Subjects -> ARCHAEOLOGY (Total: 300 journals)
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- Reconstruction of Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental and palaeohydrological
changes using multi-proxy analysis of Sattal lake sediments, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 August 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Pooja Chand, Bahadur Singh Kotlia, David F. Porinchu, Anupam Sharma, Pankaj Kumar, Harish Bisht, G.C. Kothyari, Manmohan Kukreti
- Assessment of fluvial response to landslide susceptibility and transient
response of tectonically active upper Alaknanda River basin of Uttarakhand Himalaya, India Abstract: Publication date: Available online 31 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Hem Ch. Kothyari, Girish Ch. Kothyari, R.C. Joshi, Kalpana Gururani, Senjuti Nandi, Atul Kumar Patidar
- Changes in the particulate organic carbon pump efficiency since the Last
Glacial Maximum in the northwestern Philippine Sea Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Pierrick Fenies, Maria-Angela Bassetti, Natalia Vazquez Riveiros, Sze Ling Ho, Yuan-Pin Chang, Ludvig Löwemark, Florian Bretonnière, Nathalie Babonneau, Gueorgui Ratzov, Shu-Kun Hsu, Chih-Chieh Su
- Prediction of UCS and BTS under Freeze-Thaw Conditions in the NW Himalayan
Rock Mass using Petrographic Analysis and Laboratory Testing Abstract: Publication date: Available online 27 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Amit Jaiswal, Md Shayan Sabri, Amit Kumar Verma, Sahil Sardana, T.N. Singh
- Interpretation and implications of high-resolution hydroclimatic records
of the past 7,000 years based on Gaho paleolake sediments in South Korea Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Sujeong Park, Jaesoo Lim, Hyoun Soo Lim
- Taphonomic and zooarchaeological analysis of fauna from the Howiesons
Poort and post-Howiesons Poort at Klasies River main site: examining links between the environment and subsistence behaviour in Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 3 Abstract: Publication date: Available online 23 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Jerome P. Reynard, Alexandra Pearson, Pamela Akuku, Sarah Wurz
- Submission to Quaternary Science Advances Re-evaluating Marine Isotope
Stage 5a Paleo-sea-level trends from across the Florida Keys Reef Tract, Florida Abstract: Publication date: Available online 23 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Scarlette Hsia, Lauren T. Toth, Richard Mortlock, Charles Kerans
- When to generalise and when to specialise' Climate Change and Hominin
Biocultural Adaptability in the African Early and Middle Stone Age Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): James Clark, Gonzalo Linares-Matás
- Archaeology, climate change and human adaptation in southern Africa:
Evidence from Mapela and Little Mapela, southern Africa Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 15Author(s): Shadreck Chirikure, Foreman Bandama, Michelle House, Munyaradzi Manyanga, Robert T. Nyamushosho
- Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in Addi Arkay, Ethiopia Using GIS,
Remote Sensing, and AHP Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Likinaw Mengstie, Assayew Nebere, Muralitharan Jothimani, Biniyam Taye
- Assessing Foundation Characteristics at the War Dam Site, Lake Tana Basin,
Ethiopia: A Geophysical and Geotechnical Perspective Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Yahya Ali Abdulkadir, Tigabu Baye, Muralitharan Jothimani
- Morphological differences across the Shumagin-Semidi fault segments
control slip behaviors and tsunami genesis in the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 July 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Qiang Qiu, Linlin Li, Xiaodong Yang, Jian Lin, Constance Ting Chua
- Assessing the variation of drought, net primary productivity, and
ecosystem resilience across the anthropogenic biomes of India: A comprehensive analysis Abstract: Publication date: Available online 27 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Subhojit Shaw, Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Karikkathil C.Arun Kumar
- An integrated approach to identify flood hazard and risk areas in Melka
Soda district, Southern Ethiopia Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 15Author(s): Dechasa Diriba, Shankar Karuppannan
- GIS-Based MCDM Approach for Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping in East
Gojjam Zone, Central Ethiopia Abstract: Publication date: Available online 24 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Chalachew Tesfa, Demeke Sewnet
- Combining orbital tuning and direct dating approaches to age-depth model
development for Chew Bahir, Ethiopia Abstract: Publication date: Available online 21 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Martin H. Trauth, Asfawossen Asrat, Markus L. Fischer, Verena Foerster, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Henry F. Lamb, Norbert Marwan, Helen M. Roberts, Frank Schaebitz
- Nitrogen uptakes dynamics with environmental variables in the southwest
Bay of Bengal. Abstract: Publication date: Available online 19 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): K. Priyanka, R.K. Sarangi, V. Manigandan, D. Poornima, A. Saravanakumar
