Abstract: The present study is part of a didactic experiment, which aims at establishing the application and effectiveness of the school debate, as an interactive method of teaching in Biology and Health Education in XII grade in order to form an environmental culture among students. The application of school debate as a part of interactive methods corresponding to the objectives of environmental education and upbringing of a selected methodological unit of the ‘Sustainable development - strategy for preserving life on Earth’ is presented, and options for its application in a specific stage of the macro structure of the lesson are proposed. The results of a questionnaire, conducted with students to explore their opinions on the application of the debate as a teaching method, are presented. The analysis of the results shows that students are motivated to actively engage in the process of learning Biology and Health Education, accept the debate as an interactive form of learning because they believe that it increases their environmental awareness and develops key skills such as, critical thinking; skills to support sustainable development; teamwork; making decisions on various environmental topics; improves the ability to analyze and evaluate the relationship between man-society-nature. PubDate: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the results of using interactive methods in the teaching of Biology and Health Education to 7th grade students for developing skills for a healthy lifestyle. The discussion is based on the topics: “The role of prokaryotic organisms in nature and their importance for man”, “The role of unicellular eukaryotic organisms in nature and their importance for man”, and “Talus plants. Seaweed”. The discussion is supported by fragments of lessons in which interactive methods are used – the method of associations through creating mind maps, discussion, case study, and role play. As a result of using of interactive methods, students develop key competencies for maintaining their own health and the health of society as a whole. PubDate: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Within the cutting-edge realm of Geotechnical Biology, the interplay between soil mechanics and biological systems has unveiled profound insights that align with the rural sustainability, forestry and agroecosystems. This inquiry, encompassing the role of soil characteristics and parameters in shaping plant behavior and root growth, creating a suction effect that draws water towards them and underscores the intricate relationships that govern soil-plant interactions. A numerical simulation was expertly dissected using Plaxis 2D software, particularly focused on understanding the complex behavior of root water uptake over time and the changing level of groundwater and its dynamics rhythm affected by the evolution of plants. The output results in our study have important implications for understanding the soil-plant system and the role of geotechnical processes in biological analyses. Our findings suggest that the stability and behavior of geotechnical systems can have a significant impact on plant growth and distribution, underscoring the importance of considering geotechnical processes in biological analyses. PubDate: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: This survey is a part of a broader ethnobotanical research conducted amongst visitors of protected areas in Bulgaria. The aim of the present study was to find out which herbs are collected by the visitors. Two types of interviews were conducted – among visitors of the Shumen Plateau Nature Park and among users of social network Facebook. Only small proportion from both groups collected medicinal plants from the visited areas. On the other hand, their answers revealed the knowledge about the most used medicinal plants in Bulgaria. Notably, most of them specify, that they comply with legal requirements and that the collected herbs are for personal use only. There are some differences between two groups – a smaller proportion of the online group collected medicinal plants from natural habitats, but demonstrated a greatest knowledge than the visitors of the Shumen Plateau Nature Park. Reported medicinal plants by the respondents are widely distributed in Bulgaria. Two endangered species have been mentioned: Aesculus hippocastanum L. and Sideritis scardica Griseb. Four medicinal plants were cited from both groups: – Hypericum perforatum L., Thymus sp. div., Tilia tomentosa Moench and Rosa canina L. Results revealed also the major disadvantages of the online surveys – skewed respondents, as only people interested in using herbs participate in the survey. PubDate: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: The Pev and Rv functions were introduced as a way of summarizing the mechanical phenomenon of root-soil interactions and the effect of root growth on soil volume. The Mohr-Coulomb criterion was applied to the Rv function to demonstrate the relationship between root morphology, soil mechanical properties, and soil stability. The theory of elasticity and plasticity was applied in the analysis of the Bio-Geo Interface, which showed that the force F generated by the roots increased with time due to the growth of the roots and the increase in their volume. The forces acting on the Bio-Geo Interface were represented mathematically through the use of