3359 Publishers |
Publisher: Hipatia Press (Total: 13 journals) [Sort by number of followers]
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Journals sorted alphabetically | |
BR::AC - Barcelona, Research, Art, Creation (Followers: 4) | |
C&SC - Communication & Social Change (Followers: 10) | |
GÉNEROS - Multidisciplinary J. of Gender Studies (Followers: 5) | |
IJEM - Intl. J. of Educational Leadership and Management (Followers: 14) | |
Intl. J. of Educational Psychology (Followers: 20) | |
Intl. J. of Sociology of Education (Followers: 10) | |
Multidisciplinary J. of Educational Research (Followers: 3) | |
Qualitative Research in Education (Followers: 11) | |
REDIMAT : J. of Research in Mathematics Education (Followers: 6) |