Russian Engineering Research
Journal Prestige (SJR): 0.278 Number of Followers: 0 Hybrid journal (It can contain Open Access articles) ISSN (Print) 1934-8088 - ISSN (Online) 1068-798X Published by Springer-Verlag [2468 journals] |
- Remote Sensing Data in Assessing Urban Density
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Abstract: The possibility of using remote sensing data to assess the density of urban development is demonstrated. For the example of the Zapadnoe Kuntsevo residential complex, it is found that the actual rate of development differs significantly from the value proposed by Sizov. The development density coefficient (0.3) is within public health standards. The greatest rate of development was observed in 2013 and 2014. Evidently, the formula for the rate of urban development must be corrected to take account of periods of intense growth. Analysis of the NDVI index indicates that the rate at which farmland close to residential complexes is taken over is increasing.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Linear Regression Equations for Determining the Roughness of Machined
Surfaces. Part 1. Turning, Face Milling, Surface Grinding, and Polishing-
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Abstract: The scientific basis is established for selecting the fewest surface roughness characteristics in machining by the following methods: turning, face milling, surface grinding, and polishing.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- New System for Indirect Tool Monitoring in Industrial Systems and
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Abstract: A hardware–software system for indirect monitoring of a cutting tool is proposed; this system is based on the level of vibration in machining and observation of the condition of the equipment. The system includes a server, operator panels, and diagnostic modules. This system is compared, in terms of capabilities, with other MDC/MDA products on the market.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Algorithm of Evaluation of 3D Parameters of a Digital Surface Model
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Abstract: The article presents an algorithm for calculating the parameters of a digital model of a 3D surface in accordance with GOST-25178-2–2014.3267 “Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)” on the example of a surface treated with an abrasive tool. Microgeometry of working surfaces of machine parts is an important factor in determining their durability, reliability, and efficiency in operation. The developed models enable control over the parameters of the treatment process at the stage of design of the technological process with the aim to ensure required geometric parameters of the machined surface. he problem is a relevant issue because surface microrelief characteristics determine the area of real contact, the coefficient of friction, the ability to hold lubricant, and the ability of the working surface to withstand wear under load. Optimization of microgeometry can result in reduced wear, improved efficiency, and increased reliability of mechanisms.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Approach to Ensuring the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Automobile
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Abstract: An approach is developed for ensuring the quality of cars’ electrical equipment in terms of electromagnetic compatibility.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Consumer Behavior in Selecting Power Tools
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Abstract: Consumer behavior in selecting power tools for purchase is studied. The main characteristics determining the quality and competitiveness of products from different manufacturers are taken into account.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Multicoordinate Grinding of Helical Surfaces on High-Strength Tool
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Abstract: The helical surfaces on the cutting section of end mills determine their operational efficiency and the product quality. Preparations for machining those surfaces include determining the position and orientation of the standard grinding wheel. That is a challenging problem, since the standard wheel does not share a single cross section with the helical profile. Consequently, the usual methods do not permit the determination of a broad set of geometric parameters for a specified setup. Therefore, in the present work, a mathematical model is proposed for the multicoordinate grinding of helical surfaces on high-strength tool materials. The model takes account of wheel profiles with different curvature, dimensions, and shape; the characteristics of multicoordinate wheel motion in the tool coordinate system; and the shape of the machined surface in the helical channel. The model is universal and greatly facilitates the development of shaping configurations for helical surfaces of different profile.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Ensuring Electromagnetic Compatibility of Automobiles by Routine
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Abstract: The quality of new vehicles is considered, taking account of electromagnetic compatibility, in maintenance at branches of the manufacturer’s service network.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Fatigue Fracture of Steel and Alloys
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Abstract: The inelastic deformation in one cycle at stress corresponding to the endurance limit is considered. A sharp drop in plasticity and inelastic deformation is noted before failure. These characteristics are studied as a function of the mechanical properties of the material and its stress state determined using temperature and structural coefficients of stress concentration.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Management of Procurement Business Processes at an Industrial Enterprise
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Abstract: A definition of the business process is proposed on the basis of approaches in process management. Methods of managing procurement activities at an industrial enterprise are analyzed, in tactical and strategic terms. Models in unified modeling language (UML) are developed for procurement management systems.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Shaping Conical End Mills: A Critical Review