vector arithmetic, which helped to calculate the direction of the forces acting on the system. The Pev function was used to study the evolution of the plant and how it affected the Rv function. The results showed that the interplay between plant growth and soil mechanics is crucial in understanding the behavior of the Bio-Geo Interface, and can provide valuable insights into the interactions between plants and soil in natural and engineered systems. In the study of soil-insect interaction, a mathematical function, Iev, was proposed to represent the insect’s evolution in the soil environment. The function takes into account factors such as food sources and void ratio, which are important indicators of the biological and geotechnical aspects of the soil respectively. Despite the potential impact of insects on the soil environment, it has been concluded that their force resulting from their movement and behavior is negligible according to theories of elasticity and plasticity. This means that the impact of insects on the soil is minimal and does not significantly affect the soil’s mechanical properties. However, the biological aspects of the soil, such as food sources, remain important factors in the study of insect evolution in the soil environment. PubDate: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: During the period 2018-2020 in the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute, Shumen, on calcic chernozem soil type, a field experiment with triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) was conducted. The experiment was based on the block method, in four replications with a size of the experimental plot of 10 m2. Sowing was carried out in October with a sowing rate of 500 germinate able seeds/m2 after the predecessor sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In the appropriate periods treatments were made in 4 variants: 1) Control-untreated variant. 2) Treatment with biodynamic preparations: Preparation 500 (5% solution) + Fladen preparation (1.5% solution) + preparation 501 (1.5 g for 300 l H2O/ha). 3) Treatment with biological preparations: Heliosulfur (500 ml/ha) + Free N (500 ml/ha). 4) Combined treatment with the same biodynamic and biological preparations. The following indicators were studied: plant height, number of spikelet’s per spike, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike. After the statistical analysis for the first year of the study, a proven positive difference was found in all indicators in the combined biodynamic + biological method of cultivation, as well as in the stand-alone biological. In the second year of the study, a proven positive difference was obtained in all studied indicators in the variants treated with biodynamic preparations and the combination of biodynamic + biological preparations, with statistical significance for p<0.001. A positive correlation was found between all variants of the observed indicators at p<0.05. PubDate: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Socially significant diseases are defined as widespread diseases causing great economic, social and demographic damage. Nowadays traditional health practices have gained increasing interest. The aim of this online survey was to establish the knowledge of a random sample of Bulgarian people about traditional medicines in order to find out: 1) the knowledge about the use of medicinal plants for some socially significant diseases; 2) the attitudes of respondents towards the medicinal plants safety; 3) the statement whether the herbs can replace conventional drugs. In present survey the most used medicinal plants reported was Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Allium sativum L., Valeriana officinalis L., Sambucus nigra L., Cinnamomum verum J. Presl and Curcuma longa L. Current scientific studies proved appropriate use reports of these plants. One of the reasons for the renewed interest in phytotherapy is the assumption that anything natural is safe, but there are data that herbal chemical constituents could exert toxic effects. The demographic features of our respondents revealed the importance of the level of education for the self-health care. So, more efforts should be focused on the spread of disease prevention information in low educated populations. PubDate: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: The contemporary trends of globalization and enhanced international cooperation, as well as the aim at building a knowledge-based society, have put higher education institutions in an ever-increasing public interest. The fast-developing digitalization, the implementation of artificial intelligence and especially the generational characteristics of the learners determine the need for new approaches in teaching and learning tailored to individual needs. One of them is the competence approach, which represents one of the leading pedagogical concepts of the 21st century and is the basis for the formation of ecological competence. Its application in pedagogical practice is a serious challenge for both teachers and students – future Biology teachers. The article analyses on a structural and functional basis the components of environmental competence. A theoretical model for the formation of ecological competence in the discipline “Forms and methods of ecological education and upbringing in Biology education”, included in the curriculum of Master