- A New Scientific Indexing Model: U-Index
Authors: Ugur Saglam; Fathi Canata Abstract: The h-index has become more popular nowadays and is used for some scientific performance criteria worldwide. This indexing method does not correctly measure any performance or career specifications because of the parameters used to form the measurement basis. The h-index is located based on citation(C) and paper(N) parameters that involve no logical criterion on the counting process, and so measurement on this basis can only give quantity results not any quality information. Therefore, we need a new indexing instrument to find out also the scientific quality unique to an individual author even if that takes into account the effect of multiple coauthorships. Ipso facto, we create a new bibliometric indicator or academic performance indicator called the u-index. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:10 +020
- The Digitisation of the Brixen's Historic City Center for the
Heritage Education Authors: Francesca Condorelli; Alessandro Luigini, Giuseppe Nicastro Abstract: This paper presents the experiences and outcomes of the EARTH_LAB laboratory at the Free University of Bolzano in the field of digitisation and enhancement of architectural and cultural heritage of South Tyrol. The work focuses on the research projects conducted by the group in the context of heritage education, with particular attention to the Alto Adige region. It describes the workflow used for the digitisation of architectures and the urban environment, including the use of technologies such as 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry. Additionally, it discusses the innovative approaches such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) algorithms for 3D environment reconstruction, emphasizing the potential of this methodologies for generating rapid, cost-effective, and accurate reconstructions. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:09 +020
- Preservation and Valorization of Palazzo Principi d’Acaia in Pinerolo
(Turin, Italy): an In-Progress, Participatory Project Authors: Manuela Mattone; Riccardo Rudiero Abstract: From a methodological point of view, drafting a restoration project for conserving an architectural heritage first requires an in-depth understanding of the building and its stratifications. The restoration project adopts the results of studies and analytical surveys to preserve and pass down to future generations what characterizes the building and determines its historical and cultural value. This contribution presents the results of the investigation work carried out by the Polytechnic of Turin on the so-called Palazzo Principi d'Acaia in Pinerolo (Turin) aimed at actively contributing to elaborating an appropriate restoration and valorization project. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:09 +020
- Castle Architectures Between Ancient Signs and New Meanings. Castello
Grande in the Ancient Centre of Brindisi Authors: Rossella de Cadilhac Abstract: The study of Brindisi's Castello Grande is a further addition to the census, cataloguing and documentation activity aimed at gaining knowledge of the fortified architecture scattered throughout the Apulian territory. This is a heritage that is little understood perhaps because it has not been sufficiently investigated and therefore deserves special attention. They are multi-layered organisms, endangered by neglect, or tormented by demolitions, replacements and manipulations of various kinds. This is why knowledge becomes the central moment in the formulation of a conservation and valorisation project, on which the fate of the pre-existence depends. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:08 +020
- Enhancing 3D Modeling Efficiency via Semi-Automatic Point Cloud
Segmentation and Multi-Lod Mesh Reconstruction Authors: Antonella Musicco; Michele Buldo, Nicola Rossi, Riccardo Tavolare, Cesare Verdoscia Abstract: The accuracy of 3D models in historical buildings is a debated topic due to the increasing demand for digital documentation and the need for automated post-processing methods to reduce manual labor and improve data analysis. The proposed method aims to improve 3D reconstruction efficiency for complex geometries exemplified by the Ognissanti Church of Trani (XII century), Italy. The methodology includes point cloud segmentation and classification algorithms, (RANSAC and Random Forest) to isolate architectural elements. The segmented portions undergo processing utilizing three 3D reconstruction algorithms: Alpha-Shape, Ball-Pivoting, and Poisson Surface Reconstruction. Customized settings enable polygonal meshes with varying levels of detail. Visual Programming Language operations refine the resulting meshes in terms of triangulation and computational efficiency, ensuring a high level of fidelity and applications in HBIM framework. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:08 +020
- Porta Nuova in Mesagne, from the Context of the Monumental Gates of the
