Publisher: Business Perspectives (Total: 15 journals)

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Investment Management and Financial Innovations
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ISSN (Print) 1810-4967 - ISSN (Online) 1812-9358
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  • Analysis of the impact of digitalization on demand and supply on the
           Ukrainian labor market

    • Abstract: The article indicates the impact of digitalization and automation of manufacturing processes on demand and supply on the Ukrainian labor market. The analysis showed the positive effects of digitization, which stabilize the situation in the domestic labor market. In particular, in the extreme conditions of the pandemic and war, these are the emergence of new digital professions, the possibility of remote work, the individualization of forms of employment and conditions of cooperation for the personal needs of labor market entities. The concept of digital professions has been introduced as a creative labor activity, since it is associated with the promotion, security of functioning and the expanded practice of digital technologies in manufacturing processes in any sphere of economic activity. The trend of increasing the number of digital practitioners in the wake of the worldwide trend of inducing a global information society has been grounded. The consequences of digitalization are shown that hinder the effective functioning of the labor market and manifest themselves in the increase in unemployment due to the emergence of unnecessary workers whose skills are impractical in digitized reality, the outflow of personnel to foreign labor markets, and the increase in inequality of the population in labor opportunities. The necessity of interaction between educational institutions, business and the state in achieving a balance of supply and demand in the labor market of Ukraine in the context of digitalization is emphasized.
      PubDate: Fri, 25 Nov 2022 15:54:51 +000
  • The sustainability transparency index of sovereign wealth funds: their
           asset size, SDG country rankings and cross-region comparison

    • Abstract: Sovereign wealth funds accumulate the largest resources to bridge the financial gap under the Sustainable Development Goals. The basic mechanism for accelerating sustainability progress is the effort of sovereign wealth funds to incorporate environmental, social, governance and ethical criteria and targets of these Goals disclosed in their sustainability reports. This study aims to develop a methodology for assessing the Sustainability Transparency Index in a sample of sovereign wealth funds, as well as to investigate how this transparency is influenced by the size of funds’ assets and sustainability progress with a cross-regional comparison. Five groups of sustainability disclosure metrics, such as the main pillars of novel Sustainability Transparency Index, were tested and analyzed for 91 funds using binary variables and normalization method. Three hypotheses regarding the statistical association of funds’ sustainability transparency index with the size of the funds’ assets, countries’ sustainability progress, and the region of a fund were checked for 87 funds using multiple regression. The overall results of the Sustainability Transparency Index show an insufficient level of funds’ transparency. Sustainability disclosure in 57% of funds surveyed should be fully enhanced in terms of greater sustainability transparency. There is strong evidence of the correlation between the volume of funds’ assets and sustainability transparency as well as the leadership of European funds in a cross-regional comparative study. However, data on the progress of the country’s sustainability and the funds’ Sustainability Transparency Index are limited and can be used as evidence of the insufficient role of fund transparency in promoting sustainability.
      PubDate: Fri, 25 Nov 2022 14:00:06 +000
  • Deposit insurance development (on the example of Ukraine)

    • Abstract: The deposit insurance market is an essential subsystem of Ukraine’s financial infrastructure. The study aims to evaluate the development of deposit insurance in Ukraine based on the depth of deposit insurance, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function, the activity of the banking system and to identify their impact on the development of deposit insurance at various stages.To determine the periods of deposit insurance in Ukraine, it was proposed to use the methodological toolkit of cluster analysis, having carried out the following stages: selecting input-defining features, variable standardization, applying the Ward procedure for the formation of clusters-periods, and financial and analytical interpretation of the results and characteristics of the periods obtained. Approbation of the proposed scientific and systematic approach allowed drawing conclusions regarding four stages of the development of deposit insurance in Ukraine from 2005–2020: completion of the formation (2005–2007), formedness and activity (2008–2013), performance under pressure (2014–2016), stabilization (2017–2020). While the first two stages, completion of formation and formedness and activity, were followed by a synchronous and slight increase in the level of the depth of the insurance system, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function and the activity of the banking system, the period of performance under pressure and the stabilization period demonstrated a desynchronization between the components.The completion of the formation of deposit insurance (2005−2007) was followed by a synchronous and slight increase in the level of the depth of the insurance system, the implementation of the deposit guarantee function and the activity of the banking system.AcknowledgmentAlina Bukhtiarova gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0120U100473). We are thankful to the Czech government support provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, which allowed this scientific cooperation to start within the project “Enhancement of the PhD Students Potential For Qualitative Research In Ukraine”.
      PubDate: Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:24:30 +000
  • Interbank liquidity and short-term yields in an emerging market economy
           – the experience of Hungary in 2016–2020

    • Abstract: Liquidity has an impact on short-term yields, which makes it a key determinant of monetary transmission. The aim of the research was to examine how the increase in the banking system’s liquidity and its distribution within the banking system affects yields. To better understand this relationship, this analysis gives an econometric estimate of the interbank liquidity demand function. The research covers Hungary being a representative of small, open, emerging market economies. The analysis is based on segmented regressions, the study covers the period 2016–2020 regarding overnight interest rates. The slope of the demand function is negative, the coefficients decrease with the increase in excess reserves. The most significant breakpoints of the demand curve are detected around 0.83% and 1.53% of M2 in excess liquidity. There is a correlation between the level of excess reserves and its distribution and concentration. The distribution of liquidity became more balanced along with the increase in excess liquidity. The saturation of the banking system depends on the concentration of liquidity among banks. The results can be useful for other small and open emerging market economies with abundant liquidity, especially in the coming tightening cycle.
      PubDate: Fri, 25 Nov 2022 08:25:48 +000
  • Do family-controlled and financially healthy firms manage their reported
           earnings' Evidence from Indonesia

    • Abstract: This paper examines whether family-controlled and financially healthy firms practice earnings management. The data collection focuses on non-financial firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the fiscal year 2017–2019. Family and financially healthy firms are key predictor variables for predicting earnings management behavior. Jones’s (1991) modified cross-sectional model measures discretionary accruals (the earnings management indicator). This study reveals a negative relationship between family entities and earnings management practices, suggesting that family-controlled firms are more likely to report a higher quality of earnings. This study also documents that family entities with financial difficulties have more incentive to practice earnings management. Additionally, the study indicates that the involvement of a family member in executive positions leads to lower financial reporting quality. Finally, this study reports a nonlinearity association between family share ownership and the magnitude of earnings management. The study’s findings may assist policymakers in considering the costs and benefits associated with various levels of ownership concentration, especially in the hands of family members.
      PubDate: Fri, 25 Nov 2022 07:54:28 +000
  • Effectiveness of learning and growth performance metrics in the Nepalese
           telecommunications industry for organizational success

    • Abstract: The primary use of financial-based performance metrics to assess an organization’s success might be misleading. The application of non-financial performance metrics could improve organizational success and longevity. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of learning and growth performance metrics for organizational success in the Nepalese telecommunication industry. The quantitative research approach was utilized for collecting, presenting, and analyzing data obtained during a survey. The two major telecommunications service providers in Nepal, Ncell and Nepal Telecom, were taken as sample organizations, and their employees were the study’s respondents. The study revealed that two latent learning and growth performance metrics, namely ‘organizational culture and alignment’ having seven observable variables (β = 0.229, t = 3.419, p < .05) and ‘information capital’ having four observable variables (β = 0.079, t = 1.193, p < .05) were significant for organizational success. In contrast, one latent metric, ‘human resources’ having seven observable variables (β = 0.047, t = 0.708, p> .05), was insignificant. The overall explanation of the observed non-financial performance metrics to the organizational success of the Nepalese telecommunication industry was approximately 6%. A better learning and growth environment helps an organization generate, acquire, share, and integrate information to build resources and capabilities. In addition, non-financial performance metrics help organizations connect business performance with strategy, allowing them to be competitive.
      PubDate: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:45:25 +000
  • Gas futures as a factor of the Ukrainian capital market development

    • Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to analyze current trends in the gas futures market and the prerequisites for their spreading in Ukraine. The analysis is based on scientific research results, search query time series provided by Google Trends, and statistical databases of derivative markets. The paper reveals the trends in the reshaping of the commodity derivatives market after 2008 in favor of commodity derivatives and the fast-growing volume of gas futures in the EU after 2017. The dual reason for these trends comes from the growing energy challenges and the tightening of financial derivatives regulation. Both reasons depend on real economic activity. This determines the presence of economic prerequisites for the spread of gas futures in the world.The paper identifies the main institutional prerequisites for the spread of gas futures in Ukraine: an active gas exchange with growing volume of the spot trading and a situational factor of the energy market reforming. Initiatives of the gas market liberalization in Ukraine correspond to the energy market reform in EU. The identified trends, prerequisites, advantages and obstacles for the spread of gas futures allow to generalize proposals for state regulation, such as organizing the Ukrainian energy market as a hub to attract participants from other countries, as well as supporting the spread of gas futures on the capital market through the implementation of clearing mechanisms.AcknowledgmentThe paper was funded as part of the “Determination of institutional conditions for the development of the exchange segment of the gas market” research project (No. 0122U002205), conducted at the State Institution “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine”.
      PubDate: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 12:49:33 +000
  • Digital tools for distance learning in the system of corporate training
           and personnel development

    • Abstract: The need to choose the best ways to implement corporate training processes in extreme conditions determines the relevance of research. The adaptation of traditional learning tools to distance learning using various methods and training programs is relevant. The aim is to determine the optimal digital tools (software and online platforms) for the successful implementation of the corporate training process in a remote format in the conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law in Ukraine. The main approaches to the implementation and conduct of distance corporate training are considered and the need for its proactive management is highlighted. The study summarizes the types of training, vocational training methods, the main factors influencing distance learning, and online training platforms. The survey highlighted current trends in the use of distance learning in Ukrainian business practice and its effectiveness. The survey results made it possible to draw a conclusion about the current role of distance personnel learning in business practices, as well as to determine the priority of forms of training and means of its implementation. The data obtained confirm that most companies in modern world are focused on retaining staff and maintaining their high skills to improve efficiency and conserve human resources even during a pandemic and war. Digital distance learning tools should be increasingly used in the corporate training and development system.
      PubDate: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 12:34:47 +000
  • The impact of COVID-19 risk perceptions on intentions to consume energy
           beverages: The mediation role of a healthy lifestyle and sustainable

    • Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has produced tremendous socioeconomic upheaval worldwide, affecting people’s purchasing habits and intentions. This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 risk perceptions and intentions to consume energy drinks. Furthermore, it analyzes the role of a healthy lifestyle and sustainable consumption in mediating this relationship. A survey approach was used to obtain the data. An online questionnaire (400 samples) was distributed through social media to Palestinian citizens and residents (students, employees, free professionals, laborers, and others). The study used a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis used descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and dispersion). PLS was utilized to investigate the mediation effect, whereas SPSS was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. Risk perception was assessed using seven variables: fear, conduct, awareness and knowledge, trust and confidence, healthy lifestyle, sustainable consumption, and intention to use energy beverages. The findings indicate that COVID-19 risk perception affects the propensity to consume energy beverages (B = 3.692; p ˂ 0.001). In addition, the results show that COVID-19 risk perception has a significant relationship with a healthy lifestyle and sustainable consumption (B = 3.358; p ˂ 0.001; B = 3.571; p ˂ 0.001). The findings also highlighted a partial mediation of healthy lifestyle and sustainable consumption in the association between COVID-19 risk perception and desire to use energy beverages.
      PubDate: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 10:06:57 +000
  • Nexus between corruption, market capitalization, exports, FDI, and
           country’s wealth: A pre-global financial crisis study

    • Abstract: The study investigates the impact of corruption, market capitalization, exports, and foreign direct investment on the wealth of 178 countries worldwide. Thus, the paper uses univariate and multivariate regressions to observe the nexus among exports, foreign direct investment, market capitalization, corruption, and wealth of nations. The findings indicate that corruption poses a significant hindrance to prosperity and development, as evaluated with respect to the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Additionally, the results showed that the world’s poorest nations are becoming less corrupt while the wealthiest ones are growing more corrupt. The paper also concludes that exports and market capitalization are critical for prosperity and development when combined with lower corruption levels. Furthermore, the analysis also suggests that inbound foreign direct investment favors the development of emerging countries. Surprisingly, market capitalization and exports had little impact on wealth of countries before the crisis period. Moreover, integrity also fosters economic growth. Overall, the study concludes that the causes of wealth are country-specific.AcknowledgmentsI thank the editor and the reviewers for the helpful comments and suggestions that significantly enhanced this work. The usual disclaimer applies.
      PubDate: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 12:44:58 +000
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