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ISSN (Print) 1412-971X - ISSN (Online) 2549-0745
Published by Universitas Negeri Semarang Homepage  [79 journals]
  • Group of Community-Based Tourism Awareness (Pokdarwis) Strategies in
           Addressing Conflicts in Utilization and Conservation of the Environment

    • Authors: Ari Sulistyo, R. Rijanta, Agus Heruanto Hadna, Sri Rum Giyarsih
      First page: 70
      Abstract: The use of natural resources is very prone to conflict because of the friction between economic motives (utility) and conservation motives (protection). This potential conflict also occurs in the use of Mount Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark where the main development is through the tourism sector. This research aims to find out the strategies of the people who are members of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) in dealing with potential conflicts over use and environmental conservation in the Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark area. This research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. The locations of this research are in Gunungkidul Regency, namely the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Geosite, the Pindul Cave Geosite, and the Siung Beach Geosite. This area was chosen as a representation of 2 (two) other districts in the Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark area, namely Wonogiri District and Pacitan District. In this research, researchers used participatory observation where data was collected through observation and sensing where the observer or researcher was truly involved in the respondent's daily life. The results of this research show that there is physical and non-physical damage as a result of the use of geoparks in the tourism sector. Physical damage includes damage to karst rocks, soil erosion, damage to vegetation, decreased water absorption capacity, pollution of rivers and seas, and vandalism. While non-physical damage includes economic inequality and social conflict. As a response to this damage, Pokdarwis adopted strategies and policies, including holding environmental cleanup work, building tourist attractions with environmentally friendly materials, installing signs calling for environmental cleanliness, limiting the number of tourist operators, managing waste in an integrated manner, building alternative tourist attractions, and forbid investors from entering. Based on a literature review, these strategies are classified as grassroots innovations. This research also strengthens the theory that community participation or empowerment is one of the best strategies in dealing with conflicts over environmental use and conservation.
      PubDate: 2024-03-05
      DOI: 10.15294/fis.v50i2.44799
      Issue No: Vol. 50, No. 2 (2024)
  • The Role of Children in Bridging the Technological Gap of Parents: A
           Social Philosophy Perspective in the Digital Era

    • Authors: Revita Juliana, Isa Anshori
      First page: 84
      Abstract: The rapid advancement of technology has influenced various aspects of social life, particularly within the family environment. The current technological progress has resulted in a significant technological gap among the older generation, primarily due to generational differences between parents and children. These differences in generations lead to disparities in understanding and knowledge of technology. The consequences of this technological gap profoundly impact daily life patterns, often resulting in negative consequences. This technological gap can impact parental relationships, as parents with limitations in understanding technology often require their children's guidance. This is crucial because children tend to grow and adapt quickly to a world dominated by various advanced technologies. The primary objective of this study is to gain a comprehensive understanding of how children address the technology gap with their parents. The research methodology employed for this study is qualitative. In the process of data collection, participants were selected from families with school-age children possessing proficiency in using technology, while the parents needed more experience with modern technology. The findings of the research highlight the pivotal role that children play in enhancing the quality of life for their parents in addressing technological disparities. Children serve as valuable sources of knowledge, guiding their parents in learning and using technology effectively.
      PubDate: 2024-03-05
      DOI: 10.15294/fis.v50i2.45803
      Issue No: Vol. 50, No. 2 (2024)
  • Utilization of Social Media in the Implementation of the West Java
           Governor Program

    • Authors: Fredyan Davice Muchamad Difa, Ane Permatasari
      First page: 92
      Abstract: This study aims to analyze the use of social media in Ridwan Kamil's work implementation program as Governor of West Java. It is known that Ridwan Kamil produced many work programs as Governor of West Java. In its policy, there are several programs created based on social media. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive approach, with the technique used to analyze the data, namely the content analysis method, with the help of Nvivo 12 Plus software. This technique is used to conclude objectively and systematically through the findings or observations of object behavior. The research method used by researchers is a case study. The results showed that Ridwan Kamil could utilize social media to realize his vision and mission as Governor of West Java. Many programs are created based on social media as a public service, both on Twitter and on applications. One program that is considered very effective is Sapawarga. Ridwan Kamil did this to achieve efficiency in its performance. Social media allows people to access these public services anytime and anywhere. However, on the other hand, there is a weakness: some have decreased social media interaction, so some are no longer active.
      PubDate: 2024-03-05
      DOI: 10.15294/fis.v50i2.46107
      Issue No: Vol. 50, No. 2 (2024)
  • Power Relations in Utilizing Public Space as a Parking Place in the
           Tunjungan Street, Surabaya

    • Authors: Aza Rifda Khamimiya, Pambudi Handoyo
      First page: 109
      Abstract: Urban areas are areas with the largest population due to urbanization. As a result, problems arise. The problem that often occurs is the problem of using public space. As the population increases, the number of vehicles increases, so many parking spaces are used in public spaces due to the density that occurs in public space areas. So the context of power is often ignored in this case. The aim of the research is to find out how power relations and social capital are used by parking attendants in the Tunjungan street area. The method used is qualitative descriptive based on primary data. Primary data comes from documentation, observations and interviews with parking attendants. The selection of informants was carried out using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 5 parking attendants. The location chosen was in the area of Tunjungan street. Data collection was carried out in three stages, namely the reduction stage, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results obtained are the power relations that are formed here, which are meant when there is social capital in the form of social networks owned by individual actors or groups in relation to other parties who have power. The relationship that exists between parking attendants and the government is based on a cooperation contract. Meanwhile, the causal relationship that is formed between parking attendants in determining areas is due to the power factor in the form of kinship.
      PubDate: 2024-03-05
      DOI: 10.15294/fis.v50i2.48387
      Issue No: Vol. 50, No. 2 (2024)
  • Presidential Candidate Figures Towards the Vision of Advanced Indonesia

    • Authors: Rakhmat Dwi Pambudi
      First page: 121
      Abstract: Achieving the Vision of Advanced Indonesia 2045 can only be achieved through a quality leadership and development planning process. Therefore, the presidential election in 2024 as part of the development planning process is important to make development implementation successful. This research is quantitative descriptive. Data collection techniques in this research took the form of online surveys and interviews. The respondents in this research were students of the Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN Walisongo Semarang who had taken the Development Planning Course. The research results show that respondents consider the economic and industrial sectors, as well as human resource development, especially the education sector, to be the main fokus in the RPJMN for the 2025-2029 period. Thus, a state leader is needed who has an honest and trustworthy character, as well as being intelligent and innovative in carrying out national development priorities. The majority of respondents view track record as one of the considerations in choosing a presidential candidate. Respondents obtained most of the information regarding presidential candidates from the internet.
      PubDate: 2024-03-05
      DOI: 10.15294/fis.v50i2.48433
      Issue No: Vol. 50, No. 2 (2024)
  • Shifts in Endogamy Tradition within Arab-Indonesian Populations: A study
           on an Alawiyyin Family in Bekasi, West Java

    • Authors: Sayf Muhammad Alaydrus
      First page: 130
      Abstract: Ethnicity-based endogamous marriage is often related to the cultures of Arab descent in Indonesia. These past decades, sociocultural changes affected several cultures across Indonesia, mainly due to the rapid growth of information access and scientific knowledge. These changes also occurred within the Arab-descent communities in Indonesia, including changes in value and practice in their marriage tradition. This ethnographic research attempted to reexplore, redefine, and reinterpret the current perspectives of endogamous marriage through the minds of an Alawiyyin family in Bekasi, West Java. The informants mentioned that endogamous marriage was deemed irrelevant since 30-40 years ago, and what was once the norm changed into a simple preference. This change happened because of the elders’ and family patriarchs’ open-mindedness, and thus, nurtured a more welcoming attitude toward non-Arabs and non-Alawiyyins. They also realized that forced endogamy oftentimes caused feelings of solitude and discomfort to those affected. To prevent such discrimination from happening again, the informants mentioned that they grant more freedom to their offspring to select their own life partner, even though parental approval is still important to the couple’s marriage.
      PubDate: 2024-03-05
      DOI: 10.15294/fis.v50i2.49553
      Issue No: Vol. 50, No. 2 (2024)
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