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Exchanges : the Warwick Research Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Experimental Results     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Fides et Ratio : Revista de Difusión Cultural y Científica     Open Access  
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Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 257)
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Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 1)
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Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
Number of Followers: 1  
  Hybrid Journal Hybrid journal (It can contain Open Access articles)
ISSN (Print) 2053-4620 - ISSN (Online) 2053-4639
Published by Emerald Homepage  [362 journals]
  • Entrepreneurial orientation and product innovation performance: developing
           the linkages through strategic human resource management and technology

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      Authors: Nadia A. Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed, Mohammed A. Al Doghan, Naimatullah Shah, Bahadur Ali Soomro
      Abstract: The optimization of product innovation performance (PIP) is paramount to achieving sustained profitability in the face of current organizational challenges. In this study, as researchers, the authors investigate within the context of Saudi Arabian manufacturing firms’ entrepreneurial orientation (EO) direct impact on PIP and its indirect influence mediated by strategic human resource management (SHRM) and technology capability (TC). This co-relational study used cross-sectional data. The authors collected the data from the manufacturing firms’ top management team, chief executive officers and other staff members, including human resource (HR) managers and chief information officers. This study’s conclusions are based on 307 cases. Using SmartPLS4, this study’s findings demonstrate that EO exerts a positive and significant impact on SHRM, PIP and TC. SHRM has a positive and significant effect on PIP. In addition, TC is a positive and significant predictor of SHRM but not PIP. Turning to the mediating impacts, SHRM plays a positive mediating role between TC and PIP and a negative role between EO and PIP. Finally, TC reinforces the negative connections between EO and PIP. This study's insights offer valuable guidance to firms and policymakers. They underscore the importance of investing in TC to reinforce SHRM and drive innovation. Moreover, these findings emphasize the need for firms to adopt a dynamic approach that comprises continuous monitoring, adaptation and tailored HR strategies supported by performance metrics. This proactive stance ensures that innovation remains a consistent and impactful element of their long-term strategy. This study stands out by addressing existing gaps through its innovative integration of EO, SHRM, TC and PIP within a unified framework. It does so within the specific context of Saudi Arabian manufacturing firms and provides a unique and contextually relevant perspective that contributes to the knowledge body of the area.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-09
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2024-0014
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Augmented reality technology in tourism and hospitality research: a review
           from 2010 to 2024

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      Authors: Mohammad Reza Jalilvand, Hamed Ghasemi
      Abstract: Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionizing the tourism and hospitality industry by offering immersive experiences as well as creating more engaging, informative and accessible travel experiences that attract tourists from around the globe. From virtual tours and immersive historical site recreations to navigation assistance and cultural education, AR technology is transforming the way we explore and interact with the destinations. This study aims to identify benefits, risks, tools and techniques of AR in the tourism and hospitality literature. The authors conducted a systematic literature review to answer six research questions. The authors also identified 33 primary studies, dated from January 2010 to February 2024 and coded them via a thematic analysis. Related studies were obtained through searching in Web of Science and Scopus. The results identified nine themes for benefits, eight themes for risks/disadvantages and four tools and applications-related themes. Through the thematic analysis, the major benefits of AR in the tourism and hospitality were found to be differentiated travel experiences, improved performance of tourism value chain, more effective marketing efforts of tourism businesses, enhanced tourists’ engagement, enhanced performance of tourism destinations, stimulated behavioral intentions, tourist empowerment and providing more value, interactivity and integrity. Furthermore, eight risks were identified: physical, privacy and security, social, service failure, technical, psychological, managerial, information and knowledge gaps. The authors also recognized four tools and applications-related themes, namely, AR-enabled tools, AR applications, AR-enabled apps and AR-based techniques. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this review provides the first systematic exploration of the existing literature on usage of AR in the context of tourism and hospitality value chain.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-09
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-04-2024-0136
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The impact of buying external technology on employment and air quality: an
           empirical approach in Vietnamese manufacturing SMEs

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      Authors: Phuong Thi Nguyen, Cuong Quoc Le
      Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the current situation of buying external technology in Vietnamese manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from 2013 to 2018. This paper also aims to examine the effect of buying technology on employment and environmental quality in Vietnam. External technology purchase and its impact on employment and environmental quality are taken from the Vietnam annual enterprise survey and the using technology in production survey from 2013 to 2018. The estimation is based on a feasible generalized least squares method. This study finds that external technology purchase in manufacturing SMEs increases the employment rate in the industries. External technology purchase in Vietnamese manufacturing SMEs also increases the level of environmental pollution. This is a negative side of purchasing technology for production because if the technology used is old, outdated and of poor quality, it will increase environmental pollution. In addition, the growth in employment increases air pollution. This shows that purchasing advanced technology selectively helps to increase the employment rate in Vietnamese manufacturing sector, which is followed by a positive impact on environmental quality. The limitation of this study is that the research period was only investigated from 2013 to 2018 because the General Statistics Office of Vietnam no longer surveys the dataset about using technology in production surveys after 2018. This study has been conducted at the firm level, so results cannot be easily extended to the macroeconomic level, also taking into account the data limitations in terms of sector coverage. This paper provides necessary policy recommendations for the government and manufacturing SMEs to solve negative technology issues related to the labour market and air quality in Vietnam. The results are expected to help policymakers in Vietnam propose appropriate national science and technology programmes towards sustainable development in the coming decades. This paper focuses on assessing the effects of buying external technology by Vietnamese small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises on employment and air quality.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-08
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2022-0173
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The fourth industrial revolution and the agri-food labour market: a
           systematic literature review

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      Authors: Siti Fatimahwati Pehin Dato Musa, Syamimi Ariff Lim
      Abstract: The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technological development has undeniably brought major challenges to the agricultural labour market, hampering the adoption of smart technologies in the sector. This study aims to explore a series of literature on the 4IR aspects surrounding agri-food research. In particular, this study will evaluate the challenges faced by the agri-food labour market in response to the emergence of 4IR and propose solutions to strengthen the agri-food sector in response to 4IR. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology was used to systematically screen, review and synthesize the literature on 4IR surrounding agri-food research. While applying 4IR technologies spells opportunities for productivity growth and food security, the results revealed that these advanced technological innovations also create challenges to the agri-food sector labour market. Some identified challenges are financial constraints, lack of “Industry 4.0” knowledge and skills, lack of awareness and interest and inadequate government support. Correspondingly, to smoothen the transition to 4IR workplaces, the proposed solutions include offering relevant education and training, gaining access to government support and engaging in collaborative public-private partnerships. Given the limited understanding of how technological applications can affect the agri-food sector, this study offers a more nuanced understanding of the gaps related to 4IR within the agri-food sector. By assessing the labour market challenges and addressing solutions for the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture, this study presents valuable insights into how relevant stakeholders in the agri-food sector should embrace Agriculture 4.0.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-08
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2023-0215
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Navigating the fourth industrial revolution: a systematic review of
           technology adoption model trends

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      Authors: Sean Kruger, Adriana A. Steyn
      Abstract: Several disciplines and thousands of studies have used, developed and supported technology adoption theories to guide industry and support innovation. However, within the past decade, a paradigm shift referred to as the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) has resulted in new considerations affecting how models are used to guide emerging technology integration into business strategy. The purpose of this study is to determine which technology adoption model, or models are primarily used when assessing smart technologies in the 4IR construct. It is not to investigate the rigour of existing models or their theoretical underpinnings, as this has been proven. To achieve this, a systematic literature review based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis methodology is used. From 3,007 publications, 125 papers between 2015 and 2021 were deemed relevant for thematic analysis. From the literature, five perspectives were extracted. As with other information and communication technology studies, the analysis confirms that the technology acceptance model remains the predominantly used model. However, 105 of the 125 models extended their theoretical underpinnings, indicating a lack of maturity. Furthermore, the countries of study and authors’ expertise are predominantly clustered in the European and Asian regions, despite the study noting expansion into 16 different subject areas, far beyond the smaller manufacturing scope of Industry 4.0. This study contributes theoretically by providing a baseline to develop a generalisable 4IR model grounded on existing acceptance trends identified. Practically, these insights demonstrate the current trends for strategists and policymakers to understand technology adoption within the 4IR to direct efforts that support innovation development, an increasingly crucial factor for survival in the digital age. Future research can investigate the additional constructs that were impactful while considering the level of research they were applied to.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-06
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2022-0188
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Understanding the academic use of KM-driven Metaverse technology: insights
           from medical colleges

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      Authors: Amir A. Abdulmuhsin, Haitham O. Owain, Abeer F. Alkhwaldi
      Abstract: This study delves into the behavioural intentions of educators within medical colleges at Mosul Universities concerning the adoption of Knowledge Management-Driven Metaverse technology (KM-D-MT). Rooted in an adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model, the research aims to enrich the understanding of Metaverse adoption factors, exploring correlations among key constructs such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived value, hedonic motivation and interaction. Furthermore, the study investigates the mediating roles of knowledge generation and knowledge sharing in the relationship between interaction and behavioural intention. The research employs a quantitative approach, gathering 278 responses from educators in medical colleges. Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) is used to analyse the data, rigorously examining the reliability and validity of research instruments. The investigation involves an extensive evaluation of various factors influencing educators’ intentions to adopt KM-D-MT, using a cross-sectional design. The study reveals significant positive impacts of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived value and hedonic motivation on behavioural intention to adopt KM-D-MT. Interaction is identified as a key factor positively influencing knowledge sharing and knowledge generation. Furthermore, knowledge sharing and knowledge generation exhibit positive correlations with behavioural intention. Interaction indirectly impacts behavioural intention through the mediating roles of knowledge generation and knowledge sharing, highlighting the transformative potential of Metaverse technology in reshaping knowledge processes. The findings of this study hold practical implications for educators, institutions and policymakers. The adoption of KM-D-MT can enhance educational experiences, facilitate global collaboration and contribute to the continuous professional development of educators in medical colleges. Institutions are encouraged to strengthen technological and organisational infrastructure to support effective Metaverse implementation. Furthermore, promoting positive social norms, providing technical support and offering training programs can contribute to overcoming barriers and fostering a conducive environment for Metaverse adoption in medical education. This research significantly contributes to theoretical perspectives by advancing Metaverse research and addressing the call for extensive studies covering theoretical, conceptual and empirical elements. It extends current UTAUT2 frameworks, exploring correlations in the context of medical education and contributes to knowledge management paradigms. The study’s originality lies in its exploration of Metaverse acceptance in higher education institutions, specifically in medical colleges in Iraq, providing valuable insights for further research and practical applications globally.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-06
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2023-0229
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Revolutionizing primary health care in Tanzania: unravelling the
           contextual factors on electronic health record systems implementation for
           effective decision support

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      Authors: Augustino Mwogosi
      Abstract: This qualitative case study aims to identify and analyse the factors influencing the implementation and effectiveness of electronic health record systems (EHRS) in primary health-care (PHC) facilities in Tanzania. This study aims to explore ways to optimize the use of EHRS for better health-care service delivery. The study uses a qualitative case study design. Data were collected through interviews and focus groups conducted with health-care workers and information and communication technology officers at the PHC facilities in Tanzania. Purposive sampling and data source triangulation were used to address potential biases and limitations associated with the study’s small sample size. This study identifies several key findings related to the implementation and effectiveness of EHRS in Tanzanian PHC facilities. The primary obstacles include inadequate technical infrastructure, poor internet connectivity and insufficient financial resources. The study suggests a comprehensive strategy for improving EHRS, emphasizing patient and health-care professional involvement in system design, investments in technical infrastructure and connectivity, data quality and accuracy and ongoing technical support and training. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by offering a nuanced understanding of the Tanzanian health-care context. It emphasizes the need for tailored solutions and strategies specific to the region’s challenges and opportunities. The study’s originality lies in its focus on EHRS in the Tanzanian context, providing valuable insights for future initiatives. A key policy implication underscores the importance of a supportive regulatory framework, dedicated resources and consistent stakeholder communication for successful EHRS implementation.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-05
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2023-0205
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Factors influencing customers’ adoption of mobile payment in Pakistan:
           application of the extended meta-UTAUT model

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      Authors: Muhammad Hassaan, Asif Yaseen
      Abstract: Mobile payment (or m-payment), a relatively new digital banking system targeting Pakistani customers, is rapidly expanding. This study aims to explore the elements that impact customer behaviour and encourage the adoption of m-payment in Pakistan. This study used a quantitative research design, surveying 315 m-payment users residing in three Pakistani cities. A conceptual framework was developed by extending the meta-unified theory of acceptance and use technology (meta-UTAUT) model to incorporate institutional privacy concerns (IPC) and institutional source reliability (ISR). Data analysis was conducted using partial least squares structural equation modelling via Smart PLS 4.0 software. This study’s results indicate that behavioural intention (BI) is the primary driver ofm-payment use behaviour. The findings also reveal that attitude (AT), performance expectancy (PE), facilitating conditions (FC), social influence (SI), effort expectancy (EE), IPC and ISR significantly influence BI. Notably, PE and FC are positively associated with AT, while EE and SI have no significant impact on AT. This study has two key limitations. First, its focus on only Pakistani m-payment users limits the broader applicability of the results. Second, the cross-sectional design overlooks potential longitudinal changes in users’ attitude. Future research should aim to recruit diverse country samples and conduct comparative studies, thereby enhancing the understanding of m-payment adoption. This study provides insights for service providers and marketers, identifying key factors that influence m-payment adoption. Convenience emerges as a critical consideration, suggesting it may drive customer behaviour. This research significantly advances the field of m-payment studies by investigating the key factors influencing Pakistani consumers’ adoption of m-payment, extending the meta-UTAUT model to include IPC and ISR. By applying this extended framework to the context of Pakistani consumers’ acceptance and use of m-payment, this study provides new insights into the complex factors driving m-payment adoption in developing Asian countries like Pakistan, addressing a significant research gap and paving the way for future studies.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-02
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2024-0029
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The mediating roles of trust on intentions toward mobile wallet adoption
           in social health insurance: a deep learning–based SEM-ANN analysis

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      Authors: Zandro Marges Catacutan, Jaime Julius Osal Mabesa
      Abstract: This study aims to examine the factors influencing Filipinos’ intention to adopt mobile wallets to pay social health insurance premiums. The authors used an integrative model framework using the key indicators from the lenses of the technology acceptance model, the unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology model 2 and the theory of planned behavior with trust serving as a mediator. The sample size was calculated using an inverse square root ratio composed of 624 survey participants purposively identified across selected cities in the Philippines. The formulated hypotheses were examined using partial least squares structural equation modeling and deep learning–based artificial neural networks. The results substantiate this study’s integrative model explaining the positive influence and relative importance of perceived usefulness, habit and subjective norms in developing trust in mobile wallet applications. Moreover, health insurance literacy, subjective norms and trust positively and significantly drive individuals’ intentions to adopt mobile wallets as a payment platform for social health insurance premiums. The mediation analysis also exemplified that trust positively mediates the influences of technology acceptance factors such as perceived usefulness, habit and subjective norms in the intention of individuals to adopt mobile wallet applications in social health insurance payment of premiums. This study is a pioneering study in the Philippine context that used an integrative model to predict and explain the relative importance of predictors of Filipino intentions to adopt mobile wallets as a payment platform for social health insurance premiums.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-08-02
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-05-2024-0175
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Smart manufacturing implementation: identifying barriers and their related
           stakeholders and components of technology

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      Authors: Sahar Valipour Parkouhi, AbdolHamid Safaei Ghadikolaei, Hamidreza Fallah Lajimi, Negin Salimi
      Abstract: One of the achievements of the fourth industrial revolution is smart manufacturing, a manufacturing system based on Industry 4.0 technologies that will increase systems' reliability, efficiency and productivity. Despite the many benefits, some barriers obstruct the implementation of this manufacturing system. This study aims to analyze these barriers. One of the measures that must be taken is to identify and try to remove these barriers, which involves identifying the stakeholders and components of technology associated with each barrier. As such, the primary purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review in the field of smart manufacturing with a focus on barriers to implementation related to the stakeholders and components of technology. This research conducted a systematic literature review in Scopus and Web of Science databases and considered the studies published until 2021 were examined. The central question of this paper is answered based on this literature review, in which 133 related studies and 15 barriers were identified. The significant gap observed in the literature review is that no research has been conducted to determine the stakeholders and components of technology related to the barriers, making it a potentially worthwhile subject for future research. In addition, the results of this study may help managers to implement smart manufacturing. This study provides two main originalities. The former is helpful information for managers to make effective decisions when they face smart manufacturing barriers. The latter is related to identifying critical research gaps through systematic literature review.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-07-25
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-09-2023-0148
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Intersection of generative artificial intelligence and copyright: an
           Indian perspective

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      Authors: Shinu Vig
      Abstract: The main objective of this study is to present a compact overview analysis of intellectual property laws, specifically copyright-related provisions applicable to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in the Indian context. The paper adopts a qualitative research methodology that is grounded in secondary sources of information. The data were gathered from the Scopus database for a systematic literature review. GenAI technology has given rise to numerous questionable issues within the domain of intellectual property that need resolution in the form of policy solutions. Based on the findings of this paper, it can be deduced that Indian copyright laws are not adequate for addressing the rights pertaining to AI and its creations and outputs. Different countries like the United States, European Union and China have approached the regulation and protection of AI-generated content within the realm of copyright law in different ways. The future of law, as it has been established thus far, seems to be on a path of substantial evolution. The study has implications for policymakers globally as there is a need to create feasible policy solutions that can efficiently safeguard against risks stemming from large language models (LLMs) and other GenAI models, while also promoting innovation, technical advancement and adoption. The paper discusses the copyright-related issues in GenAI technology in the context of an emerging economy, India.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-07-09
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-08-2023-0145
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Can regulated technological FOMO be used to enhance technology adoption at
           the bottom of the pyramid'

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      Authors: Rohit Joshi
      Abstract: This study aims to focus on exploring the role of fear of missing out (FOMO) in the technology adoption context, whereby the bottom-of-the-pyramid (BOP) segment was studied to explore the factors responsible for the development of behavioural intentions (BI) to use unified payments interface (UPI), a disruptive technological phenomenon in the mobile payment systems field. A mixed-method research approach involving both qualitative and quantitative methods was used. Initially, qualitative data obtained through interviews with UPI’s BOP users were subjected to thematic analysis, leading to the identification of eight factors and the construction of a conceptual model. Subsequently, 354 responses were gathered, and empirical analysis was conducted using structural equation modelling in AMOS 23.0. Eight factors, including personal and social benefits, perceived security risk, socio-cultural influences, governmental influence, usability, psychological inertia, perceived value (PV) and FOMO, were discovered. The quantitative examination confirmed the validity of the conceptual model in the BOP context, explaining 51% of the variance in BI. FOMO and PV emerged as robust indicators of UPI adoption, with PV significantly regulating the impact of FOMO. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study is one of the first to explore what drives BOP users in an emerging economy to adopt UPI. The conceptual model it presents contributes to the advancement of technology adoption literature by incorporating FOMO alongside newly identified BOP-specific factors.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-07-08
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-08-2023-0135
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Is ChatGPT a source to enhance firms’ strategic value and business

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      Authors: Nagwan Abdulwahab AlQershi, Ramyah Thursamy, Mohammed Alzoraiki, Gamal Abdualmajed Ali, Ali Salman Mohammed Emam, Muhammad Dzulhaxif Bin Muhammad Nasir
      Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effects of three dimensions of ChatGPT strategic value – organization support (OS), managerial productivity (IM) and decision aids (DA) – on the business sustainability (BS) of Malaysian public universities. A quantitative methodology was adopted for this study to examine the relationships between ChatGPT strategic value and the BS of Malaysian public universities. The study found that two dimensions of ChatGPT strategic value, namely, OS and IM, influence BS, whereas DA do not. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study is the first to address the relationship between ChatGPT strategic value and BS in a specific context – Malaysian public universities – providing new contributions to theory by extending the literature on the topic. The findings are expected to guide universities in Malaysia in leveraging ChatGPT strategic value for enhancing BS. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this empirical study is the first in the literature to examine the relationships between ChatGPT strategic value and BS in the education sector. Supported by an original conceptual model, the insights provided should extend the literature dedicated to ChatGPT strategic value and BS in the context of a South Asian economy.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-07-05
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-05-2023-0064
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Quality assurance of science and technology universities in Bangladesh: a
           catalyst for sustainable employment during the 4IR

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      Authors: Md Jahangir Alam, Keiichi Ogawa, Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan
      Abstract: This study aims to report the quality of Bangladesh's science and technology universities (STUs) in ensuring sustainable employment of graduates during the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) by assessing their vigilance in skill development activities and exploring students’ perspectives on the university. This research used mixed methods: a close-ended five-point Likert scale questionnaire to understand students’ perspectives and a thematic analysis of the interviews of students, faculties, policymakers and relevant stakeholders. The data was collected through a random sampling method where 1,000 university students took part in the quantitative analysis along with other respondents for the qualitative portion. The analysis was done with a 99% confidence level and a 4.5% margin of error. Bangladesh's STUs still have a long way to go to ensure quality education and generate sustainable employment for their graduates. The universities' preparation to comprehend the 4IR is not at the expected level. In addition, despite students' favourable perception of universities as providers of qualified labour, there is a significant mismatch between supply and demand. This research has some limitations regarding time and resources. Due to the limited number of responses from a few universities, this study's findings might only apply to some of the STUs of other countries. This study provided several recommendations for providing quality education to the STUs of Bangladesh. The findings of this study indicate that there is still a crucial gap between the initiatives of STUs and the employment market, which prevents graduates from offering the necessary skills to achieve sustainable employment. The findings also support the idea of significant changes in the approach of these universities to address the mentioned issues. This study suggests collaboration among social actors, relevant stakeholders, STU authorities, education experts and government officials to ensure a demand-based curriculum for the students. The relevant stakeholders should come forward to ensure advanced technologies and internet connectivity in the STUs. The data set used in this study is significantly large and varies in the number of institutions, departments and socioeconomic backgrounds of the students, faculties, policymakers and various stakeholders. Furthermore, the capacity of scientific and technology institutions to guarantee sustainable employment through quality assurance in education has also not been recently evaluated in Bangladesh.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-07-05
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2023-0190
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • How information technology resources enhance absorptive capacity and
           individual ambidexterity: the moderating role of social interaction

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      Authors: Sawasn Al-Husseini
      Abstract: Ambidexterity has become essential for organisations to remain competitive. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationships among information technology resources, absorptive capacity and individual ambidexterity. Further, this study examines the moderating role of social interaction in the absorptive capacity–individual ambidexterity relationship. A quantitative approach was used in this study through analysis of survey data from 475 employees in the Iraqi telecommunications sector. Structural equation modelling with AMOS was used to test the proposed hypotheses. This study noted a positive relationship among information technology resources, absorptive capacity and individual ambidexterity. The results of this study also showed that individuals with a higher degree of social interaction were more likely to strengthen the association between absorptive capacity and individual ambidexterity. The results indicate that managers should pay attention to the important relationship between IT resources, absorptive capacity and individual ambidexterity in the Iraqi telecommunications firms. It is also suggested to design strategies to promote social interaction among their employees and facilitate cooperation and information transfer. This study shows that information technology has influence on absorptive capacity and individual ambidexterity and argues the importance of social interaction as a boundary condition on absorptive capacity and individual ambidexterity relationship for telecommunications firms in Iraq a context that neglected in previous studies.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-07-02
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2023-0244
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Mediation of integrations in supply chain information management and
           supply chain performance: an empirical study from a developing economy