Cities in Terra d’Otranto to the Restoration Site Authors: Fernando Errico; Natalia D'Amico Abstract: Porta Nuova in Mesagne constituted a monumental entrance to the ancient city within the circuit of the city walls, together with the older Porta Grande and the ruined Porta Piccola. The present contribution illustrates the conservation practices implemented, starting from the cognitive investigation, in the broader context of the architectural language of the city gates in Terra d'Otranto, from the survey phases and the diagnostic study of the building, in order to restore the full usability of the monument. The executive phases were carried out in the consolidation of the rich sculptural-decorative apparatus, in the restoration and protection of the material continuity, compromised by environmental factors, common to surfaces exposed to atmospheric agents, by intrinsic vulnerabilities, determined by a construction excursus not completed in a single phase, and, last but not least, by more recent interventions. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:07 +020
- Integrated Processes of Knowledge, Conservation and Valorisation of the
Religious Architectural Heritage. Chapel as Part of the Whole Authors: Renata Prescia; Fabrizio Giuffrè, Clelia La Mantia Abstract: The study of church architecture for its conservation is the focus of this research. The project aims to create a filing whose original characteristics, in a broader field of specifically historical-architectural study, lie in the collection of unpublished data on the history of restoration, intertwined with the identification of authentic material-constructive values, and in their restitution on exact surveys, for the subsequent "networking" of the same, through the use of communication and fruition strategies, capable of attracting the greatest possible number of users, so as to contribute to their valorisation. The chapel of Blessed Gerard in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and the chapel of the Holy Rosary in the church of St. Catherine in Palermo were chosen as examples of this research. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:06 +020
- Surveying of a Cultural Landscape Through Documentation of its Tangible
and Intangible Component: the Sanctuary of Las Lajas Authors: Roberto Lembo; Massimo Leserri, William Pasuy Arginegas, Gabriele Rossi Abstract: Every cultural landscape requires documentation that satisfies the need to recognize and identify it, seeking to understand the multiple aspects that have shaped its conformation and persistence over time.The Sanctuary of Las Lajas in Colombia brings together various aspects related to potential exceptional universal values, which require a methodological approach that includes strategies to document both the tangible architectural and landscape heritage, as well as its intangible aspects. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:06 +020
- Multi-Scale Digital Surveying Strategy for Documenting and Disseminating
the History of the Church of San Giorgio in Salerno Authors: Carla Ferreyra; Simona Talenti, Sara Antinozzi, Marco Limongiello, Barbara Messina Abstract: The paper reveals the outcomes of research efforts aimed at documenting lesser-known religious architectures using virtual databases created from a variety of digital surveying technologies employing a multi-scale approach. Through experimental research conducted on the Church of San Giorgio in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno, this study highlights the transformative impact of technology on preserving the city’s cultural heritage. This involves streamlining documentation procedures and improving heritage management practices. Moreover, this integrated and interdisciplinary approach holds promise in facilitating decision-making processes related to conservation, restoration, and maintenance efforts. The outcomes of this research are shared with both academic and public audiences, fostering greater awareness and appreciation of Salerno’s religious heritage. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:05 +020
- An Immersive Haptic Experimentation for Dematerialized Textile Perception
in Collaborative Design Processes Authors: Michele Zannoni; Riccardo Foschi, Diego Pucci, Roberto Saponelli Abstract: This experimentation arises in the context of the design process of digital tools in the fashion sector of Made in Italy. The contribution presents an overview of the main insights gained from the analysis of the state of the art and experimentation conducted in order to obtain a low-cost digital textile sampling and restitution process useful for possible new advanced modalities of collaborative remote design. This project is related to the extended MICS partnership of the PNRR project that researches at a low TRL level new scenarios for the integration of immersive technologies in traditional craft processes. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:04 +020
- Multimedia Communication Strategies for Environmental Sustainability: a
