Publisher: RCNi
(Total: 10 journals) [Sort by number of followers]
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Journals sorted alphabetically |
| Cancer Nursing Practice (Followers: 17) |
| Emergency Nurse (Followers: 17, SJR: 0.133, CiteScore: 0) |
| Learning Disability Practice (Followers: 23) |
| Mental Health Practice (Followers: 24, SJR: 0.123, CiteScore: 0) |
| Nursing Children and Young People (Followers: 6, SJR: 0.129, CiteScore: 0) |
| Nursing Management (Followers: 13, SJR: 0.162, CiteScore: 0) |
| Nursing Older People (Followers: 9, SJR: 0.167, CiteScore: 0) |
| Nursing Standard (Followers: 99, SJR: 0.134, CiteScore: 0) |
| Primary Health Care (Followers: 8) |