Showing 1 - 160 of 160 Journals sorted alphabetically |
| Acta Juridica Hungarica (Followers: 5) |
| African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Followers: 26) |
| AJIL Unbound (Followers: 6) |
| American Business Law Journal (Followers: 24) |
| American Journal of International Law (Followers: 79) |
| American University International Law Review (Followers: 14) |
| Annuaire Français de Droit International (Followers: 4) |
| Annual Review of Law and Social Science (Followers: 20) |
| Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law (Followers: 15) |
| Antitrust Chronicle - Competition Policy International (Followers: 5) |
| Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional (Followers: 2) |
| Anuario de Derechos Humanos (Followers: 2) |
| Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional (Followers: 3) |
| Anuario español de derecho internacional privado (Followers: 1) |
| Anuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal (Followers: 2) |
| Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (Followers: 3) |
| Arbitration International (Followers: 17) |
| ASA Bulletin (Followers: 6) |
| Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy (Followers: 3) |
| Asian International Arbitration Journal (Followers: 8) |
| Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Followers: 13) |
| Asian Journal of International Law (Followers: 28) |
| Australasian Policing (Followers: 7) |
| Australian International Law Journal (Followers: 25) |
| Australian Journal of Asian Law (Followers: 4) |
| Austrian Review of International and European Law Online (Followers: 6) |
| Baltic Yearbook of International Law Online (Followers: 4) |
| Berkeley Journal of International Law (Followers: 27) |
| Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado (Followers: 2) |
| Borderlands Journal : Culture, Politics, Law and Earth (Followers: 4) |
| Brigham Young University International Law and Management Review (Followers: 5) |
| British Yearbook of International Law (Followers: 44) |
| Brooklyn Journal of International Law (Followers: 8) |
| California Western International Law Journal (Followers: 7) |
| Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international (Followers: 9) |
| Cape Town Convention Journal |
| Chicago Journal of International Law (Followers: 13) |
| Chinese Journal of Environmental Law (Followers: 2) |
| Chinese Journal of Global Governance (Followers: 3) |
| Chinese Journal of International Law (Followers: 31) |
| Climate Law (Followers: 7) |
| Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (Followers: 7) |
| Common Law World Review (Followers: 17) |
| Commonwealth Law Bulletin (Followers: 11) |
| Comparative Strategy (Followers: 9) |
| Contemporary Security Policy (Followers: 19) |
| Cornell International Law Journal (Followers: 9) |
| Corporate Governance An International Review (Followers: 20) |
| Denver Journal of International Law and Policy (Followers: 8) |
| Deusto Journal of Human Rights (Followers: 2) |
| Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law (Followers: 20) |
| European Business Law Review (Followers: 18) |
| European Company Law (Followers: 11) |
| European Foreign Affairs Review (Followers: 38) |
| European Journal for Security Research (Followers: 5) |
| European Journal of International Law (Followers: 215) |
| European Journal of Migration and Law (Followers: 39) |
| European Labour Law Journal (Followers: 19) |
| European Political Science (Followers: 45) |
| Fordham International Law Journal (Followers: 26) |
| Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law (Followers: 5) |
| Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric (Followers: 2) |
| Houston Journal of International Law (Followers: 5) |
| ICSID Review : Foreign Investment Law Journal (Followers: 16) |
| Indian Journal of International Law (Followers: 2) |
| Inter: Revista de Direito Internacional e Direitos Humanos da UFRJ (Followers: 1) |
| International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Followers: 200) |
| International Area Studies Review (Followers: 4) |
| International Community Law Review (Followers: 10) |
| International Comparative Jurisprudence (Followers: 2) |
| International Human Rights Law Review (Followers: 39) |
| International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Followers: 6) |
| International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (Followers: 4) |
| International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Followers: 34) |
| International Journal of Discrimination and the Law (Followers: 7) |
| International Journal of Evidence and Proof (Followers: 10) |
| International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity (Followers: 26) |
| International Journal of Language & Law (Followers: 5) |
| International Journal of Law in Context (Followers: 21) |
| International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (Followers: 76) |