Didactic Experience for Promoting NGOs Authors: Giulia Panadisi; Vincenzo Maselli Abstract: In the last years multimedia strategies have played a significant role in communicating environmental sustainability policies aimed at affecting changes on a local, regional, and global scale. This article would like to stress the use of animation as a successful multimedia communication tool for promoting responsible consumer choices and sustainable production methods. After a quick overview on the issue of sustainable consumption and production behaviors and the description of relevant examples of animated campaigns produced for supporting organizations, the article reports a didactic experience and describes animated artifacts designed by students to promote the Italian project SfruttaZero, that engages migrants and precarious farmers in the production of local products with the multiple aim to build a fair working environment and to foster a culture of sustainable consumption. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:04 +020
- Geometry of Wall Degradation: Measuring and Visualising Impact Craters in
the Northern Walls of Pompeii Authors: Silvia Bertacchi; Sara Gonizzi Barsanti, Adriana Rossi Abstract: The paper presents the methodology used to digitally document the cavities preserved in the northern city wall of ancient Pompeii, to obtain a detailed documentation of the visible ballistic traces attributed to the impact of Roman artillery during the siege of Sulla in 89 BC, in the area from the Vesuvio to the Ercolano Gate. Building on previous studies by the team, authors intend to illustrate the workflow carried out to analyse the morphological characteristics of the existing traces by means of reality-based 3D digitsl models. These virtual replicas are intended to improve the knowledge of selected case studies due to their high relevance. In addition, some stone projectiles still preserved in the Antiquarium will be analysed. The final objective is to define a suitable approach for quantifying the terminal ballistics of Roman artillery based on conclusive evidence, thus allowing not only the virtual, but also the physical reconstruction of the launching weapons used in the war event. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:03 +020
- Digital Surveying, Augmented Trekking and Valorisation Strategies for
Inland Areas. The Grandi Pietre Valley Authors: Domenico Mediati; Rosario Giovanni Brandolino Abstract: The paper deals with a study about the geosite of Grandi Pietre Valley, located in the Aspromonte National Park, aimed at digitizing and enhancing its heritage. The landscape is characterized by rocky emergencies placed as natural landmarks. They are flanked by hermitic caves and ruins from the Byzantine era. The main naturalistic and archaeological features have been surveyed through image-based and range-based techniques. The acquired data have permitted to elaborate 3D digital models, which are useful both for a geometric and morphological analysis intended for experts and for the elaboration of a multimedia apparatus usable through ICT and aimed at a project of interactive fruition of the territory. Currently, part of the data has been entered on Wikiloc, an app for hiking activities that also allows to display multimedia documentations, but a specific app with more interaction possibilities is planned. Its logical structure and graphical interface have been designed. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:02 +020
- Exploring Vernacular Architecture: Unravelling Characteristics and
Typologies Through Expert Survey Authors: Fathima A. Linas; K. Chithra Abstract: Vernacular architecture is termed an 'anonymous', ' spontaneous', ' rural'’, and indigenous form of architecture and which is influenced by culture, geography, climate, and ethnic factors. However, defining 'vernacular' is always a difficult task as definitions have variations with respect to context and time. Although research has been conducted globally on vernacular architectural styles and their characteristics, defining a specific vernacular style remains challenging. This research attempts to define vernacular architecture using its characteristics through a comprehensive literature review, followed by an expert survey. The research also aims to delineate vernacular courtyard house typologies by identifying their distinguishing features. The survey was conducted among experts in the field of architecture and is used to define the characteristics of vernacular architecture, and validated the established vernacular courtyard residence categories in Kerala. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:02 +020
- Innovation and Tradition: Integrated Practices in the Architectural Survey
of Pretorio Palace in Trento Authors: Ambra Barbini; Francesco Giampiccolo, Anna Maragno, Giovanna A. Massari, Cristina Pellegatta Abstract: The text and images tell of an architectural experience carried out on perhaps the most representative monument of the city of Trento, the building adjacent to the cathedral and overlooking the square. The role of the scientific method is at the centre of the reflection, which does not change when the procedures vary. On the one hand, it guarantees an informed use of advanced technologies; on the other hand, it is a fundamental training instrument. The importance attributed to ways of operating is, in fact, a discussion on interoperability: between different tools and, above all, between people with various skills. The public use of the large quantities of acquired data and produced information can only be implemented by sharing project choices and building codified archives; in this way, we overcome the dichotomy between survey as the application of pre-established actions and survey as an interpretation triggered by reality. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:01 +020
