Subjects -> SCIENCES: COMPREHENSIVE WORKS (Total: 374 journals)
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- An evaluation of the fairness of railway timetable rescheduling in the
presence of competition between train operators Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Edwin Reynolds, Matthias Ehrgott, Judith Y.T. Wang
- Onboard train speed optimization for energy saving using the prediction of
block clearing times under real-time rescheduling Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Alexandra Liebhold, Shota Miyoshi, Nils Nießen, Takafumi Koseki
- Statistical learning for train delays and influence of winter climate and
atmospheric icing Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Jianfeng Wang, Roberto Mantas-Nakhai, Jun Yu
- Will China complete the 4.79-billion-ton railway freight transportation
goal: An incremental potential research from the supply side Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Dajie Zuo, Qichen Liang, Rong Huang
- Impact on driver behavior from ERTMS speed-filtering
Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Tomas Rosberg, Birgitta Thorslund
- Pedestrian small group behaviour and evacuation dynamics on metro station
platform Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Qi Zhang, Jing Qu, Yanzhe Han
- Fault text classification of on-board equipment in high-speed railway
based on labeled-Doc2vec and BiGRU Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Wei Wei, Xiaoqiang Zhao
- International benchmarking of railroad safety data systems and performance
– a cross-continental case study Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Chen-Yu Lin, Marcelo Blumenfeld, Theodore Gerstein, Christopher P.L. Barkan, Anson Jack, Usman T. Abdurrahman
- A data-driven bi-objective matheuristic for energy-optimising timetables
in a passenger railway network Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Matthias Villads Hinsch Als, Mathias Bejlegaard Madsen, Rune Møller Jensen
- Multiobjective optimization of railway cold-chain transportation route
based on dynamic train information Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Shouchen Liu, Cheng Zhang
- Railway freight wagon fleet size optimization: A real-world application
Abstract: Publication date: June 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 26Author(s): Miloš Milenković, Nebojša Bojović, Dmitry Abramin
- A new approach to assess safety performance of rail regions with an
emphasis on the resources and equipment of each region Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Moslem Azizi Bondarabadi, Hamid Rahimi, Hessam Arefkhani, Ali Tavakoli Kashani
- Determination of passenger train reliability through travel delay
Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Fábio de Rezende Francisco, Pedro Leite Sabino, Luiz Antônio Silveira Lopes, Paulo Afonso Lopes da Silva, Newton José Ferro
- A survey on the acceptance of unattended trains
Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Albrecht Morast, Gudrun M.I. Voß, Pia S.C. Dautzenberg, Peter Urban, Nils Nießen
- Machine learning-assisted macro simulation for yard arrival prediction
Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Niloofar Minbashi, Hans Sipilä, Carl-William Palmqvist, Markus Bohlin, Behzad Kordnejad
- Analysis of a collaborative transport model mixing passengers with
freights in metro system Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Tong Zuo, Bozhi Li, Fan Zhang, Yong Yin
- Equivalences between analytical railway capacity methods
Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Qinglun Zhong, Chang’an Xu, Rudong Yang, Qingwei Zhong
- An optimization integrated approach for simultaneous allocation of
railcars and locomotives for train formation based on a pre-designed time schedule Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): Amirhosein Allafeepour, Ali Tavakoli, Arash Arvin
- Railway maintenance reservation scheduling considering detouring delays
and maintenance demand Abstract: Publication date: March 2023Source: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 25Author(s): B. Buurman, K. Gkiotsalitis, E.C. van Berkum