Showing 401 - 600 of 1205 Journals sorted by number of followers |
| Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics (Followers: 488) |
| Remote Sensing (Followers: 60) |
| Traffic Injury Prevention (Followers: 59) |
| Tribology International (Followers: 47) |
| Design Journal : An International Journal for All Aspects of Design (Followers: 39) |
| Progress in Polymer Science (Followers: 37) |
| Tribology Transactions (Followers: 34) |
| Transportation Research Record : Journal of the Transportation Research Board (Followers: 33) |
| Safety Science (Followers: 32) |
| Resonance (Followers: 30) |
| Advances in Heat Transfer (Followers: 26) |
| Wear (Followers: 25) |
| Estuaries and Coasts (Followers: 25) |
| Sensors (Followers: 25) |
| International Journal of Aerospace Innovations (Followers: 25) |
| Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications (Followers: 24) |
| European Transport Research Review (Followers: 23) |
| Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (Followers: 22) |
| Thermal Engineering (Followers: 21) |
| Combustion Theory and Modelling (Followers: 21) |
| Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals (Followers: 20) |
| IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies (Followers: 20) |
| Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO) (Followers: 20) |
| European Physical Journal - Applied Physics (Followers: 19) |
| CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (Followers: 17) |
| Small (Followers: 16) |
| Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (Followers: 16) |
| International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Followers: 16) |
| SIAM Journal on Optimization (Followers: 15) |
| Journal of Optics (Followers: 15) |
| Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (Followers: 14) |
| Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Followers: 14) |
| Journal of Earthquake Engineering (Followers: 14) |
| Journal of Flood Risk Management (Followers: 14) |
| Energy for Sustainable Development (Followers: 14) |
| International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics (Followers: 14) |
| Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (Followers: 13) |
| Surface Science Reports (Followers: 13) |
| IETE Journal of Research (Followers: 13) |
| Advances in Operations Research (Followers: 13) |
| Quality Engineering (Followers: 12) |
| International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles (Followers: 12) |
| Energy Systems (Followers: 12) |
| Research in Engineering Design (Followers: 11) |
| Sadhana (Followers: 11) |
| SIAM Review (Followers: 11) |
| International Journal of Design Engineering (Followers: 11) |
| International Journal of Crashworthiness (Followers: 11) |
| International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (Followers: 11) |
| Technology in Society (Followers: 10) |
| Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology (Followers: 10) |
| Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology (Followers: 10) |
| International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation (Followers: 10) |
| Advanced Science Letters (Followers: 10) |
| Quality and Reliability Engineering International (Followers: 9) |
| Science and Engineering Ethics (Followers: 9) |
| Sustainability Science (Followers: 9) |
| Annals of Regional Science (Followers: 9) |
| Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (Followers: 9) |
| Tribology Letters (Followers: 9) |
| Vacuum (Followers: 9) |
| Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering (Followers: 9) |
| Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (Followers: 9) |
| Instrumentation Science & Technology (Followers: 9) |
| International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (Followers: 9) |
| Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations (Followers: 9) |
| Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (Followers: 9) |
| Advances in Science and Research (ASR) (Followers: 9) |
| IETE Technical Review (Followers: 9) |
| International Journal of Innovation Science (Followers: 9) |
| Separation and Purification Technology (Followers: 8) |
| SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (Followers: 8) |
| Technometrics (Followers: 8) |
| Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards (Followers: 8) |
| Journal of Turbulence (Followers: 8) |
| Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal (Followers: 8) |
| International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (Followers: 8) |
| Soft Computing (Followers: 8) |
| Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Applications (Followers: 7) |
| Sleep and Biological Rhythms (Followers: 7) |
| Telecommunications Policy (Followers: 7) |
| Advances in Catalysis (Followers: 7) |
| International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (Followers: 7) |
| International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology (Followers: 7) |
| Process Safety Progress (Followers: 6) |
| Stochastic Processes and their Applications (Followers: 6) |
| Survey Review (Followers: 6) |
| International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (Followers: 6) |
| Journal of Manufacturing Systems (Followers: 6) |
| International Journal of Quality and Innovation (Followers: 6) |
| Ocean Science Journal (Followers: 6) |
| International Journal of Environmental Engineering (Followers: 6) |
| Energies (Followers: 6) |
| Systems Engineering (Followers: 5) |
| Fibers and Polymers (Followers: 5) |
| Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (Followers: 5) |
| CEAS Space Journal (Followers: 5) |
| NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (Followers: 5) |
| Entropy (Followers: 5) |
| International Journal of Hypersonics (Followers: 5) |
| Micro and Nano Letters (Followers: 5) |
| Rapid Prototyping Journal (Followers: 4) |
| Reactive and Functional Polymers (Followers: 4) |
| Requirements Engineering (Followers: 4) |
| Science in Context (Followers: 4) |
| SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (Followers: 4) |
| SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (Followers: 4) |
| Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies (Followers: 4) |
| Engineering Economist, The (Followers: 4) |
| International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (Followers: 4) |
| International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing (Followers: 4) |
| International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics (Followers: 4) |
| International Journal of Education Economics and Development (Followers: 4) |
| Nano Research (Followers: 4) |
| International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation (Followers: 4) |
| International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology (Followers: 4) |
| SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (Followers: 3) |
| Superconductor Science and Technology (Followers: 3) |
| Synthetic Metals (Followers: 3) |
| Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport (Followers: 3) |
| Virtual and Physical Prototyping (Followers: 3) |
| ZDM (Followers: 3) |
| Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal (Followers: 3) |
| Stochastic Analysis and Applications (Followers: 3) |
| Applied Magnetic Resonance (Followers: 3) |
| Journal of Visualization (Followers: 3) |
| South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (Followers: 3) |
| Measurement Science Review (Followers: 3) |
| Cognitive Computation (Followers: 3) |
| International Journal of Social Robotics (Followers: 3) |
| Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (Followers: 3) |
| Power Technology and Engineering (Followers: 3) |
| International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing (Followers: 3) |
| Production Engineering (Followers: 2) |
| Rare Metals (Followers: 2) |
| Russian Microelectronics (Followers: 2) |
| Sensor Letters (Followers: 2) |
| Strain (Followers: 2) |
| Topics in Catalysis (Followers: 2) |
| Ultramicroscopy (Followers: 2) |
| Utilities Policy (Followers: 2) |
| Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Followers: 2) |
| IISE Transactions (Followers: 2) |
| Ozone Science & Engineering (Followers: 2) |
| Review of Symbolic Logic (Followers: 2) |
| International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia (Followers: 2) |
| South African Journal of Science (Followers: 2) |
| Evolutionary Intelligence (Followers: 2) |
| Food Engineering Reviews (Followers: 2) |
| Fuzzy Information and Engineering (Followers: 2) |
| Sensing and Imaging : An International Journal (Followers: 2) |
| Sports Engineering (Followers: 2) |
| Purinergic Signalling (Followers: 1) |
| Sealing Technology (Followers: 1) |
| Stahlbau (Followers: 1) |
| Steel in Translation (Followers: 1) |
| Surface Engineering (Followers: 1) |
| Swiss Journal of Geosciences (Followers: 1) |
| The Journal of Supercomputing (Followers: 1) |
| Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Precision Technology (Followers: 1) |
| Applicable Analysis: An International Journal (Followers: 1) |
| Particulate Science and Technology: An International Journal (Followers: 1) |
| Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (Followers: 1) |
| Surveying and Land Information Science (Followers: 1) |
| Science Progress (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Autonomic Computing (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Plastics Technology (Followers: 1) |
| Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Followers: 1) |
| Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows (Followers: 1) |
| International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management |
| Evolving Systems |
| Symmetry |
| Zeitschrift fur Energiewirtschaft |
| Nanotechnologies in Russia |
| Memetic Computing |
| Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. |
| Forschung im Ingenieurwesen |
| International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems |
| International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing |
| Semiconductors and Semimetals |
| Trends in Applied Sciences Research |
| Transactions of Tianjin University |
| Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) |
| Petroleum Science |
| IRBM News |
| International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering |
| Waves in Random and Complex Media |
| Journal of Experimental Nanoscience |
| Dynamical Systems : An International Journal |
| World Pumps |
| Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications |
| Semiconductors |
| Russian Engineering Research |
| Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
| Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences |