Subjects -> SCIENCES: COMPREHENSIVE WORKS (Total: 374 journals)
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- Effective Dye Adsorption with Cross-linked Hexagonal Boron Nitride Spheres
Authors: Sahra Dandıl; Abdullah Düzgün Abstract: In this study, cross-linked spheres (CS) were synthesized with chitosan and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) to be used in Reactive Blue 3R (RB3R) and Red P4BN (RP4BN) dye adsorption from wastewater. Surface characteristics of the CS were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The behavior of the adsorption processes with varying effective parameters were investigated. The highest removals were obtained at pH 3 for the RB3R and RP4BN removal processes as 62.8 and 74.2%, respectively. The equilibrium time of the processes was determined as 150 min. The pseudo-first-order kinetic model best explained the adsorption rates of the processes. The Freundlich isotherm model was fitted to define the adsorption mechanisms for both dyes. The positive ΔH values obtained as 24.27 and 16.59 kJ mol−1 for the RB3R and RP4BN adsorption processes, respectively, showed that the processes were endothermic. For the RB3R and RP4BN dye removal processes, ΔS values were calculated as 93.38 and 72.23 J mol−1K−1, respectively. Positive ΔS value indicates the processes that occur with an increase in disorder at the interface. The results described that the CS can be used in the adsorption of RB3R and RP4BN dyes from wastewater. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- A Retrospective Study on Wild Animals Admitted to Animal Rescue and
Rehabilitation Centres in Türkiye* Authors: Emrah Bozkaya; Tamay Başağaç Gül Abstract: The aim of this study was to retrospectively reveal the rehabilitation numbers of wild animals admitted to rescue and rehabilitation centres in Türkiye between 2017 and 2021, to investigate the wild animals hospitalized in the centres under mammal, bird and reptile classes at the level of order and species, and to identify the deficiencies in wildlife rehabilitation and to make recommendations. The main material of the research was the data for the years 2017-2021 obtained from the Wildlife Information System-YABIS, a database of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. As the method, numerical data on the species downloaded from YABIS were analysed. Accordingly, it was understood that a total of 35764 cases were admitted to all rescue centres across Türkiye. About 61% of these cases were treated and released into nature, about 34% died and about 5% were placed in zoos. While the Cetartiodactyla was the most affected order in mammals, the most accepted species in the centres was the Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). In birds, the Columbiformes was the most affected order, the most accepted species in the centers was the Rock dove (Columba livia). In reptiles, the Testudinata was the most affected order, the most accepted species in the centres was the Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca). The increase in the number of cases brought to rehabilitation centers between 2017-2021, excluding 2019, clearly showed the role of rescue and rehabilitation centers in protecting wild animals and providing sustainable wildlife. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- City and Brain Analogy: a Sample for Conservative Versus Adaptive
Phenotypical Vision of a Genotypical Heritage Authors: Ozgu Hafızoğlu; Kader Reyhan Abstract: Historical urban settlements and traditional structures are significant indicators and meaningful documents of past ways of life. From a contextual perspective, the preservation of these values and the revitalization of architectural heritage are like sustaining through the conservation of the integrated and continuous culture tied to the past just like a human brain does. The present study encompasses all dimensions of a strategic model to conservation versus adaptation developed for one of the historical building types (Vienna Gasometers), which holds substantial historical values. It involves addressing functions, spatial organization, the manner of interaction with historical building remnants, old-new compatibility, form, structure, and material usage, as well as conducting architectural evaluations. In this study, first; following the architectural assessment of each monumental structure, their spatial, formal, functional, and structural relationships with each other are examined to grow these essences and values for a new vision of the city. Second, the advantages and disadvantages of the conservation approach are critiqued in comparison to adaptive renovation of the city heritages. As an illustrative example, the Simmering region and Gasometer structures located in the outer parts of Austria which is historically the most iconic heritage have been chosen. The preservation of the physical characteristics of Gasometer monumental structures while renovation of the functions of the space within this framework reflect not only Europe's industrial, historical, and social evolution but also hold significance in terms of safeguarding socio-economic and cultural values. Furthermore, they contribute to shaping contemporary notions of conservation while adapting them to the vision of the new era. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- A Bibliometric Analysis of Wearable Health Technology Research
Authors: Pelin Yılık Abstract: The aim of this provision is to include researchers in scientific publications revealing their research activities in the field of wearable health technologies and conducting research on this subject. In this context, bibliometric analysis of English articles in the Web of Science database between 1996 and 2023 was conducted using the R programming language. The search criteria included keywords such as "health," "technology," "physical activity," "devices," "sensors," "design," "adoption," "information technology," "user acceptance," and "acceptance." This search yielded a comprehensive collection of 5,327 studies related to wearable health technologies published between 1996 and 2023.. The data set obtained from these people was analyzed where the "biblioshiny" in the RStudio program was located. As a result of the research, the most frequently used words, the most relevant institutions in the field, and the stored regional growth amounts and citation records were obtained. This study is an important resource for researchers who want to conduct research and studies in the field of wearable health technologies. Since the calendar year 2023 has not been finalised, some graphs do not show the relevant year. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Reading The World With Statistical Literacy: Results of An Emprical Study
Authors: Deniz Ünal; Begüm Çığşar, Dibanur Alam, Şerife Ezgi Atalar, Sait İsmail Gümüş, Ali Çakıtlı Abstract: As in all kinds of literacy, this study has been motivated by considering the contribution of statistical literacy to the development reaching from the individual to the society and its ability to bring critical thinking. Statistical literacy scale indexed by Turkish Surveying Index was applied to 398 university students and the correlations between the literacy levels of these participants and some socio-demographic characteristics were examined. As a result of the analyses, it was seen that there was no difference among the statistical literacy scores of the students in terms of years spent at school, parental education status or universities. It was observed that there was a weak positive relationship with grade points averages. The most striking finding is that numerical sciences students got higher scores than social sciences. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Biometric Personal Classification with Deep Learning Using EMG Signals
Authors: Bekir Bilgin; Mehmet İsmail Gürsoy, Ahmet Alkan Abstract: Biometric person recognition systems are becoming increasingly important due to their use in places requiring high security. Since it includes the physical and behavioral characteristics of people, the iris structure, which is a traditional person recognition system, is more secure than methods such as fingerprints or speech. In this study, a deep learning-based person classification/recognition model is proposed. The Gesture Recognition and Biometrics ElectroMyogram (GrabMyo) dataset from the open access PhysioNet database was used. With the 28-channel EMG device, 10 people were asked to make a fist movement with their hand. During the fist movement, data were recorded with the EMG device from the arm and wrist for 5 seconds with a sampling frequency of 2048. The EMD method was chosen to determine the spectral properties of EMG signals. With the EMD method, 4 IMF signal vectors were obtained from the high frequency components of the EMG signals. The classification performance effect of the feature vector is increased by using statistical methods for each IMF signal vector. Feature vectors are classified with CNN and LSTM methods from deep learning algorithms. Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity and F-Score parameters were used to determine the performance of the developed model. An accuracy value of 95.57% was obtained in the model developed with the CNN method. In the LSTM method, the accuracy value was 93.88%. It is explained that the deep learning model proposed in this study can be effectively used as a biometric person recognition system for person recognition or classification problems with the EMG signals obtained during the fist movement. In addition, it is predicted that the proposed model can be used effectively in the design of future person recognition systems. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Effective Contamination Agent For Tissue Culture Applications of Bacopa
monnieri Authors: Onur Sinan Türkmen; Zeynep Karaceylan, Melike Küçük, Refika Ceyda Beram Abstract: Biocides and plant protection products have been used in plant tissue culture sterilization procedures since they have broad spectrum, are inexpensive and resistant to autoclave process. This study was conducted to determine the effects of contamination agents on tissue culture applications. MS medium was supplied with 0.5mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine and 0.1 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid. PPM and Contaminacide and their three dosages (0, 3 and 6 ml/L) were used for maintaining tissue culture aseptic conditions. Contamination rate and plant growth parameters were subjected. after lids remained open for three days in Bacopa monnieri micropropagation conditions. Although preservation-free and 3mlL-1 PPM-added media were contaminated, contamination did not occur in all dosages of Contaminacide and 6 ml/L PPM. In conclusion 3ml/L Contaminacide added media were superior in terms of contamination rate and plant height, fresh and dry weight (LSD;p PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Modelling of E. coli Inactivation from Solutions using GInaFiT via Hybrid
Electrode Connected Electro-Disinfection Process Authors: Murat Solak; Rüya Tekin Karaköse Abstract: E. coli (Escherichia coli) is a bacterium found in human and animal intestines. These bacteria, which can enter the bloodstream through as anyway as the environment or food, can cause many diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory problems, and blood/urinary tract infections especially in human. Therefore, these bacteria have to be removed from drinking water sources by some inactivation methods. Conventional methods as chlorination, ozonation and UV inactivation methods are effective but the development of techniques that do not require the transportation and storage of chemicals and do not produce negative by-products and cost-effective is the basis of environmental engineering studies. In this study, the inactivation effectiveness of hybrid electrode connected electrochemical process as a new approach on E. coli was investigated. The connection system was experienced with Al/SS/SS as Anode/Cathode/Anode electrode. Simultaneously electrocoagulation (EC) and electrooxidation (EO) mechanism works together in this electrode connection system. The inactivation coefficients were determined by the GInaFiT (Geeraerd and Van Impe Inactivation Model Fitting Tool) modeling tool, which is a Microsoft Excel add-on and the model was statistically well fitted with Double-Weibull. 4D degradation of E. coli was achieved as 21 minutes at a current density of 0.3 A and an optical density (O.D.) of 0.21. It has been determined that hybrid electrode connected electro-disinfection process is an effective approach for the E.coli inactivation. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Perception of Yachts by Non-Owners