- Knowledge Process Management and BIM Platform-Based Solution for the
Reconstruction of the German Opera House Building Authors: Paolo Borin; Sharon Giammetta, Rachele Angela Bernardello, Marko Pogacnik Abstract: This article addresses the challenge of reconstructing demolished historical buildings in digital humanities, focusing on the German Opera House Building by Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler and emphasizing effective information acquisition and management. Despite the benefits of digitization, knowledge management remains a persistent obstacle. The proposed multidisciplinary approach utilizes Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Common Data Environment (CDE) to seamlessly integrate data from diverse sources, supporting collaboration and ensuring result consistency. This contextualized BIM-based system transforms the reconstruction of non-existent historical buildings, overcoming challenges such as non-uniqueness of historical documents and fragmented knowledge. Results highlight the methodology's effectiveness in digitally reconstructing historical buildings and improving knowledge sharing for the examined property. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:01 +020
- Modernity Dealing with the Past. Giovanni Amico and the Late-Baroque
Transformation of the Santissima Annunziata Church in Trapani Authors: Mirco Cannella; Gaia Nuccio Abstract: The Carmel church and monastery of the Santissima Annunziata - later the Agostino Pepoli Regional Museum- were among the most important centres of worship in western Sicily. The church is an interesting case study for the coexistence of elements from the fourteenth, the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries and for the late-baroque transformation led by the Sicilian architect Giovanni Amico. A survey campaign conducted with laser scanning and photogrammetry in the crossing and apses revealed architectural and constructive solutions developed by Amico in his innovative project. The research methodology was based on interdisciplinary approach that integrated the disciplines of the history and representation of architecture. It enabled a deeper understanding of the "nuova idea di architettura" by the architect and offered insights into his approach to the ancient, balancing preservation and function. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:00 +020
- Virtual Anastylosis for the Pulpit of the Church of San Bartolomeo in
Pantano in Pistoia Authors: Greta Attademo; Aurora Corio Abstract: This paper aims to reflect on methods and applications of digital technology in the field of art history, specifically on the topic of the medieval sculpture's reuse in the modern age. We present as a case study the pulpit of the church of San Bartolomeo in Pantano in Pistoia, whose 13th-century sculptural and architectural apparatus has undergone, over time, numerous alterations and relocations that have compromised the interpretation of its original configuration. The goal is to reconstruct a 3D digital model of the medieval artefact, based on specific and commonly accepted historical-artistic hypotheses. The digital model becomes essential for the analysis and study of the monument, as well as a tool to increase the understanding and appreciation of the artwork by a non-expert audience. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:00 +020
- The Language of Identity Between Uniformity and Variation. The Facades on
Porticoes at Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in Rome Authors: Flavia Camagni; Elena Ippoliti, Noemi Tomasella Abstract: The Commission in charge in 1870 of the “extension and embellishment” plan to adapt Rome to the status of Capital, identified the portico facade as the stylistic feature of the new identity language of national unity and Esquilino as a huge district with fulcrum in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. With the aim to recognise the morphological and stylistic variations in the context of the dictates of uniformity imposed by this typology, a study was conducted on the facades on porticoes that surround the square for approximately one kilometer. The study method took the survey of shape and size as a basic information nucleus integrated with the typologic-morphological analyses, while the graphic-geometric models were an operational modality and metalanguage for investigating the languages of project and construction. The study highlighted how the introduction of variations, albeit minimal, broke the rigid monotony, giving the architectural-urban landscape an overall harmony. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:36:00 +020
- Editorial SCIRES-IT. Innovative Technologies for the Documentation,
Preservation and Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage Authors: Virginia Valzano Abstract: This issue of SCIRES-IT (No.1, 2024) contains numerous articles presenting in original ways, and at different scales, innovative technologies to support the documentation, preservation and enjoyment of cultural and environmental heritage. PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +020