7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
- | PWxyz LLC |
- | PYC Edition |
- | Pyramyd Éditions |
- | Python Papers Anthology |
- | Pædagogisk Filosofisk Forening |
- | Qassim University |
- | Qazvin University of Medical Sciences |
- | QScience |
- | Quanta |
- | Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) |
- | Queen's University |
- | Queen's University, Belfast |
- | Queensland University of Technology |
- | QuiEdit |
- | Quintessence Publishing |
- | R Project |
- | Radcliffe Medical Media |
- | Radcliffe Publishing Ltd. |
- | Radiological Society of North America |
- | Radom University |
- | Railway Gazette International |
- | Rajamangala University of Technology |
- | Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development |
- | Rajapruk University |
- | Ramkhamhaeng University |
- | Ramón Cantó Alcaraz |
- | Rasayely International Journals |
- | Rating Academy |
- | Razi University |
- | Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute |
- | RCGP |
- | RCNi |
- | ReAttatch Therapy International Foundation |
- | Rebibio - Rede Brasileira de Informações Biológicas |
- | Red de Agentes Físicos |
- | Red Estatal de Docencia Universitaria |
- | Red Iberoamericana de Medio Ambiente (REIMA) |
- | Red Trenzar |
- | Redalyc |
- | Rede de Pesquisa Empírica em Direito |
- | Rede Unida |
- | Redfame Publishing |
- | Regional Association for Security and crisis management |
- | Regional Information center for Science and Technology |
- | Regis University |
- | Renewable Energy Development Center, Algeria |
- | Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs |
- | Research Information |
- | Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, Plc |
- | Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands of Iran |
- | Research Institute of Hawzah and University |
- | Research Institute of Petroleum Industry |
- | Research Plus Journals |
- | Research Synergy Foundation, Indonesia |
- | Resilience Alliance |
- | RevEl |
- | RG Education Society, Rohtak |
- | Rhuthmos |
- | Riga Technical University |
- | RIHA, the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art |
- | RILA Publications |
- | RILEM Publishing |
- | Risk.Net |
- | RITCS |
- | RJPA |
- | RMIT Publishing |
- | RNMRU |
- | Rochester Institute of Technology |
- | Rockefeller University Press |
- | RocketSTEM Media Foundation |
- | Roger Williams University |
- | Romanian Library Association |
- | Romanian National Institute of Statistics |
- | Rosenberg and Sellier |
- | Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences |
- | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh |
- | Royal College of Physiatrists of Thailand |
- | Royal College of Psychiatrists |
- | Royal College of Surgeons of England, The |
- | Royal Conservatoire of Scotland |
- | Royal Danish Library |
- | Royal Medical Society |
- | Royal Pharmaceutical Society |
- | Royal Police Cadet Academy |
- | Royal Society, The |
- | Royal Thai College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
- | Royallite Global |
- | RS Global |
- | RSC |
- | RTU Press |
- | Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
- | Rural Sociological Society |
- | Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences |
- | Russian Academy of Sciences |
- | Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists, St. Petersburg Regional Branch |
- | Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science |
- | Russian Psychological Society |
- | Russian Society of Hypertension |
- | Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University |
- | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
- | Ryerson University |
- | S. Hirzel Verlag |
- | Sabinet Online Ltd |
- | SACRI |
- | SAFNEK |
- | Sagamore Publishing LLC |
- | Sage Publications |
- | Sağlık Bakanlığı |
- | SAI |
- | Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering |
- | Saint-Petersburg Mining University |
- | Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene |
- | Saint-Petersburg State University |
- | Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje |
- | Sakarya Üniversitesi |
- | Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University |
- | Salve Regina University |
- | Samara State Technical University |
- | Samara University |
- | Sami Publishing Company |
- | San José State University |
- | SAP |
- | Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania |
- | Saudi Heart Association |
- | Saudi Ministry of Defence and Aviation |
- | Sax Institute |
- | SCAD Independent |
- | Scandinavian Military Studies |
- | Schattauer GmbH |
- | Scholastica |
- | Scholedge Publishing |
- | Scholink |
- | School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University, Denmark |
- | Schweitzer Fachinformationen |
- | Schweizerbart Science Publishers |
- | ScibiolMed.Org |
- | SciCell s.r.o. |
- | Sciedu Press |
- | SciELO |
- | Science Alert |
- | Science and Education Publishing |
- | Science and Eng Pub Co. |
- | Science and Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited |
- | Science Impact Ltd |
- | Science in China Press |
- | Science Line |
- | Science Park Research, Organization and Counselling |
- | Science Partner Journals |
- | Science Press |
- | Science Publications |
- | Science Publishing Corporation |
- | Science-res Publishing |
- | SCIENCEDOMAIN international |
- | Sciences Po University Press |
- | Sciendo |
- | Scienpress Ltd |
- | Scientia Socialis Ltd |
- | Scientific and Industrial Research Association Gidrotehproekt |
- | Scientific Association ICONO14 |
- | Scientific Research Publishing |
- | Scientific Route OÜ |
- | Scientific.Net |
- | ScientistLink Publications |
- | SciKA |
- | SciPost |
- | SciPress |
- | Scitech Research Organisation |
- | SciTechnol |
- | Scitechz |
- | Scripps College |
- | SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts |
- | Sears Foundation for Marine Research |
- | Seattle University |
- | SECEM |
- | Secretaria de Educação de Pernambuco |
- | Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Campo Grande - SEMED |
- | SEDERI |
- | SEDinst |
- | Seismo Verlag |
- | Sejong University |
- | Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ngawi |
- | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Surabaya |
- | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen |
- | Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional Yogyakarta |
- | Sekolah Tinggi Pertanian Kutai Timur |
- | Selcuk University |
- | Semnan University |
- | Senac - Departamento Nacional |
- | Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut |
- | Senses of Cinema Inc |
- | Seoul National University |
- | Septentrio Academic Publishing |
- | Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
- | Serbian Chemical Society |
- | Serbian Geographical Society |
- | SERDA |
- | Serious Games Society |
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