Authors:Molka Krichen Pages: 1 - 13 Abstract: Comment comprendre le fonctionnement des stratégies de communications publicitaires à caractère sexiste le « publisexisme », son discours, le processus utilisé, les enjeux qu’il représente' L’objet de cet article est de clarifier certains modes opératoires de la publicité sexiste, de déterminer ces différentes facettes et de mettre l’accent sur son pouvoir social et sa portée par rapport à cette problématique. PubDate: 2024-07-23 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Yunbo Li Pages: 14 - 23 Abstract: Eva Weaver is a German author whose first novel, The Puppet Boy of Warsaw grapples with the issues of history, trauma and writing itself. Drawing upon LaCapra’s understanding on history and trauma, this article examines the relation between representation of history and narrative nuances and how war-engendered trauma influences survivors, perpetrators and the later generations in different ways. It is founded that the dual focalization in the novel provides the complexity of history and also the mechanism of war. At the same time, the novel renders readers the extreme cruelty and inhumanity of the Holocaust and its ever-lasting influence through war-engendered trauma of different people. PubDate: 2024-07-23 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Hezron Mogambi Pages: 40 - 55 Abstract: Radio broadcasting in Kenya has historically been in English and Kiswahili. Kiswahili is Kenya’s national and official language. Kenya boasts of a media landscape renowned for its diversity and sophistication. The radio sector is thriving, with over 100 radio stations, many catering to various local languages. Between 2015 and 2022, there has been substantial growth in both radio and TV stations. The count for radio stations surged from 120 to 228, and for TV stations, there was a remarkable increase from 6 to 182(CA, 2023). The purpose of this paper was to analyze issues and challenges facing vernacular radio in Kenya. Data was collected through interviews and key informative interviews (KII). The results indicate that, although radio vernacular broadcast now plays a major role in creating awareness among most Kenyans at all levels through discussing issues in personal development, education, agriculture, politics & governance, and healthcare, challenges abound. The fact that Kenya’s political mobilization and ethnicity are intertwined with vernacular languages and political competition is a challenge. Additionally, vernacular radio continues to become targets of political patronage and control owing to influence as reliable sources of information for communities, need for profit than social responsibility, little regard for professionalism, poor professional training, ethical foundations and expertise in media management, non-adherence in media ethics, lack of basic investigative journalism knowledge and skills, lack of support by media houses and generally, poor working conditions in vernacular radio stations. To make vernacular radio to gather and use its full potential, there is need to make vernacular radio move towards independence, make it lean towards social enterprise, ensure training and professionalism and proper remuneration of the radio personalities and make it serve the interests of the communities it serves. PubDate: 2024-07-23 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Elnaz Karimi Namini, Jalal Nakhai Pages: 56 - 74 Abstract: Today, based on high volume of urban constructions, many problems were created including population increase, non-purposeful physical development of cities and increase of environmental population. The development of green space in cities can play important role in environmental balance and adjustment of air pollution. Urban green space is one of the urban use as its distribution is of great importance in city. The present study is regarding the development of green space in improvement of city quality and its importance in urban life. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytic in terms of method and the required data is collected via document-library investigation and field studies. Using small green space can play important role in improving quality of city view and legibility of urban environment and it has direct impact on perception of citizens and it causes that potential data of urban environment is actualized. The results of study showed that the closer the space to the nature, green space is used in city view and it can take a step toward environment quality improvement. The development of green space beside Milad Hospital (Chamran-Tehran Autobahn) is one of the most effective methods on improving urban landscape quality and it is considered as an ecological display of creating a central green core and connection with Goftego park as the natural breathing center of ci ty and a tourism center based on location of Milad tower. The development of green space is a solution to reduce air pollution and its impact on people and improvement of quality of cities. The development of green space beside Milad hospital (Chamran-Tehran Autobahn) shows that these spaces, besides the increase of fair distribution of public green spaces, can help urban environment by marking and improving the quality of life of citizens. PubDate: 2024-07-23 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)