- Performing Distance Measurements Of Fixed Objects Detected With Yolo Using
Web Camera Authors: Volkan Karaca; Ebubekir Yaşar Abstract: Today, cameras are used for many purposes such as image analysis and synthesis. Technological developments have also made the use of image processing techniques more widespread and distance measurements with cameras have become more precise. In addition, examinations show that the cameras are also used to determine precise target distance or depth mapping studies. In this study, using the Yolo v8 model with a single web camera, the doors in a closed area whose positions did not change were detected, and then the distance of the detected object to the camera was tried to be measured. A comparison was made between the actual distances of the camera to the detected object and the measured distances. For distance measurement, measurement was carried out with the Euclidean method using OpenCV libraries. The study was carried out to show how effectively web cameras can be used at short distances and how much deviation occurs in the measurements. It is thought that measurement errors will be minimized using a webcam in future studies. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- A Web-Based Advanced Law Firm Tracking System Application For Lawyers
Authors: Emre Avuçlu; Selin Yalçın Abstract: Law office tracking system is a digital solution used in today's legal practice to ensure that work is carried out efficiently and regularly. With the rapid development of technology, law offices also save time and resources by moving their transactions to digital platforms. These systems offer many functions such as case tracking, client management, document archiving, calendar and appointment management, alleviating the workload of lawyers and allowing them to work more strategically. Modern law firms can manage client relationships more effectively by using these systems. They make litigation processes more transparent and traceable and minimize the error rate. Especially in large-scale offices, it has become almost impossible to carry out critical functions such as file tracking and process management using manual methods. For this reason, digital tracking systems both increase the competitiveness of offices and increase the quality of legal services. In this study developed in web-based PHP language, an application that provides solutions to all these problems has been developed and this application is explained in detail. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Advanced Web-Based Customer Taxi Appointment Request System
Authors: Emre Avuçlu; Süleyman Meral Abstract: In today's rapidly digitalizing world, significant transformations are also taking place in the service sector. In this context, the taxi industry is also being reshaped by technological innovations. A study was conducted in the literature to reduce traffic congestion. In this study, a web-based online taxi calling and control application was developed. This application was implemented to ensure that users receive safer, faster and more comfortable transportation services. This study aims to prevent security problems that may arise in the taxi industry. Since the application allows the information of the taxi driver and the passenger to be easily visible on the system, it is aimed to prevent situations such as loss of belongings and events that could endanger the life of the taxi driver. With the study, an innovative platform was presented that aims to improve the experiences of both passengers and taxi drivers. Thanks to user-friendly interfaces, users can easily make a taxi appointment and choose the driver they want. This application, which has a dynamic structure, was coded in the PHP programming language. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Sustainable Grids: Smart Meter Solutions for Efficient Energy Measurement
Authors: Yasemin Altınok; Murat Lüy, Nuri Alper Metin, Sonay Görgülü Balcı, Fevzi Acar Abstract: In this study, an energy meter simulation is designed with MATLAB/Simulink and active-reactive power, power factor and energy consumption measurements are realized. The energy meter is crucial for producers and consumers to precisely measure the quantity of electrical energy produced or consumed. This paper aims to establish a three-phase system that simulates the energy meter and assesses its efficiency. The energy consumed under different loads has been measured to accomplish this goal. The study summarizes the simulation findings, encompassing tabular and graphical representations. Hence, the dependability and precision of the simulated energy meter model should be observed. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- A Research on Determining the Importance Levels of Criteria Effective in
Forest Road Network Planning through GIS-Based Methods Authors: Ersin Dursun Abstract: This study investigated the importance levels of criteria effective in forest road network planning using Geopraphic Information System (GIS)- based Multi- Criteria Evaluation (MCE) method. It is crucial to determine the criteria to be considered in forest road construction and planning for a standardized application nationwide. The research was conducted within the boundaries of the Yaylacık Forest Management Directorate (YFMD) under the Tokat Forest Management. Firstly, the existing road network was identified in the research. After the identification of the existing road network, a GIS database was created. In this study, criteria to be used, in Forest Road Network Planning (terrain slope, aspect, road density, distance to road, land use, distance to main stream) were determined. Each criterion was classified and scored internally. Information from road and road network planning studies and previous works were utilized in determining the criteria to be used in Forest Road Network Planning. Five different degrees and suitability values are defined for the determined criteria. In this context, it was created to reach 5 fundamental road network planning functions to determine their positional statuses as Absence (Ab), Very Suitable Areas for road planning (VS), Suitable Areas for road planning (S), Less Suitable Areas for road planning (LS), and Very Less Suitable Areas for road planning (VLS). As a result, Terrain Slope and Road Density were determined as the most effective criteria in Road Network Planning, while Distance to Main Stream was identified as the least effective criterion. As a result of the study, a flow chart was created to determine the criteria and impact values that are effective in forest road network planning in order to ensure integrity and convenience in application throughout the country. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Comparative Analysis of Diabetes Diagnosis with Machine Learning Methods
