Publisher: Business Perspectives (Total: 15 journals)
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Public and Municipal Finance
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- Nexus between corruption, market capitalization, exports, FDI, and
country’s wealth: A pre-global financial crisis study
Abstract: The study investigates the impact of corruption, market capitalization, exports, and foreign direct investment on the wealth of 178 countries worldwide. Thus, the paper uses univariate and multivariate regressions to observe the nexus among exports, foreign direct investment, market capitalization, corruption, and wealth of nations. The findings indicate that corruption poses a significant hindrance to prosperity and development, as evaluated with respect to the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Additionally, the results showed that the world’s poorest nations are becoming less corrupt while the wealthiest ones are growing more corrupt. The paper also concludes that exports and market capitalization are critical for prosperity and development when combined with lower corruption levels. Furthermore, the analysis also suggests that inbound foreign direct investment favors the development of emerging countries. Surprisingly, market capitalization and exports had little impact on wealth of countries before the crisis period. Moreover, integrity also fosters economic growth. Overall, the study concludes that the causes of wealth are country-specific.AcknowledgmentsI thank the editor and the reviewers for the helpful comments and suggestions that significantly enhanced this work. The usual disclaimer applies.
PubDate: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 12:44:58 +000
- The impact of financial performance and firm characteristics on earnings
management: Case of Tunisian Companies
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to test the effect of financial performance on earnings management, with the presence of a firm’s specific characteristics, in a non-credible financial information context such as Tunisia. A panel data approach, namely multiple regression analysis, was applied on a sample of 30 firms operating in different sectors and observed over the period 2012–2021. Two estimation methods, the fixed effects and random effects models, are used. To choose the best estimation method, the Breusch-Pagan and Hausman tests were used.The results indicate, on the one hand, the financial performance measured by Tobin’s Q and Marris’ ratio, positively affects earnings management. On the other hand, the variables of firm characteristics, such as financial leverage, asset structure, growth rate and sectoral affiliation, decrease earnings manipulation, and firm size and managers’ ownership have no effect on earnings management. This means that managers of Tunisian firms manipulate their results to improve the level of performance and their financial sate. This manipulation is driven by goals other than those observed in other contexts and related to the financial market. This finding contributes to the literature on the association between several features of earnings management and firm performance, with the effect of firm characteristics.
PubDate: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 09:37:00 +000
- Willingness of healthcare workers to treat COVID-19 patients during the
pandemic: Extended theory of planned behavior
Abstract: During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers played a significant role in minimizing the maximum spread of the virus. This study aims to investigate the relationship between healthcare workers’ attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived effectiveness of the pandemic, risk perception of the COVID-19 pandemic, and willingness to treat COVID-19 patients in Lahore, Pakistan. However, the extended theory of planned behavior was applied and included two key constructs (perceived effectiveness and risk perception of the COVID-19 pandemic). Data were collected from 253 male and female respondents working in public, private, and semi-government hospitals. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to test the proposed hypotheses. Overall, the findings show that healthcare workers’ attitudes, social norms, and perceived behavioral control significantly impact healthcare workers’ willingness to treat COVID-19 patients. In contrast, perceived effectiveness and risk perception of the pandemic showed a negative effect. The results suggested that healthcare workers showed positive attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control to COVID-19 patients. On the other hand, due to the virus novelty, effectiveness and risk perception of the pandemic was very high, which shows that healthcare workers feel stressed and scared to treat COVID-19 patients.
PubDate: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 08:46:30 +000
- Effect of gender as a moderating variable on financial vulnerability using
hierarchical regressions: Survey evidence from Indonesian traditional
market traders
Abstract: Market traders have a significant contribution to GDP in Indonesia; however, their level of education is still low. This leads to a high level of financial vulnerability, so it is important to study this issue, and there is still not enough research on financial vulnerability. Market traders are considered to be more vulnerable to fraud and poor financial management, and this is more common among female traders who have a relatively high level of consumption and economic dependence on men. This study aims to determine the effect of financial behavior and digital financial literacy on financial vulnerability. In addition, the gender interaction between the two relationships was also tested to better understand whether gender weakens or strengthens the relationship. Using a survey method on 278 market traders in Indonesia and hierarchical regression analysis, the results show that digital financial literacy and financial behavior have a negative significant influence on financial vulnerability of market traders. This means that low digital financial literacy and poor financial behavior lead to high financial vulnerability of market traders. In addition, the results of the interaction test show that the negative effect of financial vulnerability is greater for men than women. This is because men usually provide for their families, so they will always try to improve their financial performance and productivity. An important implication of this study is to provide recommendations to the government and associations to further improve the digital literacy skills of market traders, especially female traders through training or mentoring.AcknowledgmentThis research was funded by the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service (DRTPM) of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in 2022 with the National Competitive Basic Research Grant scheme.
PubDate: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:22:30 +000
- Digital social protection in Ukraine: prerequisites and strategic
Abstract: According to the current trends of the ICT development, digital transformation is becoming a key requirement in many social spheres. Digital technologies have proven their importance not only by significantly increasing efficiency of activities, but also by their general convenience and broad opportunities for users. The transition to digital principles is especially important in the field of social protection as it determines the welfare of the popula- tion, social security and social stability of the country, especially in crisis conditions. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the strategic foundations of the formation of digital social protection of the population in Ukraine, and its object is the system of social protection. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of the global and domestic practices of social protection on a digital basis and content analysis of the legal framework for the digital transformation of the social sphere in Ukraine. The study showed that the global prerequisites for the digitalization of social protection, as well as national factors, on the one hand, accelerated the implementa- tion of digital technologies for the provision of social assistance in Ukraine, and on the other hand, inhibited and underestimated the possibilities of their successful use. Digital technologies, which are widely used in the provi- sion of public services, also prove their effectiveness in the practice of social protection and have significant ad- vantages compared to its traditional form. However, the processes of digitalization of financial and non-financial components of social protection – social payments and social services – have certain differences due to different organizational procedures and technological processes. Social e-services created in Ukraine only partially cover the components of the social protection system that exist in Ukraine. Therefore, the results of the study are aimed at building a successful social protection system based on a single digital system.
PubDate: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:15:39 +000
- Social entrepreneurship and networking challenges: Impact on sustainable
development in South Africa
Abstract: The overwhelming complexity of achieving sustainable development globally, including in South Africa, requires the networking and partnerships of all stakeholders. This paper reports networking challenges affecting social entrepreneurship’s contribution to sustainable development. The study aimed to investigate and analyze the impact of networking challenges on social entrepreneurship contribution to sustainable development in the townships in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province. The study is quantitative and was conducted in three KZN township communities. The sample consisted of 90 social entrepreneurs selected using a snowball sampling technique. The respondents completed a self-administered close-ended questionnaire (employing a five-point Likert scale). The data were analyzed using SPSS (27.0 version). Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.808 indicated the reliability of the questionnaire as a measuring instrument for this study. The study revealed that lack of partnerships and networking with other social entrepreneurs, insufficient networking and partnership with corporate organizations, absence of networking and partnerships with government, and lack of platform use for social networking, affect social entrepreneurs’ activities. A chi-square test also revealed that all the tested variables were statistically significant, with a p-value = .000.
PubDate: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 12:32:19 +000
- Locus of control as a mediating variable for the factors influencing
consumptive behavior among students
Abstract: The consumptive behavior of students tends to be excessive. Therefore, this study aims to test the impact of financial literacy, peer group, social media usage, and locus of control on students’ consumption behavior. The population consists of 41,061 active S-1 students of Universitas Negeri Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. 5% of 398 samples had an error rate using the Slovin formula. Primary data were collected through surveys employing a 5-point Likert scale. The questionnaire constructed in Google Forms was distributed using WhatsApp group. The data collected were then subjected to validity and reliability tests. Thus, the response variable was consumptive behavior; three predictor variables were financial literacy, peer group, and social media usage; and the mediating variable was locus of control. The results show that financial literacy affects consumptive behavior negatively, with a coefficient of –0.109 and a significance value of 0.041. Peer groups, social media usage, and locus of control had a positive and significant effect on consumptive behavior directly. The coefficients were 0.039, 0.518, and 0.218, with significance values of 0.031, 0.000, and 0.000. Financial literacy and peer groups have a positive and significant effect on the locus of control with coefficients of 0.0638 and 0.251 and significance values of 0.000. In addition, locus of control has been proven as a mediator in the influence of financial literacy and peer groups on consumptive behavior.AcknowledgmentWe acknowledge the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, for publication funding.
PubDate: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 11:31:53 +000
- Conscientiousness and cognitive skills in security sphere: Associations
and configurations
Abstract: In balancing the mission of state security forces and bodies, private security guards are expected to provide partial fulfillment to society’s sturdy desire for safety and security. They exert responsibility for protecting housing and commercial communities, as well as institutions and critical infrastructure systems, including manufacturing, utilities, transportation, and health and educational facilities. Acknowledging that these individuals must possess specific capabilities for a satisfactory level of performance, this study aims to empirically explore how those capabilities interact to obtain a good fit for their job. In order to accomplish this objective, the paper scrutinizes the insights of 94 Colombian security guards. It examines the potential associations (through a partial least squares-structural equation modeling) and configurations (through a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis) between the personality trait of conscientiousness and two relevant cognitive skills: mental agility and visual memory. The findings revealed coincidences and contradictions between techniques and addressed constructs’ arrangements to understand how individual capabilities are associated with work outcomes. Even though conscientious individuals tend to perceive strong compatibility with the security job, the skills under study display signs of being contingent on obtaining the same work attachment effect. This study concludes that a security guard’s job specification must privilege the possession of a conscientiousness trait and, if possible, self-perception of proficiency in cognitive skills, such as mental agility and visual memory, to obtain a correct fitting for the job.
PubDate: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 13:14:24 +000
- Integration services for foreign scientific and academic staff in the
Czech Republic
Abstract: This study analyzes the status of integration services for foreign highly skilled staff at higher education and scientific institutions in the Czech Republic. This paper is relevant as it is essential to obtain data and information about services and possible barriers affecting the quality of life and professional experience with work migration to another country. The study conducted a survey and obtained feedback from 221 respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed in SASD 1.4.10. and SPSS. Moreover, the paper employed qualitative research in the form of open-ended questions processed by open coding in Atlas.ti 7.The analysis described the quality of the employer’s services, their offer, and frequency, as well as satisfaction with the work and social environment in the Czech Republic. Barriers to integration were identified; they include complicated administration, the need to learn the Czech language, and cultural and mental differences. Deficiencies in services for common life necessities were highlighted, e.g., provision of suitable accommodation, adequate school facilities for children, dual-career jobs, or medical treatment. The study resulted in the idea of the introduction of a service system, based on coordinated social services, for the reception of experts from abroad and better conditions for their integration. This system will increase the attractiveness of Czech institutions to the influx of brains from abroad.AcknowledgmentThe authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this paper.
PubDate: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 10:40:46 +000
- Determinants of perceived e-learning usefulness in higher education: A
case of Thailand
Abstract: Perceived e-learning usefulness as a marketing element has significantly affected student satisfaction, which results in a high propensity to continue using the current e-learning services with their universities. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effects of perceived risk, confirmation, and student motivation on perceived e-learning usefulness. This paper employed a convenience sampling technique to collect opinions from 689 university students at different universities (e.g., Thaksin University, Hatyai University, Prince of Songkla University, and Rajabhat University) around Thailand. Those students were actively using e-learning to access their education. After checking data validity, only 527 valid responses were analyzed through the path analysis method. According to empirical findings, confirmation significantly influenced student motivation, while perceived risk did not significantly impact student motivation. Finally, perceived e-learning usefulness was significantly influenced by confirmation, student motivation, and perceived risk. Furthermore, although these factors significantly influenced perceived e-learning usefulness, attitudes toward perceived e-learning usefulness relied mainly on the degree of confirmation, as this factor highlighted the most substantial effect on perceived e-learning usefulness. Moreover, perceived e-learning usefulness as a marketing element is a promising topic in the e-learning service sector, which requires future studies to examine to which extent the current study findings could apply to other groups of students or practitioners.
PubDate: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 08:51:52 +000