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Authors:Ebegbulem Victoria N, Ugochukwu Vivian U Pages: 119 - 125 Abstract: Proximate, mineral composition and egg quality traits of 3 haemoglobin (Hb) types of Muscovy ducks were studied. Sixty eggs (20 per Hb type) from Hb (AA, AB and BB) of ducks were used. External egg qualities measured were: egg weight, egg length, egg width, shell weight, shell thickness and egg shape index while internal qualities included: albumen weight, albumen height, albumen width, albumen length, yolk weight, yolk height, yolk width, albumen index and yolk index. Data collected was subjected to one-way Analysis of Variance in a Completely Randomized Design using Statistix Analysis software version 10.0. Significant means were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD). Mineral composition of the eggs was determined using AOAC method; crude protein by Kjeldahl method; ether extract by Soxhlet method. Result showed that Hb type significantly (p<0.05) influenced egg weights; Hb AA was highest and values ranged from 60.31 to71.55 g. Egg shape index ranged from 80.39 to 75.85%, and Hb AB was significantly higher than the other groups. Albumen weight, length and height, yolk weight, and yolk index were all significantly (p<0.05) affected by haemoglobin genotype of the ducks. Albumen weight ranged from 28.91 to 31.52 g while yolk weight ranged from 20.31 to 22.22 g, Hb AA was significantly higher in both respects. Mineral composition of the eggs was significantly (p<0.05) influenced by Hb genotype in Calcium, Zinc and Iron contents. Values recorded were 0.16 to 0.22 %; 4.42 to 7.23mg/g and 12.59 to 19.64 mg/g for calcium, zinc and iron respectively. Haemoglobin genotype Hb AB had significantly higher zinc and iron content while Hb BB eggs were significantly(p<0.05) higher in calcium. Haemoglobin type significantly affected crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), nitrogen free extract (NFE) and moisture contents of eggs. Values recorded were: 42 – 46.58 %, 34.33 – 37.08%, 18.08 – 20.68% and 70.50 – 72.22% for CP, EE, NFE and moisture contents, respectively. Ducks of Hb AA are recommended for improvement as egg type ducks whereas Hb BB and AB can be selectively improved for mineral and proximate content quality. Duck eggs, irrespective of Hb genotype, are good sources of quality protein to mitigate protein deficiency. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.1 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Ndakara Ofudjaye Emmanuel Pages: 127 - 134 Abstract: Investigating the relationship between plants and soils is important for environmental management. This study looked at how measures of plant biomass correlated with soils under bush mango and lowland rainforest. The study adopted quasi experimental design, and applied stratified random sampling to subdivide the study area into 10 strata. Two sampling sites each was chosen from each strata (being bush mango stand and adjacent rainforest) thus, made up 20 sampling sites. Data collected were tree heights, tree diameters, and soil samples. Abney level was used to determine tree heights, girthing tape for tree diameters, and core sampler for soil samples collected from 0-15cm and 15cm-30cm soil depths. Laboratory analyses of the soil samples maintained standard procedures to obtain the concentrations of soil elements. Data generated were analysed with Pearson’s bivariate correlation statistics. Findings showed that biomass of the standing bush mango and adjacent rainforest trees correlated positively with soil elements under their stands. From the stands of bush mango, tree heights correlated positively with soil bulk density (0.135), porosity (0.151), water holding capacity (0.256) and sand (0.438); while tree diameters correlated positively with total organic matter (0.20), potassium (0.457), bulk density (0.592), water holding capacity (0.473), silt (0.562) and clay (0.072). Within the rainforest, tree heights positively correlated with total organic matter (0.302), potassium (0.613), bulk density (0.064), porosity (0.122), silt (0.755*), and clay (0.183); while tree diameters positively correlated with total nitrogen (0.325), porosity (0.036), water holding capacity (416), sand (0.548) and clay (0.191). Since measures of plant biomass of the stands of bush mangoes positively correlated with soil properties, their conservation as rainforest species is encouraged for proper ecosystem functioning and management. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.2 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:S M Afu, D M Olim, L O Nwamuo, A I Akpama, M E Aaron Pages: 135 - 148 Abstract: The knowledge of humic substances of soil is essential for soil fertility management and productivity. The study evaluated the humic substances (HS) and physicochemical properties of soils of different lithologies. Twenty composite soil samples were collected at the depths of 0-15 and 15-30 cm in both upland and inland of sandstone (SS), limestone (LS), mudstone (MS), basement complex (BC) and shale (SH) and analyzed for HS and physicochemical properties. HS were higher in surface than subsurface soils and in SH, SS and MS than other parent materials. Humic acid had mean values of 0.649 and 0.683 g/kg, 0.327 and 0.055 g/kg, 0.736 and 1.167 g/kg, 0.976 and 0.839 g/kg and 0.449 and 0.411 g/kg in surface soils of upland and inland in BC, MS, SS, SH and LS. In subsurface soils, average values of