Showing 1 - 64 of 64 Journals sorted alphabetically |
| Acta Acustica (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.472, CiteScore: 1) |
| Aquatic Living Resources (Followers: 12, SJR: 0.296, CiteScore: 1) |
| Astronomy and Astrophysics (Followers: 69, SJR: 2.265, CiteScore: 4) |
| BIO Web of Conferences |
| Biologie Aujourd'hui (SJR: 0.143, CiteScore: 0) |
| Cahiers Agricultures (SJR: 0.309, CiteScore: 1) |
| Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola (SJR: 0.217, CiteScore: 1) |
| Clefs CEA (Followers: 1) |
| E3S Web of Conferences |
| EAS Publications Series (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.216, CiteScore: 0) |
| Éducation thérapeutique du patient (SJR: 0.233, CiteScore: 0) |
| Emergent Scientist |
| EPJ Applied Metamaterials (Followers: 1) |
| EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (Followers: 3) |
| EPJ Photovoltaics (Followers: 3) |
| EPJ Web of Conferences (Followers: 1) |
| ESAIM: Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (Followers: 3, SJR: 1.05, CiteScore: 1) |
| ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (Followers: 3, SJR: 1.966, CiteScore: 2) |
| ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.812, CiteScore: 1) |
| ESAIM: Proceedings |
| European journal of water quality - J. européen d'hydrologie (Followers: 5) |
| European Physical J. - Applied Physics (Followers: 19, SJR: 0.261, CiteScore: 1) |
| Europhysics News (SJR: 0.189, CiteScore: 0) |
| Hydroécologie Appliquée (SJR: 0.158, CiteScore: 1) |
| Intl. J. for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (Followers: 6) |
| Intl. J. of Limnology (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.38, CiteScore: 1) |
| Intl. J. of Metrology and Quality Engineering (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.223, CiteScore: 0) |
| J. of Dentofacial Anomalies and Orthodontics (Followers: 2) |
| J. of Space Weather and Space Climate (Followers: 29, SJR: 1.439, CiteScore: 3) |
| J3eA (Followers: 2) |
| Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.667, CiteScore: 2) |
| La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion (Followers: 3) |
| Manufacturing Review (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.329, CiteScore: 1) |
| MATEC Web of Conferences |
| Matériaux & Techniques (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.182, CiteScore: 0) |
| Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.353, CiteScore: 1) |
| Mécanique & Industries |
| Mechanics & Industry (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.258, CiteScore: 1) |
| Médecine & Nutrition (Followers: 1) |
| Médecine Buccale Chirurgie Buccale (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.158, CiteScore: 0) |
| médecine/sciences (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.177, CiteScore: 0) |
| Metallurgical Research & Technology |
| Metallurgical Research and Technology (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.257, CiteScore: 1) |
| Movement & Sport Sciences : Science & Motricité (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.169, CiteScore: 0) |
| Natures Sciences Sociétés (SJR: 0.235, CiteScore: 0) |
| Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids (SJR: 0.324, CiteScore: 1) |
| Pédagogie Médicale (Followers: 3) |
| Perspectives Psy (Followers: 2) |
| Psychologie Clinique (Followers: 3) |
| Radioprotection (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.177, CiteScore: 0) |
| RAIRO - Operations Research (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.296, CiteScore: 1) |
| RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.375, CiteScore: 0) |
| Reflets de la physique |
| Regenerative Medicine Research |
| Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability (Followers: 6) |
| Revue d'Orthodontie Clinique (Followers: 1) |
| Revue d'Orthopédie Dento-Faciale (Followers: 1) |
| Revue Française de Géotechnique (Followers: 1) |
| Science and Technology for Energy Transition (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.474, CiteScore: 1) |
| SHS Web of Conferences |
| SICOT-J (Followers: 1) |
| Sustainable Buildings (Followers: 3) |
| Visualized Cancer Medicine (Followers: 3) |
| Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao / J. of Northwestern Polytechnical University (Followers: 3) |