degree students is presented. The model is aimed at updating the vision of the learning process in the relevant discipline, the main part of which is environmental education. PubDate: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: The presence of oceanic crust on the Black Sea bottom indicates that this sea basin was a section - a Pontic Ocean gulf at the northern margin of the Phanerozoic Tethys Ocean. The late Phanerozoic subduction of the Tethys oceanic crust under the European continental massif in this area took place in the subduction zone, whose modern traces are found today south of the Crimean Peninsula. On the surface of the subducted oceanic crust were numerous fragments of the destroyed continental crust on the northern margin of the Gondwana continent. These relatively lighter than oceanic crust crustal fragments (or a significant part of them) were not subducted. They accumulate in the immediate vicinity of the subduction zone on the unsub ducted remnants of oceanic crust. Such is the case with the Black Sea. It is not an imposed subcontinental basin, but a last modern relict of the northern margin of the Late Phanerozoic Tethys Ocean. PubDate: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: The Stara planina tourist region is one of the most attractive regions for tourism in Bulgaria and one of the few that have almost year-round tourist activities. The outline of the area includes the mountain of the same name, but also the Pre-Balkan. This fact predetermines the exceptional richness and diversity of natural tourist resources. Here are some of the largest broad-leaved forests in the country, waterfalls, bizarre rock formations, etc. The relatively well-preserved natural environment is a prerequisite for the presence of exceptional biodiversity, as well as a significant number of protected areas. The region is specialized mainly in mountain tourism, including recreation, mountain trekking, rural and ecotourism. Due to the scarce tourist infrastructure, ski tourism still lags behind in its development compared to other mountain regions in the country. Very often, the Stara planina Region is primarily identified with its cultural and historical heritage, while its natural features remain in the background. Regardless of this, and as a result of the more intense tourist load, the problem of protecting natural tourist resources from the growing anthropogenic pressure is gaining special relevance. There is also an urgent need to identify and evaluate the prospects for sustainable development of the tourism industry in the region.The purpose of the present study is to valorize the natural tourist resources of the Stara planina tourist region and to provide guidelines for their sustainable use. PubDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf. is included in the List of Top 10 of the worst invasive alien plant species in Bulgaria. This is the fastest spreading species of the four species of the Opuntia genus found so far in natural habitats in Bulgaria. In the period 2010-2023, 3 new localities of the species were established in 3 new floristic regions of Bulgaria: Black Sea Coast (North), Stara Planina (East) and Strandzha Mountain. They describe the northernmost and easternmost distribution limits of the species in Bulgaria. The described localities are different in area: from 0.08 ha to 21.11 ha. The characteristics of the abiotic environment are presented such as: slope, exposure, elevation, bedrock, soil, climatic region and subregion. The habitats in which individuals of the species are found are indicated. Accompanying plant species were studied. The spatial structure of O. humifusa populations was studied. The reasons for the appearance and spread of this invasive alien plant species in territories that have not been inhabited by it until now have been examined, considering that these reasons are not natural, but have an anthropogenic character. Our findings support the opinions of other researchers about the key role of nature lovers in the spread of this invasive species. Factors favoring the increase in population size in established localities are indicated. Methods have been proposed to control the spread of the species. PubDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Every scientist at the beginning of his professional career inevitably encounters difficulties in developing scientific publications. These obstacles are often related with the preparation of the introductory section, which relies on existing research and from the mastery of various statistical approaches, understanding results and their interpretation. The aim of this study is to assess to what extent ChatGPT can streamline the process of writing scientific publications in the field of plant breeding and how it can be beneficial as an auxiliary tool. ChatGPT cannot entirely write the introductory section for you, but it can generate adequate ideas and fundamental aspects that the author can utilize and further develop for the elaboration of this part. ChatGPT can perform basic statistical analyses commonly used in such studies, which adequately align with the developments implemented in other statistical software. PubDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Environmental competence is a category related to environmental awareness, environmental culture, environmental ethics and environmental behaviour