3359 Publishers |
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (Total: 353 journals)
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Showing 201 - 352 of 352 Journals sorted alphabetically | |
J. of Hellenic Studies (Followers: 25, SJR: 0.146, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of Helminthology (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.553, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Institutional Economics (Followers: 16, SJR: 0.978, CiteScore: 2) | |
J. of Laryngology & Otology (Followers: 22, SJR: 0.495, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Latin American Studies (Followers: 37, SJR: 0.34, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Law and Religion (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.115, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of Linguistic Geography (Followers: 2) | |
J. of Linguistics (Followers: 22, SJR: 0.451, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Management & Organization (Followers: 311, SJR: 0.543, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Modern African Studies (Followers: 21, SJR: 0.606, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Navigation (Followers: 236, SJR: 0.493, CiteScore: 2) | |
J. of Nutritional Science (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.984, CiteScore: 2) | |
J. of Paleontology (Followers: 10, SJR: 0.882, CiteScore: 2) | |
J. of Pension Economics & Finance (Followers: 10, SJR: 0.931, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Plasma Physics (Followers: 24, SJR: 0.441, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (Followers: 9, SJR: 0, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Public Policy (Followers: 26, SJR: 0.542, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics (Followers: 7) | |
J. of Radiotherapy in Practice (Followers: 9, SJR: 0.16, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of Roman Archaeology (Followers: 26, SJR: 0.341, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Roman Studies (Followers: 24, SJR: 0.182, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of Social Policy (Followers: 44, SJR: 1.063, CiteScore: 2) | |
J. of Southeast Asian Studies (Followers: 11, SJR: 0.14, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of Symbolic Logic (Followers: 2, SJR: 1.057, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the American Philosophical Association (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.857, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the Australian Mathematical Society (SJR: 0.46, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (Followers: 9, SJR: 0.192, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of the History of Economic Thought (Followers: 15, SJR: 0.784, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (SJR: 2.393, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the Intl. Neuropsychological Society (Followers: 18, SJR: 1.408, CiteScore: 3) | |
J. of the Intl. Phonetic Association (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.27, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the Marine Biological Association of the UK (Followers: 24, SJR: 0.548, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of the Royal Asiatic Society (Followers: 15, SJR: 0.121, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of the Society for American Music (Followers: 14, SJR: 0.199, CiteScore: 0) | |
J. of Tropical Ecology (Followers: 15, SJR: 0.626, CiteScore: 1) | |
J. of Wine Economics (Followers: 2) | |
Japanese J. of Political Science (Followers: 9, SJR: 0.372, CiteScore: 1) | |
Kantian Review (Followers: 3) | |
Knowledge Engineering Review (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.357, CiteScore: 2) | |
Language and Cognition (Followers: 29) | |
Language in Society (Followers: 29, SJR: 1.466, CiteScore: 2) | |
Language Teaching (Followers: 37, SJR: 1.233, CiteScore: 2) | |
Language Variation and Change (Followers: 11, SJR: 0.854, CiteScore: 1) | |
Law and History Review (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.184, CiteScore: 0) | |
Legal Information Management (Followers: 5) | |
Legal Theory (Followers: 14, SJR: 0.484, CiteScore: 1) | |
Leiden J. of Intl. Law (Followers: 48, SJR: 0.482, CiteScore: 0) | |
Libyan Studies (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.111, CiteScore: 0) | |
Macroeconomic Dynamics (Followers: 28, SJR: 1.169, CiteScore: 1) | |
Management and Organization Review (Followers: 12, SJR: 0.816, CiteScore: 2) | |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Followers: 2, SJR: 1.086, CiteScore: 1) | |
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.298, CiteScore: 1) | |
Medical History (Followers: 10, SJR: 0.417, CiteScore: 1) | |
Microscopy and Microanalysis (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.292, CiteScore: 0) | |
Microscopy Today (Followers: 1) | |
Modern American History (Followers: 2) | |
Modern Asian Studies (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.397, CiteScore: 0) | |
Modern Intellectual History (Followers: 23, SJR: 0.218, CiteScore: 0) | |
Nagoya Mathematical J. (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.892, CiteScore: 1) | |
Natural Language Engineering (Followers: 5, SJR: 0.264, CiteScore: 1) | |
Netherlands J. of Geosciences (SJR: 0.285, CiteScore: 1) | |
Network Science (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.461, CiteScore: 1) | |
New Perspectives on Turkey (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.111, CiteScore: 0) | |
New Surveys in the Classics (Followers: 5) | |
New Testament Studies (Followers: 34, SJR: 0.316, CiteScore: 0) | |
New Theatre Quarterly (Followers: 12, SJR: 0.132, CiteScore: 0) | |
Nineteenth-Century Music Review (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.1, CiteScore: 0) | |
Nordic J. of Linguistics (Followers: 7, SJR: 0.156, CiteScore: 0) | |
Nutrition Research Reviews (Followers: 14, SJR: 1.756, CiteScore: 5) | |
Organised Sound (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.271, CiteScore: 0) | |
Oryx (Followers: 20, SJR: 0.981, CiteScore: 2) | |
Paleobiology (Followers: 7, SJR: 1.563, CiteScore: 3) | |
Palliative & Supportive Care (Followers: 42, SJR: 0.611, CiteScore: 1) | |
Papers of the British School at Rome (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.13, CiteScore: 0) | |
Parasitology (Followers: 2, SJR: 1.194, CiteScore: 2) | |
Personality Neuroscience | |
Perspectives on Politics (Followers: 57, SJR: 2.075, CiteScore: 2) | |
Philosophy (Followers: 19, SJR: 0.331, CiteScore: 0) | |
Phonology (Followers: 11, SJR: 0.623, CiteScore: 1) | |
Plainsong and Medieval Music (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.114, CiteScore: 0) | |
Plant Genetic Resources (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.353, CiteScore: 1) | |
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association (Followers: 39, SJR: 0.209, CiteScore: 0) | |
Polar Record (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.313, CiteScore: 1) | |
Political Analysis (Followers: 71, SJR: 4.531, CiteScore: 3) | |
Political Science Research and Methods (Followers: 34) | |
Politics & Gender (Followers: 30, SJR: 0.861, CiteScore: 1) | |
Politics and Religion (Followers: 9, SJR: 0.541, CiteScore: 1) | |
Politics and the Life Sciences (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.253, CiteScore: 1) | |
Popular Music (Followers: 19, SJR: 0.216, CiteScore: 0) | |
Powder Diffraction (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.319, CiteScore: 1) | |
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.462, CiteScore: 1) | |
Primary Health Care Research & Development (Followers: 19, SJR: 0.52, CiteScore: 1) | |
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.406, CiteScore: 1) | |
Proceedings of the Design Society | |
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (SJR: 0.695, CiteScore: 1) | |
Proceedings of the Intl. Astronomical Union (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.117, CiteScore: 0) | |
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (Followers: 9, SJR: 1.373, CiteScore: 4) | |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (Followers: 8) | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A Mathematics (SJR: 1.506, CiteScore: 1) | |
PS: Political Science & Politics (Followers: 45, SJR: 0.665, CiteScore: 1) | |
Psychological Medicine (Followers: 20, SJR: 3.274, CiteScore: 5) | |
Public Health Nutrition (Followers: 31, SJR: 1.122, CiteScore: 2) | |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (Followers: 3, SJR: 1.237, CiteScore: 2) | |
Quantitative Plant Biology | |
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics (Followers: 2, SJR: 3.282, CiteScore: 6) | |
Quaternary Research (Followers: 21, SJR: 1.216, CiteScore: 2) | |
Radiocarbon (Followers: 13, SJR: 0.959, CiteScore: 2) | |
Ramus : Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.201, CiteScore: 0) | |
ReCALL (Followers: 8, SJR: 2.813, CiteScore: 3) | |
Religion and American Culture (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.16, CiteScore: 0) | |
Religious Studies (Followers: 13, SJR: 0.172, CiteScore: 0) | |
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (Followers: 15, SJR: 0.593, CiteScore: 2) | |
Review of Intl. Studies (Followers: 27, SJR: 1.63, CiteScore: 2) | |
Review of Middle East Studies (Followers: 11, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) | |
Review of Politics (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.119, CiteScore: 0) | |
Review of Symbolic Logic (Followers: 2, SJR: 1.049, CiteScore: 1) | |
Revista de Historia Económica (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.221, CiteScore: 0) | |
Robotica (Followers: 5, SJR: 0.375, CiteScore: 1) | |
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements (Followers: 4) | |
Rural History (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.145, CiteScore: 0) | |
Science in Context (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.265, CiteScore: 0) | |
Scottish J. of Theology (Followers: 38, SJR: 0.177, CiteScore: 0) | |
Seed Science Research (SJR: 0.95, CiteScore: 2) | |
Slavic Review (Followers: 15, SJR: 0.395, CiteScore: 1) | |
Social Philosophy and Policy (Followers: 25, SJR: 0.253, CiteScore: 1) | |
Social Policy and Society (Followers: 159, SJR: 0.653, CiteScore: 1) | |
Social Science History (Followers: 18, SJR: 0.2, CiteScore: 0) | |
Spanish J. of Psychology | |
Studies in American Political Development (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.204, CiteScore: 0) | |
Studies in Church History (Followers: 6) | |
Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Followers: 45, SJR: 1.516, CiteScore: 2) | |
Tempo (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.151, CiteScore: 0) | |
The Americas : A Quarterly Review of Latin American History (Followers: 10, SJR: 0.305, CiteScore: 0) | |
The Lichenologist (Followers: 5, SJR: 1.113, CiteScore: 2) | |
The Mathematical Gazette (Followers: 1) | |
Theatre Research Intl. (Followers: 14, SJR: 0.204, CiteScore: 0) | |
Theatre Survey (Followers: 14, SJR: 0.121, CiteScore: 0) | |
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.524, CiteScore: 2) | |
Think (Followers: 6) | |
TRaNS : Trans-Regional-and-National Studies of Southeast Asia (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.192, CiteScore: 0) | |
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.419, CiteScore: 0) | |
Transnational Environmental Law (Followers: 11, SJR: 0.498, CiteScore: 1) | |
Twentieth-century music (Followers: 10, SJR: 0.453, CiteScore: 1) | |
Twin Research and Human Genetics (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.72, CiteScore: 1) | |
Urban History (Followers: 18, SJR: 0.358, CiteScore: 0) | |
Utilitas (Followers: 11, SJR: 0.712, CiteScore: 0) | |
Victorian Literature and Culture (Followers: 27, SJR: 0.163, CiteScore: 0) | |
Visual Neuroscience (Followers: 10, SJR: 1.012, CiteScore: 2) | |
Wearable Technologies (Followers: 4) | |
World Politics (Followers: 234, SJR: 6.544, CiteScore: 4) | |
World Trade Review (Followers: 21, SJR: 0.591, CiteScore: 1) | |
Zygote (SJR: 0.387, CiteScore: 1) |
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