Showing 1 - 200 of 265 Journals sorted alphabetically
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance (Followers: 19)
Acta Nova (Followers: 2)
Acta Scientifica Malaysia (Followers: 1)
Acta Scientifica Naturalis (Followers: 4)
Adıyaman University Journal of Science
Advanced Science (Followers: 16)
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine (Followers: 8)
Advanced Theory and Simulations (Followers: 4)
Advances in Research
Advances in Science and Technology (Followers: 18)
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (Followers: 8)
Afrique Science : Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie (Followers: 1)
AFRREV STECH : An International Journal of Science and Technology (Followers: 3)
Alfarama Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (Followers: 12)
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (Followers: 4)
American Journal of Applied Sciences (Followers: 22)
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Followers: 14)
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences (Followers: 2)
Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Followers: 1)
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (Followers: 5)
Archives of Current Research International
ARPHA Conference Abstracts (Followers: 1)
ARPHA Proceedings
Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports
Asian Journal of Scientific Research (Followers: 2)
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (Followers: 5)
Australian Field Ornithology (Followers: 1)
Australian Journal of Social Issues (Followers: 6)
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (Followers: 1)
Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Followers: 11)
Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research
Bioethics Research Notes (Followers: 15)
BJHS Themes (Followers: 5)
Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège
Bulletin of the National Research Centre
Chain Reaction
Ciencia Amazónica (Iquitos)
Ciencia en su PC (Followers: 1)
Ciencia Ergo Sum
Ciência ET Praxis
Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A2-A3 Physical Sciences and Engineering
Comunicata Scientiae
Conference Papers in Science
Configurations (Followers: 11)
COSMOS (Followers: 1)
Crea Ciencia Revista Científica
Current Issues in Criminal Justice (Followers: 14)
Current Research in Geoscience (Followers: 6)
Data (Followers: 4)
Dhaka University Journal of Science
Discover Sustainability (Followers: 5)
Einstein (São Paulo)
Ekaia : EHUko Zientzia eta Teknologia aldizkaria
Emergent Scientist
Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences (Followers: 8)
Enseñanza de las Ciencias : Revista de Investigación y Experiencias Didácticas
Entre Ciencia e Ingeniería
Epiphany (Followers: 1)
Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences (Followers: 5)
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences (Followers: 4)
European Scientific Journal (Followers: 11)
Evidência - Ciência e Biotecnologia - Interdisciplinar
Exchanges : the Warwick Research Journal (Followers: 1)
Experimental Results (Followers: 2)
Fides et Ratio : Revista de Difusión Cultural y Científica
Fontanus (Followers: 1)
Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal (Followers: 276)
Frontiers in Climate (Followers: 5)
Frontiers in Science (Followers: 1)
Fundamental Research
Futures & Foresight Science (Followers: 1)
Gaudium Sciendi
Ghana Studies (Followers: 15)
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Globe, The (Followers: 4)
Heidelberger Jahrbücher Online
Heliyon (Followers: 1)
History of Science and Technology (Followers: 5)
Hoosier Science Teacher
Indian Journal of History of Science (Followers: 3)
International Annals of Science
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review
International Journal of Applied Science
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
International Journal of Network Science (Followers: 3)
International Journal of Social Sciences and Management (Followers: 3)
International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (Followers: 10)
International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (Followers: 2)
International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal
Investiga : TEC
Investigación Joven
Investigacion y Ciencia (Followers: 1)
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A : Science
iScience (Followers: 2)
Issues in Science & Technology (Followers: 9)
Ithaca : Viaggio nella Scienza
J : Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal
Jaunujų mokslininkų darbai (Followers: 3)
Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome
Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques (Followers: 9)
Journal of Advanced Research (Followers: 2)
Journal of Analytical Science & Technology (Followers: 5)
Journal of Applied Science and Technology (Followers: 1)
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management (Followers: 1)
Journal of Big History (Followers: 4)
Journal of Composites Science (Followers: 4)
Journal of Diversity Management (Followers: 4)
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research
Journal of Institute of Science and Technology
Journal of King Saud University - Science
Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences
Journal of Negative and No Positive Results
Journal of Responsible Technology
Journal of Science and Technology (Followers: 2)
Journal of Science and Technology (Followers: 1)
Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana) (Followers: 3)
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management (Followers: 1)
Journal of Science Foundation (Followers: 1)
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports (Followers: 1)
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)
Journal of Social Science Research (Followers: 2)
Journal of Taibah University for Science
Journal of the Ghana Science Association (Followers: 3)
Journal of the History of Ideas (Followers: 190)
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science (Followers: 4)
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand (Followers: 49)
Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science
Journal of Unsolved Questions
Jurnal Sains Dasar
Jurnal Teknosains
Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal
Karbala International Journal of Modern Science
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (Followers: 10)
Logo STI Science, Technology and Innovation (Followers: 14)
Malawi Journal of Science and Technology (Followers: 6)
Mètode Science Studies Journal : Annual Review
Modern Applied Science (Followers: 1)
Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (Followers: 5)
National Academy Science Letters (Followers: 3)
National Science Review (Followers: 1)
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences Education (Followers: 1)
Nepal Journal of Science and Technology
Network Science (Followers: 4)
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology (Followers: 2)
Nordic Studies in Science Education (Followers: 4)
Open Conference Proceedings Journal
Open Journal of Applied Sciences
Orbis Cógnita : Revista Científica (Followers: 2)
Patterns (Followers: 9)
People and Nature (Followers: 4)
Población y Desarrollo - Argonautas y caminantes
Politique et Sociétés (Followers: 1)
Portal de la Ciencia
Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (Followers: 5)
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Followers: 2)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, The
QScience Connect
Quantum Science and Technology (Followers: 15)
Rafidain Journal of Science
Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education (Followers: 2)
Reportes Científicos de la FaCEN
Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences
Research Ideas and Outcomes
Research Integrity and Peer Review (Followers: 1)
Research Policy : X (Followers: 3)
Revista Bases de la Ciencia
Revista Cientifica Guillermo de Ockham
Revista Conhecimento Online
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais
Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Revista de la Universidad del Zulia
Revista Politécnica
Revista Tecnológica
Revista UniVap
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Science (Followers: 5315)
Science & Diplomacy (Followers: 3)
Science Advances (Followers: 45)
Science and Technology (Followers: 2)
Science Heritage Journal
Science World Journal
Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal (Followers: 1)
Sciences du jeu