Publisher: Research Plus Journals   (Total: 2 journals)

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International Journal of Business Administration and Management Research
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  • An Analysis in Encouraging and Promoting Women to turn into Entrepreneurs
           by Developing their Entrepreneurial Skills in Abu Dhabi (U.A.E)

    • Authors: Kallalathil Venglath Nanditha Kumar
      Abstract: The main aim of this study is to examine the Female entrepreneurship skills which motivate them to turn into a successful female entrepreneur. United Arab Emirates has always welcomed Women's no matter what color, religion, language sex or nationalities. Being the safest place on earth United Arab Emirates has always given special respect and place for Women in all sectors The main functions of a women entrepreneurs is to explore the prospects of starting a new venture, Undertake risks, handle the risks and economic uncertainty which happens in business, innovate new ideas and technologies, Coordinate administer, control Supervise and possess to be a good leader. At present United Arab Emirates is welcoming and opening new opportunities for Women's to explore their ideas here. United Arab Emirates is a welcoming landscape for startups. United Arab Emirates has a diverse economy which is a very huge opportunity for an entrepreneur. In Abu Dhabi, Last decade Women Entrepreneurs have been recognized as the untapped source of economic growth. However they still represent a minority of all entrepreneurs. Many authors have examined the Women entrepreneurs but up to date no studies has been conducted in Promoting Women entrepreneurship skills in United Arab Emirates. This may be because of the lack of information's. The research aims to focus in encouraging and promoting Women Entrepreneurs by developing their entrepreneurial skills which will turn them to become a successful. This research study will adopt ethnological nature of design. This study is predominantly based on primary data. This study collected information from primary data and secondary data also for the best effective way to make the study convenient personal interview or structured and unstructured interview will be framed for the collection of data from the sample women entrepreneurs. The collected data will be arranged, classified and organized as per the logic, similarities, uniqueness and methodology. The collected data will be analyzed using statistical package for social science software (SPSS). It's a software to manage the data and calculate a wide statistical data's. A pilot test will also be carried out to check the feasibility and reliability of the structured interview. The study adopted statistical tool Chi Square Test. The study also uses Correlation and ANOVA tool for analysis. The study further discusses the ways to improve the skills by Development, motivation and training programs. Women entrepreneur has been observed as a major source of knowledge about women's entrepreneurship and they are increasingly recognized as a valuable tool for its development and promotion. Women entrepreneur is related to both women's position in society and role of entrepreneurship in the same society. Women entrepreneurs must be taken seriously at individual level( the choice of becoming self-employed) and at the firm level( the performance of women owned and managed firms).The study also discussed about the training programs, in which models are considered to study into the relationship between the Women entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship skills, and the market. This study concluded that if the women is motivated more and encouraged will surely lead to become a successful women entrepreneur in United Arab Emirates, promoting the economic growth of the country and increasing employment opportunities and setting up example showing the women are no lesser than man and se. Noting is impossible for women also. The author thus submitting a theoretical study of Encouraging and promoting women entrepreneurs by developing their skills in United Arab Emirates .Only if the Entrepreneurial Skills are developed and focused on, the Women entrepreneurs can develop into a successful Entrepreneurs.
      PubDate: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 04:27:53 +010
  • Determinants of Credit Risk : The Case of Selected Commercial Banks in

    • Authors: Wakgari Kitila; Kenenisa Lemi, Mohammed Sultan
      Abstract: Risk assessment is the careful analysis and evaluation of the diverse factors that can bring risks. Risk assessment provides the banks an opportunity to determine the vulnerabilities and risk associated with a banking system. The aim of this study is to assess determinants of credit risk in selected commercial banks in Ethiopia. To this end, secondary data from ten commercial banks over the period 2010 to 2017 were collected from the audited financial statement of the selected banks available in the National Bank of Ethiopia. The assumption tests were made and indicate the fitness of data for further tests and also the post estimation tests recommend pooled ordinary least square for the regression analysis. The result indicated that predictor variables like efficiency ratio, return on equity and bank size have statistically significant positive effects on the dependent variable (credit risk). In addition, the study showed that capital adequacy had statistically significant negative effect in predicting the dependent variable, credit risk. However, predictor variables like return on asset, leverage and loan to deposit ratio didn’t make any statistically significant effect on credit risk. Finally, it was recommended that, commercial banks in Ethiopia are advised to become more effective, in management to use funds contributed by shareholders, in spending sufficient resources on analyzing loan application, introduction of modern risk management technology, that are believed to improve the effectiveness of commercial banks in Ethiopia.
      PubDate: Fri, 03 Jan 2020 09:12:10 +010
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
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Publisher: Research Plus Journals   (Total: 2 journals)

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School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
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Tel: +00 44 (0)131 4513762

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