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Abstract: Conical end mills are widely used as cutting tools in the production of components for the aerospace industry and for machine building. The helical channel of conical mills is more complex than a regular cylindrical channel. Its core diameter and profile angle are variable. The operational efficiency of the mill depends directly on those angles and on the rake angle at the edge. Multidimensional tool motion is required to produce conical helical channels; recalculation is necessary at each stage of the motion. Determination of that motion calls for comprehensive solution of the profiling problem; some new developments in such research have appeared recently. In the present work, the change in the shaping configuration in terms of the cut layer width is analyzed. Recommendations are made regarding the determination of the shaping configuration; its influence on the shape of the machined sections at the front and back of the mill tooth in the helical channel is considered. The most important approaches to machining conical end mills are discussed. On the basis of the analysis, a new algorithm is derived for positioning the grinding wheel with respect to the mill axis on the basis of its contact parameters at a helical conical surface.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Influence of Convexity on the Strength of One-Sided Butt Joints with
Incomplete Fusion-
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Abstract: SolidWorks Simulation software is used to analyze the stress state of one-sided butt welds that contain a convex element and a gap (incomplete fusion) at the root of the seam. Convexity of the weld seam intensifies the stress concentration due to the gap and increases the maximum stress in the weld. To minimize the stress in the weld, its convexity must be completely eliminated, and a groove of depth equal to the gap height must be made along the whole seam.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Design of Automotive Vehicle Suspension with Combined Damping
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Abstract: A new approach to the design of motor vehicle suspensions by simultaneous use of several damping devices of different types, making up a combined damping system (CDS), is presented. A rational combination of the components of the CDS and optimization of their parameters ensure an increase in the smooth running of the motor vehicle. Calculation and analysis of the damping properties of air suspension (AS) with different CDSs made it possible to determine the most effective systems.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Selecting the Rotor Blade Contour for an Energy-Efficient Snowplow
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Abstract: The dynamics of a snow particle moving over the rotor blade of a snowplow is simulated. A configuration is proposed for calculating the work of the rotor in the projection system. The Euler equations are solved for the snow mass in order to find its maximum velocity. The longitudinal cross section of the rotor blade corresponding to maximum snowplow performance is identified.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Limitations of Modeling the Relationship between Financial Ratios of
Mechanical Engineering Companies-
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Abstract: On the example of data on companies of the mechanical engineering industry, an analysis of the relationship of financial ratios and their impact on the financial risk index (FRI) for self-assessment of the risk of business insolvency is performed using a linear regression model in Python. In the course of construction and quality control of the model, limitations of its practical application are revealed. Conclusions and recommendations are formulated based on analysis results.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Remote Sensing Data from Satellites in Assessing Soil Productivity
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Abstract: Relations are established between various indices for the condition of the plant cover and humus content of the soil. Spectral reflective characteristics of vegetation are determined by analysis of images in different channels from the Sentinel-2 satellite using linear regression and random forest algorithms. It is found that the vegetation indices NDI45 and PSSRa are more sensitive to the humus content in the soil than the indices RVI and NDVI. The determination coefficient (R2 = 0.59) and mean square error (MSE = 0.00 014) indicate that the predictive power of the proposed model is good.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Analysis of Technical Solutions for a High-Power Drive for a Pumping Unit
Designed for Hydraulic Fracturing of Reservoir Bridges in Isolated Oil/Gas
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Abstract: For the purposes of simplifying the design and increasing the reliability of high-power drives, opportunities of using various high-speed two-shaft double-flow mechanical transmissions in a pumping unit designed for hydraulic fracturing of reservoir bridges in isolated oil/gas cavities are considered.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Automated Determination of MC Codes for Russian Steels in the ISO
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Abstract: For Russian stainless steels, criteria have been developed for assignment to group M in the ISO international classification. An algorithm is proposed for determining the codes according to the Sandvik Coromant classification of stainless steels, on the basis of the grade of the material, the chemical composition, the hardness, and the method of workpiece preparation. The algorithm is implemented in the integrated CAM system for the KOMPAS-3D platform and permits calculation of the cutting conditions for imported hard-alloy tools.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Determining the PV Factor of a Composite Based on Polytetrafluoroethylene
and Carbon Fibers-
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Abstract: The PV factor of a polymer composite produced by rolling polytetrafluoroethylene powder with carbon fibers is determined by experiment and calculation. This method is chosen so as to increase the wear resistance relative to composites produced by chemical activation of the components.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Vehicle–Manufacturer Feedback in Ensuring the Electromagnetic
Compatibility of Automobile Components-
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Abstract: On the basis of vehicle–manufacturer feedback, a model is developed for ensuring the quality of cars’ electrical equipment in terms of electromagnetic compatibility.
PubDate: 2024-06-01