the pseudo second order kinetic model is a better way to explain the reaction rate for cadmium in combination chitosan and coffee ground activated carbon. Negative ΔGo values indicate that the adsorption reaction takes place spontaneously, ΔHo of 0.3467 indicates an endothermic reaction, and ΔSo of 3.5296 indicates an increase in the randomness of the adsorption process at the adsorbent interface and cadmium during adsorption. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.20364 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Coral Fish Biodiversity Assessment on Different Locations (Case Study of
the North Bali ICRG Area). Authors: Emilian Ivarlyano Potje, Dwi Budi Wiyanto, I Nyoman Giri Putra, Frensly Demianus Hukom Pages: 10 - 22 Abstract: Reef fish associated with artificial reefs are one indicator of success for artificial reef applications. This research was carried out in February 2023. Reef fish data was collected in three tidal conditions. Data of Coral fish was collected using the Underwater Visual Census (UVC) method. The data that collected includes abundance of species, individual abundance and fish size from 3 categories namely major, indicators and targets. From the results, the community structure at each location obtained the same diversity index and uniformity index which were classified as moderate to high and the dominance index was classified as low. For each tidal condition the diversity index obtained was classified as medium to high, the uniformity index is relatively high and the dominance index is low. The total abundance of species at each point ranges from 26 species represented by 13 families to 63 species represented by 19 families, and for each tidal condition it ranges from 11 species represented by 7 families to 42 species represented by 16 families. The total abundance of individuals at each point overall ranged from 1333-20,048 Ind/Ha, each tidal condition it ranges from 20- 980 individuals. The total biomass at each point overall ranged from 102,844- 1353,119 Kg/Ha, each tidal condition ranges from 2,154 to 63,780 kg. Based on the results, the species similarity index values at each point were categorized as medium, except for Les II and Galeri, which were classified as high, while the test results for each tidal condition ranged from medium to high at each point. Test results (Mann-Whitney) for each point based on individual abundance values and coral reef fish biomass generally showed significant differences except between the Gallery and Les II points, whereas for each tidal condition there were no significant differences. Based on the results of the Correspondence Analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between several types of fish with each research point and at each tidal condition, this shows that the artificial reef structure at each point and each tidal condition was successful in attracting fish populations. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.24171 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja,
Lingkungan, Work Life Balance, Kompetensi dan Komitmen Pegawai Terhadap Kinerja Authors: Muhammad Afwan Abdillah, Sukmo Hadi Nugroho Pages: 23 - 30 Abstract: Employee performance is an important factor for companies operating in the public service sector, especially in water treatment companies, where their services cover the interests of many people. This research was conducted to see the influence of job satisfaction, work life balance, work environment, employee commitment and employee competency on employee performance in water treatment companies in Bekasi Regency, where there are still few researchers who have conducted research in water treatment companies, so we hoped that this research can become an additional reference for researchers who will choose similiar companies as the object of their research. The research was carried out using a survey method and using questionnaires as its tool, questionnaires were distributed online and face to face to employees within the Water Treatment Companies in Bekasi Regency. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out in December 2023 with a total of 151 respondents. To test the hypothesis, the data obtained from the questionnaire was then analyzed using the SEM-PLS method. The research results show that the work environment, work life balance and employee competency have positive influence toward employee performance at Water Treatment Companies in Bekasi Regency. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.24344 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Peningkatan Kualitas Kayu Lapis (Plywood) Skala Ekspor Menggunakan Metode
Seven Tools dan New Seven Tools Authors: Vera Devani Pages: 31 - 39 Abstract: Perusahaan kayu lapis ini adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi kayu lapis, blockboard, dan polyester. Dalam proses pembuatan kayu lapis masih ditemukan produk cacat dengan persentase rata-rata dari bulan September 2020 sampai dengan februari 2021 (23,94%) melebihi standar perusahaan (2,5%) sehingga tidak dapat di ekspor. Metode yang digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan kualitas pada penelitian ini adalah Metode Seven Tools. Metode Seven Tools adalah metode yang digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan kualitas dalam proses produksi. Metode New Seven Tools merupakan metode untuk memetakan permasalahan kualitas secara terstruktur untuk mempermudah dalam pengambilan keputusan terhadap tindakan usulan perbaikan yang diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan cacat dominan yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan kualitas, menentukan penyebab kecacatan dominan dan hubungan sebab-akibat, menentukan usulan perbaikan yang tepat untuk meminimasi cacat dominan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah cacat dominan terdapat pada jenis cacat lekang samping dengan jumlah cacat sebesar 18.976 dengan presentase cacat sebesar 61,17%. Jenis cacat dominan berikutnya adalah gembung dengan jumlah cacat sebesar 7.721 dengan presentase 24,89%. Faktor penyebab cacat lekang samping dan gembung yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kualitas kayu lapis adalah kadar air pada material kayu 21%, panas platen pada mesin hot press tidak rata, serta lem kayu tidak merata pada lembaran kayu dengan skor 9. Adapun usulan yang diberikan dan dapat diterapkan kepada perusahaan PT. Asia Forestama Raya adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada operator setiap tiga bulan, melakukan pengecekan dan perawatan mesin setiap bulan, mengganti roll pada mesin glue spreader serta melakukan inspeksi bahan baku setiap hari kerja. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.20585 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Shifting analysis of grain carriers using System Dynamics Simulation