Authors: Tuğba Aktaş; İsmail Mert Temel, Ahmet Saygılı Abstract: Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body cannot regulate the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Early diagnosis of this disease is important in preventing more serious diseases that may arise later. Within the scope of this study, an attempt was made to optimize the diabetes data set for use by training it with different models. At the very beginning of the study, Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM (Support Vector Machine), CART (Classification and Regression Trees), RF (Random Forest), Adaboost, GBM (Gradient Boosting Machines), XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting), LGBM (Light Gradient Boosting). Machine), CatBoost models were used. According to the results of the models, RF, LGBM, XGBoost accuracy, and f1 values were observed as the best models, respectively. As a result, in the Random Forest model, which produced the most successful results, Accuracy: 0.88, F1 Score: 0.84, and ROC AUC: 0.95 values were obtained, respectively. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Monte Carlo Increased-Radius Floating Random Walk Solution For Potential
Problems Authors: Ali İhsan Çanakoğlu Abstract: In this paper, a new Monte Carlo walk method is introduced. The increased radius floating random walk combines of the two classical Monte Carlo methods and derived from fixed-radius floating walk method. In this paper, the method is used to solve typical Laplace’s equations in rectangular region. Also, this method is easily applied to Poisson equations. Lower walk number and hence lower computation time are obtained from new method compared with the fixed random walk, floating random walk and fixed-radius random walk methods. Analyzes were performed on an average computer and the solution time was reduced by 80%. The results are also compared with Finite Element Method. Increased radius walk method’s results are good agreement with other methods. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Determining Which Date Is The Day Of The Week
Authors: Şaban Yılmaz Abstract: This study is about determining which day of the week a day falls in history using mathematical equations. Various computer programs or some calendar tables have been prepared on this subject. This study aims to study mathematical equations covering all centuries after Christ. The Gregorian calendar used today was first used as the Julian calendar, and in 1582, it was determined that there was a small error in this Julian calendar. This error was corrected and the Gregorian calendar was created. The aim of this study is to find the equations that correspond to the days of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Modeling the Behavior of Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae in Water Treatment:
A Kinetic Approach Authors: Burcu Şimşek Uygun; Serdar Göncü, Esin Buğdaycı Abstract: In the modern era, there has been a notable surge in environmental pollution attributable to agricultural activities, urban expansion, industrialization, and various other contributing factors. This alarming trend has also taken a toll on our water resources, exacerbated further by the contamination stemming from human consumption-related wastewater discharges. To address these concerns, biological treatment approaches have gained widespread acceptance for wastewater treatment. The utilization of microalgae as a nutrient source, facilitating the removal of organic matter from wastewater, holds a pivotal role in bolstering the sustainability of wastewater treatment. The aim of this study, to mathematically model the removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from domestic wastewater using Chlorella Vulgaris algal culture. Experimental studies were conducted in a batch reactor, and removal efficiencies of nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and phosphate phosphorus were examined through measurements. The results indicate that microalgae efficiently perform the removal of pollutants process. As well as usage of microalgae in water treatment processes, a good microalgae kinetic model is highly important for nutrient removal, microalgae biomass accumulation, and enhancing operational settings in wastewater treatment. Kinetic modeling is a mathematical approach used to understand how a chemical reaction or process progresses or changes over time. Such models have various applications in all fields of science. Kinetic modeling can help us predict and optimize the behavior of reactions using computer simulations and mathematical analysis. Furthermore, specific growth rates of microalgae according to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients were compared using the Michaelis-Menten equation for growth kinetics. According to the calculations, the nitrogen-based specific growth rate (NO3--N, NH4+-N) was determined as µmax=0.053 day-1, and the phosphorus-based (PO43-) specific growth rate was determined as µmax=0.061 day-1. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030