Abstract: Max Toepper, Lorenz Dehn Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel (EvKB), University Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bethel, Research Division, Remterweg 69-71, 33617 Bielefeld, Germany e-mail: Received 20.04.2023, accepted 28.11.2023, published 14.01.2024 Objective: To examine which came first, the chicken or the egg.Design: Observational study, cross-sectional.Setting: Online surveys.Population: 216 participants from the general population including 194 novices and 22 experts.Main outcome measures: Percentage… Read More »Solving an unsolved problem: The egg was firstThe post Solving an unsolved problem: The egg was first first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Sun, 14 Jan 2024 19:18:50 +000
Abstract: Sergei Sobolev, Vladimir Grigorev We present experimental observations of the flight pattern of a normal fly in a rectangular room driven by its own natural (as we believe) motives. Experimental technique involves utilizing a commercial cellphone-based videocamera in the high frame-rate regime. The recorded data are frame-wise analyzed in order to unravel the hidden structure… Read More »One Flew Over the Chaos NestThe post One Flew Over the Chaos Nest first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 08:06:43 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Imagine you are sitting at a table during lunch and your friend or colleague smiles at you. What do you do' You reflexively return a smile. You do not think about it. Indeed, you are also returning a smile if your mind is otherwise occupied. When someone smiles at us, we (usually) return a smile.… Read More »Smile and the Whole World Smiles With You Mimicry and the impact it has on our social lives Ina HönemannThe post Smile and the Whole World Smiles With You Mimicry and the impact it has on our social lives Ina Hönemann first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 15:07:54 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Mariia Filianina, Weiliang Gan, Tetsuya Hajiri, Michael Le, Tatiana Savchenko, Sergio Valencia, Mohamad-Assaad Mawass, Florian Kronast, Samridh Jaiswal, Gerhard Jakob, and Mathias Kläui Electric field-induced strain engineering of the magnetic anisotropy offers a highlyattractive perspective for designing future generations of energy-efficient informationtechnologies. In this work, we show using x-ray magnetic imaging and magneto-optic Kerr effect… Read More »Spin Orientation Manipulation by Electric Fields and X-ray IrradiationThe post Spin Orientation Manipulation by Electric Fields and X-ray Irradiation first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Fri, 09 Jul 2021 09:39:10 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Tobias Ruff A couple of phenomena in cosmology (for example the speed at which stars move around the center of galaxies) contradict predictions made based on the amount and properties of the observable matter in the Universe. These phenomena indicate that there is something besides the matter we can observe with (radio-) telescopes, which is… Read More »Non-Coding Sequences – the Dark Matter of BiologyThe post Non-Coding Sequences – the Dark Matter of Biology first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 06:29:25 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Kevin Machel Every now and then we find ourselves being puzzled by the unexpected. Of course that can sometimes be entertaining as in a good movie, book or video game. But when it happens out of the ordinary it might also have serious implications as in medicine or science. See what surprised our readers: “I… Read More »“You didn’t expect that'!” – SurveyThe post “You didn’t expect that'!” – Survey first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 06:29:25 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Artem Chudnenko2, the chef of the restaurant “Alice”3 in Moscow, defines his cooking style as a craft. He is known for creating the finest dishes from handcrafted ingredients, from bread to dressing. He is passionate for technology of the cooking process. As a result, his kitchen is original, deeply creative and meticulously thought out. This… Read More »Delicious CrafThe post Delicious Craf first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 06:29:25 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Dr. Patrick Kelly1 is an assistant astronomy professor in Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics. During his postdoctoral time at Berkeley he made his first serendipitous discovery of the first gravitationally lensed distant supernova, using the Hubble Space Telescope. This, in turn, led to further discoveries with tremendous scientific impact in the field. This interview discusses a… Read More »Serendipity in AstrophysicsThe post Serendipity in Astrophysics first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 06:29:25 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Tatjana Daenzer Whenever scientists begin their experiments, a lot of time and brainpower has been invested in the preparation beforehand to ensure that everything goes right. Not only do they wish for positive results, meaning (in chemistry) high purity and high yield, but also a safe performance of their syntheses without unexpected events. Rigorous cleanliness… Read More »“Well, That’s Strange…” or the History of Many Happy AccidentsThe post “Well, That’s Strange…” or the History of Many Happy Accidents first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 06:29:25 +000
Adrien Thurotte
Abstract: Kevin Machel Serendipity is the product of an interplay between chance and wisdom. It has accompanied us since the dawn of mankind. At first, discoveries were made by mere chance as e.g. the discovery of cooking food with fire. Over the millennia, humans started searching more systematically for answers and solutions. In the last centuries,… Read More »Serendipity – A Liaison of Luck and ScienceThe post Serendipity – A Liaison of Luck and Science first appeared on Journal of Unsolved Questions. PubDate: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 06:29:25 +000