Authors: Ratna Ekawati, Nuraida Wahyuni, Fitri Anjani Pages: 40 - 47 Abstract: PT PFS is a subsidiary of PT BJ specially serving of port services. PT PFS need to shift FSO Ardjuna Sakti from jetty 1.6-1.7 to the new jetty (jetty 4.5-4.6) because PT PFS has some problems and activity plans. The problems are teh increased of commercial demand, the development jetty 3 of port CDG, the Berth Occupation Ratio (BOR) which already exceeds 65%, the expansion plan of PT BJ and the need for flexibility on the jetty 1.5-1.8. Therefore, it is necessary to do the analysis of shifting the FSO Ardjuna Sakti. The method use in this study is comparing the financial analysis using manual calculation and system dynamics simulation. The financial analysis uses in this study are Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period, Net Present Value (NPV) and comparing revenue and profit between FSO Ardjuna Sakti in jetty 1.6-17 and jetty 4.5-4.6. The result of the study showed that the IRR is 14,73%, it is exceed than the MARR of BI rate 6,5%, Payback Period is 5 years so investment will comeback at 5 next years, and the value of the NPV with manual and system dynamics simulation has both positive value or exceed than 0 (zero). The result of manual calculation of NPV is Rp.15.369.374.455 and the result of system dynamics simulation is Rp.1.184.863.983.489. Comparing manual calculation and system dynamics simulation of revenue and profit of FSO Ardjuna Sakti in jetty 1.6-1.7 respectively is Rp.2.384.292.880 and Rp.2.125719.660 whilst in jetty 4.5-4.6 respectively is Rp.9.015.993.344 and Rp.6.761.995.008. From those financial methods compared manually and by system dynamics simulation, we can conclude the investment decisions are feasible. And activity of shifting FSO Ardjuna Sakti from jetty 1.6-1.7 to the jetty 4.5-4.6 is appropriate to do. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.20886 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Revitalization of Indonesian Navy Language Education System in Promoting
Human Resources Resilience Authors: Heri Prasetya, Moh Khusaini, Hamamah Hamamah, Adi Kusumaningrum Pages: 48 - 54 Abstract: The writer concentates on the research about Indonesian Navy language education system. The method of the research is decriptive qualitative. In resulting the outcome of education program, there are some problem findings that are required to be solved: the education program curriculla that are still obsolete and temporary, the incompetent educators and educational staff, lack of the standardized education facilities, as well as the low intensity of education cooperation programs.The problems cause the education process of international languages not running well, so it cannot result the qualified Indonesian Navy’s graduates. To achieve the expected Indonesian Navy personnel’s graduates, the language education system in Indonesian Navy institutions can be revitalized by updating, establishing and composing the new education program curriculums, managing the human resources by adding more educators and educational staff, improving the professional development and providing more wellfare or rewards, standardizing the education facilities, such as classrooms, language laboratories, libraries, dormitories and course book references, as well as collaborating with the other foreign languange education units domestically, regionally and internationally. After that, the writer finds the strategy of revitalizing the language education system in Indonesian Navy units. By revitalizing the system, it can result the qualified graduates of Indonesian Navy personnel that can support the Resilience of Human Resources. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.24909 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Desain Prototipe Automatic Trash Rake dengan Metode Gaussian Mixture Model
Authors: Yuliadi Erdani, Wahyu Adhie Candra, Aulia Aisyah Pages: 55 - 64 Abstract: Trash rake is a trash netting tool used to transport trash in rivers. In its application, the operation of trash rake is still mostly done manually by the operator. In this case, there is no effectiveness in terms of the use of human resources or the effectiveness of machines. Therefore, in this study, a development was made on an automatic trash rake machine that works automatically if the waste stuck on the trash rake machine has experienced density. The image processing method used is the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Used camera to capture the image of the density of the trash. The captured image is processed by GMM method. Then the data is processed on a computer and the data is displayed on the web. Arduino will drive the motor on the trash rake machine automatically with the parameters of the waste density data. The results obtained, the system can detect the level of waste density with an accuracy of 67.5% in bright, dim and dark conditions with the camera position according to the object observation area. The trash rake machine can turn on and off automatically based on the detected waste density.
PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.21148 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Pengaruh Perbedaan Ketebalan Media Filtrasi Pasir Sungai dan Arang Sekam
Padi pada Penurunan Fosfat Air Limbah Authors: Alferina Vania Widya Calista, Ririn Endah Badriani, Cantika Almas Fildzah Pages: 65 - 74 Abstract: WWTP Effluent at Regional Hospital (RSD) dr. Soebandi has not fullfilled quality standard of phosphate which is 3 mg/L. This study aims to determine the efficiency of removal phosphate levels and to determine the effect of variations in the thickness of the filtration media reducing phosphate levels in wastewater from hospital wastewater. Method in this research used a Slow Sand Filter Sandwich system with several variables. The thickness ratio of rice husk charcoal and river sand were (R1) 25:5 cm, (R2) 22,5:7,5 cm, (R3) 20:10 cm, (R4) 17,5:12,5 cm and (R5) 0:0 cm. Variations of time used were 120 and 180 minutes. The lowest and highest efficiency was found in reactor 1 (R1) with 120 minutes for contact time at 0% and reactor 4 (R4) with 180 minutes for contact time by 53%. P-value of rice husk charcoal, river sand and contact time is <0,05 that means it have a significant effect on phosphate concentration reduction. T-test result showed significant differences (p-value <0,05), reactors 1 & 4, reactors 1 & 5, reactors 2 & 4, and reactors 2 & 5. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.21677 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Pengaruh Green Marketing dan Service Quality Terhadap Customer’s
Perceived Satisfaction yang Dimediasi Oleh Brand Image Authors: Ariescha Harjon, Sukmo Hadi Nugroho Pages: 75 - 87 Abstract: This research aims to find out and complement information about the influence of green marketing and service quality on customer's perceived satisfaction mediated by brand image. The research used quantitative methods and survey through online questionnaires towards 712 inpatiens population of private hospitals in East Bekasi in September – November 2023. From 357 respondents, 293 filled out the questionnaire and 257 of them were taken as samples. This research has done through the validity and reliability tests, factor analysis KMO-MSA and Bartlett Test, and path analysis to answer the hypothesis and determine the structural equation model with SmartPLS 3.3.9. The results show that the five hypotheses have been proven positive and significant, namely the direct influence of green marketing on brand image; service quality on brand image; green marketing on customer's perceived satisfaction; service quality on customer's perceived satisfaction; and brand image on customer's perceived satisfaction. Indirectly, brand image acts as a partial mediator that mediates the positive and significant influence of green marketing on customer's perceived satisfaction; and the influence of service quality on customer's perceived satisfaction. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.24929 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Karakteristik Mutu Garam Fungsional Tanaman Alur (Suaeda maritima)
Berdasarkan Perbandingan Rasio Pelarut dan Tepung Alur Authors: Ana Nabilah, Iffan Maflahah, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Dian Farida Asfan Pages: 88 - 95 Abstract: Seablite (Suaeda maritimea) is a plant that grows in salt marshes and furrow soil which is rich in vitamin A content. Seablite is one of the plants that can be used as functional raw materials. Functional salts are salts that have a low NaCl content (less than 50%). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the ratio of air and seablite flour on the quality of the functional salt of the seablite. The characteristics of the salt used were moisture content test, ash content, salinity test, NaCl test, and vitamin A test. Salt was prepared by air treatment and seablite t flour, namely 1:5, 1:10, 1:15 and 1: 20. The technique of making seablitefunctional salt is to start by dissolving the seablite flour with water as a solvent. Heating the solution for 10 minutes, filtering using a filter cloth, the resulting filtrate is then deposited for 3 days, the precipitate from the seablite flour solution is then dried for 3 days at a temperature of 65oC, finally weighing the material in the form of seablite plant salt. Based on the results of the quality characteristic research, the difference in the ratio of the solvent ratio to the seablite flour gives a significant difference to the quality characteristics of the functional salt of the seablite plant, the analysis of theyield, water content, ash content, salinity, NaCl content and vitamin A content. PubDate: 2024-04-16 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.21689 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Implementasi Visual Studio pada Sistem Monitoring Daya dan Proteksi Rele
Arus Lebih Menggunakan Automatic Transfer Switch/Automatic Main Failure (ATS/AMF) Disuplai oleh Kombinasi Grid dan Photovoltaic (PV) Authors: Andrian Eko Riftianto, Amirullah Amirullah Pages: 96 - 107 Abstract: Monitoring power consumption and protecting the use of household electrical equipment with separate and remote Internet of Things (IoT)-based energy sources, is an important requirement in modern times. This paper proposes the implementation of a voltage and current monitoring system resulting from the output of an automatic transfer switch/automatic main failure (ATS/AMF) supplied by a PLN (grid) source and a photovoltaic (PV) generator. This power electronics device is used to control the combination of two separate energy sources automatically. The PZEM-004t sensor functions to read the value of the output voltage and load current from the ATS/AMF. Arduino-Uno is used to control the protection relay so that it is able to disconnect or connect load currents where the parameters of current, voltage and power as well as the performance of the protection relay are all monitored by Visual-Studio. Test results on eight loads, namely: 30 W LED lamp, 15 W LED lamp, solder heater, cellular phone charger, laptop charger, 5 W spiral energy saving lamp (LHE), 5 W bulb lamp, and portable fan using the PZEM-004t sensor monitored by Visual Studio and validated by a multimeter, the average error values for voltage and current measurements were 0.448% and 14.561%, respectively. The results of the relay protection test show that if the source is connected to a load that absorbs the load current below 0.6 A, then the trip indicator on the overcurrent protection relay has not turned on so that the protection menu display in the Visual Studio application is OFF. On the other hand, if the total load current exceeds 0.6 A, the trip indicator on the protective relay will light up so that the switch will cut off the load current. In this condition, the display of the protection menu in the Visual Studio application is in ON status. PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.22151 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Analisis Aspek Ketahanan Pangan Indonesia dengan Hard dan Soft Clustering,
2022 Authors: Milie Diarty, Arie Wahyu Wijayanto Pages: 108 - 123 Abstract: Food security is crucial all over the world. Even food security is one of the goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indonesia has also made food security a goal in both short and long term development. As a country with geographical conditions that are coveted by other countries, it is only natural for Indonesia to be able to use existing resources to maximize domestic development, one of which is through food security. Provinces that are spread from Sabang to Merauke make Indonesia must be able to analyze the grouping of its food security by considering various indicators. Food security indicators are integrated into the aspects of food availability, affordability, and utilization. Clustering is a method in machine learning to be able to find out food security groupings in Indonesia. There are many clustering methods. Several methods that are widely used are Hierarchical, K-Means, and Fuzzy C-Means. All three can produce different groupings. In this study, it was found that there was one province that had low food security, namely Papua Province. In addition, some of the provinces that always have high food security are all provinces on the island of Java. PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.21774 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- A Review of Enforcement of Military Discipline Law to Establish
Professionalism of the National Army to Strengthen National Security and Resilience Authors: Sungkono Sungkono, Amin Setyo, Herman Suryokumoro, Adi Kusumaningrum Pages: 124 - 130 Abstract: AbstractLaw enforcement practices in the military environment are still not in line with sectoral egos. Law enforcement has not been able to guarantee substantive order, truth and justice. When carrying out law enforcement in the military environment, it should not only refer to normative legal rules, but what needs to be done more is to make legal breakthroughs that are more effective and efficient. The discipline of a soldier is an absolute thing that is inseparable from his duty to maintain the security of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This study analyzes contemporary forms of threats related to security and resilience and explains the similarities and differences in national resilience studies which aim to realize a national security system and develop national security systems in other countries. This research is normative juridical research, using a statutory approach, conceptual approach, and analytical techniques in the form of grammatical interpretation and systematic interpretation. This research explains that the forms of threats that occur in Indonesia include problems at the border, intolerance between ethnicities and between governments and religions, inequality in bureaucratic reform, inadequate law enforcement, and transnational crime. This research shows that national resilience and security are influenced by the professionalism of the Indonesian National Army. The safe conditions of a country cannot be separated from just security and defense but are in synergy with other factors, namely economics, politics, law, socio-culture, ideology, geography, demography and resources
PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.24653 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Perancangan Alat Pengukur Tinggi Badan dan Berat Badan untuk Penentuan