Authors: Murat Aydın Abstract: Yachts are vessels built for especially recreational cruises or racing using sails or engines. These types of vessels are built for private use or charter activities and are generally associated with wealth, luxury, better living conditions, society, and of course remarkable expenses while operating. In literature, there are limited studies concerned with the yachts in terms of their perceptions. This study tried to figure out the perceptions of yachts by non-owners. A face-to-face survey consisting of 28 questions (yes/no, priority order, and Likert scale) was performed for 251 participants. According to the results, the yacht was perceived as a luxury vessel that shows better living rather than necessity. Furthermore, the length of the yacht, especially when the super or mega-yachts were considered, was interpreted as an indicator that shows the social belonging and economic purchasing power of the surveyed people. Composite is the lesser-known construction material that attendees preferred while steel and wood are the first two. The Interior of the yacht attracts more attention than the exterior while imported materials or goods are the prominent choice for interiors. Functionality and safety were identified as two of the main properties of the yacht. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Prediction of Turkish Constitutional Court Decisions with Explainable
Artificial Intelligence Authors: Tülay Turan; Ecir Küçüksille, Nazan Kemaloğlu Alagöz Abstract: Using artificial intelligence in law is a topic that has attracted attention in recent years. This study aims to classify the case decisions taken by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey. For this purpose, open-access data published by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey on the website of the Decisions Information Bank were used in this research. KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm), SVM (Support Vector Machine), DT (Decision Tree), RF (Random Forest), and XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting) machine learning (ML) algorithms are used. Precision, Recall, F1-Score, and Accuracy metrics were used to compare the results of these models. As a result of the evaluation showed that the XGBoost model gave the best results with 93.84% Accuracy, 93% Precision, 93% Recall, and 93% F1-Score. It is important that the model result is not only good but also transparent and interpretable. Therefore, in this article, using the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) method, one of the explainable artificial intelligence techniques, the features that affect the classification of case results are explained. The study is the first study carried out in our country to use explainable artificial intelligence techniques in predicting court decisions in the Republic of Turkey with artificial intelligence. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Use of Spinning Roller in Cylindrical Densification; Spring back in Black
Poplar, Larch and Cedar of Lebanon after Densification Authors: Zafer Kaya; Sait Dündar Sofuoğlu Abstract: Wood materials have been the solution to many needs throughout history due to their unique positive properties. By improving the properties of wood materials, their areas of use can be expanded and ensured that they are preferred. The densification process is one of the studies carried out to improve wood material properties. With densification, the physical and mechanical properties of the wood material are improved. There are many different methods used for densifying wood materials. While the densification process brings many positive properties to the wood material, an undesirable situation such as spring-back after the process is the negative side of the densification process. In this study, black poplar (Populus nigra L.), larch (Pinus nigra Arnold) and cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani A.Rich.) trees were shaped into cylinders on a lathe. After that, densification processes were carried out on the lathe machine using the spinning roller designed and manufactured for this purpose. Densification processes were carried out at 0.081, 0.121, and 0.202 mm/rev feed, at 200 and 400 rev/min, and 0.5 and 1 mm densification depths. The spring-back rates after densification in three different types of cylindrical wood materials were investigated. Theoretical and experimental spring-back amounts of test specimens whose surfaces were densified under different densification conditions were interpreted. When evaluated in general, the highest densification rate was obtained in black poplar wood species, 0.081 mm/rotate feed, 200 rpm spindle speed and 1 mm depth of densification. The lowest spring-back ratio was obtained in larch tree species, 0.121 mm/rotate feed, 400 rpm spindle speed and 1 mm depth of densification. The highest densification percentage was obtained in black poplar tree species, and the lowest in larch tree species. The lowest percentage of spring-back was obtained in the larch tree species and the highest in the black poplar tree species. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Automatic detection of water surfaces using K-means++ clustering algorithm
with Landsat-9 and Sentinel-2 images on the Google Earth Engine Platform Authors: Osman Salih Yılmaz Abstract: Water is the most essential requirement for sustaining the life cycle on Earth. These resources are constantly dynamic due to anthropogenic and climatological effects. Therefore, management and consistent water policies are necessary to be followed for the proper management of water resources. Monitoring water resources is possible by accurately determining the water surface boundaries and determining the change in water surface areas. In this context, the normalized difference water index (NDWI) and modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) were computed using JavaScript on the Google Earth Engine through Landsat-9 and Sentinel-2 satellite images. Water pixels were extracted d from other details using the K-means++ cluster algorithm based on the calculated indices. The water surfaces were determined using the Otsu thresholding method, which is the most preferred method for the NDWI and MNDWI indices calculated from the Sentinel images and was used as verification data. The K-means++ clustering algorithm yielded successful results in detecting water surfaces. In the two indices used, the NDWI index was found to be more successful than the MNDWI index. For Landsat-9 images, OA, Kappa, and F1-scores in the NDWI index were calculated as 99.72%, 0.994, and 99.57%, respectively. The OA, Kappa, and F1-scores in the NDWI index for Sentinel-2 images were calculated as 99.39%, 0.986, and 99.04%, respectively. This study demonstrated that clustering algorithms can be successfully applied to automatically detect water surfaces. PubDate: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +030