Publisher: IAIN Surakarta   (Total: 1 journals)

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Dinika : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies
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ISSN (Print) 2503-4219 - ISSN (Online) 2503-4227
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  • Islamic Puritanism Movements in Indonesia as Transnational Movements

    • Authors: Benny Baskara
      Abstract: Islamic puritanism movements are the movements compelling to return to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, as the pure teachings in Islam, and abandon even abolish other teachings outside the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. The movements of Islamic puritanism can be considered as transnational movements because they spread their teachings and ideologies, create organizations, networks, and provide financial supports across nations. This paper describes Islamic puritanism movements in Indonesia and their transnational connections. Some Islamic puritanism movements in Indonesia can be considered as part of Islamic transnational movements, in which most of the movements are centered in the Middle East. In Indonesia, Islamic puritanism movements firstly appeared in the beginning of the nineteenth century, called as Padri movement in West Sumatra. It was then continued to the emergence of Islamic organizations in the twentieth century. Recently, Islamic puritanism movements in Indonesia mostly take form as Salafism-Wahabism movements.   Keywords:Islamic Puritanism Movement, Transnational Movement, and Ideology        
      PubDate: 2017-04-30
      DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.103
      Issue No: Vol. 2, No. 1 (2017)
  • The Islamization in Bugis Society during the Darul Islam Era Under Kahar
           Muzakar in 1960s

    • Authors: Batari Oja Andini
      Abstract: This paper describes one of the reasons why Islam is so embedded in the identity and the culture of Bugis society. By studying some literatures about Darul Islam in South Sulawesi and the Bugis pre-Islamic religion, the Islamization process in South Sulawesi was colored by fears, terror and massacre. It was in Darul Islam Era, under Kahar Muzakar, when Bugis pre-Islamic religion was brutally replaced by Islam since the gerombolan wanted to establish Indonesia Islamic State (NII). This paper also offers a description of Indonesian politics in micro view, the local history of the politics in South Sulawesi. Keywords:Islamization, Darul Islam, Bugis, and Kahar Muzakar
      PubDate: 2017-04-30
      DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.107
      Issue No: Vol. 2, No. 1 (2017)
  • Jalīl al-Kalām and Daqīq al-Kalām according to Imāmī Shiʻites
           before the Beginning of the Major Occultation

    • Authors: Mosaab Elkhair Edris
      Abstract: This study would serve as sequel to the views of the Imāmī theologian Hishām bin al-Ḥakam on Jalīl al-Kalām and Daqīq al-Kalām by explaining the theological views of Zurārah bin Aʻyun, Abū Jaʻfar al-Aḥwal, al-Faḍl ibn Shāzān and Banū Nūbakht; it will focus on their known writings, explicating their available theological views as far as possible, on the basis of Sunni and Shi’ite sources in the context of the history of theology. The objective behind that is to explain the theological trends that emerged in the history of the Twelver Imamite community, their connections; this would first of all provide knowledge of the intellectual foundations of the Twelver theology, which reached its pinnacle at the hands of the theologians of the fifth century AH beginning with Shaykh al-Mufīd bin Muḥammad bin al-Nuʻmān al-ʻAkbarī al-Baghdādī. Secondly, this study would provide for an understanding of the relational basis between the Twelver and the Mutazilite theological thought. I think that it is the result of a mutual cross-fertilization on the one hand, while on the other since they both derive from the same sources, they lead to similar results. It is not a case of Shi’ite subservience to a predominant Mutazilite influence because the Twelver Shi’ite theologian was conscious of his requirements in support of his doctrine, which revolves around the issue of the Imāmah in Jalīl al-Kalām and Daqīq al-Kalām alike. In addition, this study will also identify the real origins of the idea of limiting the imamate to twelve imams, ending with the consideration of the early Imamite scholars through which they established their arguments against their opponents in their writings and debates. This is all the more important since the titles of the Shi’ite Imāmī writings and from what is quoted in their debates on the issue of Imamate, do not point to the imamate of only twelve imams, as the history of the Imāmī Thought depicts and which starts with the period of the Minor Occultation, which lasted about 70 years from 260 to 329 AH. Keywords: Imāmī Shiʻites, Jalīl al-Kalām, Daqīq al-Kalām, Major Occultation
      PubDate: 2017-04-30
      DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.622
      Issue No: Vol. 2, No. 1 (2017)
  • Beyond the Extremism of Radical Muslim Group: A Socio-Historical Study

    • Authors: Mokhamad Iqbal Khomaini
      Abstract: Muslim terrorist group is a contrast issue, they are the one who openly opposes the US Oppression but on another side, they are blamed for being a terrorist. The story started with oppression on Muslim countries everywhere: Afghanistan was invaded by USSR army, then 1991, Iraq also was attacked as a response call from the US to Kuwaiti aid request, then in 2001, Afghanistan was invaded and occupied by the U.S, then the raid over Taliban and all its organization in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the military operation in Iraq, 2003, and daily killing upon Palestinian since 1967 with no ending etc. So, the counter upon oppression rises but unfortunately, those who struggled to defend Muslim territories against US invasion are called as a “terrorist”. Once upon a time in 2000, Bali was the most destined of tourism but unexpectedly, a big tragedy happened in Indonesia with the bomb explosion in Bali Island and killed 202 people, most of the victims were foreign tourists (including 88 Australians, and 38 Indonesian citizens). The result of investigations pointed to “Jemaah Islamiyah” as an actor of that incident. The national and International news media posted that “Jamaah Islamiyah” did a terror on the basis of jihad against America and its allies who invaded a Muslim country, but unfortunately, the victims were civilians who have nonsense affiliated with politics. Why Jamaah Islamiyah did so' Where do they got influenced in their extremism' In the view of Imam Samudra: it is compulsory for a Muslims to do fight back as a retreat action, hence it is permissible to kill any American, European found in Muslim countries, based on the verse of Holy Quran: Kill the  Musyrikin anywhere you found them! (Attaubah: Verse: 5). Keywords:Terrorist, Extremism, and Radical Muslim Group 
      PubDate: 2017-04-30
      DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.8
      Issue No: Vol. , No. 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.8 (2017)
  • The Formalization of Islamic Sharia in Public Sphere: A Case Study of
           Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia

    • Authors: Hatim Gazali
      Abstract: Following the fall of the New Order, the movements of establishing Islamic sharia in Indonesia has increased. Some of the organizations which promote Islamic sharia on their movements are Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), Front Pembela Islam (FPI), and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). This paper observes the movements of HTI by using the perspective of public reason, especially the theories of John Rawls and Abdullah An-Naim. The results show that HTI should use more democratic methods in delivering its notion. As Indonesia is a democratic nation, creating appropriate form of discussion and conversation would be an effective way in introducing Islamic sharia to the public. Later, the decision of accepting or rejecting the idea is in the hands of the public.  Keywords:Islamic Sharia, Public Sphere, and Formalization of Islamic Sharia
      PubDate: 2017-04-30
      DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.402
      Issue No: Vol. , No. 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.402 (2017)
  • Refining the Traditional and the Modern: A Literary Study of Indonesian
           Sufism and Neo-Sufism from Pesantren

    • Authors: Yuyun Sri Wahyuni
      Abstract: Scholars have predicted that Sufism and other forms of traditional Islamic practices would disappear as modernity comes into society. Considering this view on religion and the modern, based on the literary study, this paper examines the historical development of Islam, Sufism and pesantren in Indonesia, or previously known as Nusantara. Sufi preachers, known as walisongo, brought Islam to Indonesia and, in a very short of time, brought most of Indonesians into voluntary conversions. After walisongo, Indonesian ulama carried the dakwah Islamiyah through different Sufi networks and pesantrens. In the modern era, Sufism and other means of traditional practices face the challenges of disappearance and then transform themselves into neo-Sufism. The discussions in this paper show how Sufism, through its various ways, mingle with the different era in Indonesia and reshape the meaning of the traditional and the modern in Indonesia. Keywords:Islam Indonesia, Sufism, pesantren,  
      PubDate: 2017-04-30
      DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.299
      Issue No: Vol. , No. 10.22515/dinika.v2i1.299 (2017)
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