Showing 1 - 31 of 31 Journals sorted alphabetically |
| Acta Commercii (Followers: 4) |
| African Evaluation J. (Followers: 1) |
| African J. of Disability (Followers: 12) |
| African J. of Laboratory Medicine (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.718, CiteScore: 1) |
| African J. of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.381, CiteScore: 1) |
| African Vision and Eye Health (Followers: 6) |
| Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (Followers: 4) |
| Bothalia : African Biodiversity & Conservation (SJR: 0.179, CiteScore: 1) |
| Curationis (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.276, CiteScore: 1) |
| Health SA Gesondheid (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.206, CiteScore: 0) |
| In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi (Followers: 3) |
| Intl. J. of Machine Learning and Applications (Followers: 41) |
| J. of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development (Followers: 2) |
| J. of the South African Veterinary Association (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.407, CiteScore: 1) |
| J. of Transport and Supply Chain Management (Followers: 9) |
| Jàmbá : J. of Disaster Risk Studies (Followers: 4, SJR: 0.158, CiteScore: 0) |
| Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.323, CiteScore: 1) |
| Koers : Bulletin for Christian Scholarship = Koers : Bulletin vir Christelike Wetenskap (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.112, CiteScore: 0) |
| Literator : J. of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.125, CiteScore: 0) |
| Pythagoras (SJR: 0.126, CiteScore: 0) |
| Reading & Writing (Followers: 12) |
| SA J. of Human Resource Management (Followers: 5) |
| SA J. of Industrial Psychology (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.176, CiteScore: 1) |
| South African J. of Business Management (Followers: 1) |
| South African J. of Communication Disorders (Followers: 1, SJR: 0.131, CiteScore: 0) |
| South African J. of Oncology |
| South African J. of Physiotherapy (Followers: 3) |
| South African J. of Science (Followers: 2, SJR: 0.425, CiteScore: 1) |
| Southern African J. of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management |
| TD : The J. for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa |
| Verbum et Ecclesia (Followers: 3, SJR: 0.575, CiteScore: 0) |