Kondisi Gizi Bayi Authors: Achmad Ubaidillah, Koko Joni, Nasrul Afif, S. Ida Kholida Pages: 131 - 142 Abstract: Nutrition is very important for the healthy and normal growth of babies. Determination of infant nutrition is usually calculated from two parameters, namely the baby's height and weight. Both data are then calculated manually to determine the nutritional condition of the baby. The process is considered relatively inefficient. Research is very important to overcome this problem, which will be made a measuring device for height and weight to determine the nutritional condition of babies automatically. This research uses a camera to measure height and a strain gauge sensor to measure weight. Both tools are integrated in a toddler box. The measurement data is then processed by the ATmega16 microcontroller and sent to a PC/laptop for evaluation, storage and appearance of the toddler's condition automatically on the database server. With this research, it is hoped that parents can monitor their baby's nutrition at any time easily and quickly. Based on experiments that have been carried out, measurement of height and weight for determining the nutritional status of infants using the canny detection method, has an average accuracy of 97.32%. PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.22360 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Aplikasi Tandon-Filter untuk meningkatkan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Garam
dalam Teknologi Greenhouse Salt Tunnel di Pantai Selatan dan Utara Jawa Timur Authors: Abd. Aziz Amin, Lutfi Nimatus Salamah, Ilham Misbakudin Al Zamzami, Yogita Ayu Dwi Susanti, Adi Tiya Yanuar, Andi Kurniawan Pages: 143 - 151 Abstract: Salt is an essential commodity that concerns the livelihood of society and cannot be substituted by other commodities. East Java is the largest salt-producing center in Indonesia. The results of community salt production often still have NaCl content <95%. To achieve salt production results with NaCl quality >96%, research, and technology development are needed to eliminate impurities and improve the quality of the salt produced. One of the technologies being developed is the utilization of reservoirs and raw water filters. This research aims to analyze the application of reservoir and filter technology in improving the quality and quantity of salt production on the South and North Coasts of East Java using greenhouse salt tunnels. The results of this study indicate that the dynamics of environmental parameters and the quality of raw water on the South and North Coasts of East Java affect the results of the salt production process. The quality and quantity tests of salt with reservoir and filter application on the South Coast of East Java show NaCl quality of 98.13%, water content of 5.44%, and whiteness presentation value of salt 80.5% with production quantity of 7 kg/m². In trials on the North Coast of East Java, the salt quality was 98.25%, water content was 5.37%, and the whiteness percentage value of salt was 79%, with a salt production quantity of 7.8%. This research indicates that reservoir and filter technology can improve the quality and quantity of salt according to the characteristics of the South Coast and North Coast of East Java. PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.24877 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)
- Analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Efek Kepemimpinan
Transformasional, Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Pelayaran Authors: Thomas Aquinas Kurniawan, Sukmo Hadi Nugroho Pages: 152 - 165 Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of transformational leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee performance through work motivation in shipping companies. The research used a questionnaire distributed online to collect data. Determining the research sample using a purposive sampling method, namely employees who work in shipping in the West Indonesia Region and Central Indonesia Time, namely 87 employees. To assess the strength of direct and indirect relationships between various variables, SEM and Partial Least Square (PLS) models were used. The results of this research indicate that transformational leadership has a significant effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on work motivation. Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on work motivation and employee performance. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Transformational Leadership has a positive and insignificant relationship to employee performance in a direct relationship and through an indirect relationship. Transformational Leadership has a significant relationship to work performance, mediated by organizational commitment and intervened by work motivation. Job satisfaction has an insignificant positive relationship with employee performance in a direct relationship, but job satisfaction has a positive and significant relationship with employee performance when intervened by work motivation. PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v17i1.25351 Issue No: Vol. 17, No. 1 (2024)