humic acid were 0.322 and 0.426 g/kg, 0.055 and 0.012 g/kg, 0.499 and 0.713 g/kg, 0.656 and 0.908 g/kg and 0.276 and 0.047 g/kg in the upland and inland of BC, MS, SS, SH and LS correspondingly. Fulvic acid had averages of 0.237 and 0.3125 g/kg, 0.533 and 0.751 g/kg, 0.297 and 0.707 mg/kg, 0.6524 and 0.568 g/kg and 0.220 and 0.007 g/kg in the surface soils of upland and inland of BC, MS, SS, SH and LS. In subsurface, fulvic acid had means of 0.244 and 0.363 g/kg, 0.227 and 0.328 g/kg, 0.056 and 0.128 g/kg, 0.040 and 0.402 g/kg and 0.001 and 0.415 g/kg in upland and inland of BC, MS, SS, SH and LS respectively. BC was higher in clay content than other parent materials. ECEC correlated significantly and positively with BS, Ca, Na, pH, silt, K and Mg while fulvic and humic acids correlated positively with TN and OM. pH was strongly acidic in soils of upland and varied from medium acid to slightly acid in inland. OC was high in inland and varied from high in MS, SH and SS to low in BC and LS in upland. Available P, TN, exchangeable bases, ECEC varied from low to high while BS was high in soils of both upland and inland. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.3 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Ene Emmanuel Aki , Ernest Raphael Ita Pages: 149 - 158 Abstract: The knowledge of the pattern of soil distribution and the characteristics are very essential for a better understanding, use and management of soils. It is with this background that the present study aims to characterize soil properties along toposequence in soil developed on sandstone parent material. The texture observed varied considerably, ranging from silty clay, clay loam, clay, silt clay loam, clay loam to silt loam. Bulk density had a mean value of 1.58 g/cm3, 1.61 g/cm3, and 1.15 g/cm3, in the crest, middle slope and valley slope soils. The soil was strongly acidic with pH in the crest, middle slope and valley bottom being 5.4, 5.35, and 5.4. The soil low in OC contents, all topographic positions had OC <1 %. The values of soil fertility indicators (organic carbon, total nitrogen, available P, exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K) were generally low. The findings further revealed that soil in the valley slope was better in quality than soils within the crest and middle slope. Cu had a mean value of 3.97 mg/kg, 2.17 mg/kg and 1.2 mg/kg in the crest, middle slope and valley slope soils, respectively. The values of Mn, Zn and Fe were above critical limit for deficiency. The values of estimated micronutrient indicated that the soils are safe for crop cultivation. Hence, to raise the productivity level of the present soil for optimum performance of crop, the management techniques such as continuous application of organic manure/crop residues to the soil, and use of low levels of chemical inputs should be put in place. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.4 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Oni B O, Balogun O S, Ademola T O, Aaron J A Pages: 159 - 167 Abstract: Various interventions in agricultural production are aimed at maximizing agricultural revenue, and key enterprises to improve livelihood and reduce poverty. This study assessed cost and benefits of Rain-Fed Farming Systems (RFFS) and Irrigated Farming System (IRFS) of sugarcane production in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Using primary data collected in a three-stage purposive sampling procedure from a total of 231 sugarcane farmers. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, farm budgetary techniques, Z-statistics, and Likert scale. The farmers mean age was 43 years with an average of 7 years of formal education. There were significant differences in the level of income with a profitability ratio of 1.14 RFFS and 1.85 IRFS respectively. The major constraints include inadequate capital and access to credit facilities, excessively high labour and transportation costs. The study recommends improved education and extension services to sensitize sugarcane farmers on how to appropriately employ improved technologies to optimize their production outcomes. Also, there should be implementation of policies that improves marketing activities by reducing the transports costs and ensuring better connection between producers and mills. Productivity should be improved by increasing yields with more policies supporting producers directly. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.5 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Abdulrasheed Iliyasu, Emmanuela U Anele Pages: 169 - 172 Abstract: Leeches are distributed worldwide and are found in aquatic and humid terrestrial environments. They play important roles in trophic systems as parasites, predators and prey and, in determining water quality and biodiversity of aquatic and wetland ecosystems. This study was carried out to determine the species composition and effects of physico-chemical parameters on the distribution of leeches in Zaria located within the northern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Leeches were collected from August - October 2019 in rice farms and the banks of a stream and a pond with the aid of forceps. The pH, temperature, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids of each sampled location were taken in-situ using a Hanna Instrument. The average of each physico-chemical parameter was recorded as mean ± Standard Error. A total of 12 leeches belonging to 3 families were collected (Erpobdellidea: Erpobdella octoculata, Glossiphoniidae: Placobdella costata and Hirudinidae: Hirudo species). The species composition (3) which constitutes 25% and abundance (9) constitutes 75% of leeches were highest in the rice farm. Temperature, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were relatively higher in the rice farm as compared with the stream and pond. However, the physico-chemical parameter did not affect the distribution and abundance of Erpobdella octoculata which was collected in all sampled locations. Species composition of leeches in Zaria was generally low due to reduced precipitation and vegetation type in the study area. Temperature, electrical conductivity, pH and total dissolved solids have effects on the distribution and abundance of Placobdella costata and Hirudo species. Intense survey of Leeches species composition is recommended in the study area. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.6 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Owoh Etete Ukamaka, Ogunbiyi Oluwagbenga J , Umeasiegbu Chioma U, Oni Elizabeth K, Iyare Harrison E Pages: 173 - 180 Abstract: This study evaluated the level of selected heavy metals in the surface water and macrobrachium along Eagle Island, Bonny Estuary. Triplicate samples were collected from four locations for six months (May-October 2021). Samples were processed and analysed for heavy metals according to standards. The result showed that the concentration of heavy metals (chromium: Cr, lead: Pb, nickel: Ni and zinc: Zn) in water from the four studied locations had similar mean values of 0.001±0.00. Meanwhile, there was a significant variation in the level of heavy metals in macrobrachium in all the locations. The mean Cr value of 0.15±0.46 mg/kg, 0.001±0.00 mg/kg, 0.01±0.00 mg/kg and 0.03±0.05 mg/kg was observed. For Pb, 0.09±0.00 mg/kg, 2.15±0.03 mg/kg, 0.05±0.00 mg/kg and 0.003±0.00 mg/kg were recorded. For Ni, 0.23±0.01 mg/kg, 0.01±0.00 mg/kg, 0.08±0.00 mg/kg and 0.00±0.00 mg/kg were obtained. For Zn, 2.11±0.01 mg/kg, 2.06±0.00 mg/kg, 0.46±0.30 mg/kg and 0.00±0.00 mg/kg were recorded, respectively, from Eagle Island - UST Bar gate, Mgboshimili, Ogbogolo and Rumueme. The concentration of heavy metals in water fell below WHO and FEPA limits for drinking water. In contrast, some heavy metal levels in macrobrachium from Eagle Island exceeded the regulatory limits set by WHO. The observed increase in these heavy metals may be due to oil bunkering activities within the creeks. Thus, the level of some heavy metals in macrobrachium from water bodies (Station I and II) pose a concern as it may cause some health risks and implications for man, who is the final consumer. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.7 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Delight Omoji Idika I, Henrietta Osayi Uchegbue, Chidimma I Idika, Kelechi Uhegbu Pages: 181 - 189 Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate COVID-19 outbreak in Calabar Metropolis. This really analyzed the challenges encountered in carrying out educational research in the time of Covid-19 pandemic, and then, offered solution to strengthen research activities at all times. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional mix methods design involving both qualitative (exploratory) and quantitative (explanatory) approaches. Four research questions and two hypotheses guided the quantitative part of the study while the qualitative part was guided by the a key informant interview with responses grouped in themes and subthemes – reflecting the direct quotes of the participants. The population of this study included all university lecturers (3,860) and postgraduate students (2,383) from public and private tertiary institutions in Calabar Metropolies who were researching at the time of this study. A total of 600 male and female researchers constituted the sample for the quantitative study while 24 key informants constituted the participants for the qualitative part of the study. Participants were sampled through purposive sampling technique to recruit only respondents that have rich information for the study. As inclusion criteria, only researchers who were researching at the time of data collection in the period of the pandemic were recruited in this study. The researchers’ questionnaire and key informant interview guide were the instruments validated and used for data collection. The estimates of Cronbach alpha reliability of the instruments ranged between 0.82 and 0.87. Data were analyzed through descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential statistics (independent t-test and analysis of variance- ANOVA). Data from the qualitative part was transcribed and thematically reported verbatim. Ethical clearance was obtained from Cross River State Research Ethics Committee. One of the major experiences of researchers during the pandemic is the inability to interface with respondents, 61.5% of respondents could not participate in the studies because of fear of contracting the virus. Majority of the respondents (91.5%) admitted that the outbreak did help to facilitate the use and mastery of the media in research especially in data collection via calls (50.2%), e-mails (38.5%), zoom (14.8%). The study found out that researchers encountered both negative and positive impact of COVID-19 in the course of researching during the pandemic and this was found to be more among female lecturers and students than their male counterparts. In conclusion, there was high attrition rate and inability to conduct face-to-face investigation and this led to greater need for utilization of media, ICT, and technology in research during the pandemic. This has significant policy implication for increasing technology use and greater capacity building in these areas for enhanced performance in research activities of lecturers and graduate students especially in critical times. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.8 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Lawrence Olusegun Ajala, Nwogo Ajuka Obasi, Chukwuma Okereke Ibe, Vincent Oko Obinna, Chukwudum Albert Anyiam, Cynthia Chioma Anyiam Pages: 191 - 201 Abstract: Malnutrition significantly impacts a child's growth, development, and overall survival. To address this issue beyond the age of six months, this study developed three distinct dietary supplements to complement breast milk for early-age children. Comprehensive multivariate assessments were conducted to evaluate the nutritional quality and safety of these infant diets, employing established standard methods. The findings revealed that the diets exhibited carbohydrate and protein contents ranging from 2.84 to 32.48% and 40.66 to 63.23%, respectively. Importantly, the diets contained low levels of tannins, phytate, and oxalate. Notably, the high corn diet exhibited significantly higher mineral elements, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in bulk density and swelling capacity, but the medium corn diet displayed higher water absorption capacity and least gelation (p < 0.05). These diets were found to contain essential amino acid and vitamin requirements, conforming to FAO/WHO reference values. The sensory analysis yielded ratings within acceptable limits using a 9-point hedonic scale. Moreover, microbial load assessments complied with international microbiological standards (≤105 cfu/ml). These cost-effective and nutritionally sound dietary options present a pragmatic solution to addressing nutritional challenges faced by infants and children in developing nations. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.9 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:O B Ikwen , I E Eteng, F U Ogban Pages: 203 - 219 Abstract: In an extended period, crime and statistical professionals’ analyses have channeled their skills, knowledge, and expertise to anticipate the timing and locations of future criminal incidents, although with varying degrees of success. The surge in criminal activities and the evolving strategies adopted by modern offenders have strained the efficacy of existing predictive methods. This study introduces a novel approach by leveraging the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture, a cutting-edge technology that uses the back-propagation algorithm to develop a predictive model for analyzing crime data. A total of 4,748 records were collected from the Cross River State Police Command. Data training was conducted using MLP, and the dataset was divided into 70% for training and 30% for testing. The outcomes of the MLP model, characterized by a precision of 0.84, an accuracy of 74%, a recall rate of 0.73, and an F1-score of 0.79, underline the suitability and effectiveness of employing MLP as an invaluable tool in crime prediction. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.10 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Aliyu Aminu Ohindase, Idris Usman Idris, Omaku Peter Enesi Pages: 221 - 231 Abstract: Optimizing internet subscriptions for MTN and GLO data plans involves developing strategies to maximize cost-efficiency and data usage for users. This process includes analyzing various data plans offered by both MTN and GLO, comparing them based on cost per gigabyte and validity period. The data for the study were obtained from both MTN and GLO official website via and The method of data analysis used is the Integer linear programming model. The result revealed that best subscription plan which minimizes cost for users of MTN in a month are; 1 GB data worth ₦350 valid for a day, 2 times 2.5GB data worth ₦600 valid for 2 days and 4 times 1.5GB data worth ₦1000 valid for 7 days. For the yearly subscription, the best data plan that minimized cost for users are 1 GB data worth ₦350 valid for a day, 2 times 2.5GB data worth ₦600 valid for 2 days and 51 times 1.5GB data worth ₦1000 valid for 7 days. The result revealed that the best subscription plan which minimizes cost for users of GLO in a month are; 1 GB data worth ₦300 valid for a day, 2GB data worth ₦500 valid for 2 days, 7GB data worth ₦1500 valid for 7 days and 2 times 1.8GB data worth ₦500 valid for 14 days. For the yearly subscription, the best data plan that minimized cost for users are 1 GB data worth ₦300 valid for a day, 2GB data worth ₦500 valid for 2 days, 7GB data worth ₦1500 valid for 7 days and 25 times 1.8GB data worth ₦500 valid for 14 days. The study therefore recommends that the internet providers should design special plans for specific user groups such as students, professionals and businesses. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.11 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:C N Ukwu, J E Ekpe, A N Nwachukwu, E P Obot, O C Okafor, T O Daniel, J C Umunna, P B Otah, B J Robert, C A Elekwa, B J Ifeanyichukwu Pages: 233 - 248 Abstract: Dye-sensitized Nanohybrid ZnxSnyOz thin films were deposited on glass substrates using spray pyrolysis method. The dye extract from the leaves of tectona grandis was used. A concentration of 0.1M of Zn2+ and 1% was used respectively. Depositions were carried out at different substrate temperature of 50oC, 100oC, and 150oC. The effect Zn2+ ion and dye extract from tectona grandis leaves on optical and solid state properties of the films were examined and analysed. The result showed that the absorbance of the undoped SnO thin films at various substrate temperatures vary from about 0.1-0.7. The absorbance generally increased with deposition/ substrate temperature exhibiting a maximum for films deposited at 150oC. The average transmittance of both un-doped and Zn2+ doped SnO thin films at 350nm is above 90% regardless of the film thickness. The dye doped samples showed an improvement in optical transmission at 625nm. The reflectance spectra of all films exhibited a similar trend. Peak reflectance was observed at 350nm for un-doped and Zn2+ doped samples of SnO thin films while peak reflectance can be observed at 625nm for dye doped samples. It is also observed that the band gaps of the dye doped samples are lower: 1.55eV- 1.83eV than those of the Zn2+ doped samples: 1.60eV – 2.20eV. This showed that the incorporation of the dye shifted the fundamental absorption edge of the un-doped SnO thin films thus providing tuning effect of the band gap for device applications. The diffractograms of SnO doped Zn are characterized by relatively low intensity for all the samples irrespective of the doping concentration compared to the un-doped SnO samples. Obviously, the doping of SnO with 1% dye extracts modified the XRD patterns of the un-doped SnO samples. Substrate temperature also affected the structural properties of SnO:dye sample depicting increase in intensity vis-à-vis crystallinity of the films with increase in substrate temperature. The results equally indicate that there was an increase in the grain sizes that resulted in a decrease in energy badgap of the samples. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.12 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Musa G K, Mahmud S M, Omaku P E Pages: 249 - 257 Abstract: This study aimed at carrying out a survey of the prevalence and determinants of malnutrition among under-five children in selected primary schools in Nasarawa town. Cross sectional research design was adopted for the study. Stratified sampling technique were adopted where the three selected schools served as the strata. The data for the study were collected using structured questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. The findings of the study revealed among others that malnutrition in the form of wasting and underweight is more prevalent than stunting in the study area. The study revealed further that exposure to diarrhea, mother’s educational level, mother’s occupation, total number of children, family monthly income, water treatment practice, were significant determinants of wasting among under five children. Also, factors like age of mother, source of food, frequency of water treatment, Antenatal Care (ANC) follow up, mothers’ eating habits during pregnancy, exclusive breastfeeding practice and meal frequency were significant determinants of underweight among under five children. Furthermore, exposure to infectious disease, mothers’ educational level, source of food and frequency of water treatment were the significant determinants of stunting among under five children in the study area. Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that at the community level, instruction and training should be provided to women regarding exclusive breastfeeding, child care, and infectious illness prevention protocol. PubDate: 2024-07-06 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.13 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)
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Authors:Exavery Philemon Enock, Oscar Menrad Msamba Pages: 259 - 270 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine what factors affect the time it takes Arusha Technical College graduates to land their first job following graduation. The study examines the length of unemployment for 568 graduates from 15 academic programs using information from a tracer survey carried out in 2022. The effect of academic programs, job search tactics, and demographic traits such as gender and age on graduates’ employment outcomes is investigated through the use of survival analysis techniques, such as the Cox proportional hazards model and the Kaplan-Meier estimator. The results show that the median time to start employment is roughly 10 months, with differences seen depending on the company category, gender, age group, academic degree, and job search tactics. Moreover, it is observed that male graduates are more likely than female graduates to secure employment before their peers, and that some academic programs have higher rates of job placement. The government sector is the most advantageous for early employment, followed by private and self-employment. Furthermore, graduates who use internet-based job search strategies also find employment more quickly than graduates who use other methods. Consequently, age, academic program, and job search strategy all have a substantial impact on graduates’ employment outcomes, which has implications for career development initiatives and industry-academia partnerships. PubDate: 2024-07-29 DOI: 10.4314/gjpas.v30i2.14 Issue No:Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024)