Subjects -> PALEONTOLOGY (Total: 43 journals)
- Late Famennian (latest Strunian) palynomorph assemblages and their role in
the Neves Formation depositional environment—The Neves-Corvo mine case study (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal)-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 July 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Márcia Mendes, Zélia Pereira, João X. Matos, Luis Albardeiro, Igor Morais, Vitor Araújo
- Middle Triassic and middle Permian radiolarians from the Kamitaki Complex
in the Sasayama area, Hyogo Prefecture, Southwest Japan: Evidence for Triassic plate subduction along the eastern margin of Paleo-Asia-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 June 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Yoshiaki Sugamori
- Radiolarian dating of cherts from the Artofago Cave: Insights into
prehistoric lithic tool production and resource exploitation in Southern Tuscany, Italy-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 June 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Dario Ferrari, Marco Chiari, Enrico Pandeli, Luca Bachechi
- Miocene radiolarian assemblages from the submarine Vityaz Ridge, Northwest
Pacific: Biostratigraphy and paleoceanography-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 27 May 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): L.N. Vasilenko, Yu.P. Vasilenko, Xuefa Shi, Yanguang Liu
- Organic walled dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the middle-late
Miocene western Niger Delta, Nigeria-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 21 May 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Ernest U. Durugbo, Olugbenga T. Fajemila, Moshood A. Olayiwola, Osazuwa A. Ogbahon, Marion K. Bamford
- Late Permian radiolarian Neoalbaillella caridroiti assemblage from the
Loufanggou, Guangyuan-Shangsi area, Sichuan Province, China-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 May 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Kiyoko Kuwahara, Akira Yao, Jianxin Yao
- Radiolarian occurrence and origin of basaltic rocks in the Hebiki Unit,
Northern Chichibu accretionary complex in the Kanto Mountains, Central Japan-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 18 May 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Kazushi Okabe, Yoshihito Kamata
- Radiolarian age and geochemical characteristics of the Permian bedded
chert sequence in the Soi Dao area, Chanthaburi, Southeast of Thailand-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Waraphorn Phromsuwan, Yoshihito Kamata, Takuya Hayashi, Kei-ichi Kobayashi, Thasinee Charoentitirat, Katsumi Ueno, Apsorn Sardsud
- Voloshinoides simplex sp. nov. and Cribellopsis' kharaibensis sp. nov.
(Foraminifera): new constraints for Lower Cretaceous (upper Barremian–lowermost Aptian) stratigraphy of the Arabian Plate (Kharaib Formation, Hawar Member, UAE)-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 3 May 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Felix Schlagintweit, Nouf Alteneiji, Thomas Steuber
- Comments on “Morphogenesis of Balkhania balkhanica Mamontova, 1966
(benthic foraminifera) from Lower Cretaceous successions along the northern Tethyan margin (NE and Central Iran)”-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 24 April 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Bruno Granier, Zinat Hasanzade Karim Abad, Felix Schlagintweit, Morteza Taherpour-Khalil-Abad, Jafar Taheri
- Pirumosphaera armandae nov. sp., a new Southern Ocean polycystine
radiolarian genus and species-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 March 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Vikki Lowe, Giuseppe Cortese, Matthieu Civel-Mazens, Xavier Crosta, Helen Bostock
- Desmoinesian (middle Pennsylvanian) radiolarians from the Excello Shale of
Kansas, USA-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 5 March 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Galina P. Nestell, John P. Pope, Merlynd K. Nestell
- Ostracoda and Foraminifera as bioindicators of (aquatic) pollution in the
protected area of uMlalazi estuary, South Africa-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 February 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Olga Schmitz, Paul Mehlhorn, Jemma Finch, Torsten Haberzettl, Annette Hahn, Trevor Hill, Kevin Kretschmer, Peter Frenzel
- Taxonomic revision of Choffatella singularis Magniez-Jannin, 1989, from
the Lower Cretaceous of the Paris Basin, France and description of the new genus Magniezjanninius-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 January 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Felix Schlagintweit
- Taphonomy of radiolarian and diatom fossils preserved within Oligocene
trace fossils-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 January 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Akihide Kikukawa, Yoshiaki Aita, Noboru Furukawa, Nobuhiro Kotake
- Devonian-Carboniferous boundary beds in the Kuz-Yama section (Northern
Cis-Urals) - Conodonts, ostracods, and carbon isotope record-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 January 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Andrey V. Zhuravlev, Dmitriy B. Sobolev
- Nassellarian polycystine radiolarians observed in sediment traps from the
southern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 January 2024Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Marie Cueille, Taniel Danelian, Koen Sabbe, Mathias Meunier, Elisavet Skampa, Maria Triantaphyllou, Alexandra Gogou
- Putting the dead to work: A new method to assess the autochthony of marine
Ostracoda death assemblages-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 December 2023Source: Revue de MicropaléontologieAuthor(s): Giuseppe Aiello, Roberta Parisi, Ilaria Mazzini, Diana Barra