Showing 1 - 200 of 2905 Journals sorted by number of followers |
| The Lancet (Followers: 3128, SJR: 14.934, CiteScore: 9) |
| Library & Information Science Research (Followers: 2159, SJR: 1.188, CiteScore: 2) |
| Cell (Followers: 1497, SJR: 25.137, CiteScore: 22) |
| J. of Academic Librarianship (Followers: 1188, SJR: 1.224, CiteScore: 2) |
| Information Sciences (Followers: 803, SJR: 1.635, CiteScore: 5) |
| Information Processing & Management (Followers: 751, SJR: 0.92, CiteScore: 4) |
| New Scientist (Followers: 631, SJR: 0.105, CiteScore: 0) |
| Scientific American (Followers: 555, SJR: 0.266, CiteScore: 0) |
| Aerospace Science and Technology (Followers: 386, SJR: 0.796, CiteScore: 3) |
| The Leadership Quarterly (Followers: 385, SJR: 3.13, CiteScore: 4) |
| Forensic Science Intl. (Followers: 383, SJR: 0.981, CiteScore: 2) |
| Forensic Science Intl.: Digital Investigation (Followers: 374, SJR: 0.635, CiteScore: 3) |
| Aggression and Violent Behavior (Followers: 371, SJR: 1.238, CiteScore: 3) |
| Advances in Space Research (Followers: 367, SJR: 0.569, CiteScore: 2) |
| Cognition (Followers: 355, SJR: 2.455, CiteScore: 4) |
| Science & Justice (Followers: 350, SJR: 1.033, CiteScore: 2) |
| Intl. J. of Information Management (Followers: 343, SJR: 1.373, CiteScore: 6) |
| Current Biology (Followers: 327, SJR: 4.296, CiteScore: 5) |
| Biological Conservation (Followers: 324, SJR: 2.397, CiteScore: 5) |
| Blood (Followers: 322, SJR: 6.434, CiteScore: 7) |
| Composite Structures (Followers: 321, SJR: 1.905, CiteScore: 5) |
| Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Followers: 305, SJR: 8.634, CiteScore: 10) |
| J. of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Followers: 304, SJR: 0.622, CiteScore: 1) |
| Acta Astronautica (Followers: 296, SJR: 0.758, CiteScore: 2) |
| NDT & E Intl. (Followers: 290, SJR: 1.205, CiteScore: 3) |
| Neuron (Followers: 284, SJR: 10.654, CiteScore: 11) |
| Composites Part B : Engineering (Followers: 277, SJR: 2.039, CiteScore: 5) |
| Legal Medicine (Followers: 268, SJR: 0.678, CiteScore: 1) |
| J. of Banking & Finance (Followers: 264) |
| The Lancet Oncology (Followers: 261, SJR: 16.085, CiteScore: 10) |
| World Development (Followers: 259, SJR: 2.122, CiteScore: 4) |
| The Lancet Infectious Diseases (Followers: 255, SJR: 9.963, CiteScore: 7) |
| Intl. J. of Drug Policy (Followers: 250, SJR: 1.441, CiteScore: 3) |
| Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing (Followers: 247, SJR: 1.539, CiteScore: 5) |
| Trends in Cognitive Sciences (Followers: 247, SJR: 7.049, CiteScore: 10) |
| Polymer Testing (Followers: 242, SJR: 0.669, CiteScore: 2) |
| Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Followers: 232, SJR: 3.166, CiteScore: 5) |
| Artificial Intelligence (Followers: 230, SJR: 0.88, CiteScore: 4) |
| Educational Research Review (Followers: 230, SJR: 2.963, CiteScore: 6) |
| American J. of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Followers: 222, SJR: 2.7, CiteScore: 4) |
| Intl. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer (Followers: 218, SJR: 1.498, CiteScore: 4) |
| J. of Biological Chemistry (Followers: 218, SJR: 2.672, CiteScore: 4) |
| Chest (Followers: 217, SJR: 2.524, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Pediatrics (Followers: 217, SJR: 1.522, CiteScore: 2) |
| Animal Behaviour (Followers: 214, SJR: 1.58, CiteScore: 3) |
| BJA : British J. of Anaesthesia (Followers: 213, SJR: 2.115, CiteScore: 3) |
| Trends in Biotechnology (Followers: 199, SJR: 3.524, CiteScore: 10) |
| Composites Science and Technology (Followers: 198, SJR: 1.702, CiteScore: 6) |
| J. of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Followers: 198, SJR: 0.696, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Financial Economics (Followers: 198, SJR: 12.489, CiteScore: 6) |
| Ecological Economics (Followers: 195, SJR: 1.657, CiteScore: 4) |
| Gastroenterology (Followers: 194, SJR: 7.958, CiteScore: 7) |
| J. of Sound and Vibration (Followers: 191, SJR: 1.36, CiteScore: 3) |
| Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Followers: 187, SJR: 0.699, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Development Economics (Followers: 184, SJR: 3.066, CiteScore: 3) |
| Annals of Emergency Medicine (Followers: 179, SJR: 1.632, CiteScore: 2) |
| The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology (Followers: 177, SJR: 9.705, CiteScore: 6) |
| Analytical Biochemistry (Followers: 170, SJR: 0.633, CiteScore: 2) |
| Nurse Education Today (Followers: 170, SJR: 1.154, CiteScore: 2) |
| Acta Materialia (Followers: 167, SJR: 3.263, CiteScore: 6) |
| Accident Analysis & Prevention (Followers: 165, SJR: 1.462, CiteScore: 3) |
| Planetary and Space Science (Followers: 160, SJR: 1.065, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Followers: 151, SJR: 0.984, CiteScore: 3) |
| Remote Sensing of Environment (Followers: 104, SJR: 3.121, CiteScore: 7) |
| European Economic Review (Followers: 103, SJR: 2.277, CiteScore: 2) |
| Polymer (Followers: 103, SJR: 1.097, CiteScore: 4) |
| Social Science & Medicine (Followers: 103, SJR: 1.91, CiteScore: 3) |
| Cancer Cell (Followers: 101, SJR: 12.7, CiteScore: 15) |
| J. of Monetary Economics (Followers: 99, SJR: 7.204, CiteScore: 2) |
| Clinical Nutrition (Followers: 98, SJR: 1.905, CiteScore: 4) |
| Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (Followers: 96, SJR: 4.09, CiteScore: 13) |
| Computers & Education (Followers: 96, SJR: 2.626, CiteScore: 6) |
| Tetrahedron Letters (Followers: 95, SJR: 0.683, CiteScore: 2) |
| Cognitive Psychology (Followers: 92, SJR: 2.733, CiteScore: 4) |
| Combustion and Flame (Followers: 92, SJR: 2.427, CiteScore: 5) |
| Propulsion and Power Research (Followers: 92, SJR: 0.374, CiteScore: 2) |
| Molecular Cell (Followers: 90, SJR: 13.841, CiteScore: 12) |
| American J. of Ophthalmology (Followers: 88, SJR: 3.184, CiteScore: 4) |
| J. of the American College of Cardiology (Followers: 88, SJR: 11.061, CiteScore: 7) |
| Tetrahedron (Followers: 87, SJR: 0.8, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Econometrics (Followers: 85, SJR: 5.191, CiteScore: 2) |
| The Lancet Neurology (Followers: 85, SJR: 11.964, CiteScore: 9) |
| European J. of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Followers: 84, SJR: 1.016, CiteScore: 4) |
| ISPRS J. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Followers: 83, SJR: 3.169, CiteScore: 8) |
| Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (Followers: 82, SJR: 0.871, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Public Economics (Followers: 82, SJR: 3.44, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Archaeological Science (Followers: 81, SJR: 1.885, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Experimental Social Psychology (Followers: 81, SJR: 2.068, CiteScore: 3) |
| NeuroImage (Followers: 81, SJR: 3.679, CiteScore: 6) |
| Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (Followers: 80, SJR: 1.989, CiteScore: 3) |
| Progress in Aerospace Sciences (Followers: 79, SJR: 1.716, CiteScore: 7) |
| Research Policy (Followers: 79, SJR: 3.688, CiteScore: 6) |
| J. of Physiotherapy (Followers: 79, SJR: 1.194, CiteScore: 1) |
| Immunity (Followers: 78, SJR: 13.393, CiteScore: 16) |
| Energy Policy (Followers: 77, SJR: 1.994, CiteScore: 5) |
| Intl. J. of Law, Crime and Justice (Followers: 76, SJR: 0.362, CiteScore: 1) |
| J. of Anthropological Archaeology (Followers: 76, SJR: 1.24, CiteScore: 2) |
| Physiotherapy (Followers: 76, SJR: 1.004, CiteScore: 2) |
| Water Research (Followers: 76, SJR: 2.601, CiteScore: 8) |
| J. of Hydrology (Followers: 75, SJR: 1.832, CiteScore: 4) |
| The Lancet Global Health (Followers: 75, SJR: 8.756, CiteScore: 4) |
| The Lancet Psychiatry (Followers: 75, SJR: 5.247, CiteScore: 3) |
| Safety and Health at Work (Followers: 75, SJR: 0.461, CiteScore: 2) |
| Chemical Engineering J. (Followers: 74, SJR: 1.863, CiteScore: 7) |
| Ecological Modelling (Followers: 74, SJR: 1.084, CiteScore: 3) |
| Atmospheric Environment (Followers: 72, SJR: 1.523, CiteScore: 4) |
| Atmospheric Research (Followers: 72, SJR: 1.533, CiteScore: 4) |
| Icarus (Followers: 72, SJR: 2.037, CiteScore: 3) |
| Cell Reports (Followers: 72, SJR: 7.552, CiteScore: 8) |
| Brain and Language (Followers: 71, SJR: 1.472, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Safety Research (Followers: 71, SJR: 1.151, CiteScore: 2) |
| American J. of Cardiology (Followers: 71, SJR: 1.93, CiteScore: 3) |
| Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine (Followers: 69, SJR: 0.138, CiteScore: 0) |
| Forest Ecology and Management (Followers: 69, SJR: 1.625, CiteScore: 4) |
| Advances in Food and Nutrition Research (Followers: 68, SJR: 0.591, CiteScore: 2) |
| Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Followers: 68, SJR: 1.501, CiteScore: 3) |
| BJA Education (Followers: 68) |
| Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (Followers: 67, SJR: 1.747, CiteScore: 4) |
| Engineering Failure Analysis (Followers: 67, SJR: 0.933, CiteScore: 2) |
| Carbon (Followers: 66, SJR: 2.226, CiteScore: 7) |
| Economics Letters (Followers: 66, SJR: 0.738, CiteScore: 1) |
| Midwifery (Followers: 66, SJR: 0.953, CiteScore: 2) |
| Marine Policy (Followers: 65, SJR: 1.109, CiteScore: 3) |
| Advances in Water Resources (Followers: 64, SJR: 1.551, CiteScore: 3) |
| Drug Discovery Today (Followers: 64, SJR: 2.008, CiteScore: 6) |
| Ophthalmology (Followers: 64, SJR: 4.896, CiteScore: 5) |
| European J. of Political Economy (Followers: 63, SJR: 1.176, CiteScore: 2) |
| Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Followers: 63, SJR: 1.129, CiteScore: 3) |
| Ocean & Coastal Management (Followers: 63, SJR: 0.896, CiteScore: 2) |
| Cryogenics (Followers: 62, SJR: 0.526, CiteScore: 2) |
| Human Resource Management Review (Followers: 62, SJR: 1.675, CiteScore: 4) |
| J. of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Followers: 62, SJR: 1.505, CiteScore: 3) |
| Applied Nursing Research (Followers: 61, SJR: 0.494, CiteScore: 1) |
| J. of Computational Physics (Followers: 61, SJR: 2.047, CiteScore: 3) |
| Advances in Climate Change Research (Followers: 61, SJR: 0.485, CiteScore: 1) |
| Biological Psychiatry (Followers: 60, SJR: 5.49, CiteScore: 7) |
| Resuscitation (Followers: 60, SJR: 2.643, CiteScore: 4) |
| American J. of Emergency Medicine (Followers: 58, SJR: 0.604, CiteScore: 1) |
| Behavior Therapy (Followers: 57, SJR: 1.686, CiteScore: 3) |
| Clinical Psychology Review (Followers: 57, SJR: 5.226, CiteScore: 11) |
| Nurse Education in Practice (Followers: 57, SJR: 0.764, CiteScore: 2) |
| Teaching and Teacher Education (Followers: 57, SJR: 1.501, CiteScore: 3) |
| Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (Followers: 56, SJR: 0.81, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Voice (Followers: 56, SJR: 0.735, CiteScore: 2) |
| Fertility and Sterility (Followers: 55, SJR: 2.25, CiteScore: 4) |
| Labour Economics (Followers: 55, SJR: 1.709, CiteScore: 1) |
| Agricultural Water Management (Followers: 54, SJR: 1.272, CiteScore: 3) |
| Biomaterials (Followers: 54, SJR: 3.111, CiteScore: 9) |
| Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Followers: 54, SJR: 2.677, CiteScore: 5) |
| Annals of Oncology (Followers: 53, SJR: 5.599, CiteScore: 9) |
| J. of Emergency Medicine (Followers: 53, SJR: 0.576, CiteScore: 1) |
| J. of Arthroplasty (Followers: 53, SJR: 2.373, CiteScore: 3) |
| Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Followers: 53, SJR: 5.39, CiteScore: 8) |
| J. of Accounting and Economics (Followers: 52, SJR: 6.875, CiteScore: 4) |
| American Heart J. (Followers: 51, SJR: 3.267, CiteScore: 4) |
| J. of Critical Care (Followers: 51, SJR: 1.184, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Economic Behavior & Organization (Followers: 51, SJR: 1.583, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Economic Theory (Followers: 51, SJR: 3.693, CiteScore: 1) |
| Accounting, Organizations and Society (Followers: 50, SJR: 1.771, CiteScore: 3) |
| Biophysical J. (Followers: 50, SJR: 1.949, CiteScore: 3) |
| Cell Metabolism (Followers: 50, SJR: 11.259, CiteScore: 13) |
| Trends in Immunology (Followers: 50, SJR: 7.364, CiteScore: 11) |
| Trends in Neurosciences (Followers: 50, SJR: 6.559, CiteScore: 10) |
| American J. of Kidney Diseases (Followers: 49, SJR: 2.973, CiteScore: 4) |
| J. of Health Economics (Followers: 49, SJR: 2.864, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Memory and Language (Followers: 49, SJR: 1.893, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Pain and Symptom Management (Followers: 49, SJR: 1.654, CiteScore: 3) |
| American J. of Infection Control (Followers: 48, SJR: 1.062, CiteScore: 2) |
| Control Engineering Practice (Followers: 48, SJR: 1.069, CiteScore: 3) |
| Energy Economics (Followers: 48, SJR: 1.916, CiteScore: 4) |
| Health Policy (Followers: 48, SJR: 1.252, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Financial Intermediation (Followers: 48, SJR: 1.775, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Substance Abuse Treatment (Followers: 48, SJR: 1.311, CiteScore: 3) |
| Cell Stem Cell (Followers: 47, SJR: 13.569, CiteScore: 14) |
| Computers & Structures (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.63, CiteScore: 4) |
| Developmental Cell (Followers: 47, SJR: 6.558, CiteScore: 7) |
| Electoral Studies (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.3, CiteScore: 1) |
| J. of Corporate Finance (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.461, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Criminal Justice (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.884, CiteScore: 3) |
| J. of Hospital Infection (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.66, CiteScore: 3) |
| American J. of Surgery (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.141, CiteScore: 2) |
| Trends in Biochemical Sciences (Followers: 47, SJR: 9.934, CiteScore: 12) |
| Tribology Intl. (Followers: 47, SJR: 1.52, CiteScore: 4) |
| Kidney Intl. (Followers: 47, SJR: 3.238, CiteScore: 5) |
| Advances in Ecological Research (Followers: 47, SJR: 2.524, CiteScore: 4) |
| Global Environmental Change (Followers: 46, SJR: 3.72, CiteScore: 8) |
| J. of Environmental Management (Followers: 46, SJR: 1.161, CiteScore: 5) |
| Materials and Design (Followers: 46, SJR: 1.82, CiteScore: 5) |
| The Lancet Public Health (Followers: 46, SJR: 1.824, CiteScore: 2) |
| Current Opinion in Cell Biology (Followers: 45, SJR: 7.202, CiteScore: 9) |
| J. of Empirical Finance (Followers: 45, SJR: 0.915, CiteScore: 1) |
| Science of The Total Environment (Followers: 45, SJR: 1.546, CiteScore: 5) |
| Intl. J. of Project Management (Followers: 44, SJR: 1.463, CiteScore: 5) |
| J. of Economic Dynamics and Control (Followers: 44, SJR: 1.795, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Followers: 44, SJR: 1.024, CiteScore: 2) |
| J. of Science and Medicine in Sport (Followers: 44, SJR: 1.714, CiteScore: 4) |
| Physical Therapy in Sport (Followers: 44, SJR: 0.888, CiteScore: 2) |
| Trends in Microbiology (Followers: 44, SJR: 4.639, CiteScore: 8) |
| Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Followers: 43, SJR: 1.059, CiteScore: 3) |
| European Polymer J. (Followers: 43, SJR: 0.996, CiteScore: 4) |