| International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (Followers: 9) |
| International Journal of Nuclear Law (Followers: 3) |
| International Journal of Political Economy (Followers: 14) |
| International Journal of Private Law (Followers: 12) |
| International Journal of Public Law and Policy (Followers: 14) |
| International Journal of Refugee Law (Followers: 33) |
| International Journal of Transitional Justice (Followers: 16) |
| International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional (Followers: 5) |
| International Negotiation (Followers: 15) |
| International Organizations Law Review (Followers: 29) |
| International Planning Studies (Followers: 9) |
| International Review of Law (Followers: 6) |
| International Review of the Red Cross (Followers: 14) |
| Israel Law Review (Followers: 1) |
| Italian Yearbook of International Law Online (Followers: 7) |
| Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies (Followers: 1) |
| Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research (Followers: 39) |
| Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (Followers: 19) |
| Journal of Genocide Research (Followers: 13) |
| Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Followers: 24) |
| Journal of International Economic Law (Followers: 38) |
| Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies (Followers: 11) |
| Journal of International Political Theory (Followers: 20) |
| Journal of International Trade Law and Policy (Followers: 22) |
| Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization (Followers: 16) |
| Journal of Migration and Refugee Issues, The (Followers: 33) |
| Journal of Private International Law (Followers: 11) |
| Journal of the History of International Law (Followers: 20) |
| Journal on the Use of Force and International Law (Followers: 18) |
| Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law (Followers: 3) |
| Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Followers: 26) |
| Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Followers: 14) |
| Leiden Journal of International Law (Followers: 48) |
| LEX |
| London Review of International Law (Followers: 12) |
| Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review (Followers: 9) |
| Loyola University Chicago International Law Review (Followers: 5) |
| Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (Followers: 33) |
| Maryland Journal of International Law (Followers: 5) |
| Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online (Followers: 11) |
| Melbourne Journal of International Law (Followers: 20) |
| Netherlands International Law Review (Followers: 27) |
| New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law (Followers: 14) |
| New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, The (Followers: 11) |
| Nordic Journal of International Law (Followers: 19) |
| Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights (Followers: 6) |
| Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business (Followers: 6) |
| Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law (Followers: 6) |
| Oromia Law Journal |
| Pace International Law Review (Followers: 9) |
| Paix et Sécurité Internationales (Followers: 2) |
| Palestine Yearbook of International Law Online (Followers: 9) |
| Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs (Followers: 6) |
| Polar Journal (Followers: 1) |
| Public and Private International Law Bulletin (Followers: 3) |
| Recht der Werkelijkheid (Followers: 1) |
| Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (Followers: 11) |
| Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (Followers: 13) |
| Revista de Derecho de la Unión Europea (Followers: 5) |
| Revista de Direito Brasileira (Followers: 1) |
| Revista Electrónica de Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo (Followers: 6) |
| Revista Tribuna Internacional (Followers: 2) |
| Revue québécoise de droit international / Quebec Journal of International Law / Revista quebequense de derecho internacional (Followers: 4) |
| Santa Clara Journal of International Law (Followers: 5) |
| South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business (Followers: 5) |
| Stanford Journal of International Law (Followers: 15) |
| Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce (Followers: 4) |
| TDM Transnational Dispute Management Journal (Followers: 7) |
| Transnational Environmental Law (Followers: 11) |
| Uniform Law Review (Followers: 3) |
| University of Miami Inter-American Law Review |
| Washington University Global Studies Law Review (Followers: 8) |
| Wisconsin International Law Journal (Followers: 6) |
| World Journal of VAT/GST Law |
| World Trade and Arbitration Materials (Followers: 10) |
| Yale Journal of International Law (Followers: 22) |
| Yearbook of International Environmental Law (Followers: 15) |
| Yearbook of Polar Law Online |
| Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (Followers: 10) |
| Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Followers: 25) |