- Last Interglacial and MIS 9e relative sea-level highstands in the Central
Mediterranean: a reappraisal from coastal cave deposits in the Cilento area, Southern Italy Abstract: Publication date: Available online 19 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Ilaria Isola, Monica Bini, Andrea Columbu, Mauro Antonio Di Vito, Biagio Giaccio, Hsun-Ming Hu, Fabio Martini, Francesca Pasquetti, Lucia Sarti, Federica Mule, Antonio Mazzoleni, Chuan-Chou Shen, Giovanni Zanchetta
- Holocene alluvial dynamics, soil erosion and settlement in the uplands of
Macedonia (Greece): New geoarchaeological insights from Xerolakkos in Grevena Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Giannis Apostolou, Alfredo Mayoral, Konstantina Venieri, Sofia Dimaki, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa, Mercourios Georgiadis, Hector A. Orengo
- Integration of geospatial analysis, frequency ratio, and analytical
hierarchy process for landslide susceptibility assessment in the maze catchment, omo valley, southern Ethiopia Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 15Author(s): Obse Kebeba, Leulalem Shano, Yadeta Chemdesa, Muralitharan Jothimani
- Development of an automated extraction and radiocarbon dating method for
fossil pollen deposited in Lake Motosu, Japan Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 June 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Kosuke Ota, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Stephen P. Obrochta, Shinya Yamamoto, A. Hubert-Ferrari, V.M.A. Heyvaert, Marc De Batist, Osamu Fujiwara, the QuakeRecNankai Team
- Low variability of authigenic 10Be/9Be across the Holocene Po Plain
parasequences reveals suitability of dating method for highstand deltaic deposits Abstract: Publication date: Available online 31 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Kishan Aherwar, Michal Šujan, Alessandro Amorosi, Bruno Campo, Andrej Chyba, Adam Tomašových, Barbara Rózsová, Aster Team, Régis Braucher, G. Aumaître, K. Keddadouche, F. Zaïdi
- Modeling Terminal Pleistocene and Holocene Forager Population Increase and
Environmental Change in the Central Namib Desert, Namibia Abstract: Publication date: Available online 31 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Grant S. McCall, Theodore P. Marks
- Estimation of surface deformation in Sikkim and Eastern Nepal Himalaya
using PSInSAR technique Abstract: Publication date: Available online 25 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Raj Sunil Kandregula, Pavankumar G, Ajay Manglik, Girish Ch Kothyari
- Holocene vegetation and climatic changes in the coastal tropical
rainforests of Nigeria Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): E.A. Orijemie, M.C. França, M.A. Sowunmi
- Carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry of a high-altitude Himalayan lake
sediment: inferences for the late Holocene climate Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Abdur Rahman, Rayees Ahmad Shah, M.G. Yadava, Sanjeev Kumar
- Landslide Susceptibility Modeling in the Kulfo River Catchment, Rift
Valley, Ethiopia: An Integrated Geospatial and Statistical Analysis Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Tsedal Mulugeta, Leulalem Shano, Muralitharan Jothimani
- Tracing the Late Quaternary coastal evolution of Central Kerala, India,
around the lost ancient port Muziris using multi-proxy study of the sedimentary archives Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Prasenjit Das, D. Padmalal, K.P.N. Kumaran, Ruta B. Limaye, S. Vishnu Mohan, Upasana S. Banerji, Ravi Bhushan
- Heavily eroded Pleistocene landscape and site-forming processes of the
Acheulean artifacts-bearing Holocene sediments, Eastern Desert, Sudan Abstract: Publication date: June 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 14Author(s): Mirosław Masojć, Ju Yong Kim, Hyeon-Seon Ahn, Jin Cheul Kim, Youn Soo Lee, Young Kwan Sohn, Grzegorz Michalec, Ahmed Nassr
- Unveiling 4500 years of environmental dynamics and human activity at Songo
Mnara, Tanzania Abstract: Publication date: June 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 14Author(s): Apichaya Englong, Paramita Punwong, Tosak Seelanan, Rob Marchant, Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Akkaneewut Jirapinyakul, Jeffrey Fleisher
- Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy of Quaternary sediments from Ramganga
paleolake, NW Himalaya, India and its paleoenvironmental implications Abstract: Publication date: Available online 7 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): M. Venkateshwarlu, A.V. Satyakumar, N. Ramesh Babu, Anoop Kumar Singh
- Simulating taphonomic processes on teeth: the impact of sediment pressure
and thermal alteration on dental microwear Abstract: Publication date: Available online 7 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Cristian Micó, Ruth Blasco, Florent Rivals
- Examining the effects of climate change and human impacts on a
high-resolution, late Holocene paleofire record from South Africa’s winter rainfall zone Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 May 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Stella G. Mosher, Mitchell J. Power, Lynne J. Quick, Torsten Haberzettl, Thomas Kasper, Kelly L. Kirsten, David R. Braun, J. Tyler Faith
- Landscape evolution and hydrology at the Late Pleistocene Archaeological
