Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 2528-1410 - ISSN (Online) 2527-8045 This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
Authors:Samuel O. Effiom; Fidelis I. Abam, Precious O. Effiom, Thomas O. Magu, Emmanuel E. John, Olusegun D. Samuel, Burhan Saeed, Macmanus C. Ndukwu, Christopher C. Enweremadu, Muhammad Latifur Rochman, Muji Setiyo Abstract: The advantages of reusability, lower cost, and environmentally friendly operation have made the heterogeneous catalyzed methylic process a preferable alternative to the homogeneously catalyzed protocol. The optimal production yield of palm kernel shell oil (PKSO) methyl ester (PKSOME) was modeled using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The cost of PKSOME was determined, and the synthesized PKSOME was blended with diesel fuel with various volume ratios. Several analyses were done, including thermophysical properties using ASTM test methods, density and viscosity, fire point and flash point, aniline point, and acid value. Emission characteristics such as exhaust smoke, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide were measured using an IC engine. The use of waste eggshells for heterogeneously catalyzed biodiesel from underutilized PKSO for green diesel can reduce production costs even further. The green biodiesel model and TP correlations have applications in the biodiesel and aviation industries. PubDate: Thu, 09 Nov 2023 09:52:00 +070
Authors:Hind Zuhair Khaleel; Attarid Khudhair Ahmed, Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-Obaidi, Senny Luckyardi, Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni, Rawnaq Adnan Mahmod, Amjad J. Humaidi Abstract: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is one of the famous low-cost sensors. It is measured distance from 2 to 400 cm. It depends on ultrasonic sound waves that are sent by an electronic device to determine the distance of the object, and the reflected sound is converted into an electronic signal. This paper proposed a flowchart of the modern optimization method Pelican Optimization Algorithm (POA) to enhance the distance measurement of ultrasonic sensor kind HC-SR04. In addition, the experimental system designed and interfacing between MATLAB with Ardunio is implemented to easily save the measured and desired distances and enter these distances into the POA as pelicans. The error comparison between two methods implemented, one method called the classical method, and another method is proposed named POA. The results show the minimum distance error between ultrasonic and object in POA is less than the error without POA. The best-measured distance results were achieved and approximately equal to the desired distances. The proposed method of POA for ultrasonic distance sensor enhanced by 99.97%. This sensor accurately detects objects from 2 to 400 cm which can be used in a robotic application.
Authors:Aree Wangsupphaphol; Sotdhipong Phichaisawat, Raweewan Lengkayan Abstract: This study investigates the feasibility of integrating a battery energy storage system with a solar photovoltaic power source for energy harvesting in two irrigation cases on durian farms in Thailand. The initial choice involved a battery with the right dimensions to capture solar energy to supply the electrical load after the motor pump was energized in the morning. The second alternative involves utilizing a battery of suitable dimensions to store solar energy to drive the motor pump. Farmland owners recognize the benefits associated with optimizing renewable energy sources without emissions. Battery degradation analysis is carried out in the context of specific environmental conditions and specifications of lithium-ion batteries after use in a drive system. Polynomial functions can be used to fit voltage models for lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt oxide batteries. The polynomial function shows a high R-squared value, which is around 1, which indicates a strong fit. As a result, battery stress models provide an easy way to predict future results. The economic analysis for both scenarios factors in solar radiation reduction, battery capacity, and photovoltaic power rating. In the sensitivity analysis, radiation costs and the life of both batteries were examined. When solar radiation exceeds 500 W/m2 and battery costs are below USD 100/kWh, the payback period is estimated to be around 5 years, which is equivalent to a 10-year planting period over the project life.
Authors:Primata Mardina; Hesti Wijayanti, Rinna Juwita, Meilana Dharma Putra, Iryanti Fatyasari Nata, Rowina Lestari, Muhammad Faqih Al-Amin, Regi Abizar Suciagi, Oktefani Kusuma Rawei, Liza Lestari Abstract: A corncob-derived magnetic solid acid catalyst was synthesized through the sulfonation method and an impregnation process, respectively. In the sulfonation process, the concentrated H2SO4 was utilized as an activation agent to obtain acidic properties. The solution of ferric sulphate-ferrous sulphate was utilized for impregnation to generate the magnetic behaviour of the material. The prepared magnetic acid solid catalyst had a high saturation magnetisation value of 16.48 emu/g and a total acidity of 1.43 mmol/g. The performance of the catalyst was evaluated in the esterification reaction of waste cooking oil. The best result presented 86.12% FFA conversion under reaction conditions of 5% catalyst loading and a 1:15 oil-to-methanol molar ratio at 60oC for 4 h. The catalyst was separated magnetically from the reaction solution and exhibited a good reusability with 61% remaining active after 5 consecutive cycles of reaction. This study resulted in a promising method to obtain magnetic-sulfonated carbon-based catalyst from corncob residue, and it is economical potentially and environmentally friendly for the esterification of low-quality feedstock for biodiesel production.
Authors:Meriame Laita; Belkheir Hammouti, Rachid Sabbahi, Zerhoune Messaoudi, Rachid Benkirane Abstract: The peach tree is a very water-demanding species that is affected by water stress, which is worsening due to global warming. The soil environment is also influenced by tillage and cropping methods, which affect the water content, temperature, aeration, and organic matter of the soil. Weed control is one of the most crucial cultural practices in arboriculture since weeds can compete with fruit trees for resources. This paper aims to measure the impact of water stress combined with different soil maintenance methods on vegetative growth and peach tree production. Different evapotranspiration conditions (ETc) were used. Two irrigation doses R1 (80% of ETc) and R2 (100% of ETc) were combined with three soil maintenance modes T1 (Sapping), T2 (Sickle tillage), and T3 (Chemical maintenance). The findings highlighted water stress reduces the growth and development of the peach tree but did not have a significant impact on yield when the irrigation dose was reduced by 20%. The sapping and sickle maintenance modes recorded the best results for most of the parameters, while the chemical maintenance mode had a positive effect on the total number of fruits and yield under the 100% of ETc water regime.
Authors:Meli Fiandini; Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni, Dwi Novia Al Husaeni, M. Mushiban Abstract: A significant difference test is used to evaluate certain treatments on the sample in two different observation periods. One of the commonly used software is SPSS which is used to analyze data which helps researchers in calculating data so that it can be completed quickly. However, there are still many students and researchers who are not experts in calculating data using SPSS software, especially significant difference tests. This article aims to provide a step-by-step guide in calculating data using SPSS for statistical requirements and significant difference tests. To understand the calculations well using SPSS, we demonstrate the requirements tests (i.e., normality and homogeneity tests), parametric significant difference tests (i.e., One Sample t-test, Paired sample t-test, and Independent Sample t-test), and non-parametric (i.e., Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney test). We also added and demonstrated the steps for calculating data in the field of education with the variables analyzed being differences in student learning outcomes. We used the data when delivering the steam engine concept to students, showing how statistical calculation can understand students' comprehension. Bibliometric analysis regarding statistics was also added. This paper can be used as a guide in carrying out statistical tests using SPSS software.