Showing 201 - 256 of 256 Journals sorted alphabetically |
| New West Indian Guide (Followers: 1) |
| Nordic J. of Intl. Law (Followers: 19, SJR: 0.208, CiteScore: 0) |
| Novum Testamentum (Followers: 29, SJR: 0.1, CiteScore: 0) |
| Numen (Followers: 13, SJR: 0.232, CiteScore: 0) |
| Ocean Yearbook Online (Followers: 4) |
| Oriens (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.124, CiteScore: 0) |
| Oriente Moderno (Followers: 2) |
| Oud Holland - Quarterly for Dutch Art History (Followers: 7, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) |
| Palestine Yearbook of Intl. Law Online (Followers: 9) |
| Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (SJR: 0.156, CiteScore: 0) |
| Philological Encounters (Followers: 2) |
| Philosophia Reformata (SJR: 0.131, CiteScore: 0) |
| Phronesis : A journal for Ancient Philosophy (Followers: 15, SJR: 0.16, CiteScore: 0) |
| Pneuma (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.234, CiteScore: 0) |
| Polis : The J. of the Society for Greek Political Thought (Followers: 10, SJR: 0.123, CiteScore: 0) |
| Political Anthropological Research on Intl. Social Sciences (Followers: 3) |
| Populism (Followers: 2) |
| Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) |
| Quaerendo (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.1, CiteScore: 0) |
| Religion and Gender (Followers: 15) |
| Religion and Human Rights (Followers: 13, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) |
| Religion and the Arts (Followers: 16) |
| Religion and Theology (Followers: 27, SJR: 0.145, CiteScore: 0) |
| Research in Phenomenology (Followers: 9, SJR: 0.131, CiteScore: 0) |
| Review of Central and East European Law (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.205, CiteScore: 0) |
| Review of Rabbinic Judaism (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) |
| Review of Religion and Chinese Society (Followers: 1) |
| Rural China (Followers: 2) |
| Russian History (Followers: 13, SJR: 0.246, CiteScore: 0) |
| Russian Politics (Followers: 3) |
| Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.1, CiteScore: 0) |
| Scrinium : J. of Patrology and Critical Hagiography |
| Security and Human Rights (Followers: 7, SJR: 0.111, CiteScore: 0) |
| Seeing and Perceiving (Followers: 1) |
| Simone de Beauvoir Studies |
| Social Sciences and Missions (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.106, CiteScore: 0) |
| Society and Animals (Followers: 14, SJR: 0.251, CiteScore: 1) |
| Sociology of Islam (Followers: 5) |
| Southeastern Europe (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.104, CiteScore: 0) |
| Soviet and Post-Soviet Review (Followers: 8, SJR: 0.119, CiteScore: 0) |
| Sprache und Literatur (Followers: 1) |
| Studi Magrebini : North African Studies (Followers: 7) |
| Studia Islamica (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.131, CiteScore: 0) |
| Studies in World Cinema (Followers: 2) |
| T'oung Pao (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.118, CiteScore: 0) |
| Tijdschrift voor Entomologie (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.331, CiteScore: 1) |
| Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review (Followers: 14, SJR: 0.106, CiteScore: 0) |
| Timing & Time Perception (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.535, CiteScore: 1) |
| Turkish Historical Review (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) |
| Vetus Testamentum (Followers: 32, SJR: 0.152, CiteScore: 0) |
| Video J. of Education and Pedagogy (Followers: 1) |
| Voluntaristics Review |
| Yearbook of Intl. Disaster Law Online (Followers: 1) |
| Yearbook of Polar Law Online |
| Youth and Globalization (Followers: 3) |
| Zutot (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.101, CiteScore: 0) |