Publisher: Universidade Federal do Amapá   (Total: 10 journals)

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PRACS : Revista Eletrônica de Humanidades do Curso de Ciências Sociais da UNIFAP
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  • Heritability and Combining Ability of Some Vegetative and Yield
           Characteristics of Promising Arabica Coffee Varieties in Indonesia

    • Authors: Ari Wibowo, Miftahur Rizqi Akbar, Ucu Sumirat
      Pages: 1 - 9
      Abstract: Breeding for high yielding and good quality arabica coffee is the direction of the coffee breeding program in Indonesia. Hybridization becomes the important step to select promising genotypes from the genetic variability to achieve those goals. This research aimed to study heritability and combining ability of vegetative and yield characteristics of arabica coffee offspring. This research was conducted in randomized complete block design with three replications at Andungsari Experimental Station, East Java. The materials consisted of five parents of arabica coffee namely BP 542A(P1), P88(P2), S795(P3), HDT(P4), GEISHA(P5), and ten F1 hybrids as the offspring. The results showed that the narrow-sense heritability of leaf width was categorized as high. P3 and P5 varieties had the highest general combining ability (GCA) value for internode length, cluster number, and cherries number. These results indicated that both parental lines had potential as parents for the breeding program. The highest value of specific combining ability (SCA) for cherry size and leaf size was shown in crossing combination of P1×P3 and P2×P3. While, the crossing combination of P3×P4 showed the highest SCA value for cluster number, internode length, and cherries number per branch. From this crossing combination, high yielding promising lines can be obtained.
      PubDate: 2022-04-20
      DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v38i1.484
      Issue No: Vol. 38, No. 1 (2022)
  • Temperature and pH Monitoring System Design in the Fermentation of Cocoa
           Beans Based on Android

    • Authors: Lukito Hasta Pratopo, Ahmad Thoriq, Eko Heri Purwanto, Daffa Afian Wiradwinanda
      Pages: 43 - 53
      Abstract: The fermentation of cocoa beans is a key step in increasing their quality. Temperature and pH have an impact on the fermentation process' performance. Until, temperature and pH measurements in the cocoa bean fermentation process have been done with a thermometer and a pH meter, and have been heavily impacted by experience and knowledge. The goal of this research is to create a temperature and pH monitoring system for the fermentation of cocoa beans using an android platform. The sensor must be able to measure temperature and pH during the fermentation process, and the sensor reading data must be displayed on the android display, according to the system design criteria. A temperature sensor, pH sensor, microcontroller, TP-Link or WiFi modem, ThingSpeak (data storage), and Smartphone make up the system's hardware. Arduino CC software version 1.8.14 was used to create the software. The system hardware was made up of numerous components, including the NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller, SKU SEN0161 pH sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor, 4.2k resistor, jumper cable, and 5 volt charger adaptor, according to the results. A plastic container houses the electronic system circuit. The monitoring system can read the temperature and pH during the fermentation process, which lasts 112 hours or 6 days, according to the performance test findings. During fermentation, the temperature of cocoa beans ranged from 27.19 °C to 41.75 °C, with the pH fluctuating between 2.50 and 7.10.
      PubDate: 2022-04-20
      DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v38i1.494
      Issue No: Vol. 38, No. 1 (2022)
  • Physical, Chemical, and Sensory Properties of Robusta Coffee Effervescent
           Tablets Formulated in Various Organic Acids

    • Authors: Umar Hafidz Asy'ari Hasbullah, Miftahul Wahidatun Ni’mah, Endang Is Retnowati, Rini Umiyati
      Pages: 54 - 69
      Abstract: Coffee effervescent products are an innovation in coffee formulation. The compounds that play a role in effervescent are acids and bases. Type of organic acid give an impact on the effervescent characteristics. This study aimed to examine the effect of type of organic acid on physical, chemical, and sensory properties of
      Robusta coffee effervescent tablets. This study used a completely randomized design with three acids in the formulation, namely citric acid, tartaric acid, and malic acid. Samples were analyzed in three replications. Making effervescent tablets was done by compression technique in a mixture of all ingredients according to
      the formula. The results showed that different acid had a significant effect on physical and chemical parameters. Malic acid caused a faster effervescent time than citric acid and tartaric acid. Malic acid and tartaric acid tended to lower the pH slightly than citric acid. Malic acid and citric acid tended to produce harder
      tablets than tartaric acid. However, tartaric acid slightly increased tablets’ brightness (L*) compared to malic acid and citric acid. Tartaric acid and malic acid tended to reduce moisture compared to citric acid. The IC50 value of effervescent with malic acid and tartaric acid was lower than that of citric acid. However, there
      was a slight decrease in total phenol in both. Meanwhile, the sensory profiles of tablets and effervescent drinks did not differ due to different acids. The recommended formula was that the effervescent using malic acid had an effervescent time of 166 seconds, hardness 321 N, moisture 8%, IC50 5.5 mg mL-1, total phenol
      4.2 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) g-1, and a drink profile that has the best color, aroma, taste, and runs time
      PubDate: 2022-04-20
      DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v38i1.489
      Issue No: Vol. 38, No. 1 (2022)
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Publisher: Universidade Federal do Amapá   (Total: 10 journals)

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