Site of Narabeb in the Namib Sand Sea, Namibia Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 April 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Abi Stone, George Leader, Dominic Stratford, Theodore Marks, Kaarina Efraim, Rachel Bynoe, Rachel Smedley, Andrew Gunn, Eugene Marais
- Hybridizing genetic random forest and self-attention based CNN-LSTM
algorithms for landslide susceptibility mapping in Darjiling and Kurseong, India Abstract: Publication date: Available online 18 April 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Armin Moghimi, Chiranjit Singha, Mahdiyeh Fathi, Saied Pirasteh, Ali Mohammadzadeh, Masood Varshosaz, Jian Huang, Huxiong Li
- Contemporary movement of rock glaciers in the La Sal and Uinta Mountains,
Utah, USA Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 April 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Jeffrey S. Munroe, Alexander L. Handwerger
- Landslide susceptibility modelling in the Doda Kishtwar ramban (DKR)
region of Jammu and Kashmir using remote sensing and geographic information system Abstract: Publication date: Available online 7 April 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Ajay Kumar Taloor, Abid Abraham, Gurnam Parsad
- Explosive volcanic activity in central-Southern Italy during Middle
Pleistocene: A tale from tephra layers of the Acerno basin Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 April 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): C. Pelullo, I. Arienzo, M. D’Antonio, B. Giaccio, R.S. Iovine, N. Leicher, D.M. Palladino, M. Petrelli, P. Petrosino, E. Russo Ermolli, G. Sottili, F. Totaro, G. Zanchetta
- Greening a lost world: Paleoartistic investigations of the early
Pleistocene vegetation landscape in the first Europeans' homeland Abstract: Publication date: June 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 14Author(s): José Carrión, Gabriela Amorós, María Victoria Sánchez-Giner, Ariadna Amorós, Juan Ochando, Manuel Munuera, Ana Belen Marín-Arroyo, Juan Manuel Jiménez-Arenas
- Multi-proxy paleoenvironmental data from Paulina Marsh inform
human-environmental dynamics in the Northern Great Basin U.S.A. Abstract: Publication date: June 2024Source: Quaternary Science Advances, Volume 14Author(s): Katelyn N. McDonough, Daniel G. Gavin, Richard L. Rosencrance, Loren G. Davis, Stephen C. Kuehn, Morgan F. Smith, Grant Snitker, Chantel V. Saban, Ryan Szymanski
- Landslide susceptibility evaluation in the Beas River Basin of
North-Western Himalaya: A geospatial analysis employing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method Abstract: Publication date: Available online 24 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Singh Madhulika, Khajuria Varun, Singh Sachchidanand, Singh Kamal
- Quantitative and qualitative study of the Tawi basin: Inferences from
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using geospatial technology Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Ajay Kumar Taloor, Savati Sharma, Jagjeet Jamwal, Sourav Chauhan
- Application of potential machine learning models in landslide
susceptibility assessment: A case study of Van Yen district, Yen Bai province, Vietnam Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Tran Van Anh, Dong Khuc Thanh, Truong Xuan Quang, Nguyen An Binh, Phi Truong Thanh
- Taphonomy of the fauna and chert assemblages from the Middle Palaeolithic
site of Vajo Salsone, Eastern Italian Alps Abstract: Publication date: Available online 12 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Ursula Thun Hohenstein, Lavinia Caffarelli, Gianluca Arnetta, Florent Rivals, Paolo Pozzobon, Stefano Gialanella, Davide Delpiano, Marco Peresani
- Did climate change make Homo sapiens innovative, and if yes, how' Debated
perspectives on the African Pleistocene record Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Jayne Wilkins, Benjamin J. Schoville
- Integrated geospatial, rainfall threshold and physical based modelling for
landslides in parts of upper bhagirathi basin, Uttarakhand Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): P. Danuta Mohan, Shovan Lal Chattoraj, Yateesh Ketholia
- Spatio-temporal variations of climate along possible African-Arabian
routes of H. sapiens expansion Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Markus L. Fischer, Philipp M. Munz, Asfawossen Asrat, Verena Foerster, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Norbert Marwan, Frank Schaebitz, Wolfgang Schwanghart, Martin H. Trauth
- Pre-disposed tectonic subsidence controls flood hazards and unplanned
urbanisation dominates the flood disasters in the Pliocene to Holocene Kashmir basin, NW Himalayas Abstract: Publication date: Available online 7 March 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Afroz Ahmad Shah, Muhammad Gazali Rachman, Rajesh Kumar, Anushka, Ajay Dashora, Muhsana Mahoor
- The contribution of coastal land subsidence to potential sea-level rise
impact in data-sparse settings: The case of Ghana’S Volta delta Abstract: Publication date: Available online 29 February 2024Source: Quaternary Science AdvancesAuthor(s): Selasi Yao Avornyo, Philip S.J. Minderhoud, Pietro Teatini, Katharina Seeger, Leon T. Hauser, Marie-Noëlle Woillez, Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah, Edem Mahu, Michael Kwame-Biney, Kwasi Appeaning Addo