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ISSN (Print) 1390-6143 - ISSN (Online) 2477-8893
Published by Universidad de Cuenca Homepage  [5 journals]
  • Maskana, a growing place of learning

    • Authors: Ruth Estefania Chuiza Inca
      Pages: 7 - 8
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.00
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Psychological violence behaviors in young couples for preventions programs

    • Authors: Carmen Lledó Rando, Fabiola Fabiola Perles Novas, Jesús SanMartín García
      Pages: 9 - 25
      Abstract: This article analyzes how different psychological violence behaviors are perceived in young people, considering the severity and the sexist beliefs, to be included them as content in prevention programs. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis of the Perception of Psychological Gender Violence (PGV) scale evaluated by 888 students aged 18 to 25 years, observing four principal components through oblimin rotation, explaining 74% of the variance. Items correlates were >.59 and clustered according to loadings >.50. The order found and verified with linear regression using the intro method was affective indifference, sexist irresponsibility, coercive control violence and domination-hostility violence. We tested correlations between results dimensions and hostile and benevolent sexism but hostile sexist beliefs influenced the different perceptions of severity. We believe violent behaviors unrelated to sexism may go unnoticed and should be focus of preventive interventions. These results support specifying content for training to improve effectiveness.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.01
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • The new competitive challenges in the post-pandemic era: A review of the
           footwear industry in Cuenca-Ecuador

    • Authors: Juan Ordoñez
      Pages: 27 - 42
      Abstract: The study started from a theoretical review, with the objective of presenting statistical data about the footwear industry in Ecuador, with a view to establishing recommendations that promote the economic recovery of the sector through its ability to generate strategies that promote competitiveness. The methodology was based on the use of the descriptive and analytical method of the theoretical context, through primary and secondary sources. This analysis allowed us to know the importance of competitiveness and the need to create long term sustainable advances by reorienting and reinventing it; this, considering different approaches because the environment is constantly and uninterruptedly developing and changing. In short, the pandemic has led companies in the sector to update and increase their productivity strategies. However, a great process is needed for companies to reach ideal levels of competitiveness for the sector.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.02
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Animalist art as a model for an ecocentric and postanthropocentric

    • Authors: Carmen Gutiérrez-Jordano
      Pages: 43 - 58
      Abstract: In contrast to the anthropocentrism that has dominated Western education, the aim of this work is to present the pedagogical power of animalist art in ecocentric and postanthropocentric education, especially for the care of the otherness of nature and animals. The justification of the theme lies in the need for a change of mentality in light of the dangers threatening nature. The methodology used in this work includes, on the one hand, the analysis of the concepts of care, otherness and their educational value, and, on the other hand, the intuition through the examples of animalist art itself. The conclusions are threefold. First, care is especially concerned with those who have no voice, such as nature and animals. Second, it is necessary to educate to promote the care of nature and animals. Third, animalist art is a foundation for ecocentric education.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.03
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • The chrononym “withdrawal” in the history of Spain: case study
           based on photography

    • Authors: Sabrina Grillo
      Pages: 59 - 71
      Abstract: The research focused on analyzing the term “withdrawal” in the context of the history of Spain during the Civil War and exile. We sought to understand how it was perceived and represented by those who lived through it and its impact on the recovery of democratic memory. Therefore, visual representations were explored using methods such as literature review, analysis of primary sources, visual analysis, interviews and comparative analysis. The results highlighted the diversity of visual representations and the importance of photography, including the work of Agustí Centelles, in the preservation of historical memory. A visual narrative and changes in the collective memory of Spain were identified. In conclusion, it highlights how visual representations of the Republican withdrawal and exile have shaped historical memory, both nationally and internationally.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.04
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Meanings of the nude: Pan Yuliang in Hua Hun (1994)

    • Authors: Guillermo González Hernández
      Pages: 73 - 89
      Abstract: Hua Hun (1994) is a biopic about the artist Pan Yuling, directed by Huang Shuqin. The film uses art to explore female agency. This article proposes an analysis of the treatment that both authors gave to the nude and the multiplicity of meanings that they attributed to it. To achieve this, their previous works (in painting and cinema) have been examined for thematic and aesthetic coincidences. Pan Yuliang’s portraits and self-portraits were tools for the construction of the female identity, which under Huang Shuqin’s interpretation, spin a narrative that represents the transgression of the object/subject dynamic, transforming their creator into both and neither, which results in the restitution of her full artistic and personal autonomy.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.05
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Perceived quality of goods and services of Chinese origin in Colombia

    • Authors: Harold Anderson Bustamante Matoma
      Pages: 91 - 103
      Abstract: The perceived quality of goods and services is a topic of great relevance in international marketing to understand the behavior of buyers based on their interests, where organizations make efforts to meet and guarantee quality standards. The objective of the research was to identify the perceived quality of goods and services of Chinese origin in Colombia. By means of a descriptive quantitative methodological approach, and through a deductive method, a questionnaire was designed and validated to determine the perceptions of local importers of goods and services of Chinese origin. Once the perceptions of (98) Colombian importers were collected, the information was analyzed using SPSS software version 29.0. The results obtained revealed opportunities for improvement in terms of durability. Finally, it is concluded that Chinese manufacturers contemplate the needs and expectations of the international market.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.06
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Restatement of financial information: a first approach through the

    • Authors: M. Carmen Tejada Ximénez de Olaso, Begoña Navallas Labat, Maria del Mar Camacho Miñano
      Pages: 105 - 119
      Abstract: Restatement is the process of revising a company’s annual accounts to correct errors discovered after financial statements’ formulation. This process often involves a significant breach of management creditability. This study proposes a literature review using the PRISMA 2020 methodology and the VOS viewer software to identify the main lines of previous research. After analysing the results, three areas of study on accounting restatement have been identified: 1) the different proxies used, 2) the determinants or causes of restatement causes, and 3) the consequences and effects of the restatement process. The main conclusion is that, although restatement is not a very common process, it does entail a strong alteration of trust between agents and that it has some notable causes and consequences. Finally, potential future lines of research in this area are outlined.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.07
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Railway prints and the problem of the itinerary of objects for historical

    • Authors: Ana Bonelli Zapata
      Pages: 121 - 139
      Abstract: The features of the railway companies established in Argentina at the end of the 19th century implied an unprecedented production and consumption of printed objects. The aim of this paper is to explore their material aspects and the practices involved in the different aspects related to written material culture. To this end, we will work with a specific corpus, the Books of Distances, in order to study their contexts of production and consumption, as well as the itineraries of the objects in archives and public libraries. This corpus will be examined from a historical methodological perspective while focusing on its materiality, discussing the concept of ephemera from the perspective of graphic culture and archival studies.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.08
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
  • Dissertation works in FAUCE. A statistic approach (1970-2008)

    • Authors: María del Carmen Oleas Rueda
      Pages: 141 - 154
      Abstract: This article seeks a relationship between the opening of the arts Faculty of the Central University of Ecuador (FAUCE) and the art paradigm shift towards the contemporary at a national level. As a methodology, an analysis of historical documents of the FAUCE is carried out in which the profile of the students and graduates is discussed. The debates over including theoretical subjects in the arts curriculum are explored. Likewise, all the final dissertations of FAUCE students between 1970 and 2008 were analyzed. The result is a statistical interpretation of the topics discussed in the dissertations. The results of this statistical study are the evidence that establishes the change from a modern paradigm to a contemporary one in Ecuador’s artistic production.
      PubDate: 2024-06-28
      DOI: 10.18537/mskn.15.01.09
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 1 (2024)
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