Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University   (Total: 1 journals)   [Sort by number of followers]

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Marine Fisheries : J. of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management     Open Access   (Followers: 4)
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Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
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ISSN (Print) 2407-5434 - ISSN (Online) 2407-7321
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  • Fostering Millennial Entrepreneurship Students – Issues and

    • Authors: Noor Azuan Hashim, Farhana Sidek, Shifa Mohd Nor
      Pages: 1 - 1
      Abstract: Governments worldwide have increasingly recognized their interest in entrepreneurship and have introduced it to various settings, not only among the officials but also schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Many incentives have been given to those who embark on entrepreneurship. The Malaysian government has made all colleges in Malaysia introduce entrepreneurships courses to make students aware of the importance of entrepreneurships. Thus, there are questions were raised on the effectiveness of the entrepreneurship programme in the university. Moreover, and the kinds of improvements that need to be embedded in these programmes. This study is among the first to explore this issue by gathering information from the students majoring in entrepreneurship and who are recently graduated. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been adopted to get the details of the issues being studied. Thirty-three students were surveyed, and ten respondents were called for semi-structured interviews. Many students stated that they were not ready to become an entrepreneur entrepreneurs because they are were really not confidence confident in doing so, and some said they needed to work to get some money and experience first. Some stated that the programme should be improved by creating an entrepreneurship ecosystem among students and lecturers. This study contributes to entrepreneurship education literature by enhancing understanding of the needs of students during the entrepreneurial learning process. In practice, this study offers raze and valuable insights into how to design and implement designing and implementing an effective HEI entrepreneurship training programme. Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, effectiveness, higher learning institution, Malaysia
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.1
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • THE The Future of Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: Fostering The
           Millennials' Entrepreneurial Intention

    • Authors: Elkana Timotius
      Pages: 12 - 12
      Abstract: Employment opportunities are unbalanced due to the addition of workers each year. Without proper management, this condition may increase unemployment, burdening the country's economy. Therefore, the entrepreneurial intention needs to be fostered for millennials to overcome the intense competition in the labor market. This quantitative study aims to identify the factors that influence the millennial's entrepreneurial intention in Indonesia in order to foster them appropriately. The survey was conducted in May-June 2021, involving 100 randomly selected respondents aged between 25 and 40 in Indonesia. A questionnaire with twenty-six questions was used to identify the right strategy for fostering entrepreneurial intention among millennials. Entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial efficacy were the three independent variables in this study. They were mediated by the entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial intention as the dependent variable in path analysis, with family support as the moderating variable. Moreover, fifteen hypotheses were tested and accepted by statistical analysis using SmartPLS. The results showed that entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial efficacy affected the formation of the entrepreneurial mindset, influencing the growth of entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, family support strengthened the effect of each relationship between these variables. However, family support could be limited by the millennials' unique characteristics and psychological development. Keywords: entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial efficacy, entrepreneurial mindset, millennial's entrepreneurship
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing Perceptions on MSMEs Business
           Performance During Covid-19 Pandemic in Bogor City

    • Authors: Rinda Tri Wijayanti, Mukhamad Najib, Mimin Aminah
      Pages: 24 - 24
      Abstract: This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the business performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bogor City. The research was carried out during January-February 2021 on 150 MSME respondents with the criteria of a food processing business, a minimum business age of 2 years or have opened a business before the pandemic period. The data processing method employed in the form of quantitative descriptive analysis, cross-tabulation and using the SEM-PLS. The results showed that the characteristics of the business doers described by gender, age, educational background, reasons for pursuing a business, initial work before starting a business, the beginning of running a business, length of business which reflected by age and education level had a correlation with production techniques on internal environmental factors. External environmental factors have a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial marketing and performance which are explained by government policy aspect, socio-cultural and economic aspect, role of related institutions aspect and aspect of competitors, from these indicator variables, socio-cultural and economic aspects most reflect the external environment from the business doers. Internal environmental factors have a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial marketing, but on the contrary, the higher the internal environmental factors, the lower the business performance. Entrepreneurial marketing shows a significant and positive influence on the business performance of MSMEs in Bogor City with a proactive indicator that can reflect entrepreneurial marketing, while business performance is reflected by the customer growth indicator. Keywords: business performance, business environment, COVID-19 pandemic, entrepreneurial marketing, MSMEs
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.24
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Entrepreneurs' Acceptence Ability in Learning The Use of Digital

    • Authors: Miftahul Rozaq, Sri Hastjarjo, Yulius Slamet
      Pages: 38 - 38
      Abstract: In today's digital era, learning the use of digital media for entrepreneurs is mostly done by imitation through various role models on digital media such as content creators who display various content strategies for business development. However, success in learning through observation on digital media depends on the entrepreneurial receptivity ability to assess, interpret and apply the knowledge gained from the observed results. This study aims to investigate the acceptance of entrepreneurs in learning the use of digital media in an effort to develop their business. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach using a case study method on six novice entrepreneurs from micro, small and medium enterprises in Surakarta City, Indonesia. In-depth interviews were conducted from October 2020 – to March 2021. The results showed that three entrepreneurs in each use of digital media strategies were in a dominant acceptance position, two entrepreneurs were in a negotiating position, and one entrepreneur was in an oppositional position. Entrepreneurial receptions in the three acceptance positions show, among other things, in the dominant acceptance the entrepreneur makes a similar imitation, in the negotiated acceptance the entrepreneur carries out development, and in the oppositional acceptance the entrepreneur makes a new version. Keywords: case studies, entrepreneurship learning, reception analysis, SMEs. use of digital media strategies
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.38
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • Extending The Theory of Planned Behavior With Religiosity: Explaining
           Entrepreneurial Intention of Employees Students

    • Authors: Hermansyah Andi Wibowo, Hamdan Hamdan, Muhammad Kamil Husain
      Pages: 49 - 49
      Abstract: Employees students face major threats related to the development and implementation of the industrial revolution 4.0. However, how employees students handle this situation scientifically is rarely found in the behavioural science literature. This study tries to fill this gap and at the same time extends the Theory of Planned Behavior by adding a variable of religiosity. A total of 421 Muslim students in Banten Province who are still working, were sampled using the purposive sampling method. Structural Equation Modeling is used to test hypotheses simultaneously. The results showed that all independent variables, namely religiosity, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control had a positive effect on the entrepreneurial intentions of employees students. That is, although the influence of religiosity is second only to perceived behavioural control, empirically, extending the theory of planned behaviour with religiosity is still acceptable. For policymakers, the results of this study can be used to make policies that can increase perceptions about the ease of doing business in Indonesia, especially for employees students. Keywords: employees students, the theory of planned behaviour, religiosity, industry 4.0, entrepreneurial policy
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.49
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • Financial Feasibility of Communal Homestay Business in Eco-Rural Tourism

    • Authors: Mita Erdiaty Takaendengan, Ricky Avenzora, Dudung Darusman , Cecep Kusmana
      Pages: 59 - 59
      Abstract: Homestay is a type of accommodation suitable to increase demand for rural tourism. A communal homestay is a form of cooperation of homestay that provides better opportunities for local hosts to benefit from the business. This study aimed to analyze the economic potential of the communal homestay business in terms of financial feasibility and multiplier effect analysis. Primary data were obtained using observation techniques, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Data were analyzed descriptively, qualitatively and quantitatively. The feasibility of study for the communal homestay business used a feasibility analysis (NPV, BCR and IRR), whereas the economic impact of the homestay business used a multiplier effect analysis. The results of the financial analysis of the communal homestay business in the three study location provinces showed results that were feasible to run. Based on the financial feasibility criteria for the communal homestay business, the IC model had the highest values for NPV, BCR dan IRR (NPV = IDR 1. 140.202.993,00; BCR = 1,28 and IRR = 61,15%). The multiplier effect of the communal homestay business has had a positive impact which is 1.8, on increasing regional economic output in the form of an increase in GRDP and absorption of local workers. Keywords: tourism village, financial feasibility, multiplier effect, communal, homestay
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.59
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • Towards Longevity: Managing Innovativeness in Family Micro-Small-Medium

    • Authors: Jacob Donald Tan, John Tampil Purba, Masduki Asbari, Agus Purwanto
      Pages: 70 - 70
      Abstract: This article explains the family and business strategies that the Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) implement to dodge the ability-willingness paradox. The majority of the MSMEs in the metropolitan region of Jakarta are in their comfort zone. Only 15.90% utilize the Internet and 8.53% utilize the computer. According to the researchers' survey, most family businesses highlighted business longevity and emphasized the importance of technology and information. However, family MSMEs are still trapped in the ability-willingness paradox despite recognizing the importance of innovation. This study sampled five family MSME cases that are considered sustainable due to their innovativeness. It then investigated them by in-depth semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes to explore how they strategize to employ innovativeness. The results signify the founders’/incumbents’ receptiveness towards innovations in the business. It also signifies the stakeholders’ contributive insights and the imposition of operations systemization. These findings stipulate the fundamentals for families in their MSMEs to engage in innovative activities that influence the longevity of their firms. This study concludes by recommending avenues for future research. Keywords: family business, micro-small-medium enterprises, innovativeness, strategy, case studies
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.70
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Dark Side of Advertising: Men's Cognitive React to Women's

    • Authors: I Made Sindhu Yoga, Ni Putu Dwara Amrita Darsana Putri
      Pages: 82 - 82
      Abstract: Previous studies have stated that the women's appeal has been proven effective in gaining recognition necessary to enhance the popularity. The local gadget store in Bali has proved that the strategy is adequate to gain the name and popularity for their business. However, the findings show that although it succeeds in gaining recognition from society, it does not directly affect the intention to buy. This research attempts to reveal the perception of men towards the women in advertisements and whether it will affect the intention to buy the product offered. The method used for this study was qualitative methodology in phenomenology approach (Creswell, 2013) and data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and indirect observation as the data will be analyzed using the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) (Arnould & Thompson, 2005). The findings show that the ads do play roles in attracting people to visit the store yet there is an indication where eastern culture also plays a role in perceiving things. In conclusion, women's appeal does prove to be effective in luring people in, but it does not increase the intention to buy. Keywords: advertisement, cognitive, consumer culture theory (cct), women's appeal
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.82
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • Business Model Development Strategy for Frozen Food Micro-Businesses in
           The New Normal Era (Case Study: CV XYZ)

    • Authors: Ardelia Nadhilah Rosyad, Rizal Syarief, M. Faiz Syuaib
      Pages: 93 - 93
      Abstract: The limitation of community movement in the new normal era has changed consumer behaviour to frozen food products, and digital marketing has been used to carry out a transaction. CV XYZ, a company that produces frozen food, must optimize the existing opportunities and utilize its strengths. The high level of social hygiene and the increasing demand for food integrity has become a challenge the company is facing today. Other than that, the company is now facing several obstacles on product development and channel limitation. Therefore, this research is aimed to identify the business model available, develop an alternative business strategy and create a new business model innovation. The data sources are from primary and secondary data; the primary data are observation, interview, FGD with the research experts, businessmen, and consumer survey. The secondary data used are literature studies such as journals, thesis, dissertation, economic data, and textbooks. Data processing techniques are carried out by analyzing business model canvas, SWOT, internal factor evaluation, and external factor evaluation , grand strategy, and 360° business model innovation. The result of SWOT analysis maps the company in quadrant one, which indicates the company is in high market growth and strong competitive position, so the company needs to improve its business model through BMI 360° analysis model. This model is used to help see the business activity process from creating value in the upstream until it can become the core competition downstream of a business process. Keywords: 360° business model innovation, business model canvas, small and medium enterprise (SMEs), SWOT, value
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.93
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • Factors Influencing Tourists’ Travel Experience Sharing on Social

    • Authors: Retno Widiana, Santi Novani
      Pages: 104 - 104
      Abstract: As travel-related content of tourist experiences benefits for both tourists to consume information online and for companies by providing insight into how visitors perceive their services, it becomes critical to understand the antecedents of travel experience sharing on social media. The study aims to develop a model of overall satisfaction, perceived enjoyment, motivations, and inhibitor toward sharing travel experiences, where personality factors impact overall satisfaction and perceived enjoyment. Partial Least Squares analysis was performed to evaluate the last experience of 169 Indonesian tourists in Bandung. The study discovers that conscientiousness and openness to experience trait is significant predictor of overall experience satisfaction, and only extraversion trait is identified as a significant predictor of perceived enjoyment. When it comes to predicting travel experience sharing on social media, overall satisfaction, perceived enjoyment, personal fulfillment, and self-actualization reasons have been significant predictors, but altruistic motivations and security and privacy concerns have not. Destination managers should be aware of different travelers’ personalities that could impact their satisfaction and perceived enjoyment, influencing their sharing experience behavior. Personalized service and promotion can increase contributors to sharing travel-related content on social media. Keywords: personality traits, overall satisfaction, perceived enjoyment, travel experience sharing, PLS-SEM
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.104
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Willingness of Motivations to Fund The Visual Game Project: A Case
           Study in Crowdfunding From Visual Novel Game – Xagia Wars

    • Authors: Atik Aprianingsih, Teresia Debby, Iqro Setiawan Jati, Ira Fachira
      Pages: 116 - 116
      Abstract: Nowadays, crowdfunding is an alternative way to find funds to develop a product or service. It is no exception for game creators who want to get funds to develop the games they will create. This study is unique and was made based on a case study of Xagia Wars, a visual game created by a game creator in Jakarta called Vifth Floor. This study analyzes the motivations to increase a funder's willingness to fund a visual game project. This study used observation and netnography to get data and regression analysis to measure the motivation to fund the visual game project. The results showed that the factors that influence the funders' willingness to fund are the level of innovation of the project, reward, involvement, and support for the project. Several things need to be considered for project creators to increase the rate of successful crowdfunding. Such as the value of the reward, whether it makes people interested, a visual game must-have innovation, and invite the funders to participate in the game creation process so that funders can provide support for what is needed is not only in the form of funds. Keywords: crowd-funding, funding, game, visual novel game
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.116
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Design & Implementation of CRM-Taxi Online in Indonesia

    • Authors: Rusdiaman Rauf, Hengki Wijaya, Ezra Tari
      Pages: 128 - 128
      Abstract: Lifestyle shifting is directly proportional to advances in information technology. These developments cannot be prevented or stopped, so everyone must keep up with the changes. System changes occur including in transportation. There are three big online taxis, namely: GoJek, Grab, and Uber, Maxim. TheirIts problems exist in regulation, drivers, consumers, and human resource development. Furthermore, the main tThings that need attention are the comfort and income of the community. This paper will describe how to solve problems between government, society, and online taxi entrepreneurs. The research approach used is development. Researchers are trying to find information to implement the program created. We have a solution framework that is thought of and constitutes an innovative idea based on two directions. CRM is proposed as a system used to help online taxi users avoid inconvenience problems. All parties must follow this change because society may not survive in the face of globalization if everyone does not want changes that are more effective and efficient changes. Changes were made to improve people's lives. Furthermore, as the main person in charge, the applicator must have a sophisticated system in developing human resources, especially the drivers they have. Keywords: online taxi, innovations, human resource, systems, aplicator
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.128
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Influence of Purchasing Organic Food Among Expatriates in Indonesia

    • Authors: Genoveva Genoveva, Akram Alamodi
      Pages: 136 - 136
      Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence purchasing decisions expart to organic food. Environmental issues make a number ofmany people pay special attention to environmental sustainability. In Indonesia, a healthy lifestyle by consuming organic products has become a trend among the upper- middle class of some Indonesians, but most of the consumers of organic food in Indonesia are expatriates. The variables that influence the decision to purchase organic food that will be used in this research are Customer Attitude, Personal Norms, Social Norms, Impending Barriers and Marketing Strategies on Purchase Decisions. This study is a quantitative research using online questionnaires in data collection. Respondents are expatriates in greater Jakarta, as many as 165 people. The data is processed by SPSS. The findings of this study are consumer attitudes, personal norms, and marketing strategies have a significant influence on purchasing decisions, while social norms and future barriers do not. The variable that most influences the decision to purchase organic food is the marketing strategies which contributes 33.6%. Keywords: customer attitude, impending barriers, marketing strategies, personal norm, social norms
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.136
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • Green Purchase: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda

    • Authors: Setyo Ferry Wibowo, Mukhamad Najib, Ujang Sumarwan, Yudha Heryawan Asnawi
      Pages: 146 - 146
      Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide a holistic understanding of the contexts and theories applied in green purchase behavior studies. This research used PRISMA's systematic review method to analyze 76 empirical articles on green purchase intention and behavior from 2014 to 2019 across countries. This research is one of the first studies to cross-examine the context and theories applied in green purchase studies. For each theory applied, we present a brief description and recommendation for the future agenda of research agenda. Despite the breadth of previous studies' results, this review indicates that most studies investigated green products in general. Furthermore, the theory of planned behavior, the theory of perceived value, and the theory of personal value emerged as the three main theoretical frameworks of consumer green purchase behavior study across products and countries. The paper will help policymakers and managers formulate and implement strategies to encourage green purchasing and give insight into the future direction of green purchase study. Keywords: systematic review, green purchase, green products, theoretical framework
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.146
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
  • A Bibliometric Review on Dynamic Capability

    • Authors: Yudi Yudistira, Yandra Arkeman , Trias Andati, Siti Jahroh
      Pages: 158 - 158
      Abstract: Dynamic capability is an organization’s ability to integrate, build, and rearrange its internal and external competencies to face the rapidly changing environment. The objectives of dynamic capabilities consist of (1) the capacity to sense and form opportunities and threats (sensing); (2) capacity to seize existing opportunities (seizing); and (3) the capacity to maintain competitiveness through upgrading, merging, protecting, and reconfiguring business assets, both tangible and intangible. This study aims to determine the development of dynamic capability research trends published by leading Scopus-based journals. The data analyzed consisted of 1194 indexed research publications from 2012 until 2021. The data is then processed and analyzed using the VoS viewer application to determine the bibliometric map of dynamic capability research development. There are several definitions of dynamic capability and implications for the firm environment. Keywords: dynamic capability, bibliometric, Vos viewer, business environment, scientometric
      PubDate: 2022-01-31
      DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.8.1.158
      Issue No: Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
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