and is a key competence. An efficient way to build a public awareness of environmental responsibility is to separate waste, a concept that is now widespread across Europe. Project work is an integrative strategy that provides opportunities for cooperation and interaction between students in the team organization of cognitive activity, realizing the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical activity of students, for conducting active training of students and effective socialization of the training, thus increasing the practical focus of the acquired knowledge and competences.The article presents results following the application of the project method as an opportunity to increase the environmental competence of junior high school students, with regards to sustainable waste management at school and in their households. PubDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Current studies are focused on medicinal plants secondary metabolites as a source of new anticancer agents. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro influence of methanolic extracts of Achillea thracica Velen. from natural habitat, in vitro propagated and ex vitro established plants on tumor cells proliferation/viability. All extract tested (50 µg/ml for 24 hours) significantly inhibited SK-HEP-1 cell line proliferation/viability (Р ≤ 0.05). The inhibitory effect of ex vitro established plants was slightly weaker in comparison with A. thracica grown in its natural habitat. So, ex situ conservation of A. thracica enables an opportunity to explore its valuable phytochemicals. PubDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Gastric ulcer is a common health issue. Cotinus coggygria heartwood extracts rich in the flavonoids fustin and sulfuretin have shown protective effects in a rat model of indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration. Fustin itself has been protective in a rat model of ethanol-induced gastric ulcer. In the present study we aimed to reveal the effect of the flavonoid fustin isolated from Cotinus coggygria heartwood in a rat model of indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration.Fustin was isolated from Cotinus coggygria heartwood and purified. The experiment was performed on 30 male Wistar rats allocated to three groups – Control, Indo and F10. F10 group was pretreated with fustin (10 mg/kg b.w. for 7 days). Rats were sacrificed and macroscopic, histopathological and immunohistochemical investigations of the stomachs were performed.Indomethacin caused severe mucosal damage, proven by the macroscopic, microscopic and immunohistochemical gastric mucosa investigation. Fustin pretreatment slightly reduced the macroscopic indices for gastric damage (ulcer number, area, score and index), and significantly alleviated the severity of the microscopic indices (mucosal erosions, necrosis, hemorrhages and inflammation). In fustin-pretreated rats, the expression of NF-κB was reduced in comparison with indomethacin-treated animals.In conclusion, fustin exerted a gastroprotective action in an indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration model, probably due to its anti-inflammatory activity. PubDate: Sat, 22 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: Education is defined as a major tool for raising awareness of the principles and functions of sustainable development. The problem of sustainable development, environmental and health education is subject to standards defining both content parameters in subject areas, overlapping integral fields, and options for implementation in pedagogical practice. The article presents an analysis of the problem of climate and energy efficiency, which is present only implicitly within the State educational standard for general education and curricula within the framework of the key competence common to all subjects - skills to support sustainable development and healthy lifestyle and sport. PubDate: Sat, 22 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Abstract: This comprehensive ethnobotanical study was conducted along the North Black Sea coast area to find of the extent to which indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants and their relation to Bulgarian traditions and customs is preserved. We aim to identify the tendencies of passing this knowledge to future generations.The survey was conducted in 2015 in various urban and rural North Black Sea coast areas, using a face-to-face interviews technique. We used the Chi-square test to analyse the results. Pearson correlation coefficient was used for the assessment of the impact of demographics on respondents' answers.More than half of the respondents (61.08%) are not familiar with rituals and traditional practices related to medicinal plants. Moderate influence on respondents' answers is rendered by age only. For the local population of the North Black Sea coast, Enyovden turns out to be the most popular holiday related to medicinal plants. Enyovden is the herbalists' feast and is cited by 20% of respondents. The same percentage of interviewees mention Geranium spp. and Ocimum basilicum L. as the most favoured herbs related to local traditions and customs.Traditional knowledge of the relation between Bulgarian rituals and customs to medicinal plants and their magical powers is fading. PubDate: Sat, 22 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT