Publisher: Charles University in Prague   (Total: 3 journals)   [Sort by number of followers]

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Acta Medica (Hradec Králové)     Open Access   (SJR: 0.296, CiteScore: 1)
Prague Medical Report     Open Access   (SJR: 0.329, CiteScore: 1)
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European Journal of Environmental Sciences
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  • Invading non-native populations replace native ones of the endangered
           freshwater snail Theodoxus fluviatilis in the river Rhine

    • Authors: Bruno Baur, Peter Müller, Patrick Steinmann, Peter Landert, José D. Gilgado, Hans-Peter Rusterholz
      Pages: 5 - 15
      Abstract: In the past, the freshwater snail Theodoxus fluviatilis was abundant in the river Rhine, but was considered to be extinct in the Upper and HighRhine in 2004. We found individuals of T. fluviatilis for the first time at sites in the southern part of the Upper Rhine and High Rhine in 2020,where this species went extinct 16 years ago. There are several distinct haplotypes of this species; some of them occurring in geographicallyseparated regions of Europe. We used mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI) to trace the origin of the newly arrivedT. fluviatilis. We examined 269 individuals collected at 29 sites and compared their sequence data with known haplotypes of T. fluviatilisand other species of Theodoxus deposited in GenBank. We also analysed a historical sample from 1995 (collected before the species wentextinct), which revealed that the haplotype of the native T. fluviatilis in the High Rhine at that time was F28. In the recent samples, however,we found T. fluviatilis with the haplotypes F31 and “euxinus”, which are reported in the Ponto-Caspian region. Both haplotypes are crypticinvaders, colonizing the Rhine via the Rhine–Main–Danube canal and adversely affecting the remaining native populations of T. fluviatilisin Western Europe. Our findings are important for this species management by nature conservation authorities: lineages of endangeredspecies should be preserved and supported, while the spreading of invasive, non-native lineages (or species) should be prevented.
      PubDate: 2022-06-26
      DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2022.1
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2022)
  • Breeding mason bees for the pollination of fruit orchards in Central

    • Authors: Martin Šlachta, Alena Votavová, Tomáš Erban, Ondřej Cudlín, Pavel Cudlín
      Pages: 16 - 20
      Abstract: Solitary bees pollinate wild plants and crops. In the temperate zone, they mainly pollinate fruit trees. Most species nest in the soil, but mason bees nest in wooden cavities above ground. Their presence in orchards can be augmented by provision of artificial nesting sites. Two species of mason bees frequently use these artificial nesting opportunities in Central Europe. The red mason bee (Osmia bicornis) is the most common species in this region, which preferentially collects pollen from oak trees. The European orchard bee (Osmia cornuta) prefers pollen from fruit trees, but it is more thermophilic. Its spread to higher altitudes can be expected in response to climate change. A breeding technology based on detachable wooden nests is summarized in this paper based on a literature review and experimental experience in fruit orchards in Czechia.
      PubDate: 2022-06-26
      DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2022.2
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2022)
  • Monitoring of Natura 2000 grassland habitats in SAC Šumava

    • Authors: Zdenka Krenova, Vít Grulich†, Alena Vydrová
      Pages: 21 - 38
      Abstract: The Bohemian Forest grasslands have emerged gradually over centuries, with political turbulence in the second half of the 20th century strongly affecting the region, including its meadows. Today, there are cultural and partly degraded meadows as well as fragments of highly valuable semi-natural mountain meadows, important biodiversity localities in the mostly wooded Bohemian Forest landscape. Their conservation value began to be taken into account in 1991, when the Šumava NP was established, and re-emphasized in 2004, when certain grasslands were recognized as Natura 2000 habitats. Maintaining favorable conditions of meadow habitats is a hard task even in strictly protected areas and the most common difficulties are listed in this paper. More attention has been paid to the management of grasslands in the region during the last decade. The Šumava NP Authority provides the necessary management of the most valued localities and has organized simple monitoring in some managed sites. This paper presents the results of the first five years of monitoring of 16 sites. Results are discussed, along with field experiences, and more effective management strategies are proposed. Appropriate and carefully executed management is recognized as a necessary tool for ensuring proper care of conservationally valuable habitats, including grasslands of European importance protected under the Natura 2000 network. Monitoring is an essential tool to observe management quality. Results of this preliminary study deliver a substantial set of experiences that can be used to improve the management and monitoring of Natura 2000 habitats, as well as other species rich meadows occurring in the Šumava NP.
      PubDate: 2022-06-26
      DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2022.3
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2022)
  • Effect of climate change on fir forest communities in the mountains of
           South-central Greece

    • Authors: Dimitrios Samaras, Christos Damianidis, Georgios Fotiadis, Spyros Tsiftsis
      Pages: 39 - 50
      Abstract: The endemic oro-Mediterranean fir (Abies spp.) forests in Greece are valuable ecosystems with high ecological and economic importance. In the mountains in south-central Greece, the availability of moisture plays a crucial role in the floristic composition, structure and distribution of fir forest communities. Because of the predicted adverse climate changes for the Mediterranean zone, suitability of many habitats for the growth of fir forests will change. This study aims to quantify the degree to which these forests will be affected by climate change. Current and future climatic conditions in the area studied were estimated for two periods of time (2041 – 60, 2061 – 80) and two climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5). Vegetation releves were classified and ordinated. Recursive partitioning was used to reveal the most important factor for discriminating the main plant communities and determining the ecological threshold between them. Current and future suitability of bioclimatic space for fir forest communities was identified. The effect of climate change was assessed based on predicted changes in the potential distribution, in terms of size and location, of fir forest communities. Two plant communities that reflect the differentiation of fir forests into xerophytic and mesophytic forest types are described. Among several climatic variables, spring drought was the best factor discriminating these two forest communities. The quantification of the threshold for drought in these two plant communities was used to predict their potential distribution in the area studied. Potential distribution of fir forests in south-central Greece will change in the future, due to a reduction in suitable bioclimatic space and shift to higher altitudes. The effect is expected to be greater for xerophytic forest communities, especially in the worst-case scenario (RCP 8.5) and in 2061–80.
      PubDate: 2022-06-26
      DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2022.4
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2022)
  • The influence of rice-duck farm soil on the nitrogen content of different
           varieties of japonica rice

    • Authors: Tchister Morrel Ebissa, Bo Yang, Olga Vindušková, Yi Gao, Qiong Gong, Xiangqun Zheng
      Pages: 51 - 56
      Abstract: Nitrogen fertilizers are widely applied to increase rice yields, but excessive fertilization poses an environmental risk. It has been shown that rice-duck farming can be more efficient in terms of N use by improving rice growth. Several pathways have been proposed for how ducks may improve rice growth in paddy fields. The aim of this study was to investigate the isolated effect of rice-duck farm soil on rice, namely the N content in different plant organs and whether it differs among rice varieties. In a 116-day greenhouse pot experiment, six different Japonica rice varieties (JinU99, Jinyuan98, Jindao18, Jinyuan89, Jinhei1 and Jindao201) were grown in fertilized duck and no-duck soil after which the N content in their organs and the numbers of surviving and grain-producing plants were compared. The straw and leaf N concentrations were positively influenced by rice-duck farm soil while in the roots, this effect was recorded in only two rice varieties. Grain N content differed among varieties, but was not significantly influenced by soil type. Overall, N concentrations in straw and leaf, and roots of some rice varieties, but not in grain grown on duck soil were higher than that in those grown in soils not influenced by rice-duck farming. This study for the first time demonstrates that rice-duck farm soil alone can influence rice growth, namely an increase in the N content of certain rice plant organs.
      PubDate: 2022-06-26
      DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2022.5
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2022)
  • Perspective of solid waste generation in Albania based on a combination of
           correlation and interpolation

    • Authors: Medjon Hysenaj, Sidite Duraj
      Pages: 57 - 62
      Abstract: Waste management is a serious problem in developing countries. Solid waste (SW) statistics provide an indication of compliance with the targets of the Waste Framework Directives (WFD). This paper includes an analysis of specific variables that directly influence trends in the production of SW. Albania is divided into 12 first-level administrative units, counties. The objective of this paper is to concentrate on the geographical areas that provide the most striking results. The analyses use linear regression and Pearson correlation in which the dependent variable is waste generation and the independent variables, geographic, demographic and economic, are among those that are of greatest importance in the production of SW. The specific relationships are highly significant (r > 0.98) and are the input for the IDW interpolation maps. The disaggregated panorama is used to develop policy recommendations for waste management in the affected areas. Prediction of urban waste through a combination of mathematical equations and geographical tools is part of the results of this study.
      PubDate: 2022-06-26
      DOI: 10.14712/23361964.2022.6
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2022)
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Publisher: Charles University in Prague   (Total: 3 journals)   [Sort by number of followers]

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Journals sorted alphabetically
Acta Medica (Hradec Králové)     Open Access   (SJR: 0.296, CiteScore: 1)
Prague Medical Report     Open Access   (SJR: 0.329, CiteScore: 1)
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