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      Authors: Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Umair Tanveer, Shamaila Ishaq, Noor Aina Amirah
      Abstract: This study aims to investigate how the management of supply chain information impacts the performance of the supply chain. This relationship is explored by considering the mediating influence of internal and external integration, which is underpinned by the principles of resource-based theory. Data was collected from 144 supply chain professionals across different manufacturing companies. The proposed hypotheses were subjected to quantitative analysis using partial least squares structural equation modeling, and the validity of the measurement model was assessed with the assistance of SmartPLS software. This study identified that information management (IM) significantly and positively affects internal integration (II), customer integration (CI) and supply chain performance (SCP). Similarly, the results showed that II significantly and positively affects SCP. Likewise, CI positively and significantly affected SCP. At the same time, II found a positive yet significant mediating role in the relationship between IM and SCP. CI was found to play a positive but insignificant mediating role in the relationship between IM and SCP. This research evaluated a second-order model and tested the SCP in conjunction with the resource-based view in the manufacturing industry. This research could be beneficial for researchers, manufacturers and policymakers to attain organizational objectives by implementing an efficient IM system for better integration and SCP.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-06-27
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-08-2023-0143
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The study on the impact of environmental regulation on ecological

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      Authors: Shuliang Zhao, Li Liu
      Abstract: The impact of environmental regulations on ecological innovation is a contested issue in current research. However, there is no uniform consensus on existing conclusions. It is commonly accepted among scholars that external environment and organizational characteristics are key factors affecting ecological innovation. However, these are often analyzed in isolation, without consideration of the interaction between leadership and external environment. So this study aims to explore the impact of environmental regulation on ecological innovation by combining internal and external factors. Based on institutional theory and leadership theory, this paper takes environmental regulation as the independent variable, environmental leadership as the intermediary variable and intellectual property protection level as the regulating variable to explore the impact mechanism of environmental regulation on ecological innovation. The findings indicate an inverted U-shaped relationship between environmental regulation and ecological innovation. Additionally, there is a positive correlation between environmental leadership and intellectual property protection level with ecological innovation. Furthermore, environmental leadership partially mediates the relationship between environmental regulation and ecological innovation. However, the level of intellectual property protection does not have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between environmental leadership and ecological innovation. This paper proposes suggestions for regional ecological innovation based on the current policy and research situation to promote its development.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-06-26
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2023-0218
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Modeling of barriers to digital transformations in Indian manufacturing
           small and medium-sized enterprises

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      Authors: Nikita Borana, Tejendra Singh Gaur, Vinod Yadav
      Abstract: In recent times, digital transformation (DT) has witnessed a surge in popularity, not only within large enterprises (LEs) but also among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Various sectors, including manufacturing, have shown a keen interest in embracing DT for their operational and supply chain needs. Beyond delivering benefits such as improved product quality, revenue growth, enhanced customer service and heightened safety measures, DT offers a range of advantages, including heightened productivity, risk mitigation and environmental protection. However, in developing countries like India, manufacturing SMEs encounter significant challenges when attempting to embrace DT. Therefore, this study aims to identify and model the obstacles that impede DT adoption within the context of Indian manufacturing SMEs. The literature review was used to pinpoint the barriers to adopting DT. Subsequently, these identified barriers underwent validation within the specific context of Indian manufacturing SMEs through the assessment of an expert team. The expert team proceeded to model these barriers using the interpretive structural modeling approach. This study shows that high investment, return on investment and multiskilled workforces are the most crucial barriers to DT adoption. The proposed study aids policy and decision-makers in identifying the connections and dependencies between the barriers. It provides a guideline for practitioners to deal with DT adoption barriers in the Indian manufacturing SMEs.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-06-25
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2023-0175
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • A two-model integrated technology adoption framework for using blockchain
           in supply chain management: attitude towards blockchain as a mediator

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      Authors: Luay Jum’a, Marwan Mansour, Dominik Zimon, Peter Madzík
      Abstract: This study aims to investigate the intention to use blockchain technology (BT) in the context of supply chain (SC) operations through an integrated technology adoption framework using two well-known models, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and the technology acceptance model (TAM). Moreover, the study looked at the direct effect of TAM and UTAUT elements on attitude toward BT, as well as the role of attitude toward BT as a mediator between TAM and UTAUT elements and intention to use BT. The study used a quantitative research method, and a structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data. The final sample, drawn using a convenience sampling that consisted of 273 managers from the Jordanian manufacturing sector. Structural equation modeling statistical method was conducted using the Smart PLS program to test hypotheses in the proposed study framework. The study has provided intriguing results. It found that two UTAUT elements, namely performance expectancy and social influence and one TAM element, namely perceived usefulness, have a significant impact on the attitude toward BT. Besides that, the study found that attitude toward BT significantly mediated the relationship between UTAUT-TAM elements and intention to use BT. The findings revealed that three elements namely performance expectancy, social influence and perceived usefulness have statistical significance on intention to use BT through the mediation of attitude. Finally, there is a direct significant positive relationship between the attitude toward BT and intention to use it. The study helps decision-makers, South Carolina practitioners and academics recognize the fundamental factors that increase manufacturing firms’ intentions to use blockchain in their SCs. This gives decision-makers a better understanding of why users accept or reject BT, as well as how to improve user acceptability through technological design. Future studies should seek for a bigger sample size and use random sampling techniques. Furthermore, the study should be replicated in other industries or developing countries to validate the findings. There is a scarcity of studies identifying the factors that increase blockchain adoption intention in SCM and developing countries. This study differs in that it examines BT intention to use in the context of SC using an integrated technology adoption framework that uses two well-known models, UTAUT and TAM, whereas other studies typically use only one model/theory. Moreover, given the importance of attitude in behavior, this study also investigated the effect of TAM-UTAUT elements on attitude toward BT, as well as the role of attitude toward BT as a mediator between TAM and UTAUT elements and intention to use BT.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-06-04
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-05-2023-0068
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Entrepreneurial ideas of information and communication technology:
           commercialization in post-COVID-19 era

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      Authors: Seyedeh Khatereh Daneshjoovash, Parivash Jafari, Abbas Khamseh, Mohammad Hossein Saber
      Abstract: The study aims to identify a model of commercializing entrepreneurial ideas in information and communication technology (ICT) knowledge-based companies. A mixed method has been used in the research. The participants of the qualitative part were 15 key informants selected by sampling method purposefully and theoretically, while a sample of 205 experts was randomly chosen for the quantitative part. Data collection was completed through a semistructured interview in the qualitative part and by a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part. The reliability of the research was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha. The validity of the qualitative and quantitative parts was approved, respectively, by the criteria of Corbin and Strauss (2008) and by the content validity. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part through open, axial and selective coding, while in the quantitative part through partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS). The commercialization model of ICT entrepreneurial ideas was depicted by the paradigmatic version of Corbin and Strauss (2008). The model has been consisted of six sectors as follows: causal conditions (including stimuli of science and technology parks, interests and motivation of managers of ICT knowledge-based company and environmental stimuli), contextual conditions (including skills and abilities of managers of ICT knowledge-based company, status of ICT knowledge-based company and enabling and facilitating legal framework), intervening conditions (including the complex nature of the ICT industry, science and technology parks’ support of companies, facilities and equipment for commercialization of ICT entrepreneurial ideas and economic system stability), strategies (including marketing research, planning and feasibility study of ICT entrepreneurial idea, design and production of ICT product and release and supply of ICT product), consequences (successful commercialization of ICT entrepreneurial ideas in the post-COVID-19 era) and the central phenomenon (ICT entrepreneurial ideas: commercialization in the post-COVID-19 era). Then, the main factors were confirmed through PLS-SEM and ANFIS. Among the factors, interests and motivation of managers of ICT knowledge-based companies, status of ICT knowledge-based companies, facilities and equipment for commercialization of ICT entrepreneurial ideas and release and supply of ICT products were identified as the most influential factors. The model can help solve the challenges of managers and policymakers to commercialize ICT entrepreneurial ideas. Therefore, innovative production will increase, value will be created for the beneficiaries and economic, social and political growth will occur in the post-Corona era. Commercialization of ICT entrepreneurial ideas has the potential to affect many aspects of economic and societal activities in the society such as GDP growth, employment, productivity, poverty alleviation, quality of life and education. The research includes innovation in presenting a multidimensional commercialization model based on an entrepreneurial perspective in the special field of ICT with a mixed approach including grounded theory, PLS-SEM and ANFIS in ICT knowledge-based companies. But the most important innovation of the study is related to the findings. The main categories, subcategories and concepts of the research have been presented in the form of a theory entitled “ICT entrepreneurial ideas: commercialization in the post-COVID-19 era.”
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-28
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-04-2023-0049
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • An SME approach to data analytics by management accountants in the
           transition economy of Vietnam

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      Authors: Hiep Thien Trinh
      Abstract: Data analytics (DA) is an emerging topic in management science at large organizations; however, accountants in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are believed to be lagging far behind in the usage of DA. This study aims to provide a deep understanding of the actual DA activities undertaken by management accountants (MA) and to draw on SMEs’ characteristics to take advantage of DA applications. This study used a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews with 31 accounting and finance practitioners at senior levels of SMEs, following the use of the MAXQDA 2022 application for data analysis. Findings in this study suggest variance and trend analysis as the two most popular tasks of DA, and advanced tasks such as contingency analysis, financial modeling, sentiment analysis and regression analysis are unfully performed in SMEs. The outcomes revealed that DA is not anticipated to affect the responsibilities but to expand the role and scope of management accounting. This study simultaneously builds a theoretical framework about the antecedents, in terms of the external and internal drives and the characteristics of SMEs’ owner-managers, that are most common in all types of SMEs that encourage MA to use a specific technology, data analysis in a more advanced way instead of searching for determinants that affect the adoption of technology in general, as previous studies have conducted. Although there are studies on DA usage, little has approached the mutual interconnections between how DA is applied by MA in SMEs and what changes in management accounting responsibilities by DA affect. Therefore, the point of this study was to look into how SMEs use DA and what activities MA actually do with DA to discover what traits SMEs need to use DA applications effectively as DA applications become more advanced.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-28
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2023-0222
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Designing nickel smelter industry investment competitiveness policy in
           Indonesia through system dynamics model

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      Authors: Muhammad Hanafi
      Abstract: This research is intended to assess the nickel smelter industry’s investment competitiveness in Indonesia and identify ways to improve its competitive advantage for the nation. This research uses a sequential mixed-methods approach, expanding on a first qualitative phase with a second quantitative phase. Interviews are used in the qualitative phase to identify the underlying causes of issues and potential solutions to increase the competitiveness of the nickel smelter industry, while a system dynamics (SD) model is used to conduct the quantitative phase. This study uses the idea of a country’s competitive advantage from Porter’s diamond model (PDM). The model was tested and validated using SD simulation resulting in a new policy scenario, which was evaluated in metallurgy expert conferences and high policymaker discussion forums. The results reveal the complexity of the nickel smelter industry in Indonesia and conclude that the integrated export duty beneficence policy is the most effective way to boost competitiveness. This policy gives a significant improvement both in the number of smelters and state revenue compared to the current policy. The industry’s investment competitiveness is enhanced by the six factors of the diamond model, with the first three factors being integrated strategy, limited export of excess production and export duty beneficence, while the remaining factors are metal price fluctuation, domestic demand and mineral supply which are related to mining conditions uncertainty. The research creates a SD model to support Indonesia’s competitive advantage in the smelter industry. Despite limitations like interpretations and distorted semantic analysis, it provides a useful framework for exploring complex industry themes, excluding social factors due to limited data and knowledge requirements. The findings of this research offer a framework for policymaking by the government to enhance the competitiveness of investments in Indonesia’s nickel smelter industry. This study delves into Indonesia’s nickel industry competitiveness using PDM. Using a more detailed SD model with quantitative analysis, it goes beyond strategy development to provide a comprehensive approach to the nickel smelter industry.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-28
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2024-0016
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Generating customer wealth by mobile-based agricultural extension
           services: BOP farmers in the emerging markets

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      Authors: Pranay Verma
      Abstract: This research was motivated by the recognition that the use of mobile-based agricultural extension services (AES) applications has become increasingly popular among the bottom of the pyramid segment in recent years. However, users’ adoption is determined not only by their perception of the technology but also by its perceived wealth. In other words, even though a technology may be perceived as advanced, if it does not fit users’ wealth perception benefits, they may not adopt it. Using an extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) perspective, this study aims to explore potential predictors of behavioral intention toward AES such as effort expectancy, performance expectancy, customer wealth (CW), social influence and perceived characteristics of innovation. Potential causal connections between key UTAUT factors and users’ intentions to use the services are hypothesized. An integrated theoretical model was developed and tested against the empirical data collected from 336 AES users. A measurement model and structural equation model were tested using AMOS 22.0 and confirmed all 14 hypothesized relationships. The results were consistent with the recent literature on mobile technology acceptance, confirming an unmoderated relationship between CW and the adoption of mobile-based AES. This research proposes a mobile AES user adoption model by integrating CW with the unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT). This study establishes CW as an outcome of various relationships.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-24
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-06-2023-0091
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Green thinking: impact of smart technologies on supply chain management

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      Authors: Amitabh Verma
      Abstract: The purpose of this research is to determine how supply chain management (SCM) might be less affected by COVID-19 by using innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), eco-friendly corporate practices and other digital advancements. It strongly emphasizes the use of technology to improve supply networks’ and Omani firms’ performance. Using a mixed-methods research strategy, this study integrates both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It involves a survey and interviews with supply chain and IT managers from various industries in Oman to gather data and evaluate the impact of technology on SCM. This study finds that IoT capabilities, smart technologies (STs) and green practices significantly mitigate COVID-19 impacts on SCM. The performance of the supply chain and the business are both improved by these technologies’ positive effects on integrating various supply chain elements, such as suppliers, internal processes and customer relations. The main constraint of this study is its concentration on businesses in Oman, potentially restricting the applicability of its findings to broader contexts. Future studies could investigate similar frameworks across various geographic and industry settings. The findings suggest that incorporating STs into SCM is crucial for enhancing operational efficiency and resilience against disruptions such as COVID-19. This offers valuable insights for managers and policymakers in adopting technology-driven strategies for SCM. This study highlights the significant role of technology in sustaining supply chains during pandemics, thereby supporting economic stability and societal well-being. It underscores the importance of technological advancements in maintaining supply chain continuity in challenging times. By empirically examining the effect of emerging technologies on enhancing SCM in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically in the Oman market, this research makes a unique contribution to the body of knowledge.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-16
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2024-0020
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Proximity and regional innovation performance: the mediating role of
           absorptive capacity

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      Authors: Shuliang Zhao, Junchen Wang
      Abstract: Proximity is a crucial factor influencing innovation collaboration and performance. Most existing studies have primarily focused on the organizational level and been static in nature. Therefore, a further study on how proximity affects innovation performance is needed. This paper aims to fill this gap by highlighting the organizational, cognitive and geographical proximity in China’s open regional innovation system. This paper analyzes the data from 2010 to 2015 through path analysis. The results reveal that geographical proximity has a direct positive effect on regional innovation performance in China’s regional innovation system. It also shows that organizational proximity exerts a negative impact on absorptive capacity, and through it adversely affects regional innovation performance. In contrast, cognitive proximity is found to have a positive effect on absorptive capacity, enhancing regional innovation performance. Based on these findings, this paper contributes to a better understanding of the role of proximity in innovation collaboration and performance. By highlighting the importance of different proximity types, it provides insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to foster regional innovation.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-07
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2022-0208
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The factors impact on the cashless payment behavior: the IPA model

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      Authors: Doan Van Dinh
      Abstract: In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the trend in industrial development 4.0, the problem is how to conduct transactions of goods and services in the market using cashless payment in Vietnam, as in developed countries. This study aims to investigate, analyze and evaluate the factors affecting cashless payment behavior in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The QR codes are used for payments because many factors affect the behavior of cashless payments made using electronic payment tools, including QR code tools. To achieve this goal, this study applied behavioral theory and the importance-performance analysis (IPA) model to measure service quality based on the difference between customer opinions on the importance and performance level of service providers’ targets. Survey results were obtained from 111 people living in HCMC, Vietnam, including 47 men and 64 women, which was a survey for 15 criteria. According to the IPA results of the first quadrant, managers should focus on allocating their resources toward improving their performance across five key criteria. These criteria are crucial for meeting customers’ expectations and include factors such as product quality, responsiveness to customer queries or complaints, delivery times, pricing and customer service. In addition, the second quadrant of the IPA highlights another set of five criteria that perform well and are essential to the success of the business. These criteria could consist of customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, profitability, market share and innovation These results provide a basis for solutions and recommendations for managers to refer to and apply consistent practices. Therefore, this study examines the cashless payment in Vietnam. Empirical results offer solutions to financial technology policy, marketing policy, cashless payment services and technology, which can help managers provide online payments using QR codes and contribute to monetary policy solutions.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-06
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-03-2023-0031
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Study of adoption of artificial intelligence technology-driven natural
           large language model-based chatbots by firms for customer service

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      Authors: Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
      Abstract: The purpose of this study was to comprehend the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technology-driven natural large language model (LLM)-based chatbots by customers. A qualitative research study method was conducted. This was to explore managerial perspectives towards consumer centric technology adoption of AI plus LLM-based chatbots. This was specifically for AI-driven natural LLM-based chatbots services. The author conducted conducted in-depth personal interviews with 32 experts of digital content AI + LLM chatbot services. Thematic content analysis was undertaken to analyse the data. The advent of natural language processing tools driven by AI technology chatbots has altered human-firm interaction. The research findings indicated that the push-pull-mooring (PPM) factors captured the phenomenon in the most comprehensive way. A total of 15 key factors influencing the adoption of AI technology-driven natural LLM-based chatbots by customers during firm customer interaction were identified in this study by the author. The thematic content analysis unraveled insights regarding transformed consumer adoptions towards AI-driven LLM-based chatbots by means of the PPM framework factors. The empirical research investigation contributed to the literature on the PPM theoretical framework. This was specifically in the context of adoption of AI technology-driven natural LLM-based chatbots by customers during firm customer interaction. The research study insights would help managers to restructure and reconfigure their organizational processes. This would neccessiated a shift in firm-customer interactions as demanded because of the availability of AI technology-driven natural LLM-based chatbots by customers. This research study was based upon the PPM theoretical framework. This study provided a unique analysis of the altered firm customer interaction needs and requirements. This was one of the first studies that applied the framework of PPM theory regarding the adoption of AI technology-driven natural LLM-based chatbots by customers.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-06
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2023-0201
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Privacy or trust: understanding the privacy paradox in users intentions
           towards e-pharmacy adoption through the lens of privacy-calculus model

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      Authors: Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi, Selim Ahmed, Tazrian Shainam Shahid
      Abstract: This study aims to present a comprehensive investigation into users’ behavioural intentions to use e-pharmacies through the lens of the privacy calculus model. The present study also investigates the effects of perceived benefit, perceived privacy risk, timeliness and perceived app quality on e-pharmacy usage through the mediating role of trustworthiness. The study used a deductive approach and collected data from 338 respondents using the purposive sampling technique. partial least squares structural equation modelling was applied to analyse the data. The findings of the study indicate that perceived benefit, perceived privacy risk, timeliness and perceived app quality do not directly impact users’ behavioural intentions towards e-pharmacy adoption. Instead, it demonstrated that perceived benefit, perceived privacy risk, timeliness and perceived app quality influenced behavioural intention indirectly through the mediating role of trustworthiness This study offers valuable insights to entrepreneurs, marketers and policymakers, enabling them to develop regulations, guidelines and policies that cultivate trust, safeguard privacy, ensure prompt services and create an enabling environment for the adoption of e-pharmacies. The present study also contributes to the existing literature by extending the privacy calculus model with the integration of timeliness and perceived app quality to explain users’ adoption behaviour towards e-pharmacy.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-05-02
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-09-2023-0149
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Laws and policy initiatives in regulating blockchain and digital

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      Authors: Hirusheekesan Selvanesan, Navodana Rodrigo
      Abstract: Despite the unique features and potential applications in various industries, widespread blockchain adoption is hindered for several reasons. One of them is the lack of government regulations regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies. However, a deliberate preliminary analysis of the policy initiatives by various jurisdictions proved otherwise, and a lack of sound academic literature on the policy initiatives on blockchain worldwide was evident. Addressing this gap, this study aims to summarize the policy initiatives of jurisdictions around the world, assessing if governments do not enact many regulations. A systematic literature review was adopted in this study, in which the authors shortlisted a set of research papers and policy reports using several selection criteria and a screening process. It was found that numerous policy initiatives have been enacted by governments worldwide, and blockchain applications are also being piloted or practiced successfully in several nations. It was also evident that governments are reluctant to accept cryptocurrencies as legal tender while embracing their underlying technology, blockchain. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper appears to be one of the first attempts to summarize the blockchain policy initiatives contributing to the body of knowledge on blockchain adoption.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-30
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2022-0199
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Impact of community service on university performance and efficiency

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      Authors: Mery Citra Sondari, Adhi Indra Hermanu, Leli Nurlaeli, Deis Savitri Artisheila
      Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of research-based community service programs in Indonesia that used government funds in 2017–2021. The design of this research is a quantitative research method using a data envelopment analysis to evaluate 370 leading universities in Indonesia. Furthermore, six analytical models were considered to compare effectiveness and efficiency between universities. It involved two resource (budget and staff academic involved), three output (intellectual property, prototype and publication) and three outcome variables (economic impact, social impact and capacity building). The findings showed that several universities are considered necessary, with great potential to increase output and outcome efficiency in community involvement. The study mapped and divided the position of 370 universities for additional information. The effectiveness aspect provides another perspective in assessing the performance of tertiary institutions in Indonesia and can be an option for evaluating research performance to improve the quality of output. The authors use data from research and community service management information systems used, both the resources used and the results. Efficiency and effectiveness of 370 universities were compared in this study, including comparing their position on the previous assessment with the assessment of the results of this study. Approach to the concept of Mandl et al. (2008) regarding the relationship between input, output and outcome as the main component of the indicators, the authors apply to analyze efficiency and effectiveness.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-24
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-03-2023-0048
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The influences on the status of information technology governance
           implementations in Malaysia’s technical universities

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      Authors: Chin Wei Liew, Nor Aziati Abdul Hamid
      Abstract: This study aims to collect empirical data and observe the type of influences that were causing impact to the implementation of information technology governance (ITG) mechanisms in Malaysia’s technical universities. This study enhanced the understanding on the status of ITG implementation and revealed internal and external influences that were shaping the types of ITG mechanisms implemented within universities and present a new perspective through the lens of resource-based view and continuous improvement. This study focused on two Malaysia’s technical universities belongs under same university’s network. Five IT leaders involved in the implementations of ITG from each university were interviewed. Qualitative content analysis was used as the main analyzing method to extract categories and themes from the transcripts. Final results were produced after multiple efforts of refining categories and themes in ITG implementations. The findings revealed that both Malaysia’s technical universities had more soundly implementations in structure mechanisms than relational and process mechanisms. The shaping of implemented mechanisms was influenced by environment surrounding the universities, internally and externally. The findings proposed that the internal and external factors are best addressed with the growth of internal ITG expertise. This research was conducted on two of Malaysia’s technical universities that were under a university network. Although both universities had presented the exact trend in the type of ITG mechanisms implemented in the universities, more empirical data were needed to further solidify the findings from this study. Other than that, the major respondents for this research were middle-level IT officers and leaders in the universities. Further research could be conducted specifically on top-level managements to further understand the point of views of top managements in the aspect of ITG mechanisms implementations in universities. This study discussed how each factor could influence the types of ITG mechanisms implemented in Malaysia’s technical universities and concluded the attentions needed to improve the overall environment for ITG implementations in universities through the lens of resource-based view and continuous improvement.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-19
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2022-0176
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Gender diversity, corporate social responsibility and real earnings
           management for policy management decision: evidence from emerging market

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      Authors: Awaisu Adamu Salihi, Haslindar Ibrahim, Dayana Mastura Baharudin
      Abstract: The study aims to examine whether board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility (CSR) affect real earnings management (REM) practices of public companies in Nigeria. The study analyzes data of public companies for the period of 2011 through 2020. Data on board gender diversity, CSR and REM were collected from audited financial statements. The empirical findings show that companies with greater diverse board are effective in restraining REM, thus supporting the theoretical framework of the study. Also, the result provides strong evidence of association between CSR performance and REM for policy management decision. The study is constrained by not considering all public companies in the country. Furthermore, it considered only gender among numerous important board attributes and environmental, social and governance (ESG) among numerous CSR attributes. Hence, future studies should consider other important attributes on REM and important attributes of board diversity and CSR on real earnings management. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the relationship between heterogeneous board gender diversity, CSR via ESG and REM in emerging markets such as Nigeria. Therefore, it provides appropriate treatment of CSR with science and technology via EGS viewpoint of organizational operations and behavior of managing earnings. Therefore, developing better policy management for sustainable development
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-17
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-09-2022-0142
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Fintech services and financial inclusion: a systematic literature review
           of developing nations

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      Authors: Shweta Jha, Ramesh Chandra Dangwal
      Abstract: This paper aims to conduct a systematic literature review on the fintech services and financial inclusion of the developing nations that particularly focuses on lower middle-income group nations (LMIGN) and upper middle-income group nations (UMIGN) to highlight the research areas that have not received attention and present opportunities for future research. This paper adopts a systematic approach to examine 65 research articles published from 2016 to 2021, adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The study identifies research gaps in two key themes: backward and outward linkages. In backward linkages, the literature on UMIGN should pay attention to the behavioural patterns associated with lending, investment and market provision-related fintech services. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between fintech services on the usage and quality dimension of financial inclusion in both LMIGN and UMIGN. For outward linkages, future research work should explore the role of fintech and financial inclusion in the development of LMIGN. This study provides valuable insights and guides future research directions by comprehensively mapping the existing studies. This study does not use quantitative tools, such as meta and bibliometric analysis, to validate the findings. This research paper offers new perspectives that introduce a novel framework for analysing literature on fintech, financial inclusion and its impact on the overall development of UMIGN and LMIGN.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-16
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-03-2023-0034
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Role of green awareness and green behaviour in fostering sustainable
           consumption in India

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      Authors: Shalini Reddy Naini, M. Ravinder Reddy
      Abstract: This study aims to determine the solutions to address the Indian attitude-behaviour inconsistency in the green purchasing context and provide the possible combinations of antecedents that aid Indian marketers in designing promotional and advertising strategies. A non-probability criterion-based sampling technique was used in collecting the data across Hyderabad city of Telangana region through online survey technique. The respondents were the customers who were attracted towards green and eco-friendly products. A total of 129 responses were received. SPSS v26 software was used to conduct the descriptive analysis, and the two-step analysis approach of the measurement and structural model was conducted in SmartPLS. Results indicate that interpersonal influence has a greater direct influence on green purchase behaviour (GPB); altruism’s influence on green purchase intention (GPI) and GPB is through environmental attitude (EA) and green awareness (GA). EA has a significant influence on GA and green behaviour (GB). The GA and GB individually act as potential mediators between EA and green consumption behaviour (GCB) variables. Perceived environmental knowledge (PEK) does not influence GPB directly or indirectly. Altruism still ranks at the fifth position among the six antecedents, indicating reciprocal determinism and not an altruistic purchase approach in the Telangana region. The results of this study may be used by government agencies and policymakers to launch awareness campaigns aimed at educating the public and encouraging green buying practices among broader societal segments. These kinds of programmes could lessen the harm that inconsiderate consumption habits do to the environment and to society, increase the green behaviour practices like planting trees, and recycling, and also increase the consumer’s PEK. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the present study is the first to apply reciprocal deterministic theory along with theory of planned behaviour to predict Indian GCB and address the attitude-behaviour gap. Moreover, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to investigate together the direct and indirect influence of altruism, interpersonal influence and perceived environmental knowledge on green purchase behaviour. Given the growing trend of consumers adopting an eco-friendly mind-set, a novel approach to empirically discuss the behavioural and personal factors will give research the much-needed boost it needs.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-16
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2022-0182
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Analyzing institutional factors influencing the national innovation system

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      Authors: Shiwangi Singh, Sanjay Dhir, Vellupillai Mukunda Das, Anuj Sharma
      Abstract: While extant literature explores the influence of institutions on the national innovation system (NIS), most research has either focused on specific institutional aspects or treated institutions as a unified entity. This study aims to examine the effect of various institutional factors on a country’s NIS. The conceptual model was empirically validated using regression analysis. The study sample comprised a total of 84 countries. This study identifies and empirically validates a comprehensive set of institutional factors. It also highlights the significant institutional factors (including political stability, government effectiveness, ease of resolving insolvency and the rule of law) that can help improve a country’s NIS. The research provides practical implications for organizations and policymakers seeking to understand and foster an innovative culture within the NIS. Policymakers are encouraged to develop a nurturing environment within the NIS by focusing on significant institutional factors. Organizations are encouraged to closely monitor developments in the NIS of a country to make informed strategic decisions at the business, corporate and international levels.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-15
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-05-2023-0063
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Analyzing the drivers of blockchain adoption for supply chain in Pakistan

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      Authors: Muhammad Mohsin Khalil, Waqar Ahmed
      Abstract: In recent years, technological advancement has played a crucial role in the growth of emerging economies. However, as with any novel technological development, there are often concerns and hesitations surrounding its implementation. This study aims to investigate the factors influencing blockchain adoption and usage. Thereby evaluating its impact on supply chain performance. This is a deductive research based on the modified form unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, which is a persuasive model that has been used in numerous studies on the acceptance and usage of information technology systems. For this study, valid data was collected from 129 management-level supply chain professionals and policymakers working in diverse manufacturing industries. The collected data was used for testing hypotheses by deploying the structural equation modeling technique. The findings of this study reveal that facilitating conditions and technology readiness highly are key influencers for organizations to implement this disruptive technology. Moreover, blockchain adoption and usage can significantly enhance supply chain performance. Blockchain technology is a novel and promising disruptive technology that industries are looking forward to adopting and using. For the policymakers and supply chain strategists working in a developing country, this study offers a comprehensive viewpoint on the swift acceptance and usage of blockchain technology to facilitate supply chain operations.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-04-01
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2023-0178
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Predictors of e-Nabız acceptance among physicians: an integration of
           UTAUT, trust, and privacy factors

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      Authors: Dilek Şahin, Mehmet Nurullah Kurutkan, Tuba Arslan
      Abstract: Today, e-government (electronic government) applications have extended to the frontiers of health-care delivery. E-Nabız contains personal health records of health services received, whether public or private. The use of the application by patients and physicians has provided efficiency and cost advantages. The success of e-Nabız depends on the level of technology acceptance of health-care service providers and recipients. While there is a large research literature on the technology acceptance of service recipients in health-care services, there is a limited number of studies on physicians providing services. This study aims to determine the level of influence of trust and privacy variables in addition to performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating factors in the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model on the intention and behavior of using e-Nabız application. The population of the study consisted of general practitioners and specialist physicians actively working in any health facility in Turkey. Data were collected cross-sectionally from 236 physicians on a voluntary basis through a questionnaire. The response rate of data collection was calculated as 47.20%. Data were collected cross-sectionally from 236 physicians through a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data. The study found that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, trust and perceived privacy had a significant effect on physicians’ behavioral intentions to adopt the e-Nabız system. In addition, facilitating conditions and behavioral intention were determinants of usage behavior (p < 0.05). However, no significant relationship was found between social influence and behavioral intention (p > 0.05). This study confirms that the UTAUT model provides an appropriate framework for predicting factors influencing physicians’ behaviors and intention to use e-Nabız. In addition, the empirical findings show that trust and perceived privacy, which are additionally considered in the model, are also influential.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-26
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2023-0174
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Meeting the challenges of wheat production through a skillful mix of new
           varieties, commercialization and technology adoption

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      Authors: Neeru Bhooshan, Amarjeet Singh, Akriti Sharma, K.V. Prabhu
      Abstract: The role of Technology Transfer Units, examined in this study, was found to be vital to expedite the process of disseminating new varieties and their production technology. A total of 1,000 households were surveyed in the sampled states. A probit model was used to analyse. Age, education, land holding, tractor use and number of working family members in agriculture were found to significantly affecting adoption of the new seed varieties. Technology transfer through licensing has impacted the adoption of new seed varieties positively by highlighting Punjab possessing the highest adoption and western Uttar Pradesh was majorly adopting the old variety. The authors believed in farmers’ memory to recall the varietal information of wheat. The study recommended various incentives to attract the seed industry in UP to minimize the economic loss potentially suffered by them. Quality seeds are germane to increase the productivity of crops, and it is paramount to disburse the seed varieties to the end users in an efficient way to achieve the overall objective of productivity enhancement. In this context, a study was conducted in three states of India, namely, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh (UP) to find out the adoption rate of newly developed varieties of wheat, HD 3086 after three years (2014–2015) of its commercialization by IARI as well as HD 2967, which was released in 2011.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-26
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2022-0192
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Factors affecting the adoption of digital entrepreneurship: a survey of
           private schools in Nineveh Governorate in Iraq

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      Authors: Wisam Hasan Allawi, Bassam A. Alyouzbaky
      Abstract: This study aims to determine the factors affecting the adoption of digital entrepreneurship among the pioneers of private schools in the Nineveh Governorate, using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The study seeks to address an academic problem represented by the low level of interest in the research literature on digital entrepreneurship. By contrast, the problem in the field is the failure of several entrepreneurial organizations, in general, and private schools, in particular. The researchers chose the private school sector in the Nineveh Governorate, Republic of Iraq, as the field of study. The targeted individuals represented school founders serving as investors and entrepreneurs, totaling 154 participants. The deductive approach was used as the main research method, with the survey approach as a sub-method. A questionnaire was used for data collection, and the researchers used structural equation modeling software, SmartPLS. The results revealed that constructs such as effort expectation, social influence, facilitating conditions, behavioral intention and experience are factors contributing to predicting the transition to digital entrepreneurship. This study contributes to bridging the academic gap identified in previous research and addresses the spatial gap by focusing on private schools in the Nineveh Governorate. It aims to assess the level of interest in adopting digital leadership within this context. One of the most important implications of the results of the current research is the potential expansion of the use of digital entrepreneurship by understanding the behaviors of entrepreneurs. This understanding can have positive outcomes in attracting broad segments of society to engage in this type of work due to its low costs, low risks and the absence of the need for practicing licenses. Such an expansion could contribute to the establishment of digital pioneering projects aimed at reducing unemployment in society. Additionally, this study offers insights that can guide policymakers in the country toward establishing digital business incubators that provide a suitable work environment for initiating and supporting such projects. The current study presents a unique contribution, represented by using the UTAUT, to identify the acceptance of digital entrepreneurship in private schools in Iraq. This can bring benefits to entrepreneurs and educational policymakers in the country.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-25
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-09-2022-0164
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Marketing analytics acceptance: using the UTAUT, perceived trust, personal
           innovativeness in information technology and user attitude

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      Authors: Kojo Kakra Twum, Andrews Agya Yalley
      Abstract: The use of innovative technologies by firm employees is a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness of firms. However, researchers and practitioners have been concerned about the willingness of technology end users to use innovative technologies. This study, therefore, aims to determine the factors affecting the intention to use marketing analytics technology. This study surveyed 213 firm employees. The quantitative data collected was analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. The results reveal that performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, attitudes and perceived trust have a positive and significant effect on intentions to use marketing analytics. Effort expectancy, social influence and personal innovativeness in information technology were found not to predict intentions to use marketing analytics. This study has practical implications for firms seeking to enhance the use of marketing analytics technology in developing countries. This study contributes to the use of UTAUT, perceived trust, personal innovativeness and user attitude in predicting the intentions to use marketing analytics technology.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-22
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2022-0001
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Impact of the assertive and advisory role of internal auditing on
           proactive measures to enhance cybersecurity: evidence from GCC

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      Authors: Hamada Elsaid Elmaasrawy, Omar Ikbal Tawfik
      Abstract: This paper aims to examine the impact of the assurance and advisory role of internal audit (ADRIA) on organisational, human and technical proactive measures to enhance cybersecurity (CS). The questionnaire was used to collect data for 97 internal auditors (IAu) from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The authors used partial least squares (PLS) to test the hypotheses. The results show a positive effect of the ADRIA on each of the organisational proactive measures, human proactive measures and technical proactive measures to enhance CS. The study also found a positive effect of the confirmatory role of IA on both human proactive measures and technical proactive measures to enhance CS. No effect of the confirmatory role of IA on the organisational proactive measures is found. This study focused on only three proactive measures to enhance CS, and this study was limited to the opinions of IAu. In addition, the study was limited to using regression analysis according to the PLS method. The results of this study show that managers need to consider the influential role of IA as a value-adding activity in reducing CS risks and activating proactive measures. Also, IAu must expand its capabilities, skills and knowledge in CS auditing to provide a bold view of cyber threats. At the same time, the institutions responsible for preparing IA standards should develop standards and guidelines that help IAu to play assurance and advisory roles. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study of its kind that deals with the impact of the assurance and ADRIA on proactive measures to enhance CS. In addition, the study determines the nature of the advisory role and the assurance role of IA to strengthen CS.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-22
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2023-0004
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Understanding factors to digital wallet discontinuance intention among
           past users: an exploratory study

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      Authors: Muhammad Azmi Sait, Muhammad Anshari Ali, Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Haji Masairol Haji Masri
      Abstract: This exploratory study aims to investigate and identify the factors influencing discontinuance intention among past users of local digital wallets in Brunei Darussalam. This study uses a mixed-method approach that integrates quantitative and qualitative research method. An online survey is distributed via widely used social media platforms, using purposive sampling to target previous users of local digital wallets. Structured questionnaires capture demographic data, whereas open-ended inquiries delve into reasons for discontinuation. Descriptive analysis will extract the demographic profiles of the samples. Inductive thematic analysis, guided by Braun and Clarke's framework, will extract and analyze qualitative responses to unveil emergent themes. Data saturation, anticipated beyond 12 responses, will signify sample adequacy. Demographic profiles based on gender, age and payment preferences of discontinuers supplement the justification for identified themes influencing digital wallet discontinuation in Brunei Darussalam. These themes include “Acceptability Challenge,” highlighting limited vendor acceptance; “Financial Management and Security Issues,” revealing concerns over impulsive buying behavior and security robustness; “Limited Benefits,” referring to short-term interest driven by promotional benefits; “Technological Inertia,” emphasizing reluctance to change from conventional payment methods and “Technical Challenges,” encompassing internet connectivity and operational functionality issues. This study acknowledges few limitations, including a limited number of respondents, comprising majorly of the younger age groups and females. Self-reported data usage introduces potential response bias, impacting result validity. The qualitative approach limits comprehensive understanding, suggesting validation through quantitative correlational studies. Additionally, the cross-sectional design restricts insight into the dynamic nature of digital wallet discontinuance in Brunei, suggesting the need for longitudinal studies. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for digital wallet providers, policymakers and businesses operating within the realm of Brunei Darussalam. By tackling pertinent issues such as vendor acceptance, financial security and promotional incentives, stakeholders can effectively improve user experiences and mitigate intentions of discontinuing usage. Recommended strategies encompass the enlargement of vendor networks, the implementation of stringent security measures and the customization of promotional campaigns. Furthermore, comprehending demographic inclinations enables the tailoring of offerings, thereby fostering enduring adoption rates. This study’s findings hold social significance for financial inclusion, technological literacy and consumer empowerment in Brunei Darussalam. Overcoming barriers to digital wallet adoption, such as limited vendor acceptance, promotes financial inclusion in the long run. Improved understanding of digital wallets enhances technological literacy and empowers users to make informed decisions. By catering to diverse demographic needs, stakeholders can promote social equity and ensure widespread access to digital payment benefits, thus positively impacting Brunei Darussalam’s socioeconomic landscape. This study contributes to the existing knowledge gap on digital wallet discontinuance in Brunei Darussalam. By uncovering key themes and factors influencing past users’ decisions, it advances understanding in the context of postadoption dynamics. The study provides valuable insights for local and global fintech adoption strategies.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-22
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2024-0005
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Big data analytics-artificial intelligence and sustainable performance
           through green supply chain practices in manufacturing firms of a
           developing country

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      Authors: Aamir Rashid, Neelam Baloch, Rizwana Rasheed, Abdul Hafaz Ngah
      Abstract: This study aims to examine the role of big data analytics (BDA) powered by artificial intelligence (AI) in improving sustainable performance (SP) through green supply chain collaboration (GSCC), sustainable manufacturing (SM) and environmental process integration (EPI). Data was collected from 249 supply chain professionals working at various manufacturing firms, and hypotheses were tested through a quantitative method using PLS-SEM with the help of SmartPLS version 4 to validate the measurement model. This study identified that BDA-AI significantly and positively affects GSCC, SM and EPI. Similarly, the results showed that GSCC significantly and positively affects SP. At the same time, SM and EPI have an insignificant effect on SP. The GSCC found a significant relationship between BDA-AI and SP for mediation. However, SM and environmental performance integration did not mediate the relationship between BDA and AI and SP. This research evaluated a second-order model and tested SP in conjunction with the dynamic capability theory in the manufacturing industry of Pakistan. Therefore, this research could be beneficial for researchers, manufacturers and policymakers to attain sustainable goals by implementing the BDA-AI in the supply chain.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-19
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-04-2023-0050
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Globalization, technology and global health

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      Authors: Olatunji Shobande, Lawrence Ogbeifun, Simplice Asongu
      Abstract: This study aims to explore whether globalization and technology are harmful to health using a global panel data set of 52 countries over the period 1990–2019. The study focused on four continents: Africa, the Americas, Asia/Oceania and Europe. The authors used four advanced econometric methodologies, which include the standard panel fixed effect (FE), Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond dynamic panel, Hausman–Taylor specification and two-stage least squares (FE-2SLS)/Lewbel-2SLS approaches. The empirical evidence highlights the significance of globalization and technology in promoting global health. The findings suggest that globalization has various impacts on global health indicators and that technology is useful in tracking, monitoring and promoting global health. In addition, the empirical evidence indicates that a truly health-centred process of globalization and technological innovation can only be realized by ensuring that the interests of countries and vulnerable populations to health risks are adequately considered in international decision-making regarding global economic integration. The authors suggest that achieving the aspiration of global health will entail the use of globalization and information technology to extend human activities and provide equal access to global health.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-18
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-07-2023-0121
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Depth of technological capability: a new approach to the technological
           development of latecomer oil service companies

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      Authors: Sina Tarighi
      Abstract: The purpose of this study is to define and develop a new technological development path for latecomer firms in developing countries. An analytical framework for development based on the technological capability (TC) dimensions is developed and examined in the drilling sector. Since the process of TC accumulation is dynamic, the case study approach is the best method for an exploratory theory-building study. Through a comparative case study of two Iranian drilling contractors, a new path for the technological development of latecomer oil service companies is proposed. The study of two cases indicates that despite having similar scope and levels of TC, one of them demonstrated superior technical performance. To address this difference, the concept of operational efficiency is introduced which is considered the outcome of increasing the depth of TC. Although upgrading the level of technological and innovation capability is an important path for technological development, latecomers that suffer from various disadvantages can perform their routine activities with superior performance and develop through their basic operational/production capabilities. Also, specialized indicators designed for assessing the level and depth of TC in the drilling industry have important insights for evaluating the technological and competitive position of oil service companies. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study takes the first step in defining and elaborating on the concept of depth of TC as a development path for latecomers. It also introduced a novel approach to the global operational/production efficiency frontier as a target for their catch-up.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-14
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-12-2022-0204
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Online customers’ attitudes and intentions towards e-payment usage in
           Egypt during the COVID-19 pandemic: the serial mediation roles of
           perceived usefulness, perceived trust, and attitude

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      Authors: Ghada ElSayad
      Abstract: Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for online services has risen, with e-payment emerging as a prominent option for customers seeking faster and more convenient transactions to complete their online purchases. Nevertheless, e-payment adoption in Egypt remains a challenge that requires further investigation. Thus, this study aims to investigate the factors influencing online customers’ attitudes and intentions towards adopting e-payment for online transactions, social influence, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived trust, structural assurance and perceived privacy/security risk. The data were gathered from 302 customers in Egypt and structurally analysed based on partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings revealed that social influence, perceived usefulness and perceived trust are significant antecedents of attitude. Furthermore, perceived usefulness, perceived trust, perceived privacy/security risk and attitude directly influence behavioural intention. Structural assurance and perceived trust directly influence perceived privacy/security risk. Moreover, perceived usefulness, perceived trust and attitude were found to have several mediating roles. This study adds new empirical evidence from a developing country regarding the adoption of e-payment among online customers. In addition, its findings can help the government, practitioners and policymakers understand how to promote customers’ positive attitudes and encourage their intentions towards using e-payment. The findings of this study can contribute to the digital transformation strategy in Egypt by providing insights into enhancing online shoppers’ attitudes and intentions towards e-payment adoption. This, in turn, can boost Egyptian e-commerce and the country's digital economy as a whole.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-12
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-02-2023-0024
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Identifying the push and pull factors for migration patterns vis-à-vis
           smart cities’ context

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      Authors: Naveen Naval, Charalampos Alexopoulos, Nina Rizun, Stuti Saxena
      Abstract: While the causes of migration across a range of diverse societies have been studied in the extant literature, a systematic study encapsulating the extant literature pertaining to the push and pull factors for the phenomenon of migration has not been conducted so far. The purpose of this study is to present a gist of the push and pull factors that are responsible for migration patterns across different contexts. Inferences from the literature review and documentary analysis show that, on the one hand, the push factors for migration entail the enforced reasons like natural causes, wars, health and the like; the pull factors are, by and large, the affirmative ones related to better job opportunities, anticipation of improved well-being, etc. It may also be deduced that both the categories of migration causes are analyzed at the individual, group, societal as well as regional levels. Hitherto, the migration research has focused on understanding the antecedents and consequences of migration in temporal–spatial context, but a syncretic understanding of the push and pull factors behind migration vis-à-vis smart cities is required. The present study seeks to fill this gap. Besides contributing toward the mainstream literature on migration in general, the present study also adds to the literature pertaining to the specific factors responsible for migration patterns.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-03-08
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-04-2023-0061
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Digital transformation on the design and implementation of virtual
           political campaigns in Kuwait: perceptions and attitudes of politicians
           and campaign managers for bold innovation and social impact in Kuwait

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      Authors: Rashed Alhaimer
      Abstract: This study aims to examine the perceptions of political figures and campaign strategists in Kuwait regarding the adoption of virtual political campaigns during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using an enhanced version of the technology acceptance model (TAM), it seeks to understand and quantify their attitudes toward these digital campaign methods. This study can be considered as a bold contribution to the discussion on digital transformation of virtual channels for the promotion of bold innovation and social impact in Kuwait. Data was gathered from 82 participants, comprising 47 politicians and 35 campaign managers in Kuwait. A comprehensive method involving both questionnaires and face-to-face interactions was implemented to ensure a thorough collection of relevant data, aiming to support the research’s objectives effectively. The results underscore the significant influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and the newly integrated factor of perceived convenience on the attitudes toward virtual political campaigns. These factors collectively shape the willingness and approach of political entities in embracing digital campaigning avenues. The findings also indicate that digital transformation in the design and implementation of virtual campaigns can be grounded on positive attitudes and perceptions. The research fills a critical gap in existing literature by examining large-scale attitudes toward virtual political campaigns in Kuwait’s unique context. It offers novel understandings of how political figures and campaign managers perceive and adapt to technological advancements in campaign strategies, mainly during unprecedented crisis times like the COVID-19 pandemic. This study contributes to academic discourse and has practical implications for the evolution of political campaigning strategies in a digital age. A direct implication of our study is also the need to promote further future research on the capacity of digitally transformed channels for political campaigns to be venues of bold innovation. It also highlights the need to provide citizens with training and awareness for this new era of prompt responses to their requirements toward sustainable development and innovation.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-29
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2023-0212
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The impact of the China’s Belt and Road Initiative on innovation,
           knowledge transfer and information diffusion: opportunities, challenges,
           and criticism

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      Authors: Ramazan Uctu, Ahmet Şahbaz
      Abstract: The China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, hereafter) has reenergized the Silk Road concept, with most literature focusing on the political and economic effects of the BRI. While certain aspects of the Digital Silk Road (DSR), digital component of BRI, have been researched, much less focus has been placed on the technological development, tech transfer and information diffusion aspects of the BRI. The aim of this study is to investigate the opportunities, issues and critiques that have arisen as a result of the Belt and Road Initiative’s implications on innovation, knowledge transfer and dissemination. Research in its nature is descriptive. Literature reviews are a significant part of the development of a field. Therefore, secondary sources were considered. The literature and the study have highlighted several opportunities, problems and criticism that decision-makers and the relevant agencies and institutions should take into account when deciding how to move forward with BRI and its digital component DSR. This paper contributes to the research literature on BRI and its subset DSR’s impacts on innovation, knowledge transfer and information diffusion. In fact, the DSR’s primary aim is to strengthen international cooperation in the digital economy. Furthermore, digital platforms now play a significant role in global trade, emphasizing the necessity of DSR.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-22
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2023-0013
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Does supply chain analytics adoption impacts sustainable performance' A
           consideration of technophobia as an influencing factor

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      Authors: Xianwei Lyu, Omkar Dastane, Xiaoguang He
      Abstract: Food SMEs is the backbone of local and world economy. Even while food SMEs are aware of the potential advantages of implementing supply chain analytics (SCA), only a small number of companies use data-based decision-making. This is because of technophobia. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that have an impact on SCA adoption which in turn influence the sustainable performance of firms. The data were collected from 221 managers working in food-related SMEs in China by using a questionnaire-based survey. The framework of this study was validated using a rigorous statistical procedure using the technique, namely, partial least squares structural equation modelling. The findings of this study suggest that all modified UTAUT components (i.e. performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and technophobia) significantly influence SCA adoption. Moreover, the existing study highlights and confirms the significance of adopting SCA to improve sustainable performance. This research is novel, as it extends and investigates the theoretical framework based on UTAUT theory in SCA context and its impact on sustainable organizational performance. In addition, the factor of technophobia is tested in SCA context. This study has several contributory managerial implications for food SMEs.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-21
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-02-2023-0021
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • A bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review of industry 4.0
           implementation in supply chain

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      Authors: Sravani Jetty, Nikhat Afshan
      Abstract: This study aims to provide a bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) research in the supply chain (SC) area and to understand related contemporary research trends. I4.0 has the potential to change the way goods are manufactured, distributed and made available to customers through the digitalisation of SC. Although I4.0 originated in 2011 in Germany, its application in managing the SC has only recently started gaining momentum. Therefore, it is essential to understand the research progress and identify the current trends of I4.0 application in the SC field. A bibliometric analysis was conducted to empirically analyse the literature related to I4.0 implementation in the SC. This study retrieved papers from the Scopus database, reviewing 1,155 articles from the period 2016 to 2023 (November) for bibliometric analysis. Bibliometrix, using R software, was used for the bibliometric analysis, and VOSviewer was used for network analysis. The findings provide an overview of the most relevant journals, most productive scholars, top academic institutions and top countries contributing to I4.0 research in the SC context. The results show that the most recent research contributions are related to the topics of SC performance, sustainability, digitalisation and digital transformation. Furthermore, a detailed review of articles published in the three and above-rated journals in the Chartered Association of Business Schools list is presented. The novelty of this study lies in identifying the current research trends and themes of I4.0 research in the SC area. This research benefits researchers by identifying potential research areas for I4.0 implementation in the SC and providing directions for future research.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-21
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-07-2023-0112
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • A bibliometric review of Internet of Things (IoT) on cybersecurity issues

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      Authors: Kashmira Ganji, Nikhat Afshan
      Abstract: In response to the growing interest in Internet of Things (IoT) technology and its profound implications for businesses and individuals, this bibliometric study focuses on a critical yet understudied aspect, i.e. cybersecurity. As IoT adoption grows, so do concerns regarding user privacy and data security. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current research in this vital area, shedding light on research trends, gaps and emerging themes. The study conducted a bibliometric analysis and systematic review of literature spanning over two decades (2013–2023). Bibliometric analysis is conducted using Biblioshiny which is R-software-based advanced analytical tool. Further, VOSviewer is used to conduct network analysis. The study highlights the evolving landscape of IoT cybersecurity, emphasizing interdisciplinary intersections and the ethical dimensions of IoT technologies. The study uncovers crucial concerns related to IoT adoption, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive cybersecurity protocols. It identifies emerging themes such as artificial intelligence and blockchain integration, indicating a shift toward interdisciplinary solutions. Furthermore, the research highlights ethical gaps in current IoT discussions, emphasizing the importance of responsible innovation. Businesses can bolster their cybersecurity strategies, policymakers can craft informed regulations and researchers are encouraged to explore IoT’s ethical dimensions. This study pioneers a nuanced analysis of IoT cybersecurity, filling a crucial gap in the existing business and management literature. By synthesizing a decade of scholarly work, it provides foundational insights for researchers, businesses and policymakers. The research not only informs academic discourse but also offers practical guidance for enhancing IoT security measures and fostering ethical innovation.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-19
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-05-2023-0071
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Entrepreneurship development in photovoltaic technological innovation
           system: a case study in Iran

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      Authors: Vahid Zahedi Rad, Abbas Seifi, Dawud Fadai
      Abstract: This paper aims to develop a causal feedback structure that explains the dynamics of entrepreneurship development in Iran’s photovoltaic (PV) technological innovation system (TIS) to design effective policy interventions for fostering PV innovation. This study adopts the system dynamics approach to develop the causal structure model. The methodology follows a systematic method to elicit the causal structure from qualitative data gathered by interviewing several stakeholders with extensive knowledge about different aspects of Iran’s PV TIS. Lack of technological knowledge and financial resources within Iranian PV panel-producing firms are the main barriers to entrepreneurship development in Iran’s PV TIS. This study proposes two policy enforcement mechanisms to tackle these problems. The proposed feedback mechanisms contribute to the domestic PV market size and knowledge transfer from public research organizations to the PV industry. The proposed policy mechanisms aid Iranian policymakers in designing effective policy interventions stimulating innovation in Iran’s PV industry. The main contributions of this study include conceptualizing the causal structure capturing entrepreneurship dynamics in emerging PV TIS and proposing policy mechanisms fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in PV sectors.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-19
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-09-2022-0156
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The UTAUT approach to Indonesia’s behavioral intention to use mobile
           health apps

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      Authors: Sevenpri Candra, Edith Frederica, Hanifa Amalia Putri, Ooi Kok Loang
      Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effects of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions on the behavioral intention of using mobile health applications, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey was developed using an online survey platform and distributed to Indonesian consumers for three weeks, and 149 usable responses were obtained. The principal component analysis, linear regression and analysis of variance tests were performed to test the validity and reliability of the measurement model and the hypothesized relationships among constructs. Surprisingly, unlike previous studies on IT adoption, the findings show that social influence has no significant impact on behavioral intention. Facilitating conditions have a very weak to almost no significant impact on behavioral intention to use mobile health applications. This research is conducted during pandemic COVID-19 where using mobile health apps is a must. In the future this research can be expanded as comparison study after the pandemic COVID-19 stated. The result implies that digital technologies adoption intention is strongly affected by performance expectancy and effort expectancy, with performance expectancy as the most significant predictor. Nonetheless, the interaction of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions influences behavioral intention significantly. Therefore, social influence and facilitating conditions are still important even with very insignificant effects. To improve consumers’ behavioral intention to use mobile health applications, application providers should promote mobile health applications as useful telemedicine tools by primarily focusing on the application performance and usage experience.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-15
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2022-0175
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • An application of the extended UTAUT model to understand the adoption of
           cashless transactions: evidence from developing country

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      Authors: Md. Nazmus Sakib, Mahmuda Akter, Mohammad Sahabuddin, Mochammad Fahlevi
      Abstract: This study aims to identify the factors influencing cashless transactions toward digital payment systems using the extended UTAUT model in developing countries. This model was extended with perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, facilitating conditions, perceived security/trust and social influence for assessing consumer behavior toward cashless transactions. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), this study conducted a cross-sectional survey to collect data, providing a snapshot of the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables. The results of the study indicate that perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions, perceived trust/security and social influence have a significant influence on consumer intentions toward cashless transactions. Oppositely, leaving the perceived ease of use has no significant influence on consumer intentions toward the usage of cashless transactions. The contribution of this study is to extend the UTAUT model for adopting cashless transactions in developing countries that will help government agencies, service providers and financial institutions design effective strategies in the future.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-13
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-09-2023-0156
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Analysis and future projections of the electricity demands of the
           Jordanian household sector using artificial neural networks

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      Authors: Mohammad A Gharaibeh, Ayman Alkhatatbeh
      Abstract: The continuous increase of energy demands is a critical worldwide matter. Jordan’s household sector accounts for 44% of overall electricity usage annually. This study aims to use artificial neural networks (ANNs) to assess and forecast electricity usage and demands in Jordan’s residential sector. Four parameters are evaluated throughout the analysis, namely, population (P), income level (IL), electricity unit price (E$) and fuel unit price (F$). Data on electricity usage and independent factors are gathered from government and literature sources from 1985 to 2020. Several networks are analyzed and optimized for the ANN in terms of root mean square error, mean absolute percentage error and coefficient of determination (R2). The predictions of this model are validated and compared with literature-reported models. The results of this investigation showed that the electricity demand of the Jordanian household sector is mainly driven by the population and the fuel price. Finally, time series analysis approach is incorporated to forecast the electricity demands in Jordan’s residential sector for the next decade. The paper provides useful recommendations and suggestions for the decision-makers in the country for dynamic planning for future resource policies in the household sector.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-02-05
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-06-2023-0090
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Islamic finance as a driver for enhancing economic sustainability and
           innovation in the GCC

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      Authors: Salah Alhammadi
      Abstract: This study aims to investigate the role of Islamic finance in supporting sustainable economic growth, innovation and digital transformation in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. Amid global challenges like the Russia–Ukraine conflict and COVID-19, the focus extends beyond the GCC’s oil dependency to explore how Islamic finance can enable technological advancements and foster a digitally innovative economy. The research aims to reveal the potential of Islamic finance in driving economic diversification, technological progress and sustainable development in the GCC. Using a content analysis approach, this study critically examines the economic repercussions of recent global crises, shedding light on how Islamic finance contributes to socio-economic justice and the provision of social goods in the GCC. The research synthesises findings from various secondary sources, including academic literature, reports and industry standards, to analyse Islamic finance’s role from an ethical and strategic perspective within the GCC’s evolving economic landscape. The findings reveal Islamic finance’s potential to significantly contribute to the GCC’s economic diversification and resilience against global economic downturns. The study highlights how Islamic finance aligns with the sustainable development goals and its effectiveness in promoting ethical financial practices and socio-economic justice. Future research should focus on global comparative studies to understand Islamic finance’s impact on sustainable development beyond the GCC. Longitudinal studies are also essential to assess the long-term effects of Islamic financial instruments on economic stability. The research advocates for incorporating Islamic finance principles into the GCC’s economic strategies, emphasising its role in providing resilient and ethical financial alternatives conducive to sustainable development. It underscores the need for policy initiatives integrating Islamic finance to bolster socio-economic welfare and environmental sustainability. Offering a novel perspective, this paper enriches the discourse on the contribution of Islamic finance to sustainable economic development. It presents critical insights into how Islamic finance can underpin long-term economic resilience and growth in the GCC. It provides valuable implications for academia and policymaking, particularly in emerging economies’ science and technology policy management.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-25
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-11-2023-0206
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Understanding consumers’ adoption of e-pharmacy in Qatar: applying the
           unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

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      Authors: Hussam Al Halbusi, Khalid Al-Sulaiti, Fadi Abdelfattah, Ahmad Bayiz Ahmad, Salah Hassan
      Abstract: This study aims to investigate the factors influencing the adoption of online pharmacies in Qatar using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology-2 (UTAUT-2) framework. Specifically, this study examines the impact of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, habit, technology trust, perceived risk and users’ level of awareness of behavioral intention, which in turn affects the adoption of online pharmacies. Furthermore, this study explores the moderating role of word-of-mouth (WOM) recommendations on the relationship between behavioral intention and online pharmacy adaptation. This study adopted a descriptive, quantitative approach to investigate the UTAUT-2 model in the context of consumers’ adoption of e-pharmacy in Qatar. Through convenience sampling, 455 responses were collected from regular customers accessing online pharmacy services. The data were analyzed using Smart-PLS 3.2 software to examine the hypothesized relationships. The results showed that WOM recommendations significantly enhanced the relationship between behavioral intention and adopting online pharmacies in Qatar. This study identified the factors that may hinder or enable the adoption of online pharmacies, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, habit, technology trust, perceived risk and users’ level of awareness. This study contributes to the existing literature on technology acceptance by extending the UTAUT-2 model and recognizing three additional variables (perceived risk, technology trust and technology awareness). These need to be investigated against UTAUT-2 variables to detect the significance of their impact on adapting the e-health concept in Qatar. The potential for cultural change to accelerate the adoption of online pharmacies is highlighted. Future research should explore the role of moral and cultural factors in technology adoption. The results underscore the economic and social significance of e-pharmacy adoption, particularly within the context of a developing country. Considering the positive intentions expressed by individuals toward e-pharmacy, it becomes crucial for managers and decision-makers to make strategic choices to address any challenges that may arise. Policymakers are encouraged to enhance their services and implement various development initiatives to expand e-pharmacy accessibility and availability. This study builds upon previous research on e-commerce in the pharmaceutical industry and provides a comprehensive understanding of customers in developing countries. Extending the UTAUT-2 model and identifying additional variables contributes to the knowledge of e-health concepts in Qatar. The findings have practical implications for developing strategies to promote online pharmacy adoption in Qatar and other countries.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-24
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-03-2023-0042
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • The role of smart technologies in managing supply chain post pandemic: an
           exploratory scientific procedures and rationales for systematic literature

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      Authors: Pragati Agarwal, Sunita Kumari Malhotra, Sanjeev Swami
      Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented disruptions to global supply chains, compelling organizations to reevaluate their strategies for resilience and adaptability. In response, smart technologies (ST) have emerged as integral tools in post-pandemic supply chain management (SCM). This study aims to conduct an exploratory systematic literature review to comprehensively examine the evolving landscape of smart technology adoption in the context of SCM post-pandemic. A systematic literature review has been conducted to examine the potential research contribution or directions in the field of ST and SCM. In total, 240 articles were shortlisted from the SCOPUS database in the chosen field of research. Bibliometric analysis was conducted by using VOSviewer to investigate the research trends in the area of SCM. The review identifies key themes and trends, including supply chain resilience, digital transformation, enhanced visibility, predictive analytics and sustainability considerations. It explores the role of ST in fostering agility, transparency and risk mitigation within supply chains. Furthermore, eight clusters were identified to generate several thematic topics of ST in SCM. The results have evidenced a strong gap related to Industry 5.0 approaches for the supply chain field. A total of 240 publications, including journal articles, have been found in the literature. A total of 37 words, which were grouped in 8 clusters, have been identified in the data analysis. By synthesizing the current state of literature, this study provides valuable insights for practitioners, policymakers and researchers seeking to navigate the complexities of post-pandemic SCM in an increasingly digitized and interconnected world. The findings highlight the transformative potential of ST and offer a roadmap for further exploration in this critical domain. In this paper, the development path of the field of ST in SCM during the pandemic and the research constructs are presented and potential research directions are based on the bibliometric method.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-19
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-07-2023-0106
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • How does digital payment transform society as a cashless society' An
           empirical study in the developing economy

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      Authors: Mohammad Rakibul Islam Bhuiyan, Most. Sadia Akter, Saiful Islam
      Abstract: After analyzing these uncountable benefits of digital or cashless payment, many European countries like Sweden, Finland and Canada has been trying to convert their payment system into cashless. Following these developed countries, the Bangladesh Government has taken a decision to transfer society as a cashless society by using information technologies for adopting the fourth industrial revolution over the world. Digital payment system is among the various options available for transforming a cashless society. First, this empirical study presents demographic information and digital payment characteristics on the basis of income levels. This study identifies influential factors of adopting digital payment systems. Finally, this study aims to justify how digital payments transform the Bangladeshi economy into a cashless society in developing countries. The study was administered to a sample of 1,000 Bangladeshi customers who had engaged in online banking transactions for the purpose of acquiring items and services through both social media platforms in Google Form format and face-to-face interactions in hard copy format. Among these, 647 questions were deemed usable and were used for data analysis, where the response rate was 68%. The SmartPLS is used to create and validate the structural equation modeling model presented for the research, as well as to evaluate the hypothesized correlations between the different constructs. This cross-sectional study conducted the extended technology acceptance model (TAM) with perceived security (PS) and personal innovation (PI) variables to identify the influencing adoption factors of digital payment systems. This study finds that perceived ease of use, PI and perceived usefulness have a favorable impact on individuals’ attitudes toward adopting digital payment methods (DPMs). The study also indicated that PS did not influence negatively the adoption of digital payment system. Besides this, the adoption of digital payment will help to transform society into a cashless society in the future. Increasingly prevalent across the nation. Several variables are required to facilitate the transition toward a cashless society. This study exclusively focuses on DPMs. Additionally, the data has been obtained exclusively from a single urban area. The adoption of DPMs has become increasingly prevalent across the nation. This study would help policymakers, marketers and bankers understand which factors affect digital payment infrastructure expansion. So, they can produce digital payment apps that are compatible with different devices, have fast transactions, are user-friendly, easy to use and highly secure to maintain good attitudes toward digital payment systems. Few studies have examined how DPMs affect cashless societies in developing countries like Bangladesh. According to researchers, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to explore how digital payments affect cashless society in Bangladesh and raise awareness about it. The study extended the TAM model to PS and PI. This paper is also unique in the conceptual arguments and the subject theme of the research area.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-18
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-10-2023-0170
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Innovations, strategic organizational actions, and sailing-ship effect:
           illustrated with an IT product

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      Authors: Lakshminarayana Kompella
      Abstract: In socio-technical transition theory, resistance by existing technology and regime resistance plays a key role. The resistance is in the form of intentional improvements; eventually, the regime destabilizes and adopts the new technology, referred to as the sailing-ship effect. Researchers used a structural view and examined it as a strategic action and its relationship with new technology (competitive/symbiotic) in non-fast-changing sailing systems. This study uses a microlevel view and examines it in a fast-changing where products/services are developed by integrating existing technology with new product innovations; their success depends on addressing technical/market uncertainty. This study examines the sailing-ship effect in a fast-changing system and contributes to the socio-technical transition theory. The authors need to examine the phenomena of the sailing-ship effect in its setting, and a case-study method is appropriate. The selected case provided diverse analytic and heuristic perspectives to examine the phenomena; therefore, it was a single case study. In an IT scenario, the strategic actions decide and realize agility and competitive advantage by formulating appropriate goals with required budgets and coevolutionary changes to resources at product, process and organizational levels, addressing technical/market uncertainty. Moreover, the agility displayed by strategic actions determines the relationship with new technology, which is interspersed. Finally, it provided insights into struggle, navigation and negotiations, forming strategic actions to display the sailing-ship effect. The study selected a Banking Financial Services and Insurance product of an IT Services company. As start-ups exhibit inherent (emergent) agility, the authors can examine agility as a combination of emergent and strategic actions by selecting a start-up. The study highlights the strategic actions specific to an IT services company. It developed its product and services by steering clear from IT innovations such as native cloud and continuous deployment. It improved its products/services with necessary organizational changes and achieved the desired agility and competitive advantage. Therefore, organizations devise appropriate strategic actions to combat the sailing-ship effect apart from setting goals and selecting IT innovations. The study expands the socio-technical transition theory by selecting a fast-changing system. It provided insights into the relationship between existing and new technology and the strategic actions necessary to manage technical and market uncertainty and achieve the desired competitive advantage, or the sailing-ship effect.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-17
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-08-2022-0125
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Big data readiness in the public sector: an assessment model and insights
           from Indonesian local governments

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      Authors: Kasmad Ariansyah, Ahmad Budi Setiawan, Alfin Hikmaturokhman, Ardison Ardison, Djoko Walujo
      Abstract: This study aims to establish an assessment model to measure big data readiness in the public sector, specifically targeting local governments at the provincial and city/regency levels. Additionally, the study aims to gain valuable insights into the readiness of selected local governments in Indonesia by using the established assessment model. This study uses a mixed-method approach, using focus group discussions (FGDs), surveys and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to establish the assessment model. The FGDs involve gathering perspectives on readiness variables from experts in academia, government and practice, whereas the survey collects data from a sample of selected local governments using a questionnaire developed based on the variables obtained in FGDs. The EFA is used on survey data to condense the variables into a smaller set of dimensions or factors. Ultimately, the assessment model is applied to evaluate the level of big data readiness among the selected Indonesian local governments. FGDs identify 32 essential variables for evaluating the readiness of local governments to adopt big data. Subsequently, EFA reduces this number by five and organizes the remaining variables into four factors: big data strategy, policy and collaboration, infrastructure and human resources and data collection and utilization. The application of the assessment model reveals that the overall readiness for big data in the selected local governments is primarily moderate, with those in the Java cluster displaying higher readiness. In addition, the data collection and utilization factor achieves the highest score among the four factors. This study offers an assessment model for evaluating big data readiness within local governments by combining perspectives from big data experts in academia, government and practice.
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-16
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-01-2023-0010
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Examining the effect of perceived risk, self-efficacy and individual
           differences on consumer intention to use contactless mobile payment

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      Authors: Shampy Kamboj, Manita Matharu, Yupal Shukla
      Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of perceived risk (perceived susceptibility and perceived severity), self-efficacy and individual differences (personal innovativeness and mobile payment knowledge) on consumers’ intention to use contactless mobile payment services (MPS). Additionally, it also empirically tested the moderating effect of hygiene consciousness in the proposed conceptual model. The present research developed a conceptual model based on the health belief model (HBM) and diffusion of innovation theory (
      DOI ) to empirically assess whether and how perceived risk, self-efficacy and individual differences influence consumer intention to use contactless MPS. The data was collected using the survey method from 251 smartphone users and analyzed with structural equation modeling. The moderating role of hygiene consciousness was studied in the relationship that self-efficacy and personal innovativeness shares with consumers’ intention toward contactless MPS. The results of this study disclose that among all precursors of consumers’ intention toward contactless MPS, only perceived severity, self-efficacy, personal innovativeness and mobile payment knowledge positively affect consumers’ intention to use contactless MPS. However, the effect of perceived susceptibility on consumers’ intention toward contactless MPS was found to be non-significant. The results further depict that hygiene consciousness acts as a moderator in driving consumers’ intention toward contactless mobile payment services. The HBM model and
      DOI , which incorporate perceived risk, self-efficacy, individual differences and hygiene consciousness, give light on the factors influencing consumer intention to use contactless MPS in a pandemic situation such as COVID-19. The study will provide useful insights to marketers on how to frame their strategies in the aftermath of pandemics, as the contactless mobile payment method may be perceived as a defensive behavior during and after pandemics. The study will provide useful insights to marketers on how to frame their strategies in the aftermath of pandemics, as the contactless mobile payment method may be perceived as a defensive behavior during and after pandemics. By uniting perceived risk, self-efficacy and individual differences with consumers’ intention toward contactless MPS in a conceptual model, along with examining the moderating role of hygiene consciousness, this work responds to the calls for upcoming research concerning mobile payment systems as means of future payment. Thus, it offers an understanding of particular consumer motivations that may guide consumers’ intention toward contactless MPS through the theoretical lens of HBM and
      DOI .
      Citation: Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
      PubDate: 2024-01-12
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print (2024)
  • Editorial: Digital technologies, innovation and competitiveness: shaping
           the future of economies and societies

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      Editorial: Digital technologies, innovation and competitiveness: shaping the future of economies and societies
      Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos
      Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.657-662Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management2024-06-17
      DOI: 10.1108/JSTPM-07-2024-227
      Issue No: Vol. 15, No. 4 (2024)
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK
Email: journaltocs@